
Son_Gokuzyga: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=161416203:01
Son_Gokuzyga: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2018-d3e4a6577d03:01
zygahey mborzecki06:01
zygaPharaoh_Atem: thank you for the note, hopefully someone will merge the fix06:03
mborzeckizyga: hey06:03
zygait's been proposed to bodhi :)06:03
* zyga needs to wake up properly06:03
zygaI will test it with the build process and report !06:03
mborzeckizyga: have you gotten around indcluding more flags in -ldflags=-extldflags=-static on opensuse?06:04
zygamborzecki: no, I haven't touched opensuse in a while06:05
zyga(i.e. still broken as before)06:05
zygaon old release06:05
mborzeckidamn, i'm trying to find a way through the shell quoting mess06:06
zygayeah :/06:06
zygaon the up side06:06
zygaindigo is in devel:languages:go now06:06
zygamaybe some part of the mess can be handled elsewhere06:06
mborzeckii think it only works in rpm spec because the spec is processed outside of shell :/06:06
zygaI'm not fully here yet, need to get dressed and take Bit for a wlak06:07
mupPR core-build#34 opened: travis.yml: fix xenial base tarball URL <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/34>06:39
zygaand back now06:59
zygahey moo :)06:59
mvohey zyga06:59
zygaman, I need to teach the spell checker that mvo and moo are *not* the same :D06:59
zygahow are you doing guys?07:00
mvozyga: doing well, how are you?07:02
zygagood, just finishing coffee :)07:04
mborzecki-ldflags=-extldflags=-foo is an abomination07:20
mborzecki-ldflags "-extldflags '-foo'" behaves differently07:20
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
mborzeckiand bash if very funny splitting -ldflags=-extldflags='-foo -static' into -ldflags=-extldflags=\'foo -static, so you get 2 options and -static is passed to go build pfff07:22
mborzeckiended up doing the 'array' expansion trick07:23
mupPR core-build#33 closed: fix typo for handle_writable_paths() <Created by madper> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/33>07:48
mupPR core-build#34 closed: travis.yml: fix xenial base tarball URL <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/34>07:48
mupPR snapd#5942 closed: client: speedup unit tests <Created by chipaca> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5942>07:56
mupPR snapd#5941 closed: systemd, wrappers: speed up wrappers unit tests <Created by chipaca> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5941>07:58
mupPR core18#70 closed: hooks: add rfkill <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/70>08:00
mupPR snapd#5939 closed: tweak .travis.yml so we no longer get weird env output in the logs <Created by chipaca> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5939>08:01
mupPR snapd#5943 closed: osutils: unit tests speedup; introduce «run-checks --short-unit» <Created by chipaca> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5943>08:01
dot-tobiaszyga: Good morning and sorry to bother you (again) with a layouts question: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-layouts/7207/3?u=tobias → Happy for any suggestion that resolves this issue, since I cannot publish my snap without this 😞08:09
zygagood morning, looking08:09
zygadot-tobias: hey, can you double check this on edge?08:10
zygathough let me double check that edge is really edge now, release messes that up08:10
zygaeh, no08:10
zygaedge is not edge :/08:10
zygamvo: how soon can we get edge builds back to normal?08:10
dot-tobiaszyga: Happy to check once edge is edge :-)08:10
zygadot-tobias: I'll check locally soon, just let me wrap something up08:11
dot-tobiaszyga: Sure, glad you have time for this at all 😊08:11
mupPR core18#72 opened: writable-path: enable persistent journal <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/72>08:12
mvozyga: meh, one sec08:13
mvozyga: I restored edge08:15
mvozyga: and triggered a vendor sync manually08:15
mvozyga: I suspect that vendor-sync is not running automatically right now (cc cachio)08:15
zygamvo: thank you again08:16
zygamvo: reviewed ^08:16
mvothank you!08:16
mupPR snapd#5451 closed: interfaces: honor static attributes when reloading conns <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5451>08:19
mupPR snapd#5497 closed: overlord/patch: patch for static plug/slot attributes <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5497>08:20
Chipacamoin moin08:31
zygahey guys08:31
mvohey niemeyer and Chipaca08:32
mvoChipaca: nice job on the test speedups!08:32
Chipacatoday's a weird day for me, one of the boys is at a new school having a trial day, and I need to go do a tour of it at 1pm (so no 2pm standup for me)08:32
Chipacamvo: :-D08:32
Chipacamvo: mborzecki: I struggled with where to draw the line between shortening sleeps, and skipping on testing.Short()08:32
Chipacamvo: mborzecki: so feedback very appreciated08:33
Chipacai started also working on overlord, but it's a lot hairier08:33
mvoChipaca: yeah08:33
mvoChipaca: my only concern is slow/overcommited hardware but we can tweak things into the other direction once we get results from autopkgtest08:33
Chipacamvo: maybe, maybe, we tell autopkgtest to only run --short-unit now08:34
mvoniemeyer: if you could add github.com/snapcore/pi-gadget to the things that mup watches, that would be great!08:34
mvoogra: your feedback on github.com/snapcore/pi-gadget pull 9 would be great08:34
niemeyermvo: Thanks for the reminder08:34
mupPR #9: Added the travis config file <Created by elopio> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9>08:35
niemeyermvo: DOing it right away08:35
mvothank you!08:35
mupPR snapd#5945 opened: overlord/snapstate: block parallel installs of snapd, core, base, kernel, gadget snaps <Parallel installs ⛓> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5945>08:38
niemeyermvo: SHould be up08:39
mupPR snapd#5946 opened: cmd/snap: unhide --name parameter to snap install, tweak help message <Parallel installs ⛓> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5946>08:40
pstolowskimorning niemeyer08:40
mupPR snapd#5947 opened: many: cleanup remaining parallel installs TODOs <Parallel installs ⛓> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5947>08:44
zyganiemeyer: I heard that Brazil has some exciting election time now08:45
Chipacaoh man08:47
Chipacamborzecki: how does a user learn about instances?08:50
mupPR core18#73 opened: hooks: run console-conf after snapd.seeded.service <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/73>08:50
Chipacamborzecki: I suspect the install docs is where. In which case, we need a longer explanation :-)08:51
mborzeckiChipaca: from the docs atm08:51
mborzeckiChipaca: you mean snap install help?08:51
Chipacamborzecki: yeah. Maybe work with degville to get a concise paragraph in there about 'em08:51
Chipacaright now it only makes sense if you know what they are already08:51
mborzeckiChipaca: yes, the pr only mentions instance key but now how it can be used08:52
ogramvo, perhaps also bump the tag of the pi2 u-boot build o they are on the same version09:02
mvoogra: sure, will do09:04
niemeyerzyga: Yeah, pretty interesting09:06
niemeyerIn a sad way09:06
mborzeckiChipaca: so you're saying "" would pop up in place of snap.TypeApp?09:07
niemeyerIt's OMG what will the crazy guy do, vs. let's continue 16 years of recession09:07
zyganiemeyer: yeah, it seems the chances of the reasonable candidate are pretty slim in the 2nd round09:08
mborzeckiChipaca: hm we set TypeApp if type was empty in Yaml, but when using store data we leave whatever the store sent :/09:08
niemeyerzyga: The second candidate is not reasonable either.. it's continuing the 16 years of power abuse09:09
zygain that case the reasonable thing is to really leave, which is depressing for all, impossible for many09:10
mborzeckipedronis: quick question, having a model assertion, kernel and gadget need to be valid 'store' snap names too, not only required-snaps?09:23
ogramborzecki, you can use --extra-snaps (at the cost of upgradeability and interface auto-connections)09:24
ograwith ubuntu-image that is09:24
Chipacamborzecki: handling "" as well would be the safe route09:24
Chipacamborzecki: but, supposedly it's  now never "" outside of tests09:25
Chipacamborzecki: but², we don't validate this fact09:25
Chipacawe probably should if we're going to assume it inside09:25
Chipacamborzecki: all it'd  take is a tweak to snap/types.go's unmarshallers09:26
Chipacawe already (still!) have a check for type "application"09:26
Chipacacould add "" to the list :)09:26
Chipacaor, live dangerously and remove "application" _and_ "" support09:26
mvoogra, apw I would like to upload http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HnXmvSHCww/ to cosmic and to our core18 ppa (and possible sru to bionic) - does that look sensible?09:41
ogramvo, totall09:42
ogrago ahead09:42
mvoogra: a bit of a meta question, it looks like hwclock from busybox tries to open some files in /dev/rtc - are there devices where we use fixrtc that actually have a rtc device?09:42
mvoogra: thanks09:42
ogramvo, there are "hat's" for the pi providing rtc09:43
mvoogra: thanks09:43
ogra(and indeed there are other arm board with rtc too)09:43
mvoogra: I will update the comment with that info09:43
ograin general fixrtc needs an overhaul though due to the stuff that zyga found (kernel not updating timestamp of the rootfs on shutdown because of the readonly mount)09:44
mvoogra: I updated http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3VNNRmqZpj/ with a comment09:44
ogramvo, well, i wouldnt make that "pi" specific ... fixrtc is in all our arm installs09:45
ogra(armhf that is ....)09:45
mvoogra: thanks, updated again http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wdQDrzqTqv/09:46
ogramvo, looks good09:49
pedronismborzecki: I'm not sure I understand the question09:52
mborzeckipedronis: there was a TODO in device_asserts to check whether required-snaps are valid store snap names when decoding model assertion09:53
mborzeckipedronis: i've extended this to cover kernel, gadget and base09:54
pedronisremember kernel and gadget takes = as well now09:54
mupPR snapd#5948 opened: asserts, image: ensure kernel, gadget, base and required-snaps use valid snap names <Parallel installs ⛓> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5948>09:58
mborzeckipedronis: ^^10:00
apwmvo, if it is always using /dev/misc/rtc, you could do like10:02
apw[ -e /dev/misc/rtc ] && ...10:02
mvoapw: yeah, I was thinking about this, it tests /dev/rtc /dev/rtc0 /dev/misc/rtc in busybox. the downside of adding the checks is that then we need to keep the initramfs code in sync with busybox/kernel - if this search paths ever change we will most likely not notice. OTOH it seems very unlikely this changes (famous last words)10:06
mupPR core-build#35 opened: scripts/ubuntu-core/rootfs: fix mkdir error when the file exists <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/35>10:14
apwmvo, oh for a -q options ... oh well10:19
mvoapw: yeah, --quiet would rock. I looked at the source, busybox is a bit simple in this regard unfortunately10:52
apwyeah sure it is10:57
mupPR snapd#5945 closed: overlord/snapstate: block parallel installs of snapd, core, base, kernel, gadget snaps <Parallel installs ⛓> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5945>11:06
zygaoh boy11:10
zyganot sure how to proceed11:10
zygaI want to run snapd in a "container"11:10
zygait seems that I need to run systemd in the container as well11:10
zygaand to make it a proper container enough so that it doesn't bite the host11:10
mvozyga: that sounds right, could you use lxd?11:12
zygabecause I really need to craft everything in a specific way11:12
* zyga proceeds to unshared more 11:16
zygala la la11:17
zygarunning systemd partially unshared is fun,11:17
zyga(where fun == reboot to fix your system)11:17
zygasome small progress made,11:45
mborzeckicachio: i'm playing with arch-apparmor image you prepared and #5894 branch, seems to be working now, i'll a full run of arch tests on this image11:46
mupPR #5894: many: enable AppArmor on Arch <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5894>11:46
mborzeckioff to pick up the kids11:52
zygaI need to take the dog out12:04
mupPR core-build#35 closed: scripts/ubuntu-core/rootfs: fix mkdir error when the file exists <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/35>12:13
ograoh damn ... its a holiday in the us !12:28
ogra(so i guess no jdstrand today ... )12:29
ogramvo, shellcheck isnt happy with your initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core it seems12:30
ograIn ./hooks/resize line 20:12:30
ogra. /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hook-functions12:30
ogra^-- SC1091: Not following: /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hook-functions was not specified as input (see shellcheck -x).12:30
mvoogra: aha, thanks - where do you see that? i have a look12:32
ogramvo, i got a mail from LP with link to the build log ... https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+archive/ubuntu/image/+build/15520942/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-bionic-amd64.initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core_0.7.45+ppa2_BUILDING.txt.gz12:32
mupPR snapcraft#2325 closed: plugins: remove the python2 and python3 plugin when using a base <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2325>12:32
mvoogra: aha, I see, the bionic build?12:33
mvoogra: i guess this is why we did not see this before, the test runs on xenial and bionic is more strict. I will fix in a wee bit12:33
mupPR snapcraft#2322 closed: project_loader: add build-environment part property <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2322>12:38
rbasakIs there a quick way to get an unpacked snap to use with "snap try", apart from me unpacking the snap by hand?12:41
rbasak"snap unpack" doesn't appear to exist12:42
zygarbasak: unsquashfs12:52
zygarbasak: we have snap pack because certain arguments to squashfs matter12:52
zygarbasak: and because we also do some validation (AFAIR)12:52
zygarbasak: on the "unpack" phase there's not much to do12:53
zygathough I agree that for consistency we perhaps might12:53
rbasakzyga: aha! Just want I wanted. Thanks. Saves my mount/rsync/unmount triple :)12:55
rbasakzyga: perhaps document that in "snap help try"? Eg. "The try command installs an unpacked snap into the system for testing purposes, such as one extracted from a snap with unsquashfs(1)." - then I'd have found it.12:56
rbasaks/one/a directory/ perhaps12:56
rbasakOr maybe "the"12:57
zygammm, yeah, that feels like a good idea12:57
Chipacaor maybe just add 'snap unpack' :)13:15
Chipacahello from just-out-of-the-meeting--land13:15
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
ograjdstrand, arent you celebrating that guy who got lost looking for india today (just asw MP comments from you) ?14:13
ograread: are you working ?14:13
mupPR snapd#5949 opened: osutil,asserts,daemon: support force password change in system-user assertion <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5949>14:26
mupPR core-build#36 opened: initramfs: fix shellchecks on bionic <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/36>14:31
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
cachiocwayne, hey, do you know the status of 2.35.4?14:35
cachiois it ready to go to cnadidate?14:35
rbasakmvo: around? Taking the current edge git-ubuntu snap, if copy $SNAP/usr/local/bin/quilt to /tmp inside a snap shell and apply your MP to that, running quilt results in "Illegal instruction (core dumped)". I'll dig deeper.14:46
sergiusensrbasak: if you move $SNAP/usr/local/bin/quilt the $ORIGIN based rpaths will most likely be wrong14:58
rbasakthe local/bin/ files are just wrappers that set PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH15:00
rbasakI've narrowed it a bit.15:01
rbasakIf I just set PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the core snap only, then everything crashes with SIGILL. Including ls, ldd, etc.15:01
sil2100 mvo: hmmm, interesting, a fresh image built with the new model assertion doesn't segfault with probert on my raspi3 anymore15:09
sil2100mvo: this is really annoying, how could this issue suddenly disappear?15:10
sil2100mvo: I also have proper wired networking, no crashes in console-conf15:16
sil2100Let me try a complete vanilla image15:17
mvorbasak: woah, let me try to reproduce this myself15:32
mvorbasak: you really find all the interessting bugs :)15:33
mvosil2100: oh, so you have wired and wireless?15:33
mvosil2100: note that for me it works on the pi without wifi15:33
mvosil2100: but on the 3b+ with wifi I still had issues (looks like crashes)15:33
mvosil2100: let me try on the 3b+ again15:34
sil2100mvo: I couldn't connect to my wireless AP but it didn't crash or anything15:34
sil2100I have a regular 3b15:34
mvosil2100: and you see the wireless in the config?15:35
sil2100So on a vanilla image I see a crash in console-conf15:35
cjwatsonbuild.snapcraft.io now builds for all architectures by default: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/more-architectures-enabled-in-build-snapcraft-io/773315:35
sil2100Similar to the one ondra reported, with console-conf crashing because it cannot run snap create15:35
mvosil2100: ok, let me try again on my pi315:36
sil2100mvo: I'm also trying different combinations right now15:37
mvosil2100: about snap create - I pushed a PR to run console-conf after snapd.seeded.service - this way console-conf should have a fully working snapd and some of the issues we saw earlier should be fixed15:37
ograargh ! build.s.io all of a sudden produces s390x and ppc64el builds !15:39
ogracrazy world15:39
cjwatsonSee ten lines back :)15:42
Chipaca"all architectures", but still no builds for RCA 180215:43
cjwatsonI regret that we also don't build for Doric columns15:43
* cachio lunch15:43
Chipacanor for for the TMS320C8015:43
Chipacait's like you're not even trying15:44
* cjwatson looks forward to that contract15:44
mvosil2100: yeah, on my pi3b+ I also now see console-conf, nice. also disturbing why it suddenly works, I will try with a fresh dd of the image again to see if its maybe firstboot related15:49
mupPR core18#73 closed: hooks: run console-conf after snapd.seeded.service <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/73>15:50
ograsil2100, FYI core 16 edge works fine on my b+ over here ... i think we can push the gadgets to stable15:52
sil2100ogra: ok, let's coordinate regarding that tomorrow15:52
ogra(just got mine on sat.)15:52
ograsil2100, +115:52
sil2100mvo: strange indeed - anyway, as for the config, if I checked correctly I had no wlan in the yaml but I guess that's normal since I didn't configure it - since somehow it was unable to connect to my AP15:53
sil2100But maybe I simply forgot the password ;o15:53
mvosil2100: heh15:53
mvosil2100: I couldn't connect to my wlan either so maybe something with the kernel or userland15:53
ograjust use core16, it works fine :P15:54
ograalways that upgrade obsesion :P15:54
sil2100Ok, but at least we can now properly use the images on the pi15:54
sil2100ogra: ;)15:54
mvosil2100: I also had no wired network on the pi3 b+ so maybe something with that model, my pi2 was fine15:55
mupPR snapd#5623 closed: advise-snap: add --dump-db which dumps the command database <Created by shawnl> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5623>16:10
niemeyermvo: Sent a note on #5871.. it's a LGTM, but I screwed up the review and sent a comment too soon, sorry16:17
mupPR #5871: snapstate: only report errors if there is an actual error  <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5871>16:18
niemeyerpedronis: ping16:19
mvoniemeyer: thanks!16:20
mvosil2100: so good news and bad news - after a fresh flash still no crash on the pi3 b+, so yay! but also no network (not wired nor wirelss)16:24
mborzeckiarch & gce, a story of crng init :/ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SwKw5C7XKS/16:28
sil2100mvo: ouch16:32
pedronisniemeyer: pong16:35
pedronisniemeyer: the code will work as you expect it,  I was trying not to use parent in the docs of this, but the model is more that a child store is extended by including more (parent) stores16:37
ogramvo, are you sure the right dtb is being used (the core of the b+ is identical to the other pi3's, only peripherials differ and they are declared in the dtb)16:39
mupPR snapcraft#2300 closed: [WIP] plugins: remove implicit source <Created by kyrofa> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2300>16:39
mupPR snapcraft#2326 opened: plugins: remove implicit source <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2326>16:39
niemeyerpedronis: "extension" is fine, the question is because it sounds like the who-extends-whom is reversed16:39
niemeyerpedronis: The thing declaring the friendly stores is the one that accepts (extends) snaps from the listed ones16:40
pedronisniemeyer: yes, it exposes snaps from those16:40
niemeyerpedronis: Ah, "expose" might be a nicer way to convey it16:41
pedronisniemeyer: "returns further stores that are exposed by this store" ?16:42
pedronis"by" or "through"16:43
niemeyerpedronis: Returns stores holding snaps that are also exposed but this one, or something along those lines16:44
pedronisniemeyer: changed16:52
pedronismvo: have you branched again 2.36 or not yet?16:59
mupPR snapcraft#2324 closed: plugins: remove the ament plugin when using a base <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2324>17:00
mvopedronis: not yet branched again17:11
mvopedronis: once 2.35.4 hits candidate I will push the next beta of 2.3617:11
mvoogra: not sure at all :) any hints appreciated17:11
pedronismvo: ok, waiting for my main 2.36 left branch to get green17:11
pedronisI got the 2nd 1117:12
ogramvo, well, do you have /boot/uboot/bcm2710-rpi-3-b-plus.dtb ?17:13
ograelse it will just automatically use bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb ...17:13
mvoogra: yes, that file is there17:14
ogra /proc/device-tree/model also shows the Plus dtb to be used ?17:15
Chipacatravis getting 50kb/h from that gce archive17:16
mvoogra: let me try, I need to hack myself in first, I can't create a user via console-conf right now :/ so give me 5min17:16
ograthats why i never use canonical models during development ... system-user assertion FTW ;)17:18
mvoogra: heh :) cat /proc/device-tree/model ;echo17:19
mvoRaspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.317:19
ogralooks fine ... so the dtb is definitely correct17:19
ogrado you see NICs at all in /proc/net/dev ?17:20
mvoogra: yeah, also console-conf shows them, but they are just not working for some strange rseason17:21
mvoeven for wired which is weird17:22
mvo(link led is on fwiw on pi and router)17:22
* mvo pokes some more17:23
pstolowskicachio: hey, you were mentioning on the sprint a spread test extending nested vm helpers (if i remember correctly); did you make progress with this?17:27
cachiopstolowski, no but I could start working on in today17:30
cachioafter the ubuntu cosmic PR is ready17:30
pstolowskicachio: ack, thanks17:31
zygaanyone from the store, my uploads go away as "__all__: The upload does not appear to be a valid package"17:32
zygabut it installs just fine locally :/17:32
zygaany ideas?17:32
pstolowskiniemeyer: any chance for a re-review of #5759? also, the other 3 hotplug PRs have +1s but need one more review17:33
mupPR #5759: ifacestate: implementation of defaultDeviceKey function for hotplug <Hotplug 🔌> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5759>17:33
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
ChipacaEOD o/18:17
niemeyerpstolowski|afk: yeah, excellent chances.. :)19:08
niemeyerpstolowski|afk: Not all today probably, though19:08
mupPR snapd#5882 closed: many:  support and consider store friendly-stores when checking device scope constraints <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5882>19:32
mupPR core#38 closed: Add another pi-config option <Created by sergey-borovkov> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/38>20:08
mupPR core#83 closed: move most of the ubuntu-core config deb into the snap snap build <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/83>20:08
mupPR core#38 opened: Add another pi-config option <Created by sergey-borovkov> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/38>20:09
mupPR core#83 opened: move most of the ubuntu-core config deb into the snap snap build <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/83>20:09
mupPR snapd#5950 opened: tests: running the snapd tests on Ubuntu 18.10 <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5950>20:09
Chipacacachio: hi20:29
Chipacacachio: if you could review #5938, we can land it and then your #5950 won't fail any more...20:30
mupPR #5938: tests/lib: rework the CLA checker  <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5938>20:30
mupPR #5950: tests: running the snapd tests on Ubuntu 18.10 <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5950>20:30
cachioChipaca, sure20:30
cachioChipaca, reviewing20:31
mupPR snapd#5938 closed: tests/lib: rework the CLA checker  <Created by chipaca> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5938>20:36

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