
=== hyperair is now known as Guest95733
sil2100Sorry for missing the meeting19:23
tewardsil2100: what meeting :P19:24
sil2100My calendar mentioned a DMB meeting starting 25 minutes ago!19:24
tewardthere was no meeting, at least not in this room, nor was there one in #u-meeting-219:25
teward(I have been lurking here since 12:30PM UTC-4 with no activity but joins/parts in here19:25
sil2100I guess we didn't have anyone on the agenda anyway ;)19:25
sil2100teward: thanks for the info then!19:26
tewardsil2100: yep.  *returns to lurking IRC and beating the heck out of Cisco ASA firewalls*19:26
oliveLoCoCouncil. "next meeting is scheduled for Monday, 8th October 2018 20:00 UTC and will be held in #ubuntu-meeting on irc.freenode.net"19:32
gsilvapt_I'm on dish washing duties around the house but I'm here for the meeting. Ready when you are20:04
nhainesOkay, enough time rallying the troops.  Time to get things started!  :)20:11
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Oct  8 20:11:53 2018 UTC.  The chair is nhaines. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.20:11
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick20:11
nhainesWelcome to the Ubuntu LoCo Council meeting!  Our agenda today is available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda20:12
nhainesFirst up is the re-verification for the Italian Ubuntu LoCo Team.20:13
nhainesTheir application is available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ItalianTeam/ReApprovalApplication201820:13
nhainesAre any representatives from the Italian team present?20:14
nhainesOkay, because this is the second meeting with no representative from the team and we do not have a quorum for this agenda item (due to an abstention!), we will keep the re-verification bug open and try to get this resolved within the next week.20:16
nhainesThe next item on our agenda is the re-verification for the French-speaking Ubuntu LoCo Team.  Their application is available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrenchTeam/ReVerificationApplication201820:17
gsilvapt_ Before that, what should we say to them in the ML? We've been receiving some emails to request us to urge and solve this at20:17
gsilvapt_I feel for them but I know our side of the story. The point being that I am not seeing with good appreciation their request and constant reminders their membership is terminating20:18
nhainesI'm pretty sure I mentioned to him that I extended the provisional verification to past this meeting date, but I'll email him and give him an update of what we're doing.  (And kick the LCC members into voting on the bug!)  :)20:18
gsilvapt_And if there's anything we can do about that20:19
nhainesThat's us!  (The LoCo Community Council)20:19
nhainesI explained to him that the LoCo cannot lose status during re-verification and the Launchpad membership will not affect any requests to Canonical while we're working on their status.20:20
nhainesI'll explain it to him again, but pushing the date out another week will just increase the number of email warnings they get about expiration, and they won't be any more accurate than the one's they're already getting.20:20
nhainesBut yes, I'll send an email after the meeting.20:21
gsilvapt_Ok, thank you20:21
gsilvapt_Regarding the next item, the French LoCo, I have my vote ready but I'm not sure if we can vote since we have no quorum tonight :)20:22
nhainesI'll also note here for the record that we did get the additional information from them, just via email in a couple threads, which slowed things down a little.  They've been cooperative and we appreciate that.  Just infrastructural delays.  :)20:22
gsilvapt_Oh wait, Carla will vote now, that's 3 votes, I guess20:22
nhainesYes.  :)20:22
Letozaf_yes I'm ready :)20:23
nhainesSo the French LoCo has been pretty active.  I know they had a very strong presence at UbuCon Europe and are actively championing the Ubuntu Federation.  (I think it was their idea.)20:23
Letozaf_there is no doubt they are very active20:24
nhainesLots of events planned, and they have very high membership and a lot of activities.  I think they remain along with Germany some of the best examples of what LoCo teams can achieve.20:24
nhainesThey even got three wallpapers into Ubuntu 18.10 via the Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase.  :)20:25
nhaines(Technically one was from a non-member, but it was a photo of their event, ha.)20:25
nhainesSo I guess I'm ready to start the vote.20:25
Letozaf_me too20:25
gsilvapt_Go for it20:26
nhaines#vote Re-verification for Ubuntu France LoCo Team20:26
meetingologyPlease vote on: Re-verification for Ubuntu France LoCo Team20:26
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:26
meetingology+1 received from gsilvapt_20:26
meetingology+1 received from Letozaf_20:26
nhaines+1 amazing work20:26
meetingology+1 amazing work received from nhaines20:26
meetingologyVoting ended on: Re-verification for Ubuntu France LoCo Team20:27
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:020:27
meetingologyMotion carried20:27
gsilvapt_Abstentions should actually be 2 :P20:27
nhainesThey didn't abstain, they're just absent.  :P20:27
gsilvapt_Isn't it the same? :P20:27
nhainesNope, abstention means "I can vote, but I will not vote for or against."20:28
nhainesIt's slightly different.  :)20:28
nhainesOkay, so by unanimous vote, Ubuntu France is re-verified for another 2 years.  Great job, ubuntu-fr!  :)20:28
gsilvapt_Well, regarding the previous action items: First, we should've started from there. Secondly, specifically about the wiki page for re-verification, I found no improvements to propose. It's just what it is. A big chunk of information that whoever is interested has to read.20:29
nhainesYou're refering to the Italian Team?20:29
gsilvapt_We are limited to the page and I guess we can't do much more about it. Regardless, everything the Council (current and future groups) and any LoCo team need to know is just here20:30
nhainesI would have preferred it if the application were updated, but we invited them to answer our questions via private Launchpad bug, and they answered us privately (although via email instead).20:30
nhainesSo we take the sum of the application and the new information and decide that way.20:31
gsilvapt_No. Last meeting I asked what we could do to simplify/improve the re-verification guidelines. We set an action item for me to investigate and use the italian case to test what could be improved.20:31
gsilvapt_And we also set a few other items, AFAIK. And I see other meetings, namely the Ubuntu CC's start with those action items to discuss what was accomplish and what wasn't20:31
gsilvapt_Perhaps we should start with those in a next time20:32
nhainesYes, but those items did not make it to the meeting agenda.20:32
gsilvapt_Hum, okay then. But was it intentional or a mistake?20:32
nhainesSurely an oversight.20:33
nhainesOther than the re-verification page that gives information about the process, were there other improvements that you recommend?20:34
gsilvapt_It's fine. Just wondering whether we wanted or not to discuss any of those. Regardless, I wanted to let you know I didn't propose any changes not because I haven't looked at it but because I feel there's pretty much nothing that can be done to improve it20:34
gsilvapt_No, the re-verification page was the only one under research because I always feel lost when I need to move applications to but reports. But I guess we get the hang of it with practice :)20:35
nhainesI'm always happy to discuss those things.  The meetings are a good place to publically summarize any conversations we have via mailing list or Telegram anyhow.20:35
nhainesgsilvapt_: you're doing well.  We're just seeing a little bit of miscommunication because the LoCo teams only do this every 2 years so sometimes they forget to ping others.  :)20:36
nhainesBut we can streamline that, too.20:36
nhainesThanks for reviewing the re-verification page.  It's important to have fresh eyes on things from time to time.20:37
gsilvapt_Thanks. It's fine. I thought I could do something about it but I admit that it is already a good job! It is what it is :)20:37
nhainesWhen you read it often enough, mistakes become invisible!20:37
gsilvapt_He he, true!20:37
nhainesThat means we can work on improving things in different ways.  :)20:38
nhainesOkay, is there any other business for tonight?20:38
gsilvapt_I don't have anything :)20:38
nhainesOkay then, that's it for October.  Happy Ubuntu 18.10 to everybody next week!  :)20:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | <wxl> be nice
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Oct  8 20:39:37 2018 UTC.20:39
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2018/ubuntu-meeting.2018-10-08-20.11.moin.txt20:39
Letozaf_good night!20:39
gsilvapt_See you! Thanks for coming!20:39

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