
trippeh_ha ha ha restoring from backup is triggering anti ddos measures at a colo... breaking my restore04:04
mahdi_jahi all06:21
mahdi_jai have two netwrok and i want use ubuntu as router .06:22
mahdi_jaeth1 connect to external and eth0 internal network06:22
mahdi_jai use these command for nat and forwarding06:23
mahdi_ja Masquerade.06:23
mahdi_jaiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE06:23
mahdi_ja# fowarding06:23
mahdi_jaiptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT06:23
mahdi_ja# Allow outgoing connections from the LAN side.06:23
mahdi_jaiptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -j ACCEPT06:23
mahdi_jaall things work correctly but what i do, if i want a computer in external network can access to internal network06:24
m1dnight_Is there a channel dedicated to duplicity? Or should I bother people here?07:15
lordievadermahdi_ja: You need to port-forward those to the right machines in the internal network.07:23
zzarris it possible to shrink the root partition on a LVM (Ubuntu 18.04 LVM2 with ext4 file system)09:05
blackflowzzarr: yes. first fs, then lv, then anything under it, if needed09:06
_rubenIt's tricky, yet possible. But can't be done on a running system, as the filesystem needs to be unmounted to be shrunk.09:06
blackflowyah, has to be done offline09:07
zzarrI mean, without rebooting/accessing the machine physically09:07
_rubenThat's pretty much a no-go09:07
blackflowif you're gonna do changes like this now, consider taking advantage of the situation and migrate to zfs or btrfs. they're pooled filesystems and problems like resizing "partitions" don't exist.09:08
zzarrhehe :)09:08
zzarrwhat about if it's possible to reboot, is it easier then?09:09
zzarrother whys I have to live with the size the root partition have09:10
blackflowzzarr: you can't resize root while the root is mounted and in use. so if you can stick a liveUSB there or reboot into a rescue mode somehow (maybe pxeboot, is this hosted?)09:10
zzarrit's not hosted, it's a physical machine at home09:11
zzarrguess I have to take a monitor and connect it when I come home (and keyboard)09:11
_rubenyup, you might be able to do some nasty bootstrapping tricks to boot a different environemnt on the same host, but hooking up a monitor & keyboard and boot from live cd/usb will be waaay easier and much safer :)09:13
zzarrit's not possible to resize ext4 online I suppose09:14
blackflowin theory, one can use initramfs if /boot is separate. install dropbear and have an initramfs hook to ssh into it before root is mounted.09:14
blackflowzzarr: you can try it. resize2fs /dev/sda2 <smaller byte size>    and you'll see it'll refuse09:15
blackflow(sda2 or whatever root is)09:15
zzarrI know, have tried that09:15
blackflowright. "online shrinking not supported"09:16
_rubena logical volume called sda2, that'd be a nice way to make things confusing ;)09:16
zzarrwhat would happen if I resized the lvm partition to desired size then ran fsck on the partition?09:16
zzarrit's called /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv09:17
zzarrnot so confusing09:17
_rubenzzarr: you'll likely end up restoring your system from backups :)09:18
zzarrhave no backups (nether do I have anything important on the system)09:19
zzarrit's a newly installed system09:19
_rubenreinstall might even be fastest then09:19
zzarrI think I have to bite the apple and boot from USB09:20
_rubenif you're lucky it'll turn out to be a tasty apple09:21
zzarrI realize I need to take the server down in any way, I will install more RAM (it have 4GB now and it will have 12GB after installing more)09:24
zzarris it possible to check if a machine have one or two physical DIMM's onboard (this question is for another machine)09:25
_rubendmidecode might be able to figure that out09:27
blackflow_ruben: yeah :) 'twas just an example tho'. the user is expected to understand what they're doing especially when shrinking root.09:30
_rubenblackflow: i know :)09:31
zzarrI'm back10:24
zzarrI have thought about the situation I have, and realized that a 60GB root might not be entirely bad10:25
zzarris it possible to cache a repository?10:26
ahasenackgood morning11:14
ahasenackkstenerud: did you miss my comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~kstenerud/ubuntu/+source/samba/+git/samba/+merge/356153 ?13:40
=== paxis_ is now known as paxis
muhahaIs possible to use /etc/fstab.d/ to include files? I found this https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/62826/213389, but it does not work in Ubuntu 18.04. Thansk14:34
blackflowmuhaha: why not use systemd .mount units? the fstab entries are converted to them anyway, via fstab generator14:35
ahasenackmuhaha: it's not mentioned in the fstab manpage14:35
blackflow(that way you can have multiple files)14:35
muhahablackflow: ah, I shoud learn more systemd.... like these timers and mounts... I will check it14:36
jellymuhaha: no linux distro I've even seen had support for a multiple files split fstab like that14:36
muhahaWhere is stored generated .mount unit by fstab?14:40
muhahaah, nvm /run/systemd/generator/14:41
muhahabut instead simple one liner I have to create multiline unit file and then execute daemon-reload; start; enable....14:44
blackflowwrite a script14:46
plmTJ-: Hey =D15:34
plmTJ-: How are you?15:34
plmTJ-: I have success doing 16.4 to 18.4. I used a app called pyinstaller to "compile" (generate just one binary) of my app.py python3.6 and put to real ARMv7 hardware. But I forgot about the glibc compatibilty :( Look the error:15:46
plmTJ-: /tmp/a # ./app15:46
plm[856] Error loading Python lib '/tmp/a/libpython3.6m.so.1.0': dlopen: /lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.25' not found (required by /tmp/a/libpython3.6m.so.1.0)15:46
TJ-plm: then you need to tell pyinstaller to create a static binary, not dynamically linked - if it is able to that15:54
plmTJ-: hmm, I will check that. BUt if supported, the binary will be bigger?15:55
plmTJ-:  actually dynamically linked is ~8MB15:55
TJ-plm: of course; because the static link needs to contain all the dynamically linked libraries15:57
plmTJ-: what do you think? double size?15:59
TJ-plm: I have no idea; it depends on how many libraries need to be linked in. Use "ldd /path/to/binary" to find out which libraries are required16:02
plmTJ-: all right. another solution is I back do 16.4 (i have this vm snapshot :) ) and try install the python3.6 there, where 16.4 has a older glibc.16:03
plmI will to try both options16:04
plmTJ-: root@deskdev-pi:/# ifconfig16:04
plmWarning: cannot open /proc/net/dev (No such file or directory). Limited output.16:04
plmTJ-: ^ this I have in the 16.4 snapshot, not in the 18.416:04
plmWas mounted the same way as 18.416:05
TJ-plm: oh, I didn't read your error message correctly earlier. it has included the python3.6 lib but that required glibc 2.25! that's harder to solve16:05
TJ-plm: you could possibly work around that by creating a chroot on the target device and but that glibc library (and any others it depends on ) in the chroot with your application16:05
TJ-plm: or, you could build python3.6 locally (in a container) against the glibc version that is on the embedded device, so your application can include the python libs linked with the older glibc16:06
plmTJ-: you say, get older glibc and put in my 18.4 chroot? But how pyinstaller will know to use the older glibc?16:07
TJ-plm: no, I'm saying build python 3.6 in a container that has the same glibc version as is in the embedded device - that might be 16.04 or something else16:08
TJ-plm: do you *need* python 3.6 for your application ?16:08
plmTJ-: in this case, is better to use a crosscompile. But I would like a complete envinroment, to be possible install with easier process more packages, just with apt-get install, and/or pip16:09
plmTJ-: yes, minimal is 3.616:09
drkokandy t17:10
plmTJ-: works binary compatibility installting python 3.6 on 16.4 =D18:00
plmWarning: cannot open /proc/net/dev (No such file or directory). Limited output.18:01
plmTJ-: I have this error when I do ifconfig on 16.4 in chroot. on 18.4 I have no errors on ifconfig. Any idea hoe to solve that?18:01
jellybind-mount /proc into that chroot18:02
jellyor mount it manually inside, mount -t proc proc /proc18:03
plmjelly: trying.. :)18:05
plmjelly: all right :)18:11
plmhow is possible, on ubuntu glibc is 2.23, and works on target where glibc is 2.18?18:12
plmTJ-: ^?18:19
jbichahi, is it desired to have php7.3 available in cosmic universe? or should we remove it for this release19:15
jbichaok I filed a removal bug. Could someone responsible for php comment on bug 1796753 ?19:38
ubottubug 1796753 in php7.3 (Ubuntu) "Please remove php7.3 from Ubuntu 18.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179675319:38
ahasenackjbicha: thanks, we will talk about it tomorrow. Most are haveing a day off today19:48
ahasenackI'm having a hard time creating the libvirt default network inside a vm in cosmic20:06
ahasenackbasically the logs show20:06
ahasenackOct  8 19:59:37 maas-vm systemd-udevd[639]: Could not generate persistent MAC address for virbr0: No such file or directory20:06
ahasenackit seems to create virbr0-nic (note -nic) before:20:06
ahasenackOct  8 19:59:37 maas-vm systemd-networkd[447]: virbr0-nic: Gained carrier20:06
ahasenackI wonder if the "no such file" error is about the nic name20:07
ahasenackor something deeper, like https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/337420:07
tewardjbicha: if we don't keep 7.3, i noticed a package bug that should be fixed it still lists a breaks: against a 7.2 package20:11
tewardthat should have a 7.3 equivalent but that may just be me having a brain fart :P20:11
ahasenackweird, it's iptables that is failing20:13
ahasenack# iptables -L20:13
ahasenackiptables: No chain/target/match by that name.20:13
* ahasenack installs the non-virtual kernel20:16
ahasenackthat was some wasted time20:21
plmTJ-: hey, are you there?22:26
plmTJ-: I really will need to run that chroot in the VM, becouse I need to run services on it. Examples, I installed mysql on chroot, but the ip of chroot is the same of host. What is need to can boot correctaly on vm. I'm using 16.4 snapshot.22:27
TJ-plm: as I suggested last night, use an LXD container22:46
TJ-plm: See https://askubuntu.com/questions/816886/how-do-run-an-arm-lxd-container-on-my-intel-host#816887  -- it's the same process as for the chroot22:47

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