
nhainespleia2: I do need to get in touch with you about doing the mailing list.  I already do it for the LCC, so I may as well just add one more.  :)01:40
nhainesMeeting coming up in 5!01:55
nhainesYay  :)01:58
nhainesI'm hoping this goes smoothly because SpaceX.  :)01:59
pleia2can you see it from there?01:59
nhainesUnless the clouds conspire against me again!  Little too late for the gorgeous exhaust plume illumination we got the first two times, though.02:00
pleia2fingers crossed02:01
nhainesIt's not the view from Long Beach (or Vandenburg, of course!) but it's good enough to take a photo of and annoy friends with my pictures of a bright oval.02:01
nhainesMeeting time!02:01
nhainesWelcome to the Ubuntu California meeting for October 7th, 2018.02:01
nhainesTonight's agenda is available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/18October0702:02
nhaines#topic Upcoming events02:02
pleia2on Wednesday we have an Ubuntu Hour in SF http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-california/3804-ubuntu-hour-san-francisco/02:02
nhainesThat'll be fun.  How's the attendence?02:03
pleia2I'm not sure I'll be able to make it (travel early the next morning) but some folks will be there :) and right after there's a Bay Area Debian Dinner http://bad.debian.net/pipermail/bad/2018-October/003820.html02:03
pleia2we haven't had one in some time02:03
nhainesWell I hope it inspires more participation.  Ubuntu Hours are fun and easy to host.  :)02:04
pleia2I think we had 5-6 last time though, they're pretty chill02:04
nhainesAccording to my blog, Ubuntu 18.10 will be released on October 18th, which is pretty cool!02:04
nhainesI think we'll get the new community theme by default!  Sadly I can't use it because I run Unity.02:05
pleia2hah :)02:06
nhainesThe community-contributed wallpapers were announced, and they are pretty awesome: https://www.nhaines.com/blog/2018/09/28/announcing-ubuntu-18.10-free-culture-showcase-winners/02:06
nhainesI'm going to try and work with Canonical about doing something more with the Free Culture Showcase this next cycle so we can be more lively when the LTS comes up.  Maybe prizes and things!  So that should be pretty fun.02:07
* pleia2 nods02:08
nhaines#topic Announcements02:08
nhainesAny big announcements?  I guess technically the FCS stuff goes here.  :)02:09
pleia2nothing from here, would you like me to follow up on list about UbuCon?02:09
nhainesOoh, yes please!  I need to update the website.  (I needed to last week.)02:10
pleia2will do02:10
* nhaines scribbles that down.02:10
nhainesThank you.  :)02:10
nhaines#topic Agenda02:10
nhainesThere is no agenda for this meeting.02:10
nhaines#topic Other business02:10
nhainesWell, there's been a lot of chatter on the ML about meeting frequencies and social media accounts, sort of cross-topic though.  :)02:11
nhainesI set up Mastodon in an lxc container, and I was angry the whole time and it doesn't start.  So I'll have to do the VM thing later.  :)02:12
nhainesThe lack of traction with identi.ca/status.net made me not want to invest in other similar efforts until they pick up steam, so I'll be looking into that.  But there's no reason we shouldn't have a mastodon presence, if only to mirror our Twitter feed.02:13
pleia2we don't want to get into the business of running our own, resources aside, moderation is a nightmare02:13
nhainesThat's good to know.  It's heavier than I hoped, and I thought a closed (registration) server might be interesting.  Or something to pitch to Canonical if Mastodon supports OpenID.  But yeah, I have no time for moderation.02:13
nhainesSo I've been sort of thinking about the feedback received and I'll chime in in more detail soon.02:14
pleia2I do hope we can at least find content for the existing resources02:14
nhainesI think with a dedicated, fresher volunteer (or two) we should be able to make the feeds useful, if not quite lively02:15
nhainesBut I guess we'll see.02:16
nhainesAny other business for tonight?02:16
pleia2I think I'm set02:16
nhainesMe to!  Okay, so I'll see everyone again October 21st then.  :)02:16
nhainesLet the edited logs show that I did not misspell "too" in the message above and certainly did not edit the log before posting to the wiki.02:17
nhainesThanks, everyone.  :)02:17
pleia2thanks nhaines :)02:17
nhainesOkay, T-4 minutes!  I'll be outside for the next 10.  ;)02:17
pleia2have fun!02:18
* pleia2 watches live stream ;)02:18
nhainesComplete mission success!  \o/02:39
nhainesOf course, the clouds, which were parted at five to 7, offered complete coverage once the launch happened.02:39
pleia2hooray california02:40
pleia2even if we could see anything here, it's been a smokey day :(02:40
* pleia2 hides indoors with windows closed02:40
nhainesAnd yet, no barbecue roll for the satellite!02:40
pleia2I guess there was some visibility in parts of the bay no obscured by smoke02:47
nhainesNext time!02:55

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