
TJ-someone_: it means you're trying to remove a package that other packages depend on. so if you remove it, those other packages have to be removed too else they'll be broken00:00
dman777i don't have swap in /etc/fstab but free -h shows swap 4 gigs. Where is it making a swap at? df does not show swap ether00:01
TJ-dman777: "cat /proc/swaps"00:02
TJ-dman777: systemd will automount it if there's a swap partition (found by its metadata)00:02
dman777TJ-: thank you00:10
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dman777for 18.04, how do I show the grub menu on boot up? I seee a grub timeout style hidden but not sure if that is is00:17
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dman777nm....got it00:20
Hell-RazorAlright lets see here, I have a nvidia 1080, nomodeset during install still brings up a black screen after grub.. Any suggestions?00:42
Hell-RazorOr how about this - I finally got my machine booted, what is a good partitioning scheme? I installed windows on uefi but my bios suppots both. Ubuntu didnt give me the option to install "along side" Windows so I am not even sure it knows its there - that worrys me because I dont thing grub will know to put the boot options for Windows in01:02
maxcell_how can i install steam from terminal on ubuntu?01:14
maxcell_its steam-devices or steam-install ?01:14
Bashing-ommaxcell_: do ' apt show steam ' . If that is what you want then do ' sudo apt install steam ' on a fully updated system .01:22
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maxcell_Bashing-om: thanks im trying here01:26
Bashing-ommaxcell_: :)01:27
maxcell_thing is, i downloaded Steam from the website and try to install it, it gives me an error after the install and now i can't install via apt-get install because it gives me another error01:27
maxcell_so i'm trying to remove the steam that i install from the website01:27
maxcell_i think i remove it, and i also deleted  ~/.steam folder01:28
Bashing-ommaxcell_: There is a reson we do not support 3rd party installs . I have not the experience to advise in this case .01:28
Edistohow do you restrict kernel upgrades?01:48
sysRPLcan someone please help me get wireless working on an hp stream laptop with a fresh copy of ubuntu installed on it?01:49
sysRPLit has no ethernet port, and the wireless does not work, so i cannot install anything from a repository01:49
sysRPLwhen i try installing the restricted broadcom driver source, i get a modprobe error saying the module wl could not be found01:50
sysRPLsudo dpkg -i bcmwl-kernel-source*.deb01:51
sysRPLthen something like -> DKMS install completed. Modprobe: ERROR : could not insert 'wl': required key not available update-initrams: deferring update (trigger activated) processing triggers for initramfs -tools (0.122ubuntu8.1) ... update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-31-generic01:51
kinghatwhy are some of my mounted drives(internal) hidden? while an added fstab share and separate internal are not?02:02
kinghatthese are all internal drives: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/KP7vEVlN/image.png02:10
kinghati renamed staging and windows 10 internal drives to those names and they became hidden after. not sure how to set them to be not hidden.02:11
guiver_dkinghat: what are you running?  Ubuntu or Neon?  (if drives are hibernated (fast-boot is a form of hibernate; where part of fs is in hibernate file thus fs is in accurate-state); they won't be mounted02:15
kinghatkubuntu. they have always mounted just fine and are still mounting fine. its just that they are now mounting as hidden. like the 'Windows 10' mount just turned that way after i changed it volume label. it was just a jumbled mess of text until i renamed it.02:17
kinghatsame with 'staging'.02:17
kinghatalso, i turned off fastboot on win10 os drive already.02:19
guiver_ds/accurate/inaccurate on my last; sorry kinghat I don't know, but if the fs is in a potentially unstable site; it won't 'mount' until corrected; if ntfs/winfs it's best to chkdsk in windows  (which may have nothing to do with your issue)02:19
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Bashing-omkinghat: "i renamed staging and windows 10 internal drives" and now root owns the file systems ?02:25
kinghatBashing-om: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/Atlm9WrI/image.png02:27
Bashing-omkinghat: Appears to be directories rather than "drives" . a text pastebin of ' sudo fdisk -lu ' please .02:31
kinghatBashing-om: http://paste.debian.net/hidden/7ae25c82/02:33
Bashing-omkinghat: Ok, my bad .. 4 hard drives :) .. now show in text ' ls -al /media/ ' and we step through this to verify permissions .02:38
kinghatBashing-om: http://paste.debian.net/hidden/629fc20e/02:40
Bashing-omkinghat: Gettin g deep .. any idea why acess control list is set for the kinghat mount point ?02:47
kinghat'kinghat-server' is mounted smb share via fstab.02:49
Bashing-omkinghat: Well; anyway let's take a look at what ACLs are set ' getfacl -t /media/kinghat '. Then see we can finger out . Be aware I have no LVM (sdd3) experience, No idea why only one partition is in that volume - or how that could work .02:52
Bashing-omkinghat: If it is mounted via fstab, there is no need to also mount it in /media . no ?02:53
kinghatno biggie on that one. sdd isnt hidden. also, its a fedora install.02:53
kinghati think kde is mounting it?02:54
Bashing-omkinghat: Ho kay :) Fedora does LVM ... so what drives are now hidden ?02:55
kinghatsdb(windows 10) was also hidden, but i cant get it mounted again for some reason. ill figure that out later.02:57
kinghatBashing-om: ^^03:59
Bashing-omkinghat: Sorry, thought you had it under control .. Windows ? also not in my experince range .04:02
kinghatBashing-om: sdc(not windows) is hidden.04:02
Bashing-omkinghat: looking .04:03
kinghatim just saying the windows drive was mounting as hidden but its just not mounting anymore. im not focusing on that right now.04:03
Bashing-omkinghat: sdc is also Windows -> " /dev/sdc1        2048 1465145343 1465143296 698.7G  7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT" .04:04
kinghatBashing-om: i just logged out and back in to see if the windows drive would mount again and it did. now sdb is win 10 and sdc is just an ntfs drive.04:09
kinghatactually, nothing changed. but sdc is just an ntfs formatted storage drive.04:11
rnatIn a dual boot system is it possible to have Windows boot in UEFI mode and linux in BIOS legacy, after making appropriate changes in the firmware interface?04:13
Bashing-omkinghat: And what file systems 0n which drives mounted where , do you not see ?04:14
kinghatBashing-om: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/KP7vEVlN/image.png i just want sdb and sdc to not be hidden.04:16
llmatt556rnat: Possibly? Does your Windows Bootloader appear on as "Windows Boot Loader" ie, not any specific device?04:16
llmatt556rnat: That is how mine appears and I think my Linux system boots in legacy/bios mode but I'm not sure how to actually check that.04:17
rnatllmatt556: No it does not . I am planning to chroot into my linux system then write to NVRAM from efibootmgr to detect Windows boot manager04:18
rnatllmatt556: I don't see a link to the image or paste04:18
llmatt556llmatt556: I didn't link to an image? And in that case I'm really not sure. I don't really mess with the boot manager unless something breaks04:20
rnatllmatt556: check whether you have /sys/firmware/efi/efivars directory04:20
rnatif it exits, you are on EFI04:21
llmatt556rnat: I do not.04:21
rnatllmatt556: it means you are on legacy bios, are you dual booting?04:22
llmatt556rnat: Yes. And I have Windows 10 booting in UEFI mode04:23
cfhowlettllmatt556, not mentioned previously but you could avoid ALL of this by installing virtualbox in Windows, then installing ubuntu to a virtual machine.04:24
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rnatllmatt556: hmm I would have loved to checked the output of efibootmgr -v, but you are on legacy bios, so the output would be empty04:25
Bashing-omkinghat: sdb and sdc are both Windows ... are they cleanly unmounted and not in a hibernation state ?04:25
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llmatt556cfhowlett: I use VB to test some distros but what would I have avoided? I keep backups of both systems and my Linux and Windows boot managers are separated so if if I break one I can still boot into the other fine04:26
cfhowlettfair enough.  merely sharing that you could avoid any/all boot manager issues by VM'ing the ubuntu.04:27
kinghatBashing-om: they are both NTFS if thats what you mean? cleanly unmounted? i can browse them so not in hibernation.04:27
llmatt556cfhowlett: Yeah but it isn't the same as running it natively.04:27
Bashing-omkinghat: Good .. so how are you mounting sdb and sdc ?04:29
kinghatKDE mounts them04:29
rnatllmatt556: can you give me the out of sudo parted -l04:29
kinghator discover is. not sure tbh.04:29
llmatt556rnat: Here it is. https://pastebin.com/3kcQeEuj04:31
rnatllmatt556: Thanks04:31
Bashing-omkinghat: Several ways to mount file systems to attach them . gvfs for the GUI, fstab to be automounted at boot, or some other directory as on demand . Let's see if we can see how they are mounted. Show ' mount ' .04:34
kinghatBashing-om: http://paste.debian.net/hidden/75ff245d/04:38
kinghathmm sdb and sdc are not listed there because they are not mounted, currently.04:40
Bashing-omkinghat: Correct .. not mounted . So again, how are they mounted ... from where ?04:41
kinghatinternal drives. they were mounted till i unmounted them. when i log into my session they are mounted already.04:41
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Bashing-omkinghat: Then as they automount .. I would presume that the mounting is via fstab . ' cat /etc/fstab ; sudo blkid ' .04:43
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kinghatBashing-om: http://paste.debian.net/hidden/bd19bf5e/04:50
Bashing-omkinghat: looking .04:52
kinghatodd because i dont see any of that other than my kinghat-server/share that i manually put in there.04:56
Bashing-omkinghat: Not mounting sdb or sdc from the current sda install. Maybe this will help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1604251 <-HOWTO: Mount NTFS partitions with specific ownership/permissions .04:57
kinghatalright thanks for the help.04:59
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Bashing-omkinghat: Not to say that the neon install when booted  "automounts" sdb and or sdc .. maybe from the Fedora install ?05:01
kinghatill check it out on next boot.05:02
Bashing-omkinghat: I run 5 drives, 2 of which are presently hot: http://termbin.com/dc38 . Depending on what I want to access from where is what I boot up .05:05
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sg123question: how do you move from ifupdown TO netplan? all I can find are guides on going backwards05:51
sg123a provider I use only offers Ubuntu 16.04, so I thought I'd just upgrade that to 18.04, but to my demise, I can't find any clear instructions on how you move from ifupdown to netplan05:52
Bashing-om!netplan | sg12305:53
ubottusg123: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/05:53
sg123Bashing-om: I've already read the netplan site over and over again05:54
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Bashing-omsg123: server install ? Maybe here : https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/network-configuration.html.en05:56
cim209Client: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T7300  @ 2.00GHz (1.02GHz) • Memory: Physical: 2.4 GiB Total (1.0 GiB Free) Swap: 957.0 MiB Total (786.9 MiB Free) • Storage: 39.7 GB / 483.3 GB (443.6 GB Free) • VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV610/M74 [Mobility Radeon HD 2400 XT] @ Intel Corporation Mobile PM965/GM965/GL960 Memory Controlle05:56
cim209r Hub • Uptime: 1d 22h 57m 51s05:57
sg123Bashing-om: yep, server, I use netplan on several of my fresh-install 18.04's05:57
sg123looks like netplan made the configs for systemd-networkd05:57
sg123now I just have to bang my head off the wall while I try to get that working05:58
Bashing-omsg123: netplan here to is a process of learning. this : https://www.linux.com/learn/intro-to-linux/2018/9/how-use-netplan-network-configuration-tool-linux ?05:58
sg123`Ignoring /run/systemd/network/10-netplan-eth0.network, because it's not a regular file with suffix .netdev.`06:02
lotus|NUCcim209: not here please06:03
cim209lotus|NUC, accidentally clicked the show info menu entry06:03
cim209err send system info*06:04
jasso uppity over nothing lol06:04
Bashing-omsg123: Got me, 1st I have seen that . My notes: " -server is expected to use systemd-networkd, and it's configured via netplan " .06:05
Koopzuhh... what's the preferred way of installing Nagios nowadays?06:06
cim209jas, lol06:06
Koopzaccording to their official site there's version 5 out but the repos only have version 3?06:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1770082 in systemd (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1768827 systemd-networkd not renaming devices on boot" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:07
sg123found the problem :/06:07
sg123set-name worked just fine on digitalocean, but doesn't want to play nicely on my physical box06:07
sg123I removed set-name, and sure enough `netplan try` actually set the new IP06:07
Bashing-omsg123: :)) Thanks for sharing ! .. noted .06:08
sg123the next thing I'm wondering is whether I should be removing ifupdown, or just commenting out the config06:09
Bashing-omsg123: Commenting out is an easy restore in the event it does not work out .06:10
sg123first i'm rebooting to see if the ipv6 address stayed, if it did then I can probably comment out /etc/network/interfaces06:11
sg123appears it did :)06:12
Koopzoh... nagios 4+ is only officially supported for RHEL and CentOS...06:23
maxcell_can i install nvidia-driver-396 in ubuntu 18.04?06:31
lotus|NUCmaxcell_: check ubuntu-drivers list first what your system reccomends06:32
maxcell_i'm having trouble with dota+vulkan with this driver (390)06:32
maxcell_on ubuntu driver manager it only has 390, thats why im asking06:33
maxcell_idk if its ok to install06:33
maxcell_or if it is possible06:33
chiefjustice_i heard ubuntu dev selling ubuntu to microsofts ?06:42
jasheard reports of cows flying...06:43
jaslanding and shitting out gold06:44
lotus|NUC!language | jas06:50
ubottujas: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList06:50
lotus|NUC!discuss | chiefjustice_06:50
ubottuchiefjustice_: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!06:50
jaslotus|NUC grow a pair...no need to respond06:50
jasfuckin snowflake06:51
Koopz<3 reminds me of the good old days where CoCs weren't a thing06:54
lotus|NUCfeel free to discuss at #ubuntu-ops jas Koopz06:56
jasfeel free to use ignore06:56
lotus|NUCjas Koopz this channel is readed and supported worldwide for all kinds of users, so polite volunteering is needed here06:57
TimeDoctorlisten to lotus|NUC06:57
mojtabaHello, I have some directories which have space in their names, I want to use for loop to process them. I have for I in `ls`; do something; done. But it says the name did not find.06:58
mojtabaDo you know what should I do?06:59
mojtabaTo be specific I want to zip each of them and specify a password.06:59
TimeDoctormojtaba: you need quotes06:59
TimeDoctoreg for i in *.zip; do unzip -qo "$i"; done06:59
mojtabaTimeDoctor: I have done that, the command is: for i in `ls`;do zip --password pass "$i".zip "$i";done07:00
mojtabaTimeDoctor: I want to zip, not unzip.07:00
TimeDoctoryes I'm just giving an example from one of my one-liners07:00
chiefjustice_who is selling ubuntu to microsoft ?07:01
mojtabaTimeDoctor: Do you know what could be wrong in my command? for i in `ls`;do zip --password pass "$i".zip "$i";done07:01
TimeDoctormojtaba: I'm sorry, I'm not sure07:01
TimeDoctorchiefjustice_: you can read news about ubuntu here https://blog.ubuntu.com07:02
chiefjustice_oh i heard they did signed some paper with microsoft with 180000MIllion $s deal07:10
mwsbchiefjustice_: Please don't07:11
Koopz180000 MIllion $? that's alot of money07:13
chiefjustice_yea can i get a share ?07:14
TimeDoctorthis channel is for support, not trolling baloney07:14
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gart2Hello all.. I'm in a nasty pickle.. I can't unlock my laptops luks boot drive, I know to ∞% I have the right pass.. what can I do?07:17
dcypherAny SSH Tunnel gurus here07:17
lotus|NUCdcypher: check #openssh mate07:20
gart2This is what I'm seeing as far as errors https://imgur.com/a/4ka11e5 and no, my password is longer than that, I was hitting let's to figure out how to switch out of GUI mode07:21
lifeisabee7Hi, I have an issue with my GPD Pocket 2 and ubuntu. When the pocket go back from suspend or when I execute "xrandr --output edp1 --rotate right" the screen stay black. any ideas ?07:30
hashrackhow can i set to the value of /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level to low permanently? everytime I restart my machine, it reverted back to auto07:30
TimeDoctorlifeisabee7: can you ssh in and run "dmesg" to see if there's an error07:31
TimeDoctorlifeisabee7: when the screen is black07:31
lifeisabee7Ok I'll try.07:32
patz0ranyone know what the best FTP server for ubuntu is , that can handle a lot of load?07:38
patz0rcurrently using Crush FTP but not a big fan07:38
lotus|NUCpatz0r: be carefull with ftp, its a security risk these days07:38
lotus|NUCpatz0r: look for an alternate, more secure protocol like ssh07:38
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patz0r@lotus|NUC, thanks for your advice, unfortunately we need to offer it as we are a backup provider - i use SFTP with let's encrypt for our crush machines but i'd rather something not java related :)07:39
ducassepatz0r: try out both proftpd and vsftpd, see if any of them suit your needs07:43
destinydrivenHey guys, I'm trying to upgrade from nginx 1.14.0 on ubuntu 16.04 to nginx 1.15.* but somehow when I run sudo apt-get update it's not showing any updates available.    I do have "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/nginx/development/ubuntu xenial main" listed in my  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx-ubuntu-development-xenial.list file07:43
patz0rthanks @ducasse i'll check those two out07:43
ducassepatz0r: both are in the repos, so fully supported07:44
patz0r@ducasse, excellent, i've just started working at a new place using crush but I'm not a big fan so looking at other options07:44
lifeisabee7Re, I did a dmesg and here's the output : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6nfwdYGB6c/ . I see multiple time this :[  301.189691] [drm:intel_dp_start_link_train [i915]] *ERROR* [CONNECTOR:59:eDP-1] Link Training failed at link rate = 270000, lane count = 207:51
gart2Ok, so I managed to get an initramfs busy box07:51
ChouhartemHi, the link to download origami instructions for Xenial Xerus is down on this page: https://blog.ubuntu.com/2016/04/28/wallpaper-design-for-xenial-xerus-16-0407:53
ChouhartemDoes anyone have it somewhere?07:53
ducasseChouhartem: try archive.org?08:01
destinydrivenI think my issue has something to do with passenger being installed with nginx.08:04
gart2Well.. I managed to figure out that my disk appears fine, but the luks password is... Not working at all08:15
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FuraiHey, is there a way to restore apt sources list for ubuntu to it's default state/08:34
Chouhartemducasse, « Wayback Machine doesn't have that page archived. »08:34
coconutFurai: did you make a backup?08:38
FuraiNah, anyway, I'll just use the repogen site.08:39
Chouhartemyes, I think it's the most straihgtforward solution08:40
patz0ranyone on ubuntu 18.04 having issues with the service systemd-timedated ?08:46
patz0rI can't get it to auto start/enable after a reboot08:46
patz0rsystemd-timesyncd is fine08:47
patz0rI actually think the problem is that systemd-timedated starts successfully then stops within about 10 seconds08:51
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patz0rfound the answer to my own question :D09:11
patz0rit's supposed to stop if it's not being used09:11
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AaronADoes anybody know if Webmin works with 18.04?09:40
Ben64!webmin | AaronA09:47
ubottuAaronA: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.09:47
AaronACheers ben.09:49
AaronAI don't suppose, there are any alternatives available?09:49
lotus|NUCwhats your end goal AaronA09:49
nabcoreDoes anyone know when OpenJDK 11 GA will replace 10.0.2 in the package openjdk-11-jre-headless ?09:50
lotus|NUC!java | nabcore can this help mate?09:50
ubottunabcore can this help mate?: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.09:50
AaronAHi Lotus|NUC, I am a novice at Linux, I was advised it's a good tool for a novice like myself, instead of going down the route of adding a GUI to a ubuntu server alot of my friends have frowned up on. :)09:52
nabcorelotus: thank you for the link; however, that documentation seems a little out of date.09:52
AaronAI am building a linux server for a visitor management system at one of our sites.09:53
cim209AaronA, try https://runcloud.io09:53
cim209it supports 18.0409:53
cim209another one is centminmod but that's for CentOS09:54
AaronACheers Cim209, I'll give it a go.09:54
ducasseAaronA: there is also cockpit. i haven't used it, though.10:01
Rembohello everyone, i want ps to show process sorted by CPU10:03
MrCrackPotBuildeRembo to show the top 5 can use this ps aux | sort -nrk 3,3 | head -n 510:05
MrCrackPotBuildewatch "ps aux | sort -nrk 3,3 | head -n 5"10:05
MrCrackPotBuildeto change how many change the 5 to another number10:06
blackflowRembo: --sort=pcpu10:07
AaronAHi Ducasse from what I have read it's available on the latest version, but I am unable to locate the package for one reason or another.10:24
AaronA"E: Unable to locate package cockpit" seems to be the common error i receive when trying to install any packages, do I need to add a new repo?10:25
ducasseAaronA: 'sudo apt-add-repository universe'10:33
AaronAah great help, I was just looking through AUR wiki page, that way was rather lengthy.10:33
ducasseAaronA: after that, just do 'sudo apt update', and the package should be available10:34
AaronAI'm getting errors for unmet dependancies.10:35
ducasseAaronA: can you pastebin them?10:36
AaronAThis is a brand new ubuntu server 18.04 setup.10:37
ducasseAaronA: try 'sudo apt install -f'10:37
AaronAducasse: may i ask what "-f" does?10:38
ducasseAaronA: 'fix broken packages'10:38
AaronADucasse: seems to have done the trick, installing cockpit.10:38
ducasseAaronA: there was a bug in the 18.04 server installer, it only enabled the 'main' repo. you might want to add the others, especially 'updates' and 'security'. maybe 'multiverse' too.10:40
ducasse!repository | AaronA10:41
ubottuAaronA: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.10:41
AaronADucasse: Thank you very much, I'll look in to this now.10:43
ducasseAaronA: np10:43
AaronADuccase: All this because one of our departments doesn't want to dip in to funds to purchase a new visitor management system & want me to take over support of an older & outdated one.10:44
AaronADo enjoy a new learning curve.10:44
sub526Hi All, during "sudo apt-get install test_pkg", I'm getting the error "dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/test_pkg_1-1_amd64.deb (--unpack)" and "trying to overwrite '/usr/sbin/w1_test', which is also in package test_pkg2. Any idea, how to overcome this error?10:44
enzotibsub526: #ubuntu-devel10:47
nikolamHi. I would like to boot installation ubuntu image form Flash drive, but from the forst partition of the Flash drive, instead of using whole flash drive, just to boot and install ubuntu10:55
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nikolamI dd'ed .ISO image to 2GB first partition on USB drive and would like to ensure it can boot and then install Ubuntu from it (while retaining data on another USB partition)10:56
nikolamso question is , installing GRUB loader on USB, so it can chainload and boot ISO image from first partition on USB.10:56
nikolamwhen dd'ing (x)Ubuntu ISO to the USB drive, I always get read-only partition/drive and that's the problem for me11:00
nikolamwould like to add more data to the flash drive, instead of holding just ubuntu installation11:01
geirhathen use startup disk creator instead of dd11:04
lotus|NUCnikolam: try multisystem, its a tool that let you drag n drop multiple iso's on your stick11:04
nikolamgeirha, I used startup disk creator form ubuntu and got 16GB flash holding 1.4Gb bootable ISO, read only.11:05
geirhaodd, works for me11:06
geirhathough mine was pre-formatted with FAT32 iirc. It just wrote the files on that filesystem, and I can use the remaining space as I please11:09
fubHi. Using Ubuntu18 in a laptop which is in a docking station. This is then connected over HDMI to a display which is connected to my audio boxes.11:10
fubWHen playing sound over HDMI, I get a slight delay until it starts playing. Then when I pause the audio and try to resume it some minutes later, I cant hear anything.11:10
fubI need to set the volume output to "analog" then and then again to "hdmi" to get output again.11:11
fubWhy is this so buggy and how can I fix this?11:11
nikolamgeirha, flash drive also needs to be bootable, e.g. have GRUb in MBR. Have you added it after copying the files?11:14
nikolamlotus|NUC, that tool seems like installing many things from 'multiverse'11:16
geirhano, startup disk creator did that11:16
nikolamStartup disk creator can select only full drive here, and not partition or something and then creates read only drive with ISO on itself (with xubutu LTS image)11:17
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howarthAny nvidia driver experts around?11:30
howarthI am seeing a black screen after upgrading a MacPro 3,1 to a GTX680 card and then installing either the nvidia-390 or nvidia-396 drivers with 'sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall'11:31
howarthGoogling the issue indicates that it is a common enough  problem11:31
nikolamhowarth, I first go to nvidia site and check what is latest driver supported for a card. then I install nvidia driver package from Ubuntu repo, with version for the card, with synaptic11:32
howarthI assume that the issue is something related to improper blacklisting of the nouveau drivers11:32
TJ-howarth: the problems you've found reported relate to it being on a Mac, or the nvidia GPU/driver itself?11:32
nikolamyou can check what you have installed from synaptic11:33
howarthI get the ubuntu splash screen and progress bar11:33
howarthThe nouveau drivers work fine11:33
TJ-howarth: have you tried booting to text console not GUI, then testing from there?11:33
TJ-howarth: also, do you have SSH access from another PC to do diagnosis in-place when it fails?11:34
howarthI can try the remote ssh approach11:34
TJ-howarth: that would be helpful since you can capture/share logs11:35
nikolamor ssh -X and run sudo synaptic11:35
TJ-howarth: to check if you have the recommended drivers installed use "ubuntu-drivers list"11:36
howarthThe machine is at home so I will have to look again after work11:38
howarthCurrently I have been browsing the files on the System76 workstation that I use with a GeForce GTX 1050 at work11:39
howarthThere are two blacklist files on that11:39
TJ-howarth: first thing I'd check is the kernel log via "dmesg" to see if there is a kernel driver failure. If you see the NVRM messages look OK, then check the Xorg.0.log (in /var/log/ usually)11:39
TJ-howarth: it's possible a kernel upgrade occurred and the nvidia driver failed to build against it - that is easily testable by choosing an older kernel version at the GRUB boot menu, via its "Advanced" sub-menu11:40
TJ-.me waves to TheWild11:41
TheWildTJ-: thanks for the reference. I'm not yet completely sure the camera is damaged or the connection.11:41
TJ-TheWild: well, from everything you've reported so far the camera is either missing, disconnected, or dead :)11:42
TJ-TheWild: if it were still attached to the USB then we'd at least see a failed USB device probe in the kernel log11:42
nikolamhowarth, Ubuntu LTS nvidia-driver-390 seems to have 390.48 driver and on Nvidi site there are up to 390.87 and 396.18 for Beta driver11:43
TheWildIn the device manager I still had (warinings) Broadcom USH, Broadcom USH with swipe something, one device I don't remember right now and one unknown device (I googled the ID and points out it's just a free fall sensor). Maybe installing drivers for the rest of devices and those seemingly unrelated to camera might fix it.11:45
TheWildDunno. If the camera is broken then for now I either leave it or send the laptop to the service. It still isn't a full year.11:46
TJ-TheWild: sounds like a good idea - I saw nothing in the examples from other E6540 linux reports to indicate anything special is needed - the camera is ddirectly connected to the internal USB hub11:47
BluesKajHowdy all11:48
TJ-TheWild: On USB, devices do not need drivers in order to appear. They show up complete with all their function descriptions regardless of a driver11:48
TJ-TheWild: and that camera is UVC (USB Video Class) so it will be operated by the kernel's generic UVC driver, it doesn't need a 'special' driver11:49
howarthin /etc/modprobe.d I have nvidia-384_hybrid.conf and nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf11:53
howarthnvidia-384_hybrid.conf appears to belong to the nvidia-384 package11:53
howarthnvidia-graphics-drivers.conf doesn't seem to belong to any package11:54
howarthboth have a lines with 'blacklist nouveau', 'blacklist lbm-nouveau', 'alias nouveau off' and 'alias lbm-nouveau off'11:55
TJ-howarth: nvidia-graphics-drivers probably comes from the PPA graphics-drivers11:55
howarthThis is on 16.04 with a System76 built machine11:56
TJ-howarth: to discern which packages are currently installed use "apt list --installed nvidia*"11:56
howarthsystem76-driver-nvidia/xenial,xenial,now 16.04.55+1527714667+16.04~3d614f3 all [installed]11:57
TJ-howarth: to determine what files the package installs do "dpkg -L system76-driver-nvidia"11:58
TJ-howarth: changes in /etc/modprobe.d/ are likely written by a package post-install (postinst) script which won't show up in the package list.11:59
howarthlooks like System76 rolls their own nvidia packaging11:59
TJ-howarth: to check whether the kernel module is built, do "dkms status" if it is using DKMS - should show "installed" against the current kernel version in use.12:00
howarthokay, I'll check that tonight. Although I am hoping this is just a blacklisting issue12:01
TJ-howarth: the system76 packaging doesn't make it obvious whether they're using DKMS or not, so you may have to dig some more :)12:04
howarthI've seen references to issues with the lightdm not working under the nvidia drive if the nouveau drivers don't get properly blacklisted12:04
TJ-the kernel log (dmesg or /var/log/kern.log) will reveal that kind of issue12:07
qwebirc39106hey alk12:23
qwebirc39106i feel very silly, but i cannot seem to get 18.04 to accept index.php as the default directory index on an apache vhost12:24
blackflowpatience is virtue.12:25
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golumHello all, how to stop interfaces with netpan ? It only see apply option12:56
golumAny idea ?12:57
ogranetplan does not manage interfaces, it only gives a standardized way to configure them12:57
blackflowgolum: netplan is just configuration abstraction. you stop it using whatever backend netplan is confiugred to use12:57
golum@blackflow, thanks ! on ubuntu 18.04 what should i use to stop network ? init interfaces script or systemd ?12:59
blackflowgolum: whatever netplan is confiugred to use as backend. systemd-networkd or NetworkManager.13:00
golumwill netpan used on other distrib than ubuntu . is debian concerned ?13:00
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blackflowgolum: probably not.13:00
golumdo you know why ubuntu (canonical made this choice of netpan ? On do not know that on any other distrib !13:03
golum* i do not *13:03
blackflowgolum: because someone in position to do such changes, thinks it's necessary.13:04
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warmdiodehallo ich stehe vor einem merkwürdigen problem mit meinen monitoren. hat evtl jemand zeit mir zu helfen? bitte13:12
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!13:12
warmdiodethx ubottu :)13:13
sonnehi! what would be the best place to report what i think is a bad UX behaviour of linux?13:16
sonne(at least i'm 90% it's linux rather than userspace - i'm asking here because i'm using ubuntu)13:16
lotus|NUCsonne: here we focus on ubuntu support mate13:17
lotus|NUCsonne: did you find a bug in ubuntu?13:17
sonnelotus|NUC: that's why i'm asking for directions rather than help on my issue :P13:17
sonnei haven't found any existing bugs, no13:17
lotus|NUCsonne: lets begin from the start, wich distro are you using?13:18
sonnelotus|NUC: 18.10 beta, but had the same problem in bionic13:18
lotus|NUCah then your support channel would be #ubuntu+1 sonne13:18
sonnebut it's not a problem that is specific to the beta..13:18
lotus|NUCsonne: explain a bit of your problem/wish please?13:19
sonnesure thing13:19
sonnei have an mmo mouse, which reports as both a keyboard and a mouse. linux seems to believe it is also a joystick. this brings all sorts of confusion to the games i play, as what they belive is player 1 is actually nothing real.13:20
sonnei wish i could flip some switch to tell linux/udev "that's not a joystick buddy"13:21
lotus|NUCsonne: when you say 'linux' you mean you experience this on 18.10?13:22
sonnei tried all sorts of trickery - rm/chmod'ing /dev/input/js0, attempting to set variables on udev, nothing worked... i looked at the source code of the driver, but there is nothing that hints at it being a joystick13:22
sonnei experienced this in the LTS and still experience it in 18.10, yes13:22
lotus|NUCsonne: wel as you are on 18.10 right now, i suggest using #ubuntu+1 and consider a new !bug for your issue mentioning its about both 18.04 and 18.1013:25
sonnelotus|NUC: alright, thanks :)13:25
lotus|NUCsonne: before you place the bug, it might be worth mentioning your hardware brand and details in #ubuntu+113:26
sonnelotus|NUC: why is that?13:26
lotus|NUCsonne: the more details you share to channel/volunteers the more chance of your issue being known/solved13:27
sonnelotus|NUC: ok. i'll do that when i'm home though, so i have the hardware handy for any possible inquiry.13:27
lotus|NUCgreat sonne13:28
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AaronAis it me or has Ubuntu taken UK out of EU already hahaha!14:58
AaronAI tried to change tzdata but UK isnt listed.14:58
AaronAnevermind they put it under london.15:00
Internet-guyhey there i need a little of support15:48
Internet-guyi am unable to use USBMODEM15:49
Internet-guyhttps://www.amazon.in/Micromax-MMX210G-Data-Card-White/dp/B00MF91LZ2 this is my modem15:50
Internet-guyi am on ubuntu 18.015:50
Internet-guyhttps://ibb.co/izyvDp this is how it's running15:51
DonatasAnyone know whats the situation with intel hd 3000 family drivers and eye strain issues? Any known workable solutions ?15:51
Internet-guyi tried all the steps on "README.txt" present on the modem15:51
hans109hAny suggestions for why a kernel log would contain the lines "sda:" and "sdf: sdf1" every 15 minutes?15:54
TJ-hans109h: those look like the prefix when the kernel does a partprobe of a device15:56
TJ-hans109h: maybe some tool is triggering it - are you inserting/removing devices, or virtual machine images, loopback devices?15:56
hans109hthey are both physical hard disks15:57
hans109hThey both get mounted during boot15:58
TJ-hans109h: best to show us an example, including the kernel messages surrounding these15:58
hans109hTJ-, that's all there is.  It can go a long time with only those two lines being written to kern.log15:59
TJ-hans109h: any clues in other log files at the same timestamp?16:01
hans109hTJ-, you're onto something with the partprobe, as when I run that manually those are the first two lines logged.  Hmmmm16:01
TJ-hans109h: cron job possibly? syslog or auth.log might give clues16:04
gostforestok so, i installed a new browser right? its the brave browser, and when i open t all it gives me is a black screen16:09
gostforestlike it turns off the moniter16:09
d1rewolfhi guys. Trying to install apc on ubuntu 18.04.1, but the package php-apcu seems to be missing from the apt repos. has it been deprecated or something?16:10
d1rewolfut seems like it's supposed to be included: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/php-apcu16:10
TJ-!info php-apcu | d1rewolf16:11
ubottud1rewolf: php-apcu (source: php-apcu): APC User Cache for PHP. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.1.9+4.0.11-1build1 (bionic), package size 49 kB, installed size 198 kB16:11
TJ-d1rewolf: does the system have the "universe" component enabled for apt?16:11
d1rewolfTJ-: indeed it doesn't. thanks16:11
d1rewolfshould've caught that from the page16:12
gostforestAlso, when i try to open chrome, it crashes the computer16:16
kumooldon't use chrome16:17
tripelbwhy dont chrome16:17
kumoolits a hog16:17
tripelbwhat then?16:17
tripelbI needed to use google voice. it works on firefox. On chrome it is silent.16:18
blackflowgostforest: sounds like gpu issues16:18
golumHi how could i display a process with -f (child) only for one PID ?16:18
gostforesti dont really like firefox because it doesnt lsupport flash16:18
UserUSgostforest, I thought it was built in?16:18
TJ-gostforest: that is a GOOD reason to use Firefox""16:18
gostforesti know16:19
kumoolgostforest, what are you even using flash for in 2018?16:19
tripelbmeanwhile my question. Windows sees LOTS of hotspots, ubuntu 18.04 only mine. I would guess I need a new driver. How do I do that?16:19
blackflowgostforest: would you know if those browsers installed as snaps or apt packages?16:19
kumoolgostforest, you can use flash with firefox btw, but flash is just terrible16:20
gostforestapologize if im slow, i am new to linux, but i think chrome was a snap16:20
gostforesti downloaded it from their website16:20
TJ-tripelb: which band is your AP in? 802.11b/g (2.4GHz) or 802.11a (5.xGHz) ?16:20
kumoolgostforest, if it was a snap, uninstall and get chromium { apt install chromium-browser }16:21
pragmaticenigmatripelb: Also, are you connected wirelessly when you check for other wifi?16:21
blackflowgostforest: it wasn't a snap if you downloaded it. Do you know what you downloaded exactly? iirc it's supposed to install an apt source and then you install chrome as a regular package16:21
kumoolgostforest, i had the same problem with spotify, snaps are terrible it seems16:21
blackflowit's possible you just needed to enable an interface for the snap16:22
blackflowbut downloading from google isn't snap16:22
gostforestbut i have ubuntu installed as a second os cuz windows is in a rly bad state16:23
gostforestand chrome crashed the other os16:23
gostforesteverything else is fine tho16:23
gostforestits literally only chrome thats doing it16:23
blackflowgostforest: can you pastebin the output of     dpkg -l | grep google   ?16:24
kumoolwell, chrome is a RAM hog, did you try memtest?16:24
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:24
gostforestim very new to ubuntu16:25
gostforestand i uninstalled it16:25
gostforestbut ill rensinstall and do that16:25
blackflowso why are you here asking about things you can't even try if you get help for?16:25
kumoolrelax blackflow16:26
blackflowor did I misunderstand you and uninstalled chrome?16:26
blackflow*and you16:26
gostforesti uninstalled chrome because it kept crashing my pc16:26
blackflowgostforest: but that other browser did too?16:26
kumoolblackflow, chrome crashed his PC while he was in Windows, so he installed ubuntu and chrome crashes it on linux also16:26
gostforestthanks kumool16:27
blackflowgostforest:    "18:09 < gostforest> ok so, i installed a new browser right? its the brave browser, and when i open t all it gives me is a black screen"16:27
lolcat-007hello, can i connect an iphone with kubuntu kde connect16:27
blackflowgostforest: so what did you mean by that?16:27
kumoolgostforest, ah, and don't use weird browsers16:27
gostforestthe other browser didnt crash like chrome does, my pc power light is on but i have to hard power off in order to reboot16:27
kumoolgostforest, so it froze the computer16:28
lotus|NUC!iphone | lolcat-00716:28
ubottulolcat-007: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod16:28
blackflowgostforest: okay, so that sounds like gpu issues, esp. with chrome trying to use gpu. Can you try Firefox?16:28
gostforestfirefox is perf fine16:28
kumoolgostforest, did it freeze or did it crash?16:28
gostforestit turned my screen off16:28
blackflowgostforest: would you know if hardware accelleration is enabled for firefox?16:28
gostforesti can check16:28
kumoolso blackflow is right16:28
gostforestwhere would i find hardware excelleration16:29
blackflowgostforest: it's in about:config, lemme check which config entry is it16:30
kumooljust let him find it16:30
blackflowgostforest: under about:config     layers.acceleration.disabled     should be false16:30
lotus|NUCkumool: dont tell others what to do please16:30
blackflowgostforest: that means hw acceleration is enabled and it's likely using the gpu16:31
gostforestits fine16:31
gostforestits false yeah16:32
blackflowgostforest: which gpu is it, intel?16:32
gostforesti think yeah16:32
gostforestits intel16:32
kumoollotus|NUC, neither should you16:33
lotus|NUCkumool: let the volunteers do their jobs16:33
kumoollotus|NUC, oh they get paid?16:33
blackflowgostforest: alrighty, now the hard part, finding in the logs if there's any trace of problems that crashed the pc16:33
lotus|NUCkumool: feel free to discuss it at #ubuntu-discuss16:34
gostforestwould the logs still be there once i uninstalled it16:34
blackflowgostforest: yes, the logs are system logs. what did you say which ubuntu is this?16:34
gostforestim not sure16:34
kumoollotus|NUC, nah16:35
blackflowgostforest: when you run  lsb_release -r   in terminal, what does it say? the number16:35
blackhazegood morning16:37
blackflowlet the tabfail hilarity ensue! :)16:37
EoflaOEblackhaze: Good morning, do you have Ubuntu question to ask so we can help?16:37
blackhazeEoflaOE: I need some help with audio devices When I try to record a video a rare sound appears in the backglround16:38
blackhazeI tried to fix my alsamixer and nothing happenned16:39
gostforestpc just froze from too many programs16:40
gostforestwhere are the system logs?16:40
blackflowno, it can't freeze from too many programs, something else must be going on there.16:40
gostforesti still heard sound16:41
gostforestbut i couldnt tap anything16:41
EoflaOEblackhaze: Do you mean that your voice is not recorded properly?16:41
blackflowright. I suspect that's all part of the same issue - the gpu issue.16:41
gostforestone of the reasons i need another browser is touch screen accesible16:41
gostforestfirefox is not one of them16:41
gostforestanyway, where are the system log files stored cause i will check them16:42
blackflowgostforest: open the terminal program and for starters, type      lsb_release -r              and hit enter. what's the release version it displays?16:43
EoflaOEblackhaze: Also, which program did you use while recording video?16:43
pragmaticenigmagostforest: that's not the value that was displayed. What was printed in the terminal?16:45
blackflowgostforest: nice. now, locating that chrome problem in the logs will be rather tricky. in 18.04, the journal is persistent, so it'd help a lot if you can pinpoint the time of last crash down to a minute, and we select that period plus a few minutes on each side, from the logs.16:45
gostforesti can induce a crash if yall want16:45
gostforestone thing i remember is that it kept asking me for the kering. i fixed that, but im not sure if it will keep crashing16:46
gostforestlike i disabled automatic login16:46
gostforestwhen i denied all the passwords it immediatly crashed16:47
blackflowgostforest: yeah you can do it again, and after reboot you can do something like this, in that terminal program:     journalctl -b -1 -n 200        that will display last 200 entries of the _previous_ boot.   assuming this crash causes immediate reboot16:47
gostforestyep, no warning16:47
gostforestjust a pop and then its of16:47
blackhazeEoflaOE: I am using recordmydeskop, kazam && cheese16:47
blackflowgostforest: although I'm already suspecting the gpu, it's either too old or too new (heh, yeah). too old and chrome wants something unsupported by the opengl level, or too new and the driver is buggy.16:49
blackflowbut let's not get ahead and let's see what the logs say.16:49
EoflaOEblackhaze: Looking...16:49
gostforestchrome didnt crash before16:50
EoflaOEblackhaze: In the RecordMyDesktop, go to Advanced button, then select the Sound tab.16:50
gostforestit only started this within the past couple of months16:50
gostforestit computer has lasted over 3 yeaqrs i think16:51
blackflowgostforest: that's why it'd be best to trigger the problem again and see if the kernel logs anything16:51
gostforestits loaded up16:54
gostforestquickest way to get it to crash>16:54
gostforestwait nvm16:55
gostforestill reopen and deny keyring16:55
gostforestunless that is what already what made the pc crash16:56
lotus|NUCgostforest: while you are playing try a tail -f /var/log/syslog to see whats going on16:56
blackflowgostforest: well if we knew what's triggering the crash, we wouldn't need the logs ;)16:56
gostforestnvm id need to reboot16:56
gostforestbut it immediatly shuts off when i deny keyring16:57
gostforestfirst thing i see when tail starts16:59
gostforesterrors everywhere16:59
EoflaOEhi BLuesKaj.17:00
blackflowgostforest: it'd be nice if you could pastebin some :)17:00
blackflow!pastebin | gostforest17:00
ubottugostforest: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:00
BluesKajhi EoflaOE17:01
blackflowlotus|NUC: btw, journalctl has -f too ;)17:01
miceikenHello guys. I have an ASUS Zenbook (quite bad specs) running Ubuntu Desktop 18.04. It tends to freeze up (mouse movements and keydowns delayed by 5-30 seconds, if responsive at all). I assume that this is due to running out of resources, but I am barely doing any intensive work. Is there anything I can do to amend this?17:04
miceikenJust now I had to do a hard reboot. Was running Thunderbird in the background, VSCode with a single text file of about 10 lines, Firefox with 10 tabs and Spotify playing music.17:04
miceikenI ran Windows 10 before and I never had any issues running the same apps simultaneously.17:05
gostforesttheres a ubuntu netbook os17:05
gostforestthat might make a difference17:05
pragmaticenigmamiceiken: All of those items take a huge amount of RAM resources. Did configure your machine to run without a swap file/partition?17:05
pragmaticenigmagostforest: No17:05
miceikenNot that I know of, if it was the default I didn't change it.17:06
llmatt556pragmaticenigma: With no swap, wouldn't it have just crashed once it ran out of ram?17:06
pragmaticenigmallmatt556: not necessarily17:07
miceikenSometimes it will recover however, and seemingly be entirely fine, without having closed any applications, which is why I can't help to think there's something "wrong"17:07
miceikenI've had it completely locked up for 5+ minutes, only to fully recover and have no noticeable delay at all17:08
pragmaticenigmamiceiken: without the actual system specs, I couldn't start to troubleshoot. Please post them?17:08
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miceikenis there any command I can run to get everything you need?17:09
pragmaticenigmamiceiken: no17:09
blackflowgostforest: the log can be a scary place with stuff, especially gnome, logging end-of-the-world sounding stuff.... :)   the important bits are moments before crash-reboot.17:09
BluesKajthe gpu and driver is a good start17:10
pragmaticenigmamiceiken: If you can find the exact spec online, you can post a link. If not, CPU, Amount of installed RAM, GPU are good places to start17:11
llmatt556There should be a system info tab in settings that will have some basic information17:11
gostforestshe/he listed themodel of laptop she/he had17:11
gostforestthat should have the spes17:11
pragmaticenigmallmatt556: that is what is detected, and it isn't always accurate17:11
pragmaticenigmagostforest: please focus on your issue and those that are helping you17:12
llmatt556gostforest: Zenbook is a series. There are a lot of different zenbooks17:12
miceikenIntel i3, 4GB ram, no dedicated GPU - just Intel HD Graphics17:12
miceiken120GB ssd17:13
pragmaticenigmamiceiken: And you did only a default installation. as in, just let the install choose it's defaults, including partitioning of the harddrive?17:13
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miceikenIntel m3-6Y30 is the CPU17:15
llmatt556miceiken: Can you run either `sudo parted -l` or open gparted and verify if there is a swap partition? I've had the default install not create a swap partition before17:15
TJ-miceiken: can you show us "pastebinit <( dmesg )"17:15
pragmaticenigmallmatt556: Ubuntu 18.04 uses as swap file by deafult17:16
TJ-llmatt556: better command is "cat /proc/swaps" since it shows active swap17:16
miceikenllmatt556: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sQm6DqM8rM/17:17
miceikenpragmaticenigma: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TmKqkgtZxt/17:18
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pragmaticenigmamiceiken: well... I think we found part of the problem17:19
TJ-miceiken: lock-ups look to be due to snaps being denied operations by apparmor17:19
TJ-miceiken: judging by the timestamp gaps17:19
miceikenhow can I solve that?17:19
miceikenI'm not getting any prompts17:19
TJ-miceiken: looks like you're using snaps in place of perfectly good tools that are in the archive17:19
miceikenI wasn't aware they were "bad"17:20
llmatt556I thought snaps were supposed to make life easier lol17:20
TJ-miceiken: I see apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.htop.htop"  and apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.gnome-system-monitor.gnome-system-monitor"17:20
TJ-snaps are OK if they don't need to interact with the rest of the system, but system-monitoring isn't a good use case in my opinion17:21
pragmaticenigmaTJ-: I thought with 18.04, the system monitor was installed as a snap by deafult17:21
TJ-miceiken: this may not be the cause of the freezes; but the timestamps seem to match what you described17:21
miceikenTJ-, when I ran htop and didn't have it installed, so it suggest snap install. System Monitor i just opened for the first time from clicking Super and starting it, so it must be installed from there17:21
TJ-pragmaticenigma: really? if it is, then someone packaged it badly if it is hitting apparmor restrictions!17:21
gostforestso seemingly its not crashing anymore17:22
lotus|NUCTJ-: yes system monitor & calculator17:22
gostforestfor me17:22
llmatt556I suppose you could try installing htop and system monitor as non-snap packages and see if that fixes the problem.17:23
miceikenbut i havent been running those when i freeze17:23
pragmaticenigmaTJ-: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1039968/why-have-canonical-installed-core-gnome-apps-as-snaps-by-default17:23
miceikeni just ran them now to attempt to find out if anything was hogging17:23
TJ-miceiken: the first thing to do is see if you can stop htop and system-monitor from running, then see if you setill suffer the freezes17:23
pragmaticenigmaTJ-: better resource: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes17:24
gostforestyeah guys it looks like nothing else is happening17:24
arpanet69heey guys17:24
arpanet69am looking for a securecrt terminal like for ubuntu lts17:24
arpanet69am managing allot of routers and switches etc and host file isnt an option anymoe17:25
miceikenokay so i have a few packages on snap that ive been using during the freezes, but it usually isnt on start up, can it hit apparmor while running too?17:25
TJ-pragmaticenigma: thanks; so I stand by my point; whoever packaged those snaps didn't pay attention to the apparmor profiles17:25
TJ-miceiken: that's what the logs show, look at the timestamps17:26
llmatt556miceiken: Only thing I know to try is either kill tjose programs or reinstall as non-snap and see if the freezes stop.17:26
miceikenTJ-, yeah but i did a hard reboot and then came straight here, so i guess the dmesg doesnt show the previous case17:27
miceikenllmatt556, yeah i will see if i can make that work17:27
TJ-miceiken: e.g. at the end of the log, it shows denials about every 6 seconds. You reported freezes could be every 5 - 30 seconds, which could match17:27
miceikenokay, thanks for the help guys, at least now i know where to look17:27
TJ-miceiken: as I said, first thing to do is stop those snaps running and see if the problem continues to occur. There is nothing else in the (kernel) log to indicate any hardware issues, that's clear17:27
miceikenwill do17:28
pragmaticenigmamiceiken: I've also seen others coming with random system freezes and logs filled with AppAmor denials. It's the most effective first place to start with for resolving the system freezes17:30
miceikenpragmaticenigma, thanks. i should have checked dmesg, but i am not used to troubleshooting17:31
arpanet69no one uses a securecrt linux like tool?17:33
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TJ-arpanet69: your question makes no sense regarding hosts file; care to expand on the actual use-case you're addressing?17:36
arpanet69TJ-, well i use the host file to make shortcuts based on names. r1 = ip r2 = ip but the list gets to long and i start forgetting the names so am looking for a terminal that like securecrt can safe connections and organize them.17:37
arpanet69hope that makes sense17:38
TJ-arpanet69: oh, I never use hosts file; I use the SSH ~/.ssh/config file and create a Host section for each target17:38
arpanet69hmm kinda works the same way?17:38
TJ-arpanet69: I use hostnames since I have m-DNS but you can use IP addresses too. Here's an extract from my (much larger) .ssh/config: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DtByDRhwFz/17:40
arpanet69like pac manager but thats not being updated anymore as i can see last package was from 201517:40
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pragmaticenigmaarpanet69: Maybe take a look at using something like dnsmasq as your DHCP server and DNS provider. It can be configured to auto register machines by their machine name to the local dns cache17:40
arpanet69TJ-, looks interesting but allot of work. am talking about 8500 devices i need to manage. i dont wanna add a txt file for evey new connection i make17:41
pragmaticenigmaarpanet69: I take it these are not on your local network then17:42
arpanet69when i connect to a device at the same time i want to safe it17:42
arpanet69noo theire not17:42
TJ-arpanet69: with that number then you should have DNS configured included reverse lookups!17:42
arpanet69yes they have names like STR00204R00117:44
arpanet69but i dont wanna do ssh -l username str00204r00117:44
arpanet69i want to click :D17:44
TJ-arpanet69: I use remmina for such stuff, which as well as doing RDP/VNC supports SSH, and can integrate with .ssh/config if required17:44
TJ-arpanet69: that's if you want a GUI front-end17:45
arpanet69will have a look in remmina cause we also manage local servers17:45
arpanet69thre rdp17:45
TJ-arpanet69: thinking off the top of my head, you could write a one-time script to write the required stanzas into ~/.ssh/config  then use remmina to connect with a click17:46
arpanet69hmmm i need to read upon this config file of yours for me thats new17:47
TJ-arpanet69: and of course remmina lets you create groups of hosts too, for logical organisation17:47
arpanet69yeah just downloaded it seems it has a tree structure that i like17:47
TJ-arpanet69: see "man ssh_config"17:47
arpanet69ahh thanks17:47
TJ-arpanet69: a little 'tip' about the config file, and the "IdentitiesOnly yes" option. If, like me, you create multiple SSH key-pairs, one per host (or logical group) then by default SSH when doing public key will offer every key you have which usually breaks after about 8 keys are offered (as well as wasting time!) - that option ensures only the key defined by 'IdentityFile <file>' is offered17:52
arpanet69TJ-, ohhh good one17:56
farty_mcgeeHello, I've installed ttf-mscorefonts-installer, but firefox persists in using Noto Sans instead of Arial for the default sans-serif font. How can I fix this?18:00
ovrhHey everyone! How does overprovisioning of NVMe and regular SSDs work with Ubuntu/Linux_in_general? Do I just leave a % of space unallocated for overprovisioning for the SSD's controller to do whatever it wants as usual?18:01
farty_mcgeeFirefox 62.0.3, KDE Neon 5.13 (aka Ubuntu 18.04)18:01
pragmaticenigmafarty_mcgee: Did you check the advanced settings for default font?18:03
farty_mcgeepragmaticenigma: yes.  I forced the default font setting in firefox to Arial.18:06
pragmaticenigmafarty_mcgee: you didn't answer my question18:06
blackflowfarty_mcgee: default font != font mapping. you need to set up that "sans-serif" maps to Arial, and methinks that's not done by FF, but by local fontconfig18:06
blackflowfarty_mcgee: quick googling finds this:  https://seasonofcode.com/posts/how-to-set-default-fonts-and-font-aliases-on-linux.html    I suppose you need what's listed under "Setting Default Fonts", and map "sans-serif" to a proper font.18:08
myym(myym) I can access my router from terminal with telnet , can i port forwd open ports from there?18:08
lotus|NUCovrh: use the full ssd for ubuntu, leaving an empty partition will not perform much18:08
farty_mcgeeblackflow: ah ok. I'll look into that18:09
ovrhlotus|NUC, No? How does that work?18:09
blackflowovrh: what do you mean by "overprovisioning"? teh disk themselves have internally more space than what they report, for the purpose of wear leveling and badsector reallocations. did you mean that?18:09
lotus|NUCblackflow: i think he means those articles saying an ssd would speedup with half used/half empty partition18:11
blackflowlotus|NUC: that doesn't make much sense :) why would that ..... what articl...... I have to google that up :)18:11
lotus|NUCblackflow: the webs full of it :p18:11
blackflowoh that... I see.. yes what you said is correct. partitioning is just a few numbers in the GPT table, the disk itself has no idea if sector X is or isn't part of a partition, it only knows if it's in use or not.18:13
ovrhblackflow, It's the practice of leaving a given % of unallocated space on the disk (generally 10/15%) to basically increase the longevity of the disk. NAND cells degrade with time, and after a while stop working. The controller can stop using those broken sectors/cells and pick some from the overprovisioned space.18:13
ovrhlotus|NUC, No, it has nothing to do with speed18:13
blackflowovrh: but you don't do anything manually for that, EXCEPT don't fill up the drive with data.18:14
pragmaticenigmaAnd the web is full of old information. most of the articles I found where from 2014 or older. ovrh SSDs have been steadily handling more of those features on their own. There is no reasont that the end user should attempt to better the components that are already in place. Just use the drive as is.18:14
blackflowthat's about wear leveling having free pages to reallocate to18:14
ovrhblackflow, Under Windows at least, a few years ago you were supposed to leave unallocated space, so you have to actually do something with it. I belive it changed at some point and now not even Windows needs that anymore.18:15
blackflowso basically yes, if you don't fill it up to the brim, there will be free pages for wear leveling to shuffle around.18:15
pragmaticenigmaovrh: Just as I said... that was a few years ago. SSD technology has changed dramatically in that time18:15
blackflowovrh: you leave unallocated space so you impose a hard limit on yourself and make sure there will always be free pages to reallocate18:15
pragmaticenigmaovrh: what was good practice yesterday, is not always good practice today18:15
ovrhpragmaticenigma, I imagine, that's why i was asking. I haven't had to deal with this in quite a while, and I figured my info could be outdated.18:16
blackflowbut yeah I don't know if that makes any sense nowadays, with firmware doing it itself. disks have internall more space than what they report, for the purpose of wear leveling and bad sector reallocation.18:16
pragmaticenigmaovrh: With the built in features of the drive, you're likely to have replaced that drive long before you have any performance or storage issues with the drive18:16
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ovrhblackflow, I don't know either, hence the question. What I know for sure is that Windows didn't give you that capability up to a handful of years ago. So you had to physically make your partition, and leave a % of unallocated space at the end of the SSD for the controller.18:19
blackflowpragmaticenigma: in general I agree, though today I saw a case which goes against that logic. a 2 year old samsung datacenter grade SSD with only 30TB of LBAs written, with dozens of bad/reallocated/uncorrectable sectors reported by SMART. And I regularly tell people they're nowadays safe with these things going into hundreds of TB written before kicking the bucket, usually linking this18:19
blackflowwhich is also my personal experience, but here, occasionally it seems bad apples will be encountered.18:20
ovrhpragmaticenigma, Well of course. Even though, I still have the first SSD I bought 4 or something years ago (850 EVO) and it's still working flawlessly18:20
lotus|NUCovrh: lets continue this in #ubuntu-discuss plz18:21
pragmaticenigmablackflow: It really feels like that was a bad apple... Haven't seen/read the article, but the question I always have for these tests are "Did you just test one drive, or did they get several (same and different batches) before comign to those conclusions18:21
llmatt556Ueah I'm running an SSD I bough like 6 years ago and it works fine. I also use a few I got for free from work and friends that are 3-5 years old and all of them are also still good18:22
llmatt556Yeah* Bought* >.>18:22
lotus|NUCllmatt556: come to discuss too18:22
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gostforestok so18:27
gostforestthe google crash just happened18:27
gostforesti botted up chrome, typed the pw in, and then i went to youtube18:28
gostforestbooted, bnot botted18:28
gostforesti booted up chrome, put in the pw for keyring, and went to yourubt18:28
gostforestthen it crashed18:28
gostforesti was able to play flash games tho, so its just youtube18:29
amikropFor example, in /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/styles/cobalt.xml what are the tags/settings that are refering to Python import statements?18:30
Greyztardid a release upgrade from 17 to 18 ,all worked fined except after i deleted snapshot of lxd container,container not starting,also seems that the do-release upgrade didnt install apparmor,tohugh idk why all containers still worked though,tried reinstall apparmor and now none boots any thoughts?18:31
Greyztarthat is now they seem to start all exept the one with deleted snapshot,but cant use bash gets permission denied18:32
farty_mcgeeSo it looks like my problem isn't that 'sans-serif' isn't mapped to Arial. It's that Arial isn't accessible to firefox at all. Directly saying <p style="font-family: arial">This should be Arial</p> won't use Arial. Chrome doesn't have this problem, other apps appear to be able to use the font.18:33
gostforestok so it crashed again18:33
gostforestmy touch screen isnt working right18:34
gostforestmy pc is an all in one touch screen18:35
gostforestanyway. how do i get to system logs18:36
Greyztarin var then logs and syslog i think18:37
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gostforestok, im back18:48
lotus|NUCgostforest: to get your issue solved, re-ask your full issue all in one line to the channel with all details please18:51
lotus|NUCgostforest: 'if' volunteers are active, they might read & help18:52
gostforestChrome has been crashing my computer, and i do not know why. on both windows,and ubuntu, it crashes when opening. ive done the crash so the system log can get it.18:55
gostforestAlso, the browser "Brave" makes my screen turn black for no apparent reason.18:55
lotus|NUCgostforest: brave is not the best snap to count on..18:56
lotus|NUCgostforest: to debug try to launch chrome from terminal, see what errors you getting there18:57
gostforestWell i need some sort of browser that works with touchscreens18:57
blackflowgostforest: well we've been through this, were are your log pastebins? :)18:57
blackflowalso if both ubuntu and windows are crashing.....18:58
blackflowsounds like faulty hardware to me.18:58
gostforestbut my dad thinks its somehow my faulr tht the hardware is dying18:59
lotus|NUCgostforest: did you test other browsers to crash your pc?19:00
gostforestfirefox is perf fine19:01
lotus|NUCgostforest: wich chrome version are you on?19:01
gostforestthe latest one i think19:01
lotus|NUCgostforest: installed from where19:01
gostforestofficial chrome website19:02
gostforesttheres the first pastebin19:02
blackflowthat one doesn't help much. you need that    journalctl -b -1 -n 200     immediately after post-crash reboot19:02
Greyztarevening :)19:03
gostforestwait my computer last crash was from  chrome, do i do that now19:03
dviolawill ubuntu 18.04 stay with the 4.15 kernel or there will be a major upgrade at some point?19:03
dviolaI ask that because I get constant freezes with the current stock kernel19:04
lotus|NUCdviola: 4.15 kernel and gets point releases19:04
lotus|NUCdviola: uname -a please?19:04
lotus|NUCgostforest: try this also as a test: google-chrome --disable-gpu19:05
gostforestim going to try getting brave from the internet, and ill trythat19:05
dviolalotus|NUC: I'm not in front of that machine but it's using the latest generic kernel, 4.15.0-36-generic or something like that, afaik19:07
lotus|NUCdviola: did you have issues with previous kernel versions?19:07
lotus|NUC!info linux-image-generic19:08
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB19:08
dviolalotus|NUC: not sure, this is a new install, and the machine is new19:08
dviolait's a computer with a ryzen 5 2400g CPU19:08
dviolaI run archlinux on the same machine (4.18 kernel) and I don't get those freezes19:08
lotus|NUCdviola: you might wanna play with !mainline perhaps19:08
dviolait could be a bug with amdgpu19:09
TJ-dviola: 4.18 is available via the hwe-edge kernel packages, currently in bionic-proposed19:09
dviolaI could, but I don't get why ubuntu 18.04 has to stay with 4.15...19:09
lotus|NUCdviola: is this how you installed https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-latest-amd-radeon-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux19:09
TJ-dviola: "linux-image-lowlatency-hwe-18.04-edge/bionic-proposed amd64"19:10
dviolalotus|NUC: no, I didn't try amdgpu-pro19:11
dviolathat's the proprietary driver?19:11
ioriadviola, you'll get 4.18 soon with the cosmic hwe19:13
blackflowdviola: because of the LTS promise. HWE kernels are bonus points.19:13
dviolaioria: ok, so should I upgrade to 18.10?19:15
ioriadviola, if you want... or wait until Feb19:15
gostforesti keep getting frozen19:16
dviolaioria: what happens in feb?19:16
ioriadviola, 18.10 hwe19:17
gostforestits me again, google keeps crashing, need touch accesible browser, firefox works fine, blah blah blah19:17
ioriagostforest, google ?19:17
dviolaI think I'll just upgrade to 18.10, I can't have these crashes anymore19:17
blackflowdviola: you can always test the newest kernel or even the mainline kernel, without changing the entire release19:22
dviolawith mainline?19:23
dviolahttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ ?19:23
TJ-dviola: as I pointed out 10 minutes ago, kernel 4.18 is available in 18.0419:23
TJ-dviola: "linux-image-lowlatency-hwe-18.04-edge/bionic-proposed amd64"19:23
dviolaTJ-: oh ok, sorry about that19:23
TJ-dviola: just enable the -proposed archive, and "apt update" and it'll be available - either the -generic- or -lowlatency- version; your choice19:24
dviolaTJ-: thanks, that helps a lot19:24
gostforestit keeps freezing on me19:24
gostforestanyway, yeah19:25
TJ-gostforest: show is "pastebinit <( tail -n 2000 /var/log/syslog )"19:25
blackflowTJ-: gostforest: may I suggest   journalctl -b -1 -n 50019:25
gostforestok so19:25
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gostforestmy touch screen is now no longer working19:25
TJ-dviola: I prefer lowlatency for desktops, generic for servers19:26
dviolaTJ-: ok19:26
s1c0hi guys19:26
gostforesto guys19:27
dwigtonI can't seem to use the framebuffer in 18.04 on a high-dpi screen. There is no error, but the program works on a seperate machine. Do I need to do anything other than add the user to video group?19:27
blackflowTJ-: is there any objective benefit? you're actually gonna waste quite a lot of cpu time for context switches with force pre-emption. low latency is, in my experience, needed only in a few very specific cases.19:27
gostforestmy pc screen just turned black so i doont know if this is typing or not19:27
gostforesti think it stillworks cuz the sound makes the bump noise19:28
blackflowgostforest: you've been asked, many times tonight, to provider journal entries from the previous boot right before the crash. you've been given the command to do so. you ignored. good luck with solving your problem if there even is one.19:28
TJ-blackflow: there is very noticable performance improvements, yes19:28
blackflowTJ-: sure it's not placebo? :)19:29
TJ-blackflow: very19:29
TJ-blackflow: I frequently have intensive long running background processes going; it makes a great difference19:30
blackflowTJ-: fair enough.19:30
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gostforestok im back19:32
TJ-gostforest: show is "pastebinit <( tail -n 2000 /var/log/syslog )"19:32
TJ-gostforest: ^^^ before it crashes again!19:32
gostforesti will19:32
gostforestquick! leave me the pastebin link19:36
gostforesti just got it down19:36
gostforestthis isnt the chrome crash but it is a crash19:36
gostforestthe screen turning black crash19:36
gostforestwant me to get the chrome crash?19:37
TJ-gostforest: just get us the syslog I asked for, it'll contain previous crash data19:37
gostforestok got it19:38
gostforesti still ned the pastebin link19:38
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:38
TJ-gostforest: just run this command it pastes for you!  "pastebinit <( tail -n 2000 /var/log/syslog )"19:39
blackflowoh yah, that it does.19:39
gostforestits not letting me copy and paste19:42
blackflowwhat isn't19:42
gostforestnvm it says its not a command19:43
TJ-gostforest: firstly, hardware problems. Some PCI devices cannot be enabled because they cannot obtain address space (" can't claim BAR...")19:46
blackflowyah that's not enough.    journalctl -b -1 -n 500     will give last 500 lines from previous boot.  you can't filter syslog precisely like this, so better use journalctl19:46
TJ-gostforest: can you show us "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk; lsusb )"19:47
gostforesttaking a bit19:48
gostforestUnable to read from /dev/fd/6319:49
gostforestthats the error i got19:50
gostforestthere was a quotation mark19:50
TJ-gostforest: at the end of the 1st log-file I also see "gnome-shell[1127]: message repeated 71 times: [ g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed]". that is likely related to the display issues.19:52
Greyztaranyone able to help with a lxd related question? (,")19:52
TJ-Greyztar: shoot19:52
GreyztarTJ-: so,i did release upgrade from 16 -> 18 and all supposedly went well,however it would seem one of my containers ahd a snapshot form old i think lxd 2.x something,and when i deleted that it wouldnt boot,also i discovered apparmor was missing after upgrade so i installed it,then none containers booted even after setting raw.lxc profile unconfined (disable apparmor on container) long story short,now all container exept the one with19:56
Greyztarshell due to permission denied19:56
TJ-gostforest: so we are dealing with a 4-core CPU, 4GB RAM, Intel i915 GPU with external HDMI 1920x1080 AO monitor, 355GiB disk drive19:57
Greyztarbut also,i canceled (ctrl c) the deletion of snapshot and reinitiated it maybe that also could be cause19:57
TJ-Greyztar: hmmm; apparmor missing sounds like the crux of the issue; possibly some profiles are still missing19:58
TJ-Greyztar: although I cannot think why that would be removed on release-upgrade, or why it wouldn't have been there on 16.0419:58
GreyztarTJ-: im thinking the same,however shouldnt lxc set config imcontainer raw.lxc donrememeberparam19:59
TJ-gostforest: in case your issue is related to a hardware issue the first thing I'd do is add "pci=realloc" to /etc/default/grub GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="pci=realloc" and "sudo update-grub" and reboot20:00
TJ-Greyztar: indeed. Are these denied messages in the terminal when trying to start the container, or in a log file? is there anything in syslog or auth.log that correlates?20:01
gostforestthat is my pc specs20:01
GreyztarTJ-:thanks,let me check and post bk,im not so savvy so might take lil while (,")20:01
tripelbis there a log file that logs wifi disconnection - 18.0420:01
gostforestbut since im using ubuntu as a backup os, i only have around 80 gigabytes20:01
TJ-tripelb: "journalctl -u NetworkManager.service "20:03
TJ-Greyztar: correlate to the timestamps when you run the command and get the denied messages20:03
GreyztarTJ-: i will20:03
TJ-Greyztar: is your user a member of the "lxd" group? use "groups" to check20:04
TJ-Greyztar: also, are these unprivileged (user) containers, or system comtainers?20:04
GreyztarTJ-: im doing it the unsupported way,root everything20:04
TJ-Greyztar: and still getting 'denied' ?20:04
gostforestTJ-: what was the specs you said?20:04
GreyztarTJ-: these are all unpriv containers,i tried privileged no luck20:05
TJ-gostforest: I was just making clear what your Aspire Z1 specs are so we all could see it shouldn't be suffering :)20:05
TJ-gostforest: so we are dealing with a 4-core CPU, 4GB RAM, Intel i915 GPU with external HDMI 1920x1080 AO monitor, 355GiB disk drive20:05
GreyztarTJ-: ill check if it was denied exactely brb20:05
gostforestuh oh20:05
gostforestthe memory says its 3.720:06
GreyztarTJ-: many thanks for taking the time also20:06
gostforestunless thats supposed to be like that20:06
TJ-gostforest: that's correct; it has 4GiB but some of it is used by the Intel i915 GPU for video20:06
gostforestok, thats  good20:06
TJ-gostforest: as I said, the most obvious thing for now is to clear that hardware unable to assign address space issue20:07
gostforestis there an easy way to fix that20:07
tripelbOK no answers, then a different question. I told the taskbar to be on the bottom and to hide. I have no way of making it unhide and have to go to activities. HOW do I get it to unhide?20:07
TJ-gostforest: so add "pci=realloc" to the file "/etc/default/grub", in the line:  "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="pci=realloc" "  and then "sudo update-grub" and reboot20:07
tripelbtoday, easy questions so far.20:07
gostforesthow do i do that20:08
tripelbOK no answers, then a different question. I told the DOCK to be on the bottom and to hide. I have no way of making it unhide and have to go to activities. HOW do I get it to unhide?20:08
tripelbQuestion 1: is there a log file that logs wifi disconnection - 18.0420:09
TJ-gostforest: you can add that automatically with this command: "sudo sed -i  '/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=/ s/"$/ pci=realloc"/' /etc/default/grub  "20:09
TJ-tripelb: as I said earlier:  "journalctl -u NetworkManager.service "20:10
tripelboh the channel name should have changed color. new hexchat I guess.20:12
tripelbthanks TJ-20:12
TJ-tripelb: clients huh!?20:12
gostforestok im back20:15
gostforestdid all of that20:15
gostforestill be  back in a sec20:15
tripelbOh it took me 2 weeks to get out of windows plus spectrum wifi hell. One day I daid, I could have had a v8 facepalm, use ethernet. (I had decided that 18.04 might have drivers that 16.04 lacked.. that was after a week+ of farting around with the bios. What messed me up was one day when I riffed on the bios settings I got Ubu16 to run for 15 minutes o I thought it was possible. Otherwise I got no where then later the20:16
tripelbTry/Install/TestUSB and then a blackscree (for any of the 3 choices). Burning an 1804 disk was the right solution.20:16
tripelbTJ-,   ^^^20:16
GreyztarTJ-: sorry took me a while to gather ,but heres what i gathered from logs,i masked containername mycontainer https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kPTFtP6BNT/20:17
tripelbSpectrum came today and switched out my equipment20:18
GreyztarTJ-: forgot thats only when i start the container with the deleted snap,ill see if i can include from the other non scuffed containers20:18
TJ-Greyztar: container name is "lxd-centos" ?20:20
GreyztarTJ-: ouch ithought i manages mask it to mycontainer but yesy20:20
gostforestTJ-: anything else u want me to do20:20
Greyztarits just centos tohugh20:20
TJ-Greyztar: lol ... I was just confirming the auditd message was about the problem container. I suspect the "Error: Failed to run: /usr/lib/lxd/lxd forkstart" relates to https://github.com/lxc/lxd/issues/3411  where it indicates the problem may be due to not assigning sub_{ugid}s correctly20:22
GreyztarTJ-: ahhh i just came to remember i didnt shut off lxd service b4 i tried change the s/uids20:23
GreyztarTJ-: i tried change them but didnt work but think i didnt shut off lxd service ill try that,also i might add the other containers boots now,but i just get thrown "bash: /root/.bashrc: Permission denied" and then my username on terminal dissapear and it says bash 4.2 and have to exit20:25
Greyztarwhen i try to get bash shell on container *20:26
TJ-Greyztar: if you read that thread right to the end it indicates additional step required if you're using raw.idmap20:26
GreyztarTJ-: thanks ill read it now20:26
diverdudeAnybody know a good usable alternative to teamviewer?20:27
TJ-Greyztar: it also recommends a way to fix things if the container/s .conf has a different set of sub_{u.g}id maps to the OS, via using "lxc config set dev security.privileged true" then "lxc config unset dev security.privileged"20:27
gostforestso... nothing else i gotta do?20:30
TJ-gostforest: did you reboot with the "pci=realloc" setting?20:32
tripelbautohide unhide fixed with "sudo apt install dconf-tools" - I am not sure which change change things BUT it was not the autohide time because I didnt change that. And it wasnt just the change of number (always off, autohide, always on) from 0 to 1 because that alone didnt work. - Go figure.20:36
diverdudeAnybody knows a good free alternative to teamviewer (one which does not require any advanced setup or port forwarding etc.)20:36
tripelbdconf-tools is started by activities, type it20:36
cim209diverdude, there's chrome remote desktop20:37
tripelbTJ-,  ^^^20:37
tripelboops I lied. UNhide does not work from here.20:37
tripelbwait maybe it does. I have to go below the bottom.20:38
tripelboK the gesture to unhide is to go to the bottom, pause, then go below the bottom. The cursor pauses as the bottom so it cannot be done in one move.  YW.20:39
TJ-tripelb: is that gnome shell ?20:40
tripelbyep, it is 18.04 virgin. I wish for a shell with a applications tree. Any suggestions? TJ-20:41
gostforestTJ-: yes i did20:41
TJ-tripelb: I use xubuntu, which uses XFCE20:41
tripelbvirgin plus things I added hexchat vlc dconf more20:41
TJ-gostforest: can you check it has adopted the "pci=realloc" option by doing "cat /proc/cmdline" - ensure you see the option there20:42
tripelbI can fetch xfce for mine. is that the tiling one?20:42
TJ-tripelb: no, it's just a low-resource 'traditional' desktop environment20:42
netcrashHello, in my ubuntu I do apt install krb5-user and it says the package isn't found , already tried apt update, but still doesn't find the package. Any sugestions?20:42
TJ-tripelb: you can install it alongside gnome with "sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop" then it'll be a session option on the greeter screen (via the cog icon)20:42
gostforesti did it 3 times20:43
Bashing-om!info krb5-user20:43
ubottukrb5-user (source: krb5): basic programs to authenticate using MIT Kerberos. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.16-2build1 (bionic), package size 104 kB, installed size 385 kB20:43
gostforestbut there is 3 pci realloc20:44
TJ-netcrash:  ^^^^ as Bashing-om shows, it is in "universe" component you need to enable that20:44
Bashing-omnetcrash: ^ . universe repo enabled ?20:44
tripelbTJ-, it be installing20:44
TJ-gostforest: ooops! do you want to remove 2 of them? :)20:44
gostforestyes, how20:44
gostforestits my fault20:45
TJ-gostforest: show me what this reports "grep GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX= /etc/default/grub "20:45
gostforest3 of it20:46
TJ-gostforest: can you copy/paste the line you see please?20:46
gostforestGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=" pci=realloc pci=realloc pci=realloc"20:46
TJ-gostforest: to remove 2 do " sudo sed -i '/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=/ s/=.*/="pci=realloc"/' /etc/default/grub "20:48
TJ-gostforest: after that check the line again with...20:48
TJ-gostforest: ... "grep GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX= /etc/default/grub "20:49
TJ-gostforest: if there is now only one copy, do " sudo update-grub"20:49
netcrashTJ-, Bashing-om going to see20:50
netcrashthank you20:50
Bashing-omnetcrash: :)20:50
netcrashbash94,  TJ- no it wasn't , added universe now it works. Thank you20:52
gostforestonly one, whats the update thing20:54
TJ-gostforest: if there is now only one copy, do " sudo update-grub"20:55
TJ-gostforest: is the PC still crashing in some way?20:55
gostforestok now its different21:00
gostforestwhen openening google21:00
gostforestthe screen turns bllack but everything else works21:01
gostforestlike sound n stuff21:01
gostforestlike the screen turns off21:01
gostforestno light at all21:02
gostforestTJ-: youthere?21:06
GreyztarTJ-: seems related to some cgroups or so,have to give in for today but thx for help :)21:21
gostforestok im just gonna get opera hopefully that will ok21:21
XLBChi all21:24
TJ-gostforest: sorry, I was away from the PC. So it sounds like we fixed something!21:25
gostforestyeah, something21:32
gostforestbut it still isnt working21:32
gostforestok so opera diesnt like to be not frozen21:35
TJ-gostforest: is it one particular web-site that is causing the problem, or just using any web browser more generally?21:37
gostforestopera is working fine now21:37
gostforestit just kept freezing up21:37
gostforestwhat file type for adobe flash21:38
gostforestor YUM21:38
TJ-gostforest: what do you mean?21:39
TJ-!info flashplugin-installer | gostforest21:40
ubottugostforest: flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 6 kB, installed size 58 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)21:40
gostforestim getting flash for opera so i wanna know which type is easiest21:40
gostforestdoesnt help me21:41
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TJ-gostforest: the way to install it is via the archive as per the info above. Enable the multiverse component in Software Properties first, then you can install the package21:43
gostforestwhere is the software properties21:46
tomreyngostforest: you can run this on the terminal: software-properties-gtk21:52
gostforestnvm i got to it21:52
gostforesti anyway, i did that21:53
gostforestwhat do i do next21:53
gostforestlooked it up and got it21:55
TJ-gostforest: "sudo apt update && sudo apt install flashplugin-installer"21:55
gostforestok browser has just crashed22:01
gostforestfull on crashed22:01
gostforestnot black screen22:01
gostforestmy pc is an acer z122:04
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TJ-gostforest: there may be a report with more info in /var/log/syslog, or possibly in $HOME/.xsession-errors22:22
netcrashDoes anyone know how to create GPO for samba without using RSAT?22:32
nexus6After an update my desktop looks like this: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Q1f53Do87KzCSHyD7 What do you think I can do?22:52
nexus6It looks like we have zoomed on the top corner. any ideas??22:53
gostforesthey tj. which syslog file23:04
gostforesttheres syslog and syslog 123:04
birdman007i just intstalled ubuntu on my laptop and the windows partition is not showing up in the file explorer, im doing a dual boot23:04
birdman007how do i make it show up23:05
conrHow can I gracefully close a Screen Sharing session with a ssh tunnel in Bionic?23:05
gostforestbirdman007: go to the file manager, and click other locations. tell me what drives are there23:06
nauticalnexusHi, I'm having an issue with a my touchpad. Clean installation and it's not working, but it shows in xinput and less /proc/bus/input/devices23:17
gostforesti think in the settings it has touchpad settings23:19
gostforestso maybe check there for anything23:19
nauticalnexusOkay but there's nothing working. The touchpad lights up but no input is read.23:19
gostforesttheres input config but idk if thats whats thats for23:23
tripelbfyi google voice calling now has voice on chrome, after roboot.23:33
netcrashIf anyone can give feedback https://superuser.com/questions/1365002/manage-users-in-a-windows-network-with-fos-open-source-solutions23:40
RoscoePColtranenetcrash: you might get more responses inquiring with current windows admins about managing from FOSS, than the ubuntu side23:45
blackhazesomebody knows why I cannot run packet tracert in kubuntu 18.04 lts ?23:49
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2Is it possible to install Ubuntu 18.04 under Virtualbox on Windows10?23:55
blackhazeyes it is possible, but you have to see the architecture from your hardware, its better you try ubuntu X8623:56
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2by Ubuntu x86 you mean Ubuntu 32bit, right?23:57

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