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lubotmarneu was added by: marneu17:14
lubot<marneu> so seeing as trojita is set to be added to Lubuntu 18.10, i decided to try it out again (via wxl's testy-testy, in a VM), but i encountered the same bug i saw when i tried compiling it myself: plain text mails get displayed with one character per line. i have no idea what's the issue, this time the entire setup is as default as can get17:25
lubot (Lubuntu 18.10, Breeze theme etc). Has anyone else seen this issue? FWIW, when I tried Trojita in Manjaro, I did not have this issue. ... https://i.imgur.com/KoSVEqv.png17:25
lubot<marneu> I might actually file a bug report for this, but I'm not really sure where.17:26
lubot<marneu> Didn't see any reference to this issue in Trojita's issue tracker, either.17:27
lubot<tsimonq2> Please repeat that in the Lubuntu Development group.17:32
lubot<marneu> sure!17:32
lubot<tsimonq2> Thanks :)17:32

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