
pavlushkahey zaki 15:22
zakihi pavlushka 15:26
pavlushkazaki: tonight is the night15:29
zakieverything  arrived ? 15:30
pavlushkazaki: it was already in the pack, didn't notice15:31
zakipavlushka, so how are you approaching ? 15:31
pavlushkazaki: installed arduino IDE, it will talk to the unmanaged device initially, then uploading the needed libraries with modifications if necessary will make the arduino start functioning15:33
zakipavlushka, lot to do 15:34
pavlushkazaki: but before that, I need to assemble the parts in order and correctly15:34
zakiis there any soldering iron work? 15:35
pavlushkazaki: so far I guess I assembled it as it has been told in the tutorials, now the configuration part15:36
zakipavlushka, great ! 15:36
pavlushkazaki: yep কিন্তু আমি মোবাইল ঠিক করার দোকান থেকে সেটা করিয়ে নিয়েছি15:37
zakiha ha , pavlushka you should buy one, নিকট ভবিষ্যৎ এ লাগতে পারে 15:38
zakior in case of emergency 15:38
pavlushkazaki: but the challenge is, my setup is a mixed setup, there is no exact tutorial for my exact assembly15:38
pavlushkazaki: yes, I will, already made a list.15:39
zakipavlushka, you modified some ? 15:39
zakisome parts!15:39
pavlushkazaki: combined from two projects, lets see15:39
pavlushkazaki: so fingers crossed.15:40
zakipavlushka, wish you good luck 15:40
pavlushkazaki: that one is necessary, a big thank you :)15:41
zakiand looking forward to see a tute from you. 15:41
pavlushkazaki: sure if it becomes a success :)15:42
zaki:) 15:42
zakipavlushka, I disabled that malfunctioning key using this command 15:43
zaki xmodmap -e 'keycode 49 ='15:43
zakito get that key code used 'xev' command15:43
pavlushkazaki: wow, in time, I might call you for help in that cas15:44
zakipavlushka, how is it going?18:46
zakiI'm going to sleep 18:46
pavlushkaso far, not good18:46
pavlushkazaki: sleep tight18:46
zakiwill listen from ou later. 18:47
pavlushkaethernet is working18:47
zakiGood Night. :) 18:47
pavlushkanot the GY-BME sensor18:47

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