
Epx998keep getting no kernel modules on trying the 18.10 beta server image never seen that before00:26
blackflowEpx998: #ubuntu+1 is more suitable for that00:36
Epx998yeah i keep forgetting00:36
Epx998got passed the kernel error, see how it goes from here00:39
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
lordievaderGood morning06:00
cpaelzerjamespage: coreycb: FYI bug 1789659 has a potential fix for UCA-Pike10:31
ubottubug 1789659 in Ubuntu Cloud Archive " libvirt-daemon error "virHashSearch:727 : Hash operation not allowed during iteration"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178965910:31
jamespagecpaelzer: ack - looking10:37
rbasakcpaelzer: welcome back!11:48
rbasakcpaelzer: bug 216847 came up in triage.11:49
ubottubug 216847 in openssh (Ubuntu) "sshd will not start at boot if ListenAddress is set, because network interface is not yet up" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21684711:49
rbasakcpaelzer: on network-online.target for openssh-server11:49
rbasakcpaelzer: following our previous discussion, is that now a Won't Fix for Ubuntu packaging?11:49
rbasakOr perhaps a topic for ubuntu-devel@ ML?11:50
cpaelzerrbasak: that is a won't fix unless upstream fixes it11:55
cpaelzerrbasak: this was discussed plenty of times, eventually there are two outcomes11:55
cpaelzer1. the default config works always11:55
cpaelzer2. if configured specially it might fail, but to implement that it would need IP_FREEBIND or netlink watching by upstream11:56
cpaelzerto pick up the interface late11:56
cpaelzerso per our discussion on the "general case" this would be Won't Fix as #1 is good and "please report upstream" for #211:56
cpaelzerbut afaik that bug had an upstream report for quite some time11:57
cpaelzeryep it has11:57
ahasenackgood morning12:10
cpaelzerhi ahasenack12:10
ahasenackhi cpaelzer12:14
ahasenackwhy is bind9 logging so hard :/13:01
blackflowahasenack: ?13:02
ahasenackit's not just add -d, or bump a log level parameter13:02
ahasenackone has to create channels13:02
ahasenackand categories13:03
ahasenackrbasak: cpaelzer: what are the next steps for the php7.3 removal, have josh comment on the bug?13:06
blackflowahasenack: because it can quickly swamp all your IO if you're not careful and have a busy server.13:06
blackflowlogging channels are great. you can separate xfr from queries from other events.13:07
ahasenackgot any quick tips to debug this before I dig into pages and pages of documentation?13:08
ahasenack12:48:59.821186 IP > 54829+ [1au] A? fakehost.maas. (54)13:08
ahasenack12:48:59.821319 IP > 54829 Refused$ 0/0/0 (31)13:08
ahasenackquerylog doesn't even show this query13:08
ahasenackI want to know why it was refused13:08
blackflowcan you pastebin the zone?13:09
ahasenackthe zone has just two A records13:09
ahasenackthe bug is that I added a new interface to the host (, virbr1)13:09
ahasenackbut bind9, even while it acks the new nic, and says (logs) it's listening on it13:09
ahasenackdoesn't answer queries on it13:09
ahasenackunless I restart it13:09
ahasenacknetstat confirms it's listening on the new nic13:10
cpaelzerahasenack: lets talk on standup about the removal13:10
cpaelzerI'm busy in a meeting atm - sorry13:10
ahasenackcpaelzer: ok, it's just that you and robie are eod by then13:10
rbasakahasenack: looks like Steve's already done it?13:11
blackflowahasenack: if you got refused, it's not networking issue but security or zone config issue. eg, there's no master zone defined and the server is forbidden from recursing (to your client IP), you'll get REFUSED.  also try either raising severity to debug, or run bind with -d13:11
ahasenackblackflow: that's what I'm looking for, debugging logs13:12
ahasenackand this query was from localhost13:12
cpaelzerahasenack: today I don't get my EOD like forever :-)13:12
ahasenackrbasak: indeed, looks like I hadn't subscribed to the bug13:13
cpaelzerwell then, done :-)13:13
ahasenackcpaelzer: rbasak thanks :)13:13
ahasenackblackflow: running with -d is the equivalent of calling "rndc trace <level>", or just "rndc trace" to bump the debug level. The command works, but nothing is logged, and I figure it's because there are no "channels" or "categories" defined in named.conf.*13:14
ahasenackso, pages and pages it is13:14
ahasenackhttps://kb.isc.org/docs/aa-01526 "sample config", wow13:15
blackflowahasenack: well yes you have to enable a channel for queries and uh... tbh, not sure which other chan, to see reasons for REFUSE. But I'm pretty sure if you get REFUSE, it's a security issue. by default named is not allowing recursive at all,13:15
ahasenacksince a restart of named fixes it, it does look like a bug in the code that observes new interfaces and attaches to them13:16
blackflowneedn't be a bug. named has ACLs so a different iface/ip address could've been unallowed13:17
blackflowbtw is not considered part of "localnets" ACL13:18
ahasenackas I said, a restart fixes it13:22
cpaelzerrbasak: ahasenack: we have no final freeze yet right, do you think one of you could quickly check https://code.launchpad.net/~paelzer/ubuntu/+source/virt-manager/+git/virt-manager/+merge/356334 ?15:12
cpaelzerlike in the next 1-2 hours in between meetings as time permits?15:12
ahasenacklet me see how big it is15:13
ahasenacksince we have standup now and lunch later15:13
cpaelzerthis usually (tm) builds and migrates without issues15:13
cpaelzersure, only as time permits ahasenack15:13
cpaelzerplease don't squeeze your lunchtime for it15:13
rbasakI'll do it unless ahasenack has already started15:13
rbasakLooks simple.15:13
ahasenackrbasak: go ahead please15:14
=== coconut is now known as coconut_
DenBeiren_Hi all,.. i have two lines in fstab to mount shares from one share on a synology, the other on ubuntu server,.. one works the synology,  the other doesn't,..the ubuntu one15:26
DenBeiren_i am missing something, but can't put my finger on it15:26
DenBeiren_this is the format15:28
DenBeiren_cifs utils is installed15:28
cpaelzerDenBeiren_: I used also ,vers=3.0 in the options for these actually15:34
cpaelzernot sure if that helps you15:34
cpaelzermy case was mount on Ubuntu a share exported by the NAS15:35
DenBeiren_mine is mount ubuntu on a different ubuntu15:36
DenBeiren_mount nas on ubuntu works :s15:36
ahasenackDenBeiren_: can you mount it manually from the command line? Is it just via fstab that it doesn't work?15:37
cpaelzerI formerly did ubuntu<->ubuntu and it worked, I'd also investigate on the server side config how the share is exported15:37
cpaelzerahasenack: is the the right guy to ask15:37
DenBeiren_it seems i can't mount it manually neither15:39
ahasenackDenBeiren_: check if the share is exported15:42
ahasenackDenBeiren_: smbclient -L <host>15:43
ahasenackand repeat with -U user%pass if needed15:43
ahasenackand run testparm on the server, it will highlight some syntax errors in smb.conf if they exist15:43
DenBeiren_grmbl, need to drive the kids to basketball,.. i'll get back on this!15:44
DenBeiren_bbl to read and maybe get ideas :-)15:44
ahasenackI also have to leave, lunch15:46
plmHi all =D16:00
plm$ sudo lxc launch ubuntu:16.04/armhf arm116:14
plmCreating arm116:14
plmerror: Failed container creation:16:14
plm - https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases: Requested architecture isn't supported by this host16:14
plmI following this url as TJ- told me  - https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases: Requested architecture isn't supported by this host16:14
plmWhat is wrong?16:14
avuplm: Are you running this on a armhf machine?16:15
tewardplm: what's the main machine's architecture?16:16
plmavu: not, in a intel machine (xx86)16:16
tewardif you intend to run this multiarch you can't do that with LXD containers16:16
tewardplm: I asked this similar question to the LXC/LXD team about crossarch16:17
plmteward: x86 (64bit)16:17
tewardand their ultimate response was "Not doable in LXD"16:17
avuplm: lxc is not a VM, it's just containers, you can't run another architecture16:17
tewardplm: if you want to run ARMHF containers, you need to run LXD on an armhf machine16:17
plmteward: but here say that works https://askubuntu.com/questions/816886/how-do-run-an-arm-lxd-container-on-my-intel-host#81688716:18
tewardplm: if you intend to do virtual architectures you need to go a full VM route with qemu-kvm-static or such which can 'emulate' other architectures (but with a performance hit)16:18
tewardplm: that's an incorrect post16:18
plmavu: i will use qmu static to emulate, see?16:18
tewardplm: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1060089/lxd-running-an-image-with-a-foreign-architecture/1060114#1060114 trumps that16:18
plmteward: I actually has the ubuntu 16.4 ARM running on emu on my x86 host16:19
tewardI'm going to operate on the assumption you don't care waht stgraber, one of the ***PRIMARY DEVELOPERS OF LXD*** has to say on the matter16:19
tewardthey're the one that replied to my thread I linked to on the Linux Containers dicussion site16:19
tewardstgraber: ping, please assist ^16:20
tewardstgraber: because IIRC< oyu indicated cross-arch can't be done in LXD16:20
tewardand I think plm is being stubborn and not listening :p16:20
plmteward: all right16:20
avuplm: read what that post teward linked says about wemu-user-static16:20
tewardplm: what you were linking to was someone using ***LXC*** which had this support16:20
tewardLXC support is no longer valid16:20
avuplm: it's still not a VM16:20
tewardand LXC support is ***NOT*** for LXD16:20
tewardLXD does not have qemu-static support16:21
plmavu: I read that16:21
tewardand it's not an actual VM16:21
tewardqemu-kvm-static *emulates* the architecture but that has limitations16:21
tewardif you want armhf containers, you need armhf architecture16:21
tewardfor the machine itself16:21
tewardfor proper support16:21
plmteward: actually I already using qemu-arm-static, without run qemu vm, just starting the chroot16:21
tewardqemu-arm-static isn't a VM16:21
tewardit's emulation16:22
tewardbut point still stands16:22
teward(it's not a VM)16:22
plmteward: but with chroot I can to run the services, like as mysql etc, becouse I have the same IP like as the host16:22
tewardbut that's a chroot16:22
tewardthat's *not a VM or a container*16:22
plmbecouse this TJ- suggest me that thread (url)16:22
tewardthen TJ- is wrong16:22
tewardbecause that's LXC, not LXD.16:22
tewardand LXC is more or less "obsolete" in favor of LXD16:23
plmteward: is possible I run a service in my chroot where has same ip of host?16:23
tewardplm: *maybe*?  Can't guarantee it'd work properly16:23
plmI see about LXD and LXC16:23
tewardnor can I suggest that being a proper approach16:23
tewardbut that begs a question:16:23
tewardwhat are you running that ***needs*** armhf?16:23
plmteward: yes, armhf ubuntu 16.416:24
teward90% of all executables in existence work without armhf, even some armhf-compiled ones when compiled for standard Intel infrastructure16:24
tewardplm: no, you're missing the point of my question16:24
teward***WHY*** do you need armhf Ubuntu 16.04?16:24
tewardif you have x86/x86_64 infra16:24
plmteward: becouse my device target is the armv716:24
tewardI don't support using chroots to run services that're web facing16:25
tewardbut you can *try*16:25
plmteward: how?16:25
plmteward: iconfig on chroot I have the host ip16:25
tewardand with that i'm going to walk away because I'm not going to explain how to run programs in chroots to you16:25
teward(and because I have to fix something at work)16:25
plmteward: I know hoe run rpograms on chroot, just run, problem is how run a service listening in a port16:26
plmteward: all right. anyway, thanks for the clarify =D16:26
tewardplm: I said you can *try* but I didn't say it'd work16:26
blackflowplm: can you repeat the problem?16:26
tewardblackflow: their core problem was they wanted to containerize armhf on their x86 infra, which can't be done :p16:27
blackflowsomeone told me the other day it can (qemu based LXD)16:27
plmblackflow: I'm running 16.4 armhf on qemu on my x86_64bit ubuntu16:27
tewardblackflow: it can't16:27
blackflowwhich was very much news to me16:27
plmblackflow: I'm running as qemu static, so I mount rootfs as chroot16:27
tewardblackflow: from stgraber themselves on the linuxcontainer site: https://discuss.linuxcontainers.org/t/lxd-containers-on-other-architectures/233116:28
tewardand stgraber is LXC/LXD ***god***16:28
tewardblackflow:  you could in LXC but it apparently was really slow16:28
tewardLXC and LXD are different :p16:28
plmblackflow: and as chroot I do everything in my ubuntu16.4 arm, but I need to run services, like as mysql, http, etc, how to do that, becouse chroot has the same ip as the host, see?16:28
blackflowit must be slow, qemu is doing all the ISA translations16:28
blackflowso see, when I read things like "qemu chroot" my mind blows. how does thta work. either you virtualize the ISA or... chroot is just a filesystem namespace.16:29
blackflowplm: I do have to ask, why. why arm container on x86 cpu. what's the advantage? preparing the container before you push it out to real arm hardware?16:29
tewardblackflow: they're testing something for am armv7 target16:30
tewardwhich I don't agree with16:31
teward(I'd test on the hardware direct)16:31
blackflowso why not a qemu VM in full. it's gonna be equally slow.16:31
blackflowanyway.... chroots are just filesystem namespaces. if you want network namespace you need to set it up. that's why a bridge and a full blown qemu based VM would work best.16:32
blackflowwithout it, yes you're sharing the same network stack as the host.16:32
plmblackflow: < plm> teward: becouse my device target is the armv716:44
plmblackflow: all right, chroot works very fine, but I have no services16:44
plmblackflow: I think that chroot (qemu-arm-static) works faster thank a full qemu vm16:45
blackflowchroot only turns a directory into / . nothing else. if you need services inside it, you need to start them manually.16:45
tewardplm: the speed will be equally slow as chroot or the full qemu VM16:46
tewardand as blackflow said you'd have to start services manually16:46
plmteward: hmmm, so was just a perception =D16:46
plmblackflow: teward start services manually, how?16:46
plmblackflow: I start services manually on my chroot, but it run in the same port of host16:46
blackflowplm: you could copy your in-chroot systemd .service units to the host side and execute with RootDirectory set to the chroot16:47
plm*same IP16:47
blackflowplm: right because a chroot is just directory namespace, nothing else.16:47
blackflowif you want NETWORK namespace, you have to set it up.16:47
plmblackflow: hmm16:47
plmblackflow: "plm: you could copy your in-chroot systemd .service units to the host side and execute with RootDirectory set to the chroot" I not understand very well how to do that16:48
blackflowyou use cp to copy, and then you modify it to add RootDirectory. but still, that will run within the same network namespace.16:48
plmblackflow: now problem, if I can access for example a port 8080 on my guest, is fine for me, for example16:49
blackflowyou copy from /path/to/chroot/lib/systemd/system/foo.service   to /etc/systemd/system/       for example.16:49
blackflowplm: there is no guest. chroot is a directory namespace.16:50
plmblackflow: sorry, yes, just my chroot16:50
plm"you copy from /path/to/chroot/lib/systemd/system/foo.service   to /etc/systemd/system/       for example." will to try16:50
plm^ that I was unkknow how to do =D16:50
blackflowplm: I'd really recommend you to set up a normal qemu based VM. libvirt will set up everything for you, including networking16:51
plmblackflow: ubuntu boot broken after I upgraded from 14.4 to 16.416:52
plmblackflow: becouse this I'm using chroot16:52
ahasenackcpaelzer: rbasak: if any of you are still around and have a moment: https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/squid/+git/squid/+merge/35635117:18
ahasenackat least to glance. ppa is still building, same for dep8 runs17:18
rbasakahasenack: done17:38
ahasenackrbasak: cpaelzer: thanks!17:40
ahasenackrbasak: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/strongswan/+bug/1795813 looks like it affects cosmic as well (via code inspection: the patch isn't there), and the package is in main18:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1795813 in strongswan (Ubuntu) "backport fix for SIGSEGV when using mysql plugin" [Undecided,New]18:45
DenBeiren_ahasenack: does this output help? https://pastebin.com/G4xPFFft19:02
ahasenackDenBeiren_: yeah, what is the share you are trying to mount again?19:02
DenBeiren_/home/downloads on (skinner)19:03
ahasenackso what do you get when you try? mount // /mnt -o username=<theuseryouhave>19:06
ahasenack(or some other target directory, doesn't have to be /mnt)19:06
DenBeiren_found it!19:09
DenBeiren_you can't use /home/downloads19:09
DenBeiren_need to mount /downloads19:09
DenBeiren_probably since you log in as a user, the /home is obsolete19:09
TJ-DenBeiren_: no; it s because the share name defined on the 'server' is just "downloads" - it isn't the absolute path on the host itself.19:12
rbasakahasenack: good point, thanks19:35
rbasakahasenack: oh, I think I remember my thinking19:35
rbasakahasenack: I wanted a test case first19:35
rbasak(in the hope the reporter can help with that19:36
ahasenackyeah, the test case might be tricky19:52
ahasenackrbasak: as they say it only happens under load19:52
ahasenackthat, coupled with the fact there is no new release yet with the fix, made me skip it for cosmic inclusion19:53
rbasakahasenack: perhaps I was hasty to tag it server-next - pending best effort reproduction steps from the reporter.20:04
ahasenackrbasak: we might never get such steps, at best a "it crashed before, now it works" from a site where the bug happens20:05
rbasakahasenack: steps to configure it so that it may crash would still be useful I think - that would demonstrate what the configuration is at least so that others not familiar with the package could at least attempt to reproduce.20:06
rbasakEven if others can't actually reproduce it because of whatever race.20:07
ahasenackrbasak: strongswan (ipsec) with mysql, how hard could that be ;)20:43
tewardahasenack: ever hear of "death by a thousand cuts"?20:53
ahasenackthis would be like a "quake axe murdered" scenario :)20:55
ahasenackcuts indeed20:55
plmTJ-: that url https://askubuntu.com/questions/816886/how-do-run-an-arm-lxd-container-on-my-intel-host#816887 not works22:41
TJ-plm: what's wrong with it?22:41
plmTJ-: I tried and put results here and people tellme that that thread is not correct22:41
plmTJ-: do yoy have log of this channel?22:42
plmTJ-: http://dpaste.com/12NTBR922:45
plmTJ-: Did you see?22:54
plmTJ-: I would like just to fix what is the problem eith my rootfs to boot in normal qemu, could you help me?22:55
plmTJ-: to me is very fine if I can just start 16.4 booting in full VM qemu.23:01
plmTJ-: around? =D23:12
TJ-plm: sorry... Stefan's reply to tew's question on the LXD issue tracker shows it is still possible with the newer LXD. I'm testing that method here23:27
plmTJ-: all right =D23:27
plmTJ-: I will wait for you :)23:37

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