
Unit193bluesabre: FYI, you're Debian package 'mugshot' was removed from testing a little while ago.00:42
bluesabreUnit193: :o00:42
bluesabrethat's right, my update never got sponsored00:42
bluesabreWill nag some folks00:43
Unit193Doesn't include the new upstream, does it?00:43
Unit193Looks like vcs has 040, 041 is newest release.00:48
bluesabreMore work to do then :P00:48
Unit193Sorry.  If you lend me your ssh key, I'll do it in your name. :P00:50
Unit193(Checking up on Jackson's packages, seeing what I can maybe update in Debian.)00:52
ubottuDebian bug 909419 in ftp.debian.org "RM: xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin -- ROM; unmaintained upstream" [Normal,Open]07:08
flocculantI just looked at that - seems that I've got it in French :p07:13
knomebluesabre, Unit193: was there something finicky about the logos in the plymouth theme (we have those "16bit" versions?)08:07
Unit193If there was, can't remember.08:07
knomeno alpha for 16bit?08:11
knomeyeah, looks like that's it08:16
knomethe regular images have a slight blurry bg08:16
knomeor shadow, one might say, but it's light08:16
knometechnically they seem to be identical.08:22
knomebluesabre, do we have a sensible way to test plymouth stuff?08:33
knomemaybe we should leave this bit for dd08:34
knomefreezes and all that jazz too08:34
knomebluesabre, please double-check, but here's the branch prepared with the new wall: https://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-artwork/commit/?id=2f58116b6979b600145855b0543cae076258b17b08:40
knomebluesabre, and sorry for being so late...08:40
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: New wallpaper for 18.10 @ http://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-artwork/commit/?id=2f58116b6979b600145855b0543cae076258b17b (by Pasi Lallinaho)08:41
knomeUnit193, you can check and upload if you fancy too!08:42
knomebut now i must run08:45
knomecatch you later08:45
bluesabreknome: uploaded!09:31
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: Release 18.10.3 @ http://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-artwork/commit/?id=e553bd6e651f949a1b983f8721a3ac27ac63ddef (by Sean Davis)09:33
knomebluesabre, ta ta!10:51
knomebluesabre, https://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-artwork/commit/?id=92c192e112056a872f8edbe63c56cfb5204227f610:56
flocculant!team | akxwi-dave is taking over from now as of now to lead the QA team - and good luck there ;)12:28
ubottuakxwi-dave is taking over from now as of now to lead the QA team - and good luck there ;): akxwi-dave, bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit19312:28
akxwi-daveCheers flocculant .. and thanks for everything you have done for the QA team.. You have been a trooper.12:29
flocculantso first suggestion :D12:30
akxwi-daveget the beers in12:30
flocculantRelease Canidate is this week - Final Release next week :D12:30
akxwi-daveTime to get an email out on the mailing list to remind peeps then I think12:33
Unit193So I should consider rebuilding core.12:35
flocculantbest ask akxwi-dave \o/12:39
akxwi-daveflocculant:  s*%^% off   :-)12:40
flocculantha ha 12:41
Unit193Arguably, I shouldn't ask anyone, but there was no question mark technically. :312:42
flocculantakxwi-dave: un-adminned myself on -qa12:42
flocculantneed to also mail the 2 pending people probably :)12:43
flocculantUnit193: well yea :D12:43
knomeakxwi-dave, congrats16:31
knomeflocculant, ...and thanks for all the work!16:31

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