[18:15] hei pavlushka [18:15] how are you doing? [18:17] zaki: terrible [18:18] pavlushka, what's happened ! [18:21] zaki: the sensor is working and the ethernet shield as well but through USB serial connection, no idea which one is I2C and which combination is SPI [18:22] oh [18:22] zaki: need to write a webserver sketch for mega to feed in the sensor data using ethernet [18:22] আমি ওখানে থাকলে ফান হইত। [18:23] zaki: কি সমস্যা? share করে প্রজেক্টে কাজ করা যাবে এখনো [18:24] pavlushka, mega? [18:25] zaki: you can work with the downloaded schematics of the devices [18:31] pavlushka, how! [18:35] zaki: https://imgur.com/slNV2nR, all data is available here, https://store.arduino.cc/usa/arduino-mega-2560-rev3 [18:35] zaki: and https://store.arduino.cc/usa/arduino-ethernet-shield-without-poe-module [18:35] [ No confusion, its a schematics! - Imgur ] - https://imgur.com [18:35] [ Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3 ] - https://store.arduino.cc [18:35] [ Arduino Ethernet Shield WITHOUT PoE Module ] - https://store.arduino.cc [18:36] zaki: and https://www.ebay.com/itm/GY-BME280-3-3-BME280-3-3V-Atmospheric-Pressure-Sensor-Module-for-Arduino-SPI-IIC/201709070605 [18:36] [ GY-BME280-3.3 BME280 3.3V Atmospheric Pressure Sensor Module for Arduino SPI IIC | eBay ] - https://www.ebay.com [18:36] za I am working with these three things together [18:37] zaki: and the efforts detailed here, https://arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/56745/how-to-create-a-weather-station-with-only-gy-bme280-3-3-chip-and-w5100-ethernet [18:37] [ sensors - How to create a weather station with only GY-BME280-3.3 chip and w5100 Ethernet shield mounted over arduino mega 2560 r3 - Arduino Stack Exchange ] - https://arduino.stackexchange.com [18:38] zaki: hehe, already got a down vote, lol [18:40] zaki: check out the documentation section of every arduino parts page, you'll get the datasheets, schematics, all the details, arduino sketch to use the sensors and shields [19:13] pavlushka, what's your plan now? [19:14] zaki: will wait for myself to fix it :p [19:28] pavlushka, I'm gonna sleep for now. [19:28] Good Night . [19:29] zaki: night