[00:35] @RazPi, I did not get the alert. What is your ETA [00:36] Passing exit 19 [00:36] Driving or Tri Rail? [00:40] Driving [00:40] Ok. Park behind me [03:26] @ahoneybun new KDE! [04:06] There is 5.14 I think. [13:27] https://flatkill.org/ [13:38] I'm setting up a redhat server this or next week. Is flatpack the standard? [13:39] It is a standard, not the standard [13:39] Ok. They use yum right? [13:39] Rpm? [13:40] RPMs, Yum is one of the package managers [13:40] Ok. Cool. [15:18] https://weather.com/storms/hurricane/news/2018-10-10-hurricane-michael-cat4-historic-landfall-gulf-coast-florida [15:19] And lucky me... I will be traveling with the storm tomorrow [15:21] Well at least it'll clear a path for you [16:33] https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-open-sources-its-entire-patent-portfolio/ [19:45] @KMyers, Dnf not the mainstream yet?