
dead_morozHello. I'm on Xubuntu 18.04 with compton and I'm experiencing freezes in some programs. One is VLC. While watching a video, it randomly freezes. Sound keeps playing and if I move the window with my mouse, it unfreezes. Same with Skype and with SuperTuxCart (because why not?).00:37
foodtoothHi, I installed xubuntu-desktop on my ubuntu 16.04 server, and remote access to it from my windows host using vnc viewer. The viewer will freeze suddenly, and the screen just don't move. But I found that the keyboard and mouse actually did work after I reconnected using the viewer08:21
foodtoothHow can I fix it..08:22
foodtoothHi, is this the right place to ask?08:23
foodtoothany thoughts on the issue? I tried other desktop like kde and gnome, either the vnc connection don't work very well or the the x11 support is not enough08:27
knomeunfortunately not08:28
Unit193I've only used x11vnc as the vnc server.08:28
knomeme too08:29
knomeand not very often and not very recently08:29
knome"it works" though08:29
foodtoothok, I'll try the x11vnc thing. I use tigervnc currently08:37
foodtoothjust so depressed doing these setting-up things08:38
knomeit's not the funniest thing to do08:39

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