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IrcsomeBotUthayakumar C was added by: Uthayakumar C05:36
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> Kubuntu 11.04 support available05:36
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on October 28, 2012. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.05:37
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> How to upgrade this os05:38
Unit193There's instructions on how to upgrade from an end of life release here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:39
Unit193At the point you're at, I'd rather recommend you re-install.05:39
Unit193The release you have is non-LTS, and was released in 2011.  It is now 2018, so there's a few jumps to make and I'm not convinced it'd be a smooth ride at all. (You must go from that, to 12.04, to 14.04, to 16.04, then finally to 18.04)05:40
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> Thanking you.05:41
hateballYeah 14.04 to 16.04 is not even a supported upgrade05:42
hateballSo take backups and reinstall is probably best05:42
* hateball continues investigating why krunner thinks it is super cool to crash, and kwallet to prompt for migration on each login05:43
Unit193hateball: Pretty sure it is, that's LTS to LTS.05:43
IrcsomeBot<Uthayakumar C> I am new to linux how to take backup05:44
DaskreechDid you install /home on it's own partition ?05:54
hateballUnit193: It is plasma 4->5 that isnt supported iirc06:09
hateballhehe if you are using 11.04 that would suggest you are not so new, it is 7 years old :D06:09
Unit193Ah, I see.06:10
BluesKajHey folks11:31
acheronukpsidhu: p-b-i test build can be found in https://launchpad.net/~rikmills/+archive/ubuntu/bionic12:21
ZeZuNew updates broke both nvidia/nouveau drivers ?13:47
om26erwill Kubuntu 18.10 ship KDE 5.14 at one stage ?14:50
acheronukom26er: it will be in backports PPA for 18.1014:51
om26eracheronuk: ok, How "safe" is https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports-landing to try ?14:51
acheronukom26er: several of our regular members/testers have been using it as said things are working well. caveat there is that any .0 or early plasma release will have some bugs, naturally14:53
om26eracheronuk: ok, I can wait for a week then14:54
acheronuka 5.14.1 bugfix release us due on Tuesday, so we will update it to that14:54
om26ersounds good, thanks14:54
psidhuacheronuk: Thanks for that build. I've tested a download and playing music off of youtube and things seem to be funcitonal.15:18
psidhuThey also show up in KDE Connect just fine.15:19
acheronukpsidhu: good to know. thanks for testing. now I'll have to have a think about where and how to supply builds for more general testing15:23
psidhuacheronuk: definitely. I'll be on the lookout for it.15:32
kinghatacheronuk: is this not the correct backports ppa? http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu/17:01
kinghatsorry, for plasma 5.14?17:02
acheronukkinghat: at the moment it is in the 'backports-landing' (testing) PPA17:03
kinghatdoes it get moved to the one i posted after testing?17:04
acheronukthat's the idea17:04
acheronukthough it will probably get updated to 5.14.1 before that happens17:05
kinghatok ty17:05
acheronukas that is released on Tuesday by KDE17:05
kinghatya i read your chat above, i guess i just didnt know there was a backport stage before the one i posted17:07
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