xnox | treehug88, you say rolling, but compiling on trusty?! | 00:01 |
xnox | using acient ruby? | 00:01 |
xnox | and then launch docker on trusty, to building something in bionic | 00:01 |
xnox | treehug88, why not ask travis to provide bionic in dist: straight away, instead of trusty? | 00:02 |
sarnold | is that possible? | 00:02 |
sarnold | I see much grumbling about trusty on travis .. | 00:02 |
xnox | ah based on https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/7260 | 00:04 |
treehug88 | xnox I've been adding features to and maintaining the bash scripts of git-secret itself. The test/build system isn't something I've worked on much. We'd definitely welcome PRs | 00:04 |
xnox | they did make `dist: xenial` work and then took it away | 00:04 |
xnox | treehug88, this is extremely painful to read, as the logs are not at all structured it seems | 00:07 |
xnox | but i think gnupg documentation fails to build on bionic atm | 00:07 |
xnox | Makefile:1185: recipe for target 'gnupg-module-overview.pdf' failed | 00:07 |
treehug88 | xnox nice catch. Can we tell what's missing? | 00:10 |
xnox | treehug88, i got cross-eyed | 00:10 |
xnox | treehug88, if you can generate buildlogs with newlines that would be helpful | 00:10 |
xnox | or like try configuring/building gnupg without docs | 00:10 |
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treehug88 | good idea, thanks xnox | 00:20 |
patz0r | hey all, is there a way to install ubuntu server (18.04) without the cloud init stuff, or is there a better way to install if it I just want a very minimal installation without any extra stuff? | 04:41 |
patz0r | maybe i'm not understanding it correctly but it doesn't seem useful to me, like resetting hostname every reboot etc. | 04:42 |
cpaelzer | good morning | 04:51 |
cpaelzer | patz0r: if you do not provide a config to cloud-init it does almost nothing on first boot, and nothing at all later on | 04:51 |
cpaelzer | also it isn't big in terms of disk space, so there usually is really no need to go an extra mile to install without it | 04:52 |
patz0r | cpaelzer, thanks for that, i just found that when i change my server hostname, it changes back every reboot thanks to cloud-init scripts | 04:52 |
patz0r | I would rather not have these kind of scripts making changes, if you know what I mean | 04:53 |
cpaelzer | patz0r: I understand, but the question is who is providing the config so that it does so - do you run this in a cloud which provides metatdata? | 04:54 |
cpaelzer | I think we can still disable it by telling it in a local config file to ignore everything else, I need to check where exactly | 04:56 |
cpaelzer | but first lets make clear we understand where your config is from - so what service are you running on if I might ask? | 04:56 |
patz0r | i think it can be disabled with sudo touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled | 04:58 |
cpaelzer | patz0r: yes https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/boot.html | 04:59 |
patz0r | I guess I am finding a lot of changes in 18.04 which I'm not used to, I prefer a more traditional installation | 05:00 |
patz0r | i'm using other tools like ansible to manage my configs | 05:01 |
patz0r | so when i change something with ansible, and then cloud-init changes it back, that's annoying | 05:01 |
patz0r | maybe i just need to change how I am doing things | 05:02 |
cpaelzer | patz0r: if you are in a cloud that provides metadata cloud-init will do what it is told (e.g. set the hostname), cloud-init and ansible are not doing exactly the same things so I think they are fidn to live alongside for different purposes. yet obviously if there are conflicting configs both have to be modified to not fight about the setting | 05:06 |
patz0r | cpaelzer, thanks for that. I am not using ubuntu in any kind of cloud, and I don't have metadata servers or anything like that, which is why I don't want cloud-init | 05:31 |
patz0r | ubuntu has specific openstack images/installers, it makes sense it it's included in those, but not the default bare metal server installer | 05:31 |
cpaelzer | patz0r: the new installer uses the same mechanisms locally as in clouds so they can benefit of the same bugfixes and feature development, but it is mostly curtin they share https://curtin.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/overview.html and much less cloud-init features | 05:34 |
cpaelzer | personally I also like that I'm able to throw such images at bare metal as well and using cloud-init/curtin (through https://maas.io/ most of the time) will make it a usable "instance" without ahving to touch the installer ever | 05:36 |
cpaelzer | with LOC being known as lines of code, I doubt I can use LOL as "lines of log" :-/ | 05:38 |
patz0r | thanks cpaelzer - i'm just a noob trying to manage my small fleet of servers and begin automating, i will just have to keep working through it and peel back the layers which are causing my problems as I discover them | 05:39 |
patz0r | i found a simple fix to disable cloud init from changing my hostnames on boot, but it made me wonder if I needed it at all or if it would be simpler not to have it | 05:39 |
cpaelzer | patz0r: I thought about the hostname resetting, and I agree that if you installed through the new installer it should be a one shot setting and no reoccuring one | 05:39 |
cpaelzer | patz0r: would you mind filing a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init or https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity | 05:40 |
cpaelzer | ping me when you have opened it, I'll make sure it has both bug tasks so the devs of it can consider making it a one shot action (or not, but with reasons) | 05:40 |
patz0r | Yea it seems the new installer created a config that is being applied at boot, rather than a static config I can modify | 05:41 |
patz0r | I had to go into /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg and change preserve_hostname: from false to true | 05:41 |
patz0r | I will open a bug there shortly if you think it is indded a bug | 05:41 |
patz0r | thank you for your help and advice | 05:42 |
cpaelzer | it is a community thing patz0r, so many people benefit from either having it being faster (than old install) or using its new features - it is only normal that there are rough edges that should be discussed | 05:44 |
patz0r | I can definitely see the advantages, but for me personally I think it would be nice to have a 'normal' installer and a 'cloud' installer for cloud images | 05:46 |
patz0r | I think I found my problem, maybe i should just be using the debian installer rather than the subiquity installer | 05:53 |
patz0r | https://blog.printk.io/2018/04/ubuntu-18-04-lts-bionic-beaver-server-installer-differences/ | 05:53 |
cpaelzer | patz0r: if you "just want the old style" yes | 05:53 |
patz0r | I actually normally prefer to use the minimal ISO installer, so I think that will solve my problem for now :) | 05:54 |
patz0r | i'm in the process of upgrading a lot of older machines from 14.04 and 16.04 to 18.04 and trying to maintain consistency, but it's hard with things like netplan and systemd changing | 05:55 |
patz0r | so I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible | 05:55 |
patz0r | well, I consider myself a linux noob and so I am finding it to be challenging :) | 05:56 |
cpaelzer | you are clearly not a noob, and challenges let us grow :-) I hope the further upgrading goes well | 05:56 |
patz0r | thanks cpaelzer nice chatting to you :) | 05:59 |
cpaelzer | yw | 05:59 |
zzarr | hello! I am trying to run a lxc, but I get "lxc-start: command not found" | 10:30 |
TJ- | zzarr: is package lxc-utils installed? | 10:32 |
zzarr | I'll have a look | 10:33 |
zzarr | no, and I can't find it with apt search lxc-utils ether | 10:33 |
zzarr | it's a brand new installation of Ubuntu server 18.04 | 10:34 |
TJ- | !info lxc-utils bionic | 10:34 |
ubottu | lxc-utils (source: lxc): Linux Containers userspace tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.1-0ubuntu1~18.04.2 (bionic), package size 374 kB, installed size 1260 kB | 10:34 |
TJ- | zzarr: You'll need to enable the "universe" component | 10:34 |
zzarr | universe, thanks | 10:35 |
TJ- | zzarr: "sudo add-apt-repository universe" | 10:35 |
zzarr | thanks :) | 10:36 |
zzarr | nice | 10:36 |
zzarr | I got "Failed to load rcfile" when running lxc-start | 10:39 |
zzarr | where should the rcfile be located and what should be in it? | 10:40 |
a_ok | So I have set up NUT the way I want it with upssched. However the shutdown command that I have runs as the nut user. Unfortunatly that user has no permissions to terminate the system. What is a good way to do this? | 11:26 |
blackflow | polkit trickery or passwordless sudo for a script that only contains the shutdown call | 11:27 |
blackflow | maybe 'pkexec poweroff' even suffices | 11:28 |
a_ok | blackflow: I'm afraid that polkit needs a host of things like a logind session. Sudo seems to be the easiest route | 11:32 |
a_ok | thanks! | 11:32 |
blackflow | yw | 11:32 |
ahasenack | good morning | 12:12 |
ahasenack | cpaelzer: is it ok to have a Bug-Fedora in a dep3 header? | 12:19 |
ahasenack | looks fine to me, but I haven't seen that in a debian or ubuntu package yet | 12:19 |
cpaelzer | hi ahasenack | 12:24 |
cpaelzer | I think it is fine | 12:24 |
cpaelzer | it might be out of spec, but personally I think useful+reasonable are the only tag guidelines there | 12:24 |
cpaelzer | unless you want to have them processed by scripts, but that isn't important for bug-fedora | 12:25 |
ahasenack | the dep3 spec says Bug-<Vendor> | 12:25 |
ahasenack | so yeah | 12:25 |
ahasenack | cpaelzer: another question, I don't remember our discussion from the sprint. Should I refresh a patch that applies as-is from upstream, but a) with offset; b) with "noise" (--show-c-func style)? | 12:26 |
ahasenack | rbasak IIRC likes to be able to compare the patch with upstream in these cases and expected a 100% match. But this is a small patch, easily verified by visual inspection | 12:26 |
cpaelzer | ahasenack: if it applied with dquilt push --fuzz=0 then keep it as is | 12:27 |
cpaelzer | if forced to modify for this (forbidden fuzz) or anything else, then full refresh with "the good" quilt config | 12:27 |
cpaelzer | that is what I remember | 12:27 |
ahasenack | it applies | 12:28 |
ahasenack | ok | 12:28 |
cpaelzer | TL;DR: keep them as-is if working | 12:28 |
rbasak | I think the conclusion was that usually we'd want quilt patches to be refreshed with the standard parameters, with the exception that if it applies directly from upstream, then leave as-is | 12:28 |
rbasak | Yeah | 12:28 |
cpaelzer | and we said that in most cases this would match tags "upstream, link" would be as-is and "backport, link" would be with refresh | 12:29 |
ahasenack | cpaelzer: is there a place to record why forwarding wasn't needed? | 12:31 |
ahasenack | maybe the long description? | 12:31 |
ahasenack | I would love "forwarded" to allow for a short explanation after the "no, ", or "not-needed, " | 12:32 |
ahasenack | that was probably Karl's intent with the second Description field | 12:32 |
cpaelzer | in the long desc | 12:33 |
cpaelzer | I sometimes added Forwarding-Info: <txt> | 12:33 |
cpaelzer | but that is out of spec as much as everything else | 12:33 |
cpaelzer | and since it could one day collide with something the description is probably better | 12:33 |
cpaelzer | I put notes there since a while | 12:33 |
ahasenack | ok | 12:34 |
cpaelzer | I put notes there since a while | 12:36 |
cpaelzer | sorry, key+enter in wrong chan | 12:36 |
DenBeiren | i'm having troubles mounting a share from one server into another :s | 15:04 |
DenBeiren | i can't get the rights as they should be | 15:05 |
DenBeiren | on the serverside (nfs ubuntu) the rights are 777, on the client side (nfs ubuntu) 750 | 15:07 |
DenBeiren | i've found so many tutorials i can't see the trees trough the forest | 15:08 |
ahasenack | does anybody know how a2query (from apache2) know the difference between a module that's just not enabled, versus one that was disabled via a2dismod? | 15:13 |
ahasenack | specifically these two outputs: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/mbZnqfrxVY/ | 15:14 |
ahasenack | it's either "no module matches <name>" | 15:14 |
ahasenack | or "no module matches <name> (disabled by site administrator)" | 15:14 |
ahasenack | in both cases, the symlink in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ does not exist | 15:15 |
ahasenack | so I don't know where else it could be recorded | 15:15 |
TJ- | ahasenack: maybe /var/lib/apache2/module/ ? | 15:22 |
kierank | rbasak: after yesterday's preseed change we have this error when trying to install | 15:39 |
kierank | https://askubuntu.com/questions/1076247/after-clean-install-of-ubuntu-14-04-i-get-shim-signed-error | 15:39 |
kierank | The fix suggested works but it's a bit strange | 15:39 |
rbasak | kierank: can you try again in a few hours please, and/or after a remirror? | 16:02 |
rbasak | There was a broken time window earlier today. It's been fixed I believe (and tooling changed to try to prevent a regression). | 16:02 |
kierank | rbasak: sure | 16:02 |
Zahovay | Hello guys, can any of you help me? we just made a new website, I would like to check if my server is protected against known attacks | 16:23 |
teward | Zahovay: if you have no objections to me pointing OpenVAS and Nessus at your site I'll be happy to generate a report for you | 16:29 |
teward | but note that that has some risks - you're trusting someone else to identify whether your site is 'safe' | 16:30 |
teward | and you're trusting they won't destroy your site :P | 16:30 |
Zahovay | teward: well its better if we know this now, instead of after launch | 16:31 |
DammitJim | what does this do: Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins { | 16:42 |
DammitJim | "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}"; | 16:42 |
DammitJim | on /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades ? | 16:42 |
DammitJim | it seems I have security, updates, proposed and backports commented out, but not that first line | 16:43 |
DammitJim | I have been instructed to disable all automatic updates, but first wanted to understand what that line meant | 16:43 |
ahasenack | TJ-: yep, it's in there, thanks! | 17:15 |
plm | TJ-: hey =D | 17:26 |
rbasak | DammitJim: it's the release pocket. It's active during development of a release (ie. before the release date) and inactive after. | 17:30 |
TJ- | plm: hiya. script isn't ready yet; got other things ahead of it | 17:38 |
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plm | TJ-: all right, not problem. The important is that you have success running ubuntu armhf on LXD using qemu-sttic, right? Now just missing the script =D | 19:01 |
plm | TJ-: do you think that until next sunday the script will be ready? | 19:02 |
TJ- | plm: I'm going to spend an hour on it tomorrow my time (in the UK) | 19:02 |
ahasenack | cpaelzer: I won't be around tomorrow to ping you within your timezone, sorry. Were you planning to also handle https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/1792400 for trusty? It's the same version of samba that is in xenial, and you updated that one | 20:02 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1792400 in samba (Ubuntu Trusty) "smbd failed in host when both lxd container and host have smbd" [Undecided,Triaged] | 20:02 |
DammitJim | do you guys know why when I try to mkfs.xfs for a new logical volume that is in a software RAID 1 configuration, my system crashes? | 20:04 |
DammitJim | any known issueson Ubuntu 16.04 that would cause this? | 20:04 |
sarnold | do simpler operations like dd over the logical volume show the same issue? | 20:05 |
sarnold | can you use mkfs.xfs on simpler block devices? individual block devices? files? | 20:06 |
DammitJim | I could try that | 20:06 |
_KaszpiR_ | what do you mean by 'crashes'? | 20:06 |
DammitJim | the putty session freezes after the mkfs.xfs /dev/arraylv/activelv | 20:07 |
DammitJim | and when I go to the console (this is a VM), there is a crash dump of addresses and stuff | 20:07 |
DammitJim | maybe a different question... is there such a thing as setting up LVM on top of a software RAID 1? | 20:11 |
blackflow | of course. with mdadm usually. LVM can do raid too but I never tried that. | 20:11 |
blackflow | it'd be interesting to see that dump, top of it more than the bottom. pic even if you can't pastebin. | 20:12 |
DammitJim | let me try | 20:13 |
DammitJim | I'm having to see if I can get support from Canonical and pay for this problem since I need it resolved right away | 20:13 |
DammitJim | *sigh* | 20:13 |
blackflow | that'd be swell. | 20:14 |
sarnold | I think I'd expect lvm to be able to stack on top of mdadm.. | 20:15 |
DammitJim | do you think I can get support right away or is this something where one needs to have a support plan in place? | 20:15 |
DammitJim | sarnold, apparently that's normal (in CentOS) | 20:15 |
sarnold | but you might be better served by zfs instead https://pthree.org/2012/12/04/zfs-administration-part-i-vdevs/ | 20:15 |
DammitJim | but for some reason things aren't working for the company that is doing this install on Ubuntu | 20:15 |
mason | Eh? mdadm is fine underneath lvm - what's breaking? | 20:16 |
mason | DammitJim: | 20:16 |
sarnold | hey mason :) | 20:16 |
mason | sarnold: o/ | 20:16 |
DammitJim | when I try to mkfs.xfs /dev/arraylv/activelv | 20:17 |
DammitJim | the system crashes | 20:17 |
mason | DammitJim: That's not supposed to happen. | 20:17 |
DammitJim | correcto | 20:17 |
mason | DammitJim: What's the underlying storage? | 20:18 |
DammitJim | 2 fusionIO cards | 20:18 |
DammitJim | ESXi on the host | 20:18 |
DammitJim | the server I'm configuring is a VM | 20:18 |
_KaszpiR_ | why on earth you want to make a raid1 on vm? | 20:18 |
blackflow | +1 for the ZFS recommendation. | 20:18 |
DammitJim | because of redundancy of the fusionIO cards | 20:18 |
blackflow | _KaszpiR_: why not, the storage of a VM can be actual physical hardware | 20:19 |
mason | DammitJim: So, does it also bomb out with something other than XFS? I'd vary that since you can. | 20:19 |
_KaszpiR_ | just use proper SAN? | 20:19 |
blackflow | it's usually like that in modern clouds where compute nodes are separate from storage, iscsi galore | 20:19 |
DammitJim | ext4 | 20:20 |
mason | DammitJim: It bombs out with ext4? | 20:20 |
DammitJim | yes ma | 20:20 |
DammitJim | mason | 20:20 |
DammitJim | gosh, I'm torn... I don't know if I need to get support or spend the time troubleshooting this myself | 20:21 |
mason | DammitJim: Can you get a vmcore? Do you see a stack trace? | 20:21 |
DammitJim | I'm sure Ubuntu Advantage is not cheap | 20:21 |
_KaszpiR_ | what kind of service you want to host on that vm? | 20:21 |
DammitJim | IBM DB2 | 20:21 |
DammitJim | mason, vmcore? | 20:21 |
DammitJim | there is a stack trace on the console... how can I grab it? is it all saved to a file? | 20:22 |
mason | DammitJim: If you have a chance to vary the FusionIO cards that'd be useful too. Also, have you tried dropping mdadm and just having lvm as the base on *one*? | 20:22 |
DammitJim | no, we just came across this | 20:22 |
mason | DammitJim: The other thing that comes to mind is, try what you're doing as a once-off with only one underlying device in the mdadm. | 20:22 |
mason | Basically, twiddle all the available knobs to map where it fails and where it doesn't. | 20:23 |
DammitJim | yeah | 20:23 |
mason | DammitJim: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man8/kdump-config.8.html | 20:23 |
DammitJim | I wish there was something else to look at that would tell me where to go | 20:23 |
mason | DammitJim: If you can get a vmcore that'll be hugely useful. | 20:23 |
blackflow | DammitJim: well that dump will tell you _where_ the crash occurs | 20:23 |
mason | Not a bad start really. :P | 20:24 |
sarnold | DammitJim: I think the price seems fair, especially compared to the cost of your time https://www.ubuntu.com/support/plans-and-pricing | 20:25 |
_KaszpiR_ | hm this reminds me some bug with multipath under some system..... | 20:36 |
DammitJim | what? | 20:41 |
_KaszpiR_ | someone had vm with multiple disks like you with multipath enabled and it was causing some weird shit&dumps | 20:43 |
_KaszpiR_ | remembering it through a haze, so ignore it. | 20:43 |
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