[17:09] LenCole was added by: LenCole [17:14] @Hakimamunra [], Welcome to the group! [17:14] @LenCole [], Welcome! [21:50] hello all [21:51] I've installed lubuntu about a couple of weeks ago. so far it's working great [21:52] looking at my alias I see this Alert alias setup, what does it suppose to do? [21:52] https://bpaste.net/show/c841a1a22454 [21:52] I didn't include it [22:09] It displays a notification (if libnotify-bin is installed, by default it's not there). Pretty cool, actually: If you enter a command, a semicolon and alert in a terminal, the notification displays the preceding commands. [22:14] (Photo, 1280x720) https://i.imgur.com/KXNejB5.jpg alert-alias [22:14] ok, thanks [22:15] sounds fun [22:15] :) [22:15] thanks for the example [22:16] Your welcome! I didn't actually know about this before, so I've learned something as well C: [22:16] *You're