
ChefBoThe update application mentioned in the instructions to upgrade from one LTS to another is not in my Settings.  How do I install it or is there a way I can just upgrade from the command line?  I am on 16.0401:34
gxnyneI got a quick question if anyone has a moment?04:13
carlgustavi'm using xubuntu 18.04 on a laptop, and since maybe a week, possibly after a normal system update, i've got some network speed issues i can't resolve, maybe someone can help12:24
carlgustavi seems my networkspeed gets capped to about 10MB/s on single downloads, but the overall speed with multiple files seems okay12:26
carlgustavi tried a live-cd with this laptop and the speed is as usual, aswell as on the other devices12:27
carlgustavi didn't change anything last week with this laptop, it just started somehow12:29
diogenes_carlgustav, run: cat /etc/nsswitch.conf | nc termbin.com 999912:30
carlgustavit's still connected via lan cable to the router and shows a speed of 1Gb/s12:30
carlgustavokay, what does that command do?12:33
diogenes_carlgustav, it will give you a link that will show the content of that config file12:34
diogenes_and you have to share the link here12:35
Iolocarlgustav, could there be a serverside rate limit?12:37
carlgustav@Iolo i tried the same downloads on different machines, and i only get this limitation on this laptop12:39
diogenes_carlgustav, ok, one try could the to edit that file and add "resolve" to this line, as follows: hosts:          files resolve dns myhostname12:39
diogenes_reboot afterwards12:39
carlgustavokay, i'll try12:40
diogenes_systemd-resolve.service sucks12:41
carlgustavhmm, seems the problem is still there12:46
carlgustavis there maybe a way to see which files have been updated last time to revert them to the previous version?12:48
IoloIs there any way to get Atril to stop resetting the zoom level when I click on a bookmark?14:22
IoloAlso, is there a way to stop it from throwing me back to page one when I invert the colors?14:28
max12345hey I just did a fresh install of 18.04 from a stick and now I see nothing but a blinking cursor, can you help me troubleshoot or point me to an up to date resource?18:49
justa_looking for help with xubuntu 18.04.01 (new install), mythtv, hauppauge hd-pvr (1212) and setting up ir blaster.  (migrating from opensuse)  Nothing much found via google, nothing in posts to mail lists, etc.23:31
justa_Suggestions on where to look next would be appreciated!23:31

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