
* Kilos waves to all awake peeps17:53
Kilosno QA or Maaz17:53
Kilostough in africa17:53
Kilospavlushka: you ok lad?17:54
Kiloshellooooo anyone alive here17:54
pavlushkaKilos: yeah, thanks, and How are you?17:54
Kilosok ty. how does one change a long link to those short one17:55
Kilossomething used to do it automagically but i forget what17:56
Kilossuperfly: all good there sir?17:57
superflyhi Kilos17:57
superflyYes. It's been raining the last day or so. We're supposed to have a big storm this weekend.17:58
Kiloswe just had one17:58
Kilosrain is good for veggies17:59
Kilosand weeds17:59
superflyYep, the weeds. We mostly have weeds :-)17:59
pavlushkaKilos: try https://bitly.com/18:02
KilosQA: wb18:07
QAThank you so much Kilos my good friend18:07
pavlushkaKilos: So QA will be persistent in this channel then?18:09
pavlushkaQA coffee on18:09
* QA puts the kettle on18:09
* pavlushka thinks the coffee is taking a little longer, may be some heating issue?18:11
Kilosi can't remember if it was set to auto join here , maybe not because maaz was here18:12
pavlushkaKilos: you can always check it :)18:12
Kilosbut she will stay till her server reboots18:12
QACoffee's ready for pavlushka!18:13
Kilosyip 18:14
Kilosyou must say ty for your coffee18:14
KilosQA coffee please18:14
QAKilos: There isn't a pot on18:14
KilosQA why18:15
QAKilos: why do they respond?18:15
pavlushkaQA ty18:37
QAOnly a pleasure pavlushka18:37
pavlushkaKilos: You are supposed to say "QA coffee on"18:38
pavlushkaWelcome psychicist 18:38
psychicistthanks pavlushka 18:41
psychicistthis is the first time I see you talking18:41
psychicistI thought you were a bot18:41
psychicistor maybe you are18:42
pavlushkaha ha ha, may android or humanoid18:44
psychicistI totally get that, I used to come here as psydroid but these days I am sticking to my main identity18:45
pavlushkaa bot with typos, missing be, not grammatically trained even, may be an alpha release18:47
KilosQA: coffee on18:54
* QA puts the kettle on18:54
KilosQA: with cremora18:54
QAKilos: What?18:54
KilosQA: cremora please18:55
QAKilos: What?18:55
KilosQA: with milk18:55
QAKilos: Sorry...18:55
QACoffee's ready for Kilos!18:58
KilosQA thank you19:06
QAno problem, Kilos19:06

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