
=== Class7_ is now known as Class7
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didrocksgood morning06:46
jibelSalut didrocks06:48
didrockssalut jibel06:50
jibeldidrocks, ça va? tu as passé un bon w-e?06:51
dufluo/  didrocks, jibel  \o07:15
didrocksjibel: bon week-end, ensoleillé, un peu de jeux pour Martin, donc c'était sympa07:16
didrockset toi ?07:16
didrockshello duflu07:16
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jibeldidrocks, match de hand samedi et ciné hier sinon repos07:20
jibelgood morning duflu07:20
didrockssympa :)07:21
didrocksjibel: do you want us to coordonate iso testing? I think I have some free slots to give some help if needed07:35
jibeldidrocks, that's fine for the moment, I'm reviewing all the test cases to make sure nothing is utterly broken then we'll have more respins.07:40
jibeldidrocks, although wednesday and thursday are usually busy and any help will be welcome07:41
didrocksjibel: deal! :)07:42
jibelTrevinho, Hi, have you been able to reproduce bug 1794280 on latest desktop image (buid 20181013.1) ?07:44
ubot5bug 1794280 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Cosmic) "gdm doesn't start on a fresh installation of Cosmic Desktop" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179428007:44
seb128good morning desktopers07:51
dufluMorning seb128. How goes?07:51
seb128good! you?07:51
jibelbonjour seb12807:52
seb128lut jibel07:52
seb128did you have a good w.e?07:52
jibelseb128, oui bien et toi?07:52
dufluseb128, yes pretty good. I feel I've almost caught up on my pre-travel domestic tasks07:52
didrockssalut seb12807:53
seb128nickel, y a fait beau et les gastros étaient passées pour tout le monde :)07:53
didrocksenfin un week-end tranquil donc ? :)07:53
seb128ouais :)07:54
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers08:17
seb128lut oSoMoN, en forme ? t'as passé un bon w.e ?08:18
didrockssalut oSoMoN08:21
dufluHi oSoMoN08:21
oSoMoNsalut seb128, didrocks, duflu08:25
oSoMoNexcellent long week-end, oui, merci!08:25
seb128Trevinho, hey, bug #1797851 started with your most recent change, would be nice if you could have a look08:28
ubot5bug 1797851 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/nautilus:11:g_type_check_instance_cast:NAUTILUS_SEARCH_PROVIDER:nautilus_search_engine_stop:stop_search:disconnect_model_handlers" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179785108:28
didrocksseb128: so, on check-language-support, it's even worse than I thought08:40
didrocksthe info of "installed / want to have installed languages is coming from account services"08:40
didrockson a fresh "french" selected installation, the list is:08:40
didrocks fr_CA en_US  fr_FR en en_AU fr en_GB en_CA08:41
didrocksso some variants for french and english08:41
didrocksenglish is set at install time selecting en_US + fr_FR08:41
didrocksthe others seems to be pulled by account-services, I think that's the switch to account-services which (maybe?) has us regressed08:42
didrocksand what I told the other days stays: if we select "en", all en_* are then selected08:42
didrocks/usr/share/language-tools/language-options is in perl… hum08:43
didrocks# add items without country code to facilitate lookups08:44
didrocks    ( my $lang = $loc ) =~ s/_[A-Z]+//;08:44
didrocksso stripping the _ is something done on purpose in language-options08:44
seb128I don't think the use of account-services is any recent, it was probably there at the time we looked at the topic for xenial and probably didn't change since08:46
didrocksyeah, just checked that, oneiric08:47
didrocksbut maybe it wasn't doing the above stripping of _, which leads to that…08:47
didrocksanyway, ubiquity / check-language-support should be in sync (one using the other one) to determine what to install / remove08:47
didrocksI wonder though how much effort this is, depending if we replace the installer…08:48
didrocks(also, the seed should be in sync with check-language-support, which isn't the case)08:48
didrocksthat's separate from L_aney issue though, which is to ensure at least if you select en_GB, that en_GB is indeed selected and not en_US08:49
seb128we should maybe talk to GunnarHj about it, he knows the tricks in those perl scripts and why they are there08:53
didrocksbecause it sounds really like a yak shaving task :p08:54
didrocksbut at least, understanding this could be in a new installer redesign08:54
didrocks(fortunately, the perl script isn't really long)08:54
seb128well, if that worked in xenial the diff/change/bug is probably trivial, I doubt we had any "real change" in that stack08:57
seb128but yeah, doing it properly is likely yak shaving08:57
seb128and it doesn't seem important/high priority08:57
seb128thanks for investigating08:57
seb128I don't think it's worth persuing more atm, unless you have interest to get to the bottom of it08:58
seb128otherwise maybe record what you found in a bug report and call it enough for now?08:58
didrocksseb128: it worked in xenial when I tested it08:58
didrocksin January 201608:58
didrocksbut not in 16.04.5 as told on Friday08:58
didrocksso, even diffing isn't trivial :/08:59
didrocksI'm just printing a little bit what we get in the perl functions, and yes, file that in a bug report08:59
seb128didrocks, weird that it regression in a point update, or maybe it got buggy before .0 went out?09:05
didrocksI think there is a high chance of regression before .0 IMHO09:05
didrockshey Laney, how is London?09:17
Laneygrey, cold09:19
Laneybut i'm with some GREAT! GUYS!09:19
Laneyhow are you?09:19
didrocksI'm good, thanks! Overall great week-end :)09:20
didrocksyou are with great gruys, unlike every week on IRC, I see, I see :p09:20
Laneyi can touch these people09:25
* Laney touches sil2100 to prove it09:25
seb128hey Laney, how is the office?09:26
didrocks"good" news, if you try to apply updates via GNOME Software, at least, you nothing is applied on boot, so you don't end up in a broken situation09:28
didrockswell, you mentioned on Friday that GNOME Software update panel isn't hidden, which is a bug to fix09:29
seb128you are referring to bug #1797543 ?09:29
ubot5bug 1797543 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Gnome-software - unable to update software - Button Restart & Update, restarts no updates applied" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179754309:29
seb128I don't think your statement is always true09:29
didrocksI have a mix of "system updates" + apps09:29
seb128we had report from foundations in bionic that it leads to screwed update when debconf is involved09:29
seb128maybe you didn't have anything with debconf09:30
didrockscould be, indeed, or maybe another package to install triggers packagekit to activate?09:30
didrocks(I'm a vanilla, default install)09:30
seb128well, that prompt kicks in the offline updates from packagekit09:30
seb128so if you reboot it does install updates in background I think09:31
didrockswhich did nothing at all for me (no update, nothing)09:31
seb128nothing visible09:31
seb128you are sure it didn't install them in a way you didn't notice?09:31
didrocksI checked the package list and version before/after09:31
seb128k, another bug then :p09:31
seb128it "worked" for some people in bionic09:31
didrockswell, a "good" one in that case :)09:31
didrocksyeah :/09:31
seb128so either that "regressed"09:31
seb128or it's random09:31
didrockscould be, tried twice to ensure…09:32
seb128anyway I would prefer if Robert fixed it, he knows what to change from his comment on the bug09:32
seb128but I think he called it a day without having uploaded anyway09:32
didrocksor maybe you install something else which then hook up in the boot09:32
seb128unsure how much it's a release vs SRU issue09:32
didrocksyeah, as I didn't see anything coming, I wanted to check how bad that was09:32
Laneyhey seb12809:42
Laneyit's alright yeah09:42
didrocksseb128: do you know if there is any particular fixes we are interested in on new evince for bionic?09:46
Trevinhojibel: kvm yes... and i think is the same of willcooke one, I've spent some time on it already.09:48
TrevinhoAnd looking at it still09:49
Trevinhoseb128: hi seb, ok09:49
jibelTrevinho, I didn't try on kvm but I cannot reproduce it anymore on hw09:55
Trevinhojibel: kvm on qxl happens here. Time dependent a sleep fixes it09:56
Trevinhoandyrock: ^09:56
didrocksseb128: (as you just left when I posted that): do you know if there is any particular fixes we are interested in on new evince for bionic?09:58
didrockslike some particular checks I should put in the test case?09:58
seb128not that I know no, sorry09:59
didrocksno worry, preferred to double check!09:59
didrocksI'll discuss the ps thingy with our security team though09:59
didrocksto ensure that's ok09:59
andyrockTrevinho: cannot run libvirt-bin.service here so I cannot test11:18
Trevinhoseb128: I've pushed nautilus branches for both cosmic and bionic.12:13
seb128Trevinho, bionic is another regression fix for the current SRU?12:17
Trevinhoseb128: it's fixing the pkg in sru queue12:18
Trevinhoseb128: so, I was wondering if mentioning the bug in changelog or not, but for sure it doesn't need classic verification12:19
seb128Trevinho, if there was not git to deal with I would just re-upload to replace the current SRU from the queue without changing the version/changelog/bug reference12:23
seb128unsure what to do with the vcs in that case though12:24
Trevinhoseb128: well, we can still do some force pushes, but not sure :-P12:26
seb128yeah, it would be bzr I would bzr uncommit; change; bzr commit; bzr push --overwrite12:27
seb128just how do that with git doesn't stick for me, or it feels too hackish12:28
Trevinhoseb128: you can do the same on git, l_aney wouldn't like it but I can give you the recipe for the happiness if you want xD12:28
seb128what happens if you tag again the same revision? it moves the tag to the new commit?12:29
seb128I mean tag again using the same tag string12:29
seb128not tagging the same commit id12:29
Laneyit is exactly the same level of hackiness as it would be with bzr12:45
Laneyyou have to delete the tag and then re-tag12:48
jbichaseb128: by default anyone who has pulled the old tag won't get the new tag so if you think people might have the old tag, it may be better to use a new tag name12:55
jbichaalso version numbers are cheap so it might just be easier to use a higher version number12:55
jbichagood morning12:56
didrocksmorning jbicha12:59
seb128hey jbicha12:59
seb128jbicha, is that a bug that people won't get the tag change or by design?13:01
jbichathat's git upstream. I guess it's intentional13:02
jbichawillcooke: I experience something that looks kinda like bug 1796822 if I enable automatic login in Settings > Details > Users then reboot (using VirtualBox after installing cosmic)13:03
ubot5bug 1796822 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Desktop live cd boots corrupted screen in Virtualbox on Bionic" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179682213:03
jbichado you think Debian bug 910892 is worth handling now in cosmic? (by uncommenting those header lines)13:05
ubot5Debian bug 910892 in gdm3 "gdm3: greeter.dconf-defaults is confusing for users" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/91089213:05
seb128that doesn't seem important enough to be accepted now13:06
seb128could be a SRU though13:07
jbichaseb128: because it would trigger a debconf prompt for anyone who has modified those files, I don't think it's very good for an SRU13:07
jbichaor maybe it wouldn't trigger debconf, it's a strange file13:07
didrockswell, it's fine for a 0-day SRU, as it's only for updates13:11
seb128or it's fine for cosmic+113:13
seb128it's only an issue for users who sudo edit a conffile13:13
seb128and screw their editing13:13
Laneysomebody want to look into https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1796275 ?13:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1796275 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Screen reader is not auto-enabled on first login if enabled when installing" [Undecided,New]13:48
seb128on a similar topic bug #179786113:48
ubot5bug 1797861 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Screen reader doesn't read installer's GUI during a live session installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179786113:48
Laneyyes I already looked at that one13:48
seb128ah ok13:48
Laneysimilar in that it's about screen reader at least13:48
Laneybut it's probably not the same bug13:48
seb128right, I just saw it passing by in my morning review of "recent bugs"13:49
Laneyso, anyone?13:49
seb128didrocks, ^ interested? if not I'm going to have a look13:49
didrocksseb128: I can, unsure though to have enough time before EOD13:50
didrocksso, don't expect a fix necessarily tonight13:50
seb128I don't13:50
seb128thx didrocks!13:50
didrocksyw ;)13:50
seb128Laney, how are things looking from a London/r-t perspective atm?13:51
Laneyxnox is looking into http://launchpad.net/bugs/179588213:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1795882 in casper (Ubuntu) ""Remove media" message is not displayed after installation" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:51
* didrocks update-iso first13:52
* Laney assigns to document that13:52
seb128ah, nice13:52
seb128plymouth is not happy in cosmic13:52
Laneyotherwise, going to upload ubiquity soon and then do some moar isos13:52
Laneywhy not?13:52
seb128e.u.c top 1-3-5-6-8 from the weekly 18.10 view are plymouth reports13:54
seb128well, look variants of the same issue13:54
jibelthe main issue is bug 179429213:59
ubot5bug 1794292 in plymouth (Ubuntu Cosmic) "plymouthd crashed with SIGSEGV in /sbin/plymouthd:11 in ply_renderer_set_handler_for_input_source -> ply_keyboard_stop_watching_for_renderer_input -> ply_keyboard_stop_watching_for_input -> ply_device_manager_deactivate_keyboards -> on_deactivate" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179429213:59
Laneyfinally go the f-ing thing to load14:00
jibelwhich had been marked fixed but is not. I just reopened it14:00
* Laney spanks e.u.c14:00
Laneyis that the one cyphermox tried to fix?14:00
cyphermoxthere's still a lot of room for improvement in plymouth14:01
TrevinhoI also had a look in that some weeks ago14:03
Trevinhoand I had some further ideas, that I thought were handled by that change, but it seems not.. .I see if  i can get something out of my stashes later14:04
Trevinhowhile in the gdm side of things..14:04
cyphermoxI have a possible fix, if it's breaking for the reason I think it is14:28
cyphermoxjibel: were you able to reproduce the crash? I can't14:31
jibelcyphermox, no I cannot anymore14:32
cyphermoxso I fixed your crash, but not all of them?14:33
jibelI am not sure what fixed it actually14:35
TrevinhoLaney: exactly... is it normal that we're at that point with no devices around, who should be in charge of waiting them? I wouldn't think is gdm job. is it?14:36
didrocksjbicha: are you looking at gdm3 which is stuck in proposed?14:37
didrocks(didn't look at it at all)14:37
jbichadidrocks: either we need to ignore the systemd autopkgtest or retry it until it works. I think it is more likely to pass when the amd64 autopkgtest builders aren't as busy14:38
jbichagdm was stuck for a few days because we had to handle the s390x removal again14:39
didrocksjbicha: ok, seems like you are retrying/looking at it14:39
jbichasort of. We're running low on time for it to get in the iso's though14:40
didrocksmaybe check with the release team if they are happy discarding autopkgtest results?14:42
jbichainfinity: ^ do you want to force gdm3 in now?14:43
infinityjbicha: We're on it.14:44
LaneyTrevinho: dunno14:58
Laneyhow come plymouth works?14:59
Trevinhousing fb?15:03
Laneynot the graphical splash no?15:13
seb128jbicha, ricotz, did you see that the SRU team had a question on bug #1782122?15:37
ubot5bug 1782122 in vala (Ubuntu Bionic) "[SRU] Update vala in bionic to 0.40.8" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178212215:37
Trevinhoffffffffffffffffff  broke my kvm :(15:50
=== Class7_ is now known as Class7
bob91Hi guys18:04
bob91anyone knows how to speed up gnome-shell performance with nvidia driver on ubuntu 18 ?18:05
oSoMoNbob91, that's a very vague question, are you seeing specific performance issues that you think a driver update might solve?18:39
oSoMoNnote that we have people actively working on gnome-shell performance in general18:40
willcookegnight all.  Laney I think I can come down tomorrow now, but probably not until just before lunch.18:56
willcookeShould see you tomorrow18:56
oSoMoNgood evening all19:03
TrevinhoLaney: world is strange indeed https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/PFdG0Rz4/CanGraphical.png20:15
TrevinhoAnd in fact here, with that gdm proposed change, it doesn't run. Because `sd_seat_can_graphical' will always return false.20:17
kyrofaHey kenvandine, Trevinho can you two think of a CLI hello-world-type example that I can use as a test that the new glib extension works?20:35
kyrofag_print hello world works with or without the desktop-launch stuff, so that's not quite enough to exercise it20:36
Trevinhokyrofa: by new extension you mean? like new functions?20:41
kyrofaTrevinho, new version of the desktop helpers20:41
Trevinhokyrofa: mh not sure I got it... You want to check if new version of desktop-helpers is running?20:43
Trevinhoor in general if those are running?20:43
kyrofaTrevinho, but basically, my question could be rephrased as "can you think of a hello-world type simple CLI application that verifies that the desktop-glib part works" ?20:43
Trevinhokyrofa: ok.... things like checking mime types could be a way20:43
kyrofaAh, let me give that a try, thank you20:44
Trevinhoso using gfile maybe? Or a simple gtk app?20:44
Trevinhowell gtk app as cmd line I mean20:44
Trevinholike just passing --help :)20:44
LaneyTrevinho: think you need the latest version of the branch22:11
Laneybut I'm saying (many times :P) that I'm not convinced the CanGraphical thing is the right place to be looking22:11
LaneyUNLESS the reason it goes to =no is the same reason that it's breaking sometimes22:11
LaneyI think andyrock was next going to investigate what makes it change to 'no'22:12
andyrockyeah I'll do that tomorrow22:13

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