[00:25] I opened Discover added backports-landing back (nice to see this function has been restored), and see 226 packages to update (including plenty of 5.51 packages). Update all. Reboot my VM. And no dead kittens for me either. [00:29] I did get some kind of crash on Akonadi when I accidentally clicked on kontact, but that might just be because I never configured it properly. [00:39] I am noticing one issue on my updated travel laptop (Cosmic) - I can no longer close the lid to suspend [00:40] when I open it, the screen is frozen, which makes me think that perhaps plasmashell has crashed or so [00:40] have to hard re-start [00:40] but I think this actually began happening before Cosmic upgrade [00:40] anyone else seen this? [01:20] Valorie 2 laptops here with cosmic and I have not seen sleep/freeze issue on either. I sleep both of them regulary- one of them many times a day. [01:42] @DarinMiller, it works *if* I sleep it first [01:42] but not if I just close the lid, which is the best for conferences, and has always worked flawlessly before [01:43] -queuebot:#kubuntu-devel- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Cosmic Final] has been updated (20181016) [01:46] With my work laptop that I use all day long, I close the lid and it sleeps fine. I have a few others here I can test. What hw (video card, etc) do you hgave? [01:57] Valorie: Landing ppa or std cosmicc? [01:58] I tried out the landing ppa but turned it off afterwards [01:58] however I can't be sure this wasn't happening in the LTS for a few weeks [01:58] So sleep issue happened prior to landing? [01:58] yes [01:58] I hoped it would fix it [01:59] haven't tested on this laptop yet -- different brand, etc. -- before I upgrade it to Cosmic [02:00] what the hw config on the problem laptop? [02:07] I just tested 4 laptops with cosmic: Dell 7559 hybrid with Intel card running + landing PPA, 2 Dell M1530's standard cosmic NVidia 8600M GT with NVidia 340 driver and a Dell Vostro 1720 NVidia 9600 with NVidia 340 driver. And my work laptop Lenovo Yoga Pro2 (Intel graphics) cosmic+landing. All sleep with lid closed and wake without issue. [02:10] During Cosmic testing yesterday, one of my Dell M1530's had a strange graphics driver install issue (reported in the testing comments). While trouble shooting with different PPA's and drivers, the regular NVidia drivers would no longer install/run correctly. Reformat and re-install "fixed" the issue. Maybe yours is suffering from a similar problem? [02:12] Looks like a new ISO just rolled out... [02:50] Installing from a live boot session on 20181016 ISO, install crashes Who Are you Screen?. Filing a bug report and will test the non-live boot install. [03:10] https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgxvzLDwXvVlSDSFcrTkRMxNsDGzp [03:24] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1798005 [03:24] Launchpad bug 1798005 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Installer crashed on the "Who Are You?" panel." [Undecided,New] [03:26] If I pause for a minute or so before proceeding to "Who are you panel?", the install proceeds without issue. Without the pause, maybe installer is attempting to write to drive that is not fully formatted? [07:26] perhaps related to? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/+git/ubiquity/+merge/356676 [07:26] don't know yet [08:46] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_docker » linode-01 build #2537: SUCCESS in 59 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_docker/label=linode-01/2537/ [08:46] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_docker » master build #2537: SUCCESS in 1 min 21 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_docker/label=master/2537/ [08:49] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_docker » swy-01 build #2537: SUCCESS in 4 min 51 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_docker/label=swy-01/2537/ [09:33] Lucas Amaral was added by: Lucas Amaral [09:37] I openned up a virtual machine to test the installation of the kubuntu 18.10, I have found a minor bug, the installlation panel size does not fix the screen. [10:57] @Lucas Amaral, If in virualbox or another virtualiser that can autoresize, reboot the session. Usually is ok on a 2nd go. [10:58] Not sure what the quirk is there, but does sometime happen on other flavours as well [11:01] Howdy folks [12:51] Looks like 1798005 has been fixed already. I will wait for the respin and hopefully test tonight. [12:56] @DarinMiller, Thank you for catching that. 😁 [14:45] @DarinMiller, When new images are uploaded? I can't see, because there are no time stamps or anything. [14:45] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_docker » linode-01 build #2538: SUCCESS in 54 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_docker/label=linode-01/2538/ [14:46] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_docker » master build #2538: SUCCESS in 1 min 20 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_docker/label=master/2538/ [14:49] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_docker » swy-01 build #2538: SUCCESS in 4 min 19 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_docker/label=swy-01/2538/ [15:11] Lucas, Go to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/subscription to sign up for new ISO release alerts. [15:58] Thanks [15:59] I have had trouble playing videos on vlc at the virtual machine [16:01] @DarinMiller, I think you gave me the wrong url [16:54] Apologies, the above link assumes you are logged into ubuntu one. Go here and login: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/reports [16:55] Or login to ubuntu one and go here: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/397/builds/182525/testcases [16:55] click the subscribe button at the bottom. [18:29] I have manually updated the kernel to the 4.18.9, I guess, I was using the 4.18 mainline before, with no major problems, I updated as soon as it had became available. I am reporting here because I saw nowherelse to report, but I had inconsistencies at the system battery reading. On the pryor kernel, it works fine, on the new kernel, sometimes it shows this problem and sometimes it works just fine. [22:20] @Lucas Amaral, thanks for that. not using that regularly on a system like a laptop with a battery, but will watch out [22:28] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Starting build #195 for job mgmt_pause_integration (previous build: ABORTED) [22:36] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_pause_integration build #195: ABORTED in 8 min 36 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_pause_integration/195/ [22:46] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project bionic_stable_kscreen build #98: FAILURE in 9 min 30 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/bionic_stable_kscreen/98/ [22:47] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project bionic_stable_plasma-vault build #191: FAILURE in 10 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/bionic_stable_plasma-vault/191/ [22:48] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_stable_kscreen build #97: FAILURE in 12 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_stable_kscreen/97/ [22:51] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_stable_ksysguard build #82: FAILURE in 14 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_stable_ksysguard/82/ [22:51] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project bionic_stable_ksysguard build #175: FAILURE in 14 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/bionic_stable_ksysguard/175/ [22:52] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_stable_plasma-vault build #70: FAILURE in 16 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_stable_plasma-vault/70/ [22:53] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project bionic_stable_breeze build #196: FAILURE in 17 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/bionic_stable_breeze/196/ [22:54] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_stable_breeze build #106: FAILURE in 17 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_stable_breeze/106/ [22:56] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_unstable_breeze build #81: FAILURE in 20 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_unstable_breeze/81/ [22:59] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project bionic_unstable_breeze build #221: FAILURE in 22 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/bionic_unstable_breeze/221/ [23:19] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #107: STILL UNSTABLE in 42 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/107/ [23:19] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! [23:19] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project bionic_stable_spectacle build #160: FIXED in 43 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/bionic_stable_spectacle/160/ [23:19] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project bionic_stable_kamoso build #170: NOW UNSTABLE in 43 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/bionic_stable_kamoso/170/ [23:20] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! [23:20] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project bionic_stable_okular build #231: FIXED in 43 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/bionic_stable_okular/231/ [23:20] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project bionic_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #270: STILL UNSTABLE in 43 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/bionic_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/270/ [23:20] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! [23:20] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project bionic_stable_kinfocenter build #218: FIXED in 43 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/bionic_stable_kinfocenter/218/ [23:23] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project bionic_stable_kwin build #251: FAILURE in 3 min 11 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/bionic_stable_kwin/251/ [23:23] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project bionic_stable_plasma-integration build #184: FAILURE in 3 min 42 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/bionic_stable_plasma-integration/184/ [23:24] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_stable_kde-cli-tools build #67: FAILURE in 3 min 49 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_stable_kde-cli-tools/67/ [23:24] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_stable_khotkeys build #78: FAILURE in 3 min 51 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_stable_khotkeys/78/ [23:24] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_stable_oxygen build #93: FAILURE in 4 min 15 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_stable_oxygen/93/ [23:24] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_stable_plasma-desktop build #118: FAILURE in 4 min 21 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_stable_plasma-desktop/118/ [23:25] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_stable_systemsettings build #93: FAILURE in 4 min 55 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_stable_systemsettings/93/ [23:25] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_stable_powerdevil build #68: FAILURE in 4 min 57 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_stable_powerdevil/68/ [23:25] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_stable_kdeplasma-addons build #108: FAILURE in 5 min 6 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_stable_kdeplasma-addons/108/ [23:26] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_stable_plasma-integration build #57: FAILURE in 5 min 47 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_stable_plasma-integration/57/ [23:27] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project bionic_stable_oxygen build #162: FAILURE in 3 min 59 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/bionic_stable_oxygen/162/ [23:27] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project bionic_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #224: STILL UNSTABLE in 50 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/bionic_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/224/ [23:27] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #56: STILL UNSTABLE in 51 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/56/ [23:29] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_stable_kmenuedit build #71: FAILURE in 5 min 39 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_stable_kmenuedit/71/ [23:31] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_unstable_plasma-integration build #54: FAILURE in 3 min 41 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_unstable_plasma-integration/54/ [23:34] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_stable_kwin build #107: FAILURE in 4 min 42 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_stable_kwin/107/ [23:39] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_stable_plasma-workspace build #117: FAILURE in 4 min 38 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_stable_plasma-workspace/117/ [23:43] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! [23:43] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project bionic_stable_kdenlive build #217: FIXED in 1 hr 7 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/bionic_stable_kdenlive/217/ [23:46] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project bionic_unstable_kwin build #270: FAILURE in 51 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/bionic_unstable_kwin/270/ [23:47] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project cosmic_unstable_kwin build #129: STILL FAILING in 1 min 32 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/cosmic_unstable_kwin/129/ [23:48] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project bionic_unstable_plasma-integration build #181: FAILURE in 2 min 39 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/bionic_unstable_plasma-integration/181/ [23:59] -kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project bionic_stable_khotkeys build #177: FAILURE in 3 min 4 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/bionic_stable_khotkeys/177/