
lubot<tsimonq2> @ancha41 [So, Nemo can't handle this ya?], Right00:20
lubot<tsimonq2> Welcome @leandroramos, I recognize you from Twitter :)00:20
lubot<leandroramos> @tsimonq2 [Welcome @leandroramos, I recognize you from Twitter :)], thank you 🤘🏼00:21
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lubot<Pradeep_Rwes> hy there can anyone say how to upgrade from lubuntu bionic to cosmi cuttlefish11:04
hateballlubot: cosmic is not yet released, you will be able to "do-release-upgrade" once it is11:08
hateballPradeep ^11:09
hateballOr do you want to upgrade to the beta version of cosmic ?11:09
lubot<Pradeep_Rwes> yeah i want to upgrade to thee beta version of cosmic11:16
lubot<ancha41> Is Lubuntu have a LTS version? I didn't heard yet11:17
hateballPradeep, in that case "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" should offer to upgrade to Cosmic11:19
hateballancha41, 18.04.1 is LTS11:20
lubot<ancha41> @hateball [<hateball> ancha41, 18.04.1 is LTS], Is that different from 18.04?11:20
hateballPradeep if it says no new version found you may need to edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades from lts to normal11:21
hateballancha41, if you are on a fully updated 18.04, then you are on 18.04.111:21
lubot<ancha41> Oh, got it11:21
lubot<Pradeep_Rwes> @hateball [<hateball> Pradeep if it says no new version found you may need to edit /etc/upd …], K thanks bro I'll look into it11:41
lubot<Pradeep_Rwes> Really thanks bro it just worked11:50
lubot<ancha41> Good night, members (on here it's night)12:42
lubot<ancha41> How can i setting my default application for screenshot? Sometimes when i screenshot, the screenshot always save in folder without my knowledge.  ... I want my screenshot handled with application, not just "Save immediantely in folder"12:46
lubot<ancha41> Right now, i have a screenshot application. But i don't know to set it as default application for screenshot12:48
diogenes_lubot, try shutter and assign it to some keyboard shortcut12:53
saptechgnome-screenshot has the -i switch for interactive mode12:55
saptechhey diogenes_12:55
diogenes_saptech, hey hey :)12:55
saptechI've been using lubuntu lately, this is not bad12:56
lubotWafficus was removed by: Wafficus12:57
lubot<ancha41> @diogenes_ [<diogenes_> lubot, try shutter and assign it to some keyboard shortcut], Seems good, i'll try it13:19
lubot<ancha41> One question again, how do i change folder path to save screenshot?13:27
lubot<Pradeep_Rwes> In firefox scrolling through pages is not smooth! ... It is kinda tearing15:22
lubot<Pradeep_Rwes> On latest lubuntu cuttle fish!15:22
lubot<Pradeep_Rwes> (Document) https://telegram.lubuntu.me/N34fZMpe/file_4224.mp415:22
lubot<tsimonq2> Google has intentionally slowed down YouTube on any browser but Chrome.15:23
lubot<tsimonq2> It's another one of their bad marketing tactics.15:24
lubot<tsimonq2> @ancha41 [One question again, how do i change folder path to save screenshot?], For Shutter? I believe they have some configuration options you can change, or at least something like a "Save As" button.15:25
lubot<Pradeep_Rwes> @tsimonq2 [Google has intentionally slowed down YouTube on any browser but Chrome.], It is the same sort of thing for me on any page!15:25
lubot<tsimonq2> @Pradeep_Rwes [It is the same sort of thing for me on any page!], Ahh15:26
lubot<tsimonq2> What kind of specifications does your computer have?15:26
lubot<Pradeep_Rwes> @tsimonq2 [What kind of specifications does your computer have?], i5 7th gen, 8 gig of ram,nvidia 920mx gpu15:28
lubot<Pradeep_Rwes> with intel hd ofc15:28
lubot<Pradeep_Rwes> (Document) https://telegram.lubuntu.me/cj8Fbgkw/file_4225.mp415:28
lubot<tsimonq2> Oh jeez, so you shouldn't really be having problems...15:28
lubot<tsimonq2> It's not something I've really closely noticed myself but maybe look in the Firefox settings?15:29
lubot<Pradeep_Rwes> Yeah turning off smooth scrolling helping ... But it is not completely removing15:30
lubot<tsimonq2> Huh, I'm not sure :)15:33
lubot<Pradeep_Rwes> K thanks15:36
lubot<marneu> @Pradeep_Rwes [In firefox scrolling through pages is not smooth! ... It is kinda tearing], I've got the same issue on my desktop with an NVIDIA GTX 970. This solution works for me (tl;dr you need to set vsync system-wide): https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NVIDIA/Troubleshooting#Avoid_screen_tearing15:38
lubot<Pradeep_Rwes> @marneu [I've got the same issue on my desktop with an NVIDIA GTX 970. This solution work …], Thanks bro I'll check15:39
ChunkzZWhere can I download the release candidate for lubuntu 18.10?17:00
lubot<HMollerCl> @Pradeep_Rwes [i5 7th gen, 8 gig of ram,nvidia 920mx gpu], Which driver for Nvidia? Nouveau or proprietary?17:15
lubot<Pradeep_Rwes> now nouveau17:16
lubot<HMollerCl> Try proprietary to see if it helps17:16
lubot<marneu> I'm on proprietary, as well.17:23
lubot<HMollerCl> @marneu [I'm on proprietary, as well.], And do you have same issue?22:06
lubot<marneu> Same issue, but the solution I posted above solved it for me. Just wanted to say that I didn't try the solution with nouveau.22:11
lubot<ancha41> Just curious, ... if i change my LXDE to LXQt, will my GTK+ app still work?22:55
lubot<marneu> Yes, even the theming works great.23:00

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