
faekjarzHi! I'm still running the old LTS 16.04 (Gnome) and the latest update to Thunderbird (+locale +lightning) introduced an incompatibility with Lightning. Is this a known issue?00:01
TsynkI have no idea, I am running 18.04 LTS at the moment. Bionic Beaver.00:25
tomreynfaekjarz: install the xul-ext-lightning package00:30
faekjarzxul-ext-lightning got updated along with thunderbird00:31
qomiterubuntu is a great OS00:35
segwentqomiter: +100:39
qomiterSegment 1up00:47
gbear14275I think that the chrome ssh plugin is faster than the terminal applicatoin01:03
ktongasruli: now i cannot start from usb, that's weird, i was able without issues a few months back when i installed it01:11
ktongai removed `quiet splash` to see what's going on, do you understand this messages? https://imgur.com/a/mggjKdi01:12
ktongaand it goes and goes01:13
ktongait's similar to what happened at some point with my installed ubuntu, it showed similar errors about Docker01:14
ktongatried 17.10 which i already had in the pendrive and also 18.04 which i've just downloaded01:15
srulii dont know, maybe someone else can help you01:15
ktongasure, np01:16
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segwentktonga: a bad photo of your screen ... i even got a magnifying glass01:24
ktongaok, it was the modeset thing01:24
ktongayea :D sorry about that01:24
ktongait was moving so the focus went bananas01:25
segwentyeah .. bananas dot com slash support slask cup01:26
ktonganow time to figure out how i chroot to an encryted lvm :) brb01:28
segwentpassword=[assword ;)01:29
mkaufmanthis is why I love something like salt01:30
apawlCan somebody help me understand the output of `free`? I have 0GB listed as "free", but 27GB listed as available. (Also 27GB available as "buff/cache"). I'm not used to seeing those buff/cache and available fields.01:31
apawlI'm assuming that this newer version of free uses "Available" in the way older versions used "Free" -- is that accurate?01:31
apawlThis is the output I'm talking about: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tXWtDscjWn/01:32
segwentapawl: see -h (human readable) option of free (free --help)01:34
segwentapawl: see -h (human readable) option of free (free --help)01:36
apawl_Interesting. `free -h` does show some memory under "free" column. (I guess because it's <1GB). But most of it is under the "Available" column01:37
segwent'free' != 'available'01:39
apawl_Yeah that's what's throwing me off.01:39
segwenttry top with a few over chardes vbox's01:39
segwenti can get top to give me 1000% of cpu01:40
segwent1,000 to be sure ..01:41
k_sze[work]When using the IBus input method system, is there a way to assign keyboard shortcuts to jump to particular input methods? I don't like cycling through the list of input methods using the Super+Spacebar combo.01:44
qwebirc8990is it possible to install ubuntu on different drive USING ubuntu? I'm using 14.04 now and want to install the downloaded .iso on to the 2nd drive but don't have stick or CD to proper boot/install as usual01:50
tomvolekHI, Just upgraded from 16 to 18.4 and now on reboot, my screen is completly  blank. Cant right mouse click, etc. Anybody knows a work around for this ?01:53
icarioushi. how to install the nvidia binary driver in Ubuntu?01:53
Bashing-omicarious: ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' is the terminal way .01:54
icariousBashing-om: Thanks01:55
gbear14275has anyone got conjure-up kubernetes to work?  I've tried 3 times and it keeps stalling01:55
* segwent adds salt01:59
vmesonThunderbird update breaks Lightning and this doesn't help: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/calendar-updates-issues-thunderbird02:10
vmesonah, yes it does, the Config Editor was hiding under the General tab that didn't look like a tab.02:12
JFox762Hi, I need help getting Hibernate to work again...02:18
JFox762It worked when I set it up a while back, but lately it hasn't been working at all02:18
nshireshould I make my ubuntu installer drive mbr or gpt02:19
ssfdre38_ubuntuis it me or is the official mirrors are having problems02:26
Bashing-omnshire: If your bios supports AHCI, I would go with GPT partitioning ,02:28
hggdhssfdre38_ubuntu: probably they are being updated02:32
ssfdre38_ubuntuits been several days02:33
hggdhssfdre38_ubuntu: then it is you...02:34
ssfdre38_ubuntufresh install02:34
hggdhgive us a pastebin showing an apt update02:35
ssfdre38_ubuntuthat is the last bit that is failing02:35
ssfdre38_ubuntuthat is everything when i do a apt update --fix-missing02:36
hggdhssfdre38_ubuntu: and you *are* running Bionic, right? (yes, this is weird)02:37
ssfdre38_ubuntuyea 18.04 lts02:37
hggdhssfdre38_ubuntu: change your repositories to the main repo, and try again02:38
Bashing-omssfdre38_ubuntu: "(invalid for another 9h 45min 55s)." check your system time .02:38
ssfdre38_ubuntui did02:38
hggdhalso... is your system's clock synchronised?02:39
hggdhthis might happen if your system's clock is running behind02:39
Bashing-omssfdre38_ubuntu: And ?? dual booting Windows, and Windows controls the hardware clock as local time ?02:40
hggdh^ heh02:40
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ssfdre38_ubuntuyea system clock is the same as local time02:41
hggdhssfdre38_ubuntu: give us the output of 'date'02:41
ssfdre38_ubuntujust changed it to correct time and its now working02:41
hggdhand... sys clock == local time => Windows02:41
ssfdre38_ubuntuwindows has the correct time and it pushes it to the uefi02:42
hggdhssfdre38_ubuntu: here how it goes: Linux expects the hardware clock to be running UTC02:42
hggdhWindows, on the other hand, (in my view, idiotically) considers the system time-sync-ed with the hardware clock running local time02:44
hggdhso... clash02:44
ktongaafter booting live usb and doing all the chroot with lvm and luks i installed a few things like nvidia driver, also updated a few packages. Now it got worse, it says it cannot find the volume group and drops me in an initramfs shell :(02:45
ktongamight it be related to using a different name when open de partition with cryptsetup?02:46
ktongaor i missed to bind an importan dir when i did the chroot?02:46
Damnit__does anyone have a good link for using man pages?02:46
ktongacan i fix it? anyone knows?02:47
hggdhDamnit__: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/02:47
Damnit__something i can understand02:48
hggdhDamnit__: on, how to use the command itself? man man, or info man02:49
hggdhor even man -h for a summary02:49
Damnit__Because I have a final exam coming up and learning on the commands is not going to happen. There has got to be a trick. I am giving myself panic attacks  myself to02:54
Damnit__delete myself to*02:54
GeoHi, each night around this time, kswapd0 strts hogging all the cycles on my box (load time 100+). The box is unresponsive over ssh during this period, so it's hard to troubleshoot during the process (and after, because, well, its done)02:55
GeoAny idea what to look for?02:55
GeoNo cron jobs firing02:55
hggdhDamnit__: I am not aware of any trick. There are probably Linux for dummies books and pages around, please try searching for them02:56
Damnit__calling me a dummy?02:57
hggdhDamnit__: no, I am not. Usually the "... for dummies" series is geared for those trying to learn something.02:57
hggdhDamnit__: which is, it seems, your case.02:58
hggdhGeo: if kswapd is using all CPU, then probably you are over-using your memory (and kswapd is trying to make your system cope with it)03:00
hggdhGeo: in other words, paging like crazy03:00
GeoYep, I got that far, is there anyway to, from logs, see what was paging it?03:01
Geo*causing the paging03:01
GeoThere wasn't anything in syslog that seemed like it was related03:01
GeoI think this started right around my upgrade to 18.0403:01
hggdhGeo: try following https://serverfault.com/questions/316560/how-do-i-tell-what-process-is-causing-kswapd-to-be-in-use/31663603:02
GeoBut I can't say that definitively... but that is ceratinly the largest change that was made aroudn the same time03:02
GeoI have top running now, during the slow time03:03
Geo(updates once every 90 seconds or so...)03:03
Geojust look at the highest memory usage process?03:03
hggdhyes, follow the highest memory processes03:04
hggdhnote the plural form03:04
hggdhalso, look at swap usage03:04
Geowell this is interesting03:04
Geo0 available03:05
hggdhall swap used?03:05
Geonow how did that happen03:05
Geo0 total!03:05
GeoKiB Swap:        0 total,        0 free,        0 used.03:05
hggdhthe mistery of the vanishing memory, methinks03:05
Geohow on earth does that happen03:05
hggdha very good question. One that, unfotunately, pretty much only you can answer :-)03:06
Geoyeah, no kidding03:06
Geoand rather than troubleshoot, is it faster to just add some more and move on with my life03:06
Geothis is already night 3 of troubleshooting03:06
GeoAs I get older, 'moving on with life' just seems so much more attractive03:07
GeoNow I just have to wait for this to calm down and start responding, and we'll be good to go. Thanks for bouncing ideas with me03:08
Geofallocate is still the right way to create swapspace, right?03:08
hggdhor mkswap03:09
Damnit__if the questioned are multiple choice couldn't I use the process of elimination using man pages?03:09
Geototally unrelated- can i use a cert file with sudo, somehow?03:14
GeoI finally managed to change my password to something I can't remember, but have my certs for the ssh account03:15
Damnit__Are dell laptop batteries known to be shit?03:17
fishcookerlogrotate: just set new config from compres to uncompress... will the next cron job will be deleting the old compressed one automatically?03:18
nshireDamnit__, how old?03:24
nshirecoincidently my dell laptop battery isn't being recognized, its completely dead i think03:25
rolerdo you guys install the ReleaseCandidate? Or wait for the final ? I installed RC last time and it was fine :)03:26
Damnit__inspersion 17 not that old03:26
Bashing-omroler: If you can deal with breakage, and want the latest .. then the RC release is the thing to do . Report all issues, however . RC is "testing" and not for the faint at heart .03:30
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:38
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Damnit__the Dell i am trying to use wont tuen on either03:45
roleror wait 3 days.... decisions decisions :)03:46
Damnit__anyone here in Cyber security?03:50
fishcookerlogrotate: just set new config from compres to uncompress... will the next cron job will be deleting the old compressed one automatically?03:55
JFox762Hi, I need help getting Hibernate to work again...04:02
JFox762It worked when I set it up a while back, but lately it hasn't been working at all04:02
lotuspsychjeJFox762: you have a bug existing?04:39
JFox762I'm having trouble getting Hibernate to work right04:40
JFox762when I first implemented it, ...04:40
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JFox762it worked fine. But lately, when the Pc starts up... it loses the state I left it in04:40
JFox762Hibernate is using my Swap partition04:41
JFox762which i added recently04:41
lotuspsychjeJFox762: do you have a bug existing yet on launchpad04:41
JFox762what is launchpad?04:42
lotuspsychje!bug | JFox762 start here04:43
ubottuJFox762 start here: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.04:43
lotuspsychjeJFox762: after you created it, feel free to share the bugs link in the channel and volunteers will take a look to help you04:43
JFox762im wondering if i configured it wrong04:44
ktongaafter a little bit more of research the problem seems to be sddm not starting, there is a bug report with a few workarounds but none worked for me04:47
ktongai tried lightdm as well and it also fails and jumps into a terminal so quickly i can't see the error message04:48
Bashing-omktonga: A wild thought - broken graphic's driver ? what shows ' sudo lshw -C display ' ?04:50
ktongadisplay UNCLAIMED for nvidia card. and just display for the Intel one04:53
ktongai have nvidia-prime configured for nvidia04:53
ktongatried intel and nothing04:53
ktongaalso tried uninstalling and using nouveau and the same04:54
Bashing-omktonga: Broken graphic's driver . what release is this ? as we want to remove nvidia's config file .. and I ma not sure where it is in 18.04/ We may have to hunt - before re-installing the proprietary driver .04:56
ktongait's 18.1004:58
ktongabut it also happened with 18.0404:58
ktongaand i just upgraded coz it couldn't be more broken :D04:58
ktongai have another pretty similar laptop and it is woking there (here)05:00
ktongasame driver version nvida 39005:01
Bashing-omktonga: broken in 18.04 is broken in 18.10 - no makig pill . what shows ' sudo find / -name Xorg.conf ' . see what we can do .05:02
ktongaalso i tried live usb and adding nouveau.modeset=0 it starts and im able to start kubuntu05:02
ktongahmm that will take a while i guess05:03
ktongano matches05:04
ktongaso all defaults i guess05:04
Bashing-omktonga: We looking at ' ls -al /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ ' ? And I also do not know what may have changed in the Nvidia driver config in 18.04/18.10. Do the best we can :)05:06
ktongamuch appreciated, i'm going nuts with this05:07
Bashing-omktonga: Well, we know the driver is broke . getting it installed in one step forward.05:08
ktongai've got an nvidia prime there05:08
ktongawill find a way to pute the output in a gist05:10
Bashing-omktonga: Optimis and that Xorg.conf is required ti swirch graphics sets, It has to be someplace . /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ ?05:10
Bashing-omktonga: I am some kind of tired - not doing too well of watching what I am doing or thinking .05:12
ktongaX11 nvidia https://imgur.com/gallery/62McFC705:12
ktongahttps://gist.github.com/ktonga/1f52f9acc2a99e7f1a267079af888563 if the picture is too bad05:16
ktongaoh maybe thats a problem, it says it's generated by gpu-manager, but gpu-manager is the other one service maked as failed by systemctl05:19
Bashing-omktonga: Good thoight to look at the log file ! ' cat /var/log/gpu-manager.log ' .05:22
ktongait says nvidia is blacklisted05:24
ktongabut i cannot find how05:24
ktonganothing in /etc/modprobe.d/05:25
Bashing-omktonga: still reading, but confirmation that the system is unhappy " Is nvidia loaded? no " .05:26
Bashing-omktonga: And both drivers blacklisted : " Is nouveau blacklisted? yes " .05:28
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ktongayeah saw it05:28
ktongait was, one of my random changes, but i reverted that05:28
ktongano it should not05:28
ktongai dunno how it is determining which is blacklisted05:29
lotuspsychjeJFox762: you cant config hibernate much, its just enable or disable but alot of acpi bugs exist out there05:30
Bashing-omktonga: ' ls -al /etc/modprobe.d/ ' See what we can find there for the nvidia blacklisting .05:33
JFox762one second lotus05:33
ktongaBashing-om: nothing https://gist.github.com/ktonga/678b99bcc90f5e90450eed19cf0eba5305:35
Bashing-omktonga: I have 18.10 installed running the 390 driver . I could drop out here and boot that 18.10 install up so we have something in common to compare .05:35
ktongathat sounds like a plan, thanks a lot for all the help05:36
Bashing-omktonga: see tht is in that blacklist.conf file .05:36
Bashing-omktonga: meanwhile I am going to reboot .05:37
JFox762lotuspsychje: that is what I had to do to fix this05:38
ktongaBashing-om: https://gist.github.com/ktonga/3883dd0ff249dfba0ab7d4cd4d2f60b805:39
lotuspsychjektonga: bashing-om has left the building05:39
lotuspsychjektonga: feel free to re-ask your original question to the channel with all details, steps tryed05:39
JFox762basically the "logs" i wrote down... for the process of enabling hibernate05:40
lotuspsychjeJFox762: so it works now?05:40
JFox762it did for a while05:40
JFox762but stopped working05:40
lotuspsychjeJFox762: create a bug for it05:40
JFox762how do i know if my swap partition... isn't "purging"05:40
Bashing-omktonga: OK, back in 18.10. Lemme look at what I have ,05:44
ktongaBashing-om: cool, whole dir tar'ed05:47
Bashing-omktonga: In a minimal install here, no way to deal with a tar file .05:48
ktongatell me what you prefer05:49
ktongathats the content of blacklist.conf05:49
dlamdammit, i tried distupgrade 16.04 -> 18.04 and it failed:   any tips on how to recover?   i got no more network/internet on my laptop!05:49
ktongadlam: welcome to the club!05:50
dlamktonga:  same thing happened to you???!?05:50
ktongain my case we just kinda norrowed it down to a video driver issue05:50
ktongawhich is weird coz live usb worked and i have another similar laptop where it is working too05:51
dlami cant even restart/shutdown, i get in /var/log/syslog:    gnome-session-binary:  WARNING: Shutdown failed .... Interactive authentication required05:52
dlamoh oh, ok for me, in /var/log/distlog it had some package dependency problem with 'kubuntu-desktop' or something05:52
Bashing-omktonga: Not finding where nvidia is blacklisted ..lemme see what I can find .05:55
ktongai looked  and could not find it either05:56
ktonganor nouveau05:56
ktongathere is something in bl-frambuffer.cong05:57
ktongabut its nvidiafb05:57
Bashing-omktonga: Maybe old info .. https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-disable-nouveau-nvidia-driver-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux . As nouveau on my system is NOT disabled here .06:03
dlamktonga:  k i did 'sudo reboot -h now' seems to work  :D06:05
ktongaBashing-om:  nor in my other dell laptop, also i ve tried that aleady06:05
ktongaand live usb works with built-in nouveau, everything is so weird. I've tried so many things06:06
ktongaglad to know dlam@ !06:06
dlamwth is baloo_file,  on 18.04 it is constantly at 100% CPU06:13
Bashing-omktonga: Nvidia has recently repackaged - is now a process of learning where/what things are now :(06:14
ktongaBashing-om: I'll be AFK for a while, if you find something else and you wanna put it here ill take a look later. thanks again for all you help!06:16
Bashing-omktonga: We need to find where the nvidia driver is blacklisted .. I am too tired to carry on , we can pick this back up in my AM - then install the nvidia driver properly from our repo .06:19
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tombeeHi all, does anyone have any experience with doing a mini iso install using a preseed file? I've been using the boot options `auto file=/cdrom/preseed.cfg`, but it doesn't appear that the file gets loaded.  I remastered the mini.iso with the preseed.cfg at the root.06:53
mnkybrdrHi all.  Does anyone know what could be causes our docker images on ubuntu to hang and become zombies?07:00
mnkybrdrWe have moved half our systems to Centos and it doesnt happen on these instances07:00
tombeemnkybrdr: are you using different storagedrivers between the two?07:03
mnkybrdrtombee: let me just check07:03
mnkybrdrtombee: no both are using overlay207:05
tombeedo both have the same ulimits set?07:06
mnkybrdrthe backing storage is different, xfs on centos and exfs on ubuntu07:06
mnkybrdrthe ulimits are the same, in fact centos has lower for some values07:07
mnkybrdrWe have looked for the cause of this for nearly a year.  We use ubuntu for all our servers and vms, but this issue is a real pain.07:08
tomvolekI am trying to install Ubuntu 18.04 off of a USB, at the screen which asks for your name and comouter name to create account, the keyboard goes dead, can not input any charcters, only mouse works .. anybody seen this ?07:09
moosesis this a laptop, tomvolek ?07:10
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tomvolekno sir,a desktop which I was running Ubuntu 16,07:10
moosestomvolek: Weird.  Do you have a backup keyboard you can plug in and test?07:10
tomvoleki tried to upgrade, and i started getting a black screen, then tried to boot from a usb stick and now this07:10
mnkybrdrI have seen this when installing a DELL server but installing a second USB keyboard worked07:11
tomvolekmooses, yes I tried , no luck07:11
moosestomvolek: Did you checksum the install media?07:11
tomvoleki give it another try for  a third keyboard07:11
moosesI'm betting bad install media or hardware failure07:11
mnkybrdrSeems to match mooses case07:11
tomvolekmooses: I wil do, but ubuntu is becoming more error prone .. i rarely see any of these sort of issues with Centos07:12
tomvolekmooses:  thanks, will double check07:12
moosestomvolek: check out what mnkybrdr just linked, that seems to match your issue07:12
tomvolekthe last comment says, use 'nomodest' .  how do i use this with booting from USB ? :)07:14
moosestomvolek: Read the thread.  It's linked there.07:14
tomvolekopps see it , thanks07:15
mooseshehehee no problem :307:15
moosesbest of luck!07:15
Paddy_NII am starting to slowly loose my mind with a GTX 1050 TI.  When using this card with the Nouveu driver it guesses the resolution correctly, when using it with the NVidia 360 driver it operates in a tremendously low resolution08:15
EriC^^Paddy_NI: did you try manually changing it?08:15
Paddy_NIEriC^^: Yes with xrandr.  It spits out errors08:15
EriC^^what exactly08:16
Paddy_NIEriC^^: I'll pastebin this, sorry for the slowness as I am trying to navigate a super low resolution.08:17
EriC^^no problem08:17
Paddy_NIEriC^^: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/NsGFs45RxJ/08:17
Paddy_NIEriC^^: I read on the nvidia forums yesterday that apparently they block mode setting with the proprietary driver if there is a problem with the edid08:18
Paddy_NIEriC^^: For the life of me I cannot find that post again08:19
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Paddy_NIEriC^^: Any ideas?08:25
EriC^^Paddy_NI: is there an nvidia-settings binary in the system?08:28
Paddy_NIEriC^^: Yes08:28
vltHello. When `file some.csv` tells me "ISO-8859 text" or "Non-ISO extended-ASCII text", how does it determine that?08:28
Paddy_NIEriC^^: The mode is not available08:28
Paddy_NIEriC^^: Or rather it only contains a list of low resolutions08:28
EriC^^this guy seems to have the same problem, he modified the xorg.conf with new resolution to get it working https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232421108:29
EriC^^Paddy_NI: ^08:29
Paddy_NIEriC^^: Oh that seems promising. ALthough he does not mention how he generated the Xorg.conf08:32
EriC^^Paddy_NI: he says he used nvidia-settings to create it08:32
Paddy_NIEriC^^: Yeah but does not detail how08:32
EriC^^maybe when you save the settings it creates it? try to see if it exists in /etc08:33
EriC^^Paddy_NI: he says he launched nvidia-settings using sudo08:33
EriC^^what does "ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf" give back?08:33
Paddy_NIEriC^^: "nvidia-settings" just launches the nvidia settings dialogue.  I think I have found something .. Just a sec :-)08:35
EriC^^ok :)08:41
Paddy_NIHey EriC^^ I'm just going to reboot, fingers crossed. Oh by the way I created the xorg.conf manually using vim on this computers desktop.  I intend on moving it to "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" before I reboot.  Do I need to do anything with the permissions?08:43
EriC^^Paddy_NI: i think just make sure it's owned by root and 77508:44
EriC^^(775 permissions)08:44
Paddy_NIEriC^^: sudo chown 775 ~/Desktop/xorg.conf08:44
Paddy_NILike that08:44
EriC^^yeah :)08:44
Paddy_NISorry for being a pain :-)08:44
EriC^^no pain at all :)08:45
Paddy_NIOkay so.. brb.. hopefully lol08:46
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Paddy_NIHmm... still no joy09:07
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Paddy_NIWould anyone have any idea how to get an NVidia GTX 1050 TI to output 1920x1080@60hz. presently I am only getting really low resolutions.  xrandr addmode fails with erros (supposedly nvidia block this now).  I have also tried creating a custom xorg.conf which leaves me with no display server until I delete the file and thus the circle begins again...09:12
Ben64Paddy_NI: use nvidia-settings09:14
Paddy_NIBen64: I have used it09:15
Paddy_NIUsing for what exactly is the part that needs clearing up09:15
Ben64well it works09:15
Paddy_NITo do what exactly?09:15
Ben64set resolution, or a bunch of other stuff09:15
Paddy_NIBen64: Yeah it does not have the resolution I need. 1920x108009:16
Ben64are you plugging it in to a potato09:16
Paddy_NIBen64: I have not got the time nor the patience for trolls mucker09:17
Ben64i don't have patience to play 20 questions to figure out what your setup is like09:17
Paddy_NIBen64: As I have already stated. gtx 1050 ti. trying to get a resolution of 1920x108009:18
blackflowPaddy_NI: did you say nvida 360 driver? 360?09:26
Paddy_NIblackflow: Yeah I think it is, how would I confirm this?09:27
tombeeIs there a way to check if a preseed file has been loaded correctly during an Ubuntu install (using debian installer/minimal iso), I can see the installer/boot params are there in the syslog.. but I don't see anything about it getting loaded or any errors.09:27
blackflowPaddy_NI: dpkg -l | grep nvidia09:27
Paddy_NIblackflow: It seems that it's actually the 390 driver09:28
Paddy_NIMy mistake09:28
blackflowPaddy_NI: I was using 396 from the graphics-drivers PPA because 390+Bionic was a very buggy and crashy situation. Perhaps try the newer driver?09:30
Paddy_NIblackflow: I will give that a go, thank you for the tip :-)09:31
Paddy_NIblackflow: About removing the previous driver, what would be the best practice?  Or will it be okay to just install the other from the ppa without removing the previous?09:31
blackflowPaddy_NI: iirc, installing 396 will remove 39009:32
Paddy_NICool :_)09:32
blackflowat any rate there can't be two drivers at the same time, they install same files.09:32
Paddy_NIblackflow: Good to know, when I initially installed the 390 driver using the additional drivers dialogue and it gave me those poor results I went back to the nouveu driver.  However it was not the same as before and had even less and lower resolution options09:36
Paddy_NIEven after deleting xorg.conf09:36
eeoshi everybody! How do you install appimage packaged applications system wide?09:52
reqyHow do I run 'timeout 60 burnp6' on all cores? Is there a way to run this command on all cores?09:57
Ben64run it in a for loop with i from 1-n cores09:59
roryif I have a binary "/usr/local/bin/foo" and it works on the shell with "foo", but the same command doesn't work in a script unless I specify the full path, where should I start looking?10:04
gbear14275is there a key conflict between F10 while in htop?  Can someone else try and see if it triggers the file menu (expected behavior: quit)10:04
roryif I put "echo $PATH" at the top of the script I do see /usr/local/bin in there10:04
gpunkgbear14275: yes, i use "q" to quit10:06
Ben64rory: always a good idea to use full paths in scripts10:06
blackflowgbear14275: yes, disable the shortcut in your terminal. F1 too (for help)10:10
miguel2013isn't  ubuntu 16.04 lts suported until 202010:13
gbear14275blackflow, I looked but under the terminal preferences F10 isn't mapped to anything10:13
miguel2013why noi one wants to help me qand asking me to upgrade10:14
blackflowgbear14275: which terminal is that? gnome terminal has F10 and F1 shortcuts iirc10:14
blackflowmiguel2013: what?10:14
reqyBen64: In each iteration, I still need to pass a core number right?10:14
gbear14275blackflow, default installed (assuming gnome)10:15
roryyeah Ben64 but why would it be any different anyway? PATH is set fine10:15
Ben64rory: it must not be10:16
miguel2013blackflow: can u help me transfer files using the infrared on 16.04 lts10:16
Ben64reqy: no10:16
miguel2013I can't find clear instructions for my hp 95lx to do that10:16
blackflowmiguel2013: I know nothing about setting up infrared, sorry...10:16
roryIt is, if I do "echo $PATH" i see it the same as the shell.10:16
Ben64rory: whats the error10:17
gbear14275blackflow, looks like it's not a terminal binding but a default gnome binding so I have to disable it within gnome (F1 can be disabled in terminal though)10:20
blackflowgbear14275: oh yes, I think you're right. there's that gnome tweak tool where you can set that up iirc10:21
miguel2013can someone help me transfer files using ubuntu 16.04 lts with my paltop hp 95lx10:26
miguel2013using infrared10:27
geirhais paltop a term I've never heard, or is it just a typo of laptop?10:30
miguel2013is like a laptop mini10:30
miguel2013it's from early 90s10:30
miguel2013I have a bar graph done in lotus123 and I wanna copy it to my ubuntu laptop. the palmtop could use a ram card but I don't have the card only infrared as network or serial but I don't have its cable10:32
gbear14275blackflow, nevermind I was blind (although it's slightly unintuitive)  the disable F10 option is in the general tab (not the shortcuts tab) under preferences for terminal and it's titled "Enable the menu accelerator key (F10 by default)"10:33
eeoshi everybody! How do you install appimage packaged applications system wide?10:33
blackflowgbear14275: so I wasn't kraysee! :)10:33
geirharory: are you sure it's not just the context you run it in? e.g. if you run it with cron, you'll likely have a very minimal PATH that doesn't include /usr/local/bin10:33
geirhain that case you should set PATH at the top of the script, or in the crontab10:34
roryactually NONE of the commands in the script are working. chmod isn't working. which isn't working.10:34
roryI'm running it literally with just "foo" - it's a bash script with executable bit on my PATH10:35
geirharory: then my guess is something is overwriting PATH in the script10:35
miguel2013I'm reading I have to load a tty module10:35
rorybut when I do echo $PATH I do see the path10:35
geirharory: what's the exact error you get10:35
roryline 13: chmod: command not found10:36
roryline 19: git: command not found10:36
rorythe first line is #!/bin/bash like I always do, and I never came across this before10:37
geirhaand if you run echo "$PATH"  just before line 13, you still see /bin and /usr/bin in there?10:37
geirhaalso, does this involve chroot or similar?10:37
rorynothing funky going on, just a bash script on ubuntu 16.0410:38
rorylet me try that just before the offending line10:38
roryomg I am so dense10:39
roryI was reading a positional variable and assigning it to PATh10:39
rorythanks geirha10:39
geirhaAnd that's why you shouldn't use uppercase variable names :)10:39
roryidk I think calling it "path" would be even more cnfusing somehow10:40
rorybetter to call it KEY and be done :)10:40
geirhalowercase it still. key= or path=10:41
geirhausing uppercase variable names are bugs waiting to happen. Since the shell merges  regular variables and environment variables in the same namespace, using lowercase variables is how you avoid accidentally overriding environment variables as well as special shell variables10:42
roryyou can't convince me - I like the way uppercase variables look in bash scripts. I don't care if I'm wrong.10:43
roryimo they make them easier to follow, if ALL your variables are uppercase10:44
blackflowgeirha: in fact, uppercase vars is exactly why they're uppercase, to avoid namespace collision with everything else that's lowercase, like all the commands and such10:45
geirhablackflow: commands are in a different namespace10:45
ppettinaHi guys!10:49
ppettinaI was wondering, what's the best way to have a bug considered for reopening10:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1452115 in python3.4 (Ubuntu) "Python interpreter binary is not compiled as PIE" [Undecided,Fix released]10:49
ppettina(I've added a comment)10:50
MarcisBHello everyone! I have problem with hosts file10:50
MarcisBMy hosts file looks like this -  https://hastebin.com/caxebobadu.css10:50
MarcisBBut host symfony.dev not working. only works10:51
MarcisBwhat might be a problem?10:51
geirhaadd back localhost10:51
rorycould you elaborate on "not working" ?10:51
geirha127.0.0.1 localhost symfony.dev10:52
roryyou have an application you can access by but not by symphony.dev? Are you able to telnet to symphony.dev on the application port?10:52
MarcisBI need it for apache web server virtual host10:52
MarcisBI m accesing it from chrome10:53
MarcisB127.0.0.1 my web appache10:53
rorydo you see anything in chrome at all when you access http://symphony.dev10:53
rorydo you see anything in chrome at all when you access http://symfony.dev rather10:53
MarcisBThis site can’t be reached10:53
MarcisBsymfony.dev refused to connect.10:53
roryok but works fine in the same browser?10:54
Ben64how about pinging it?10:54
geirhanc -zv synfony.dev 8010:54
MarcisBnc: getaddrinfo for host "synfony.dev" port 80: Name or service not known10:55
MarcisBConnection to symfony.dev 80 port [tcp/http] succeeded!10:55
MarcisBWhen pinging in terminal10:55
geirhathere you go. Don't forget to add back localhost10:55
MarcisBok need to add localhost?10:56
geirha127.0.0.1 localhost symfony.dev10:57
geirhaa lot of programs will misbehave if there's no localhost10:57
MarcisBWhy this is so important?10:57
MarcisBI added it but also not working : (10:58
MarcisB127.0.0.1 localhost symfony.dev10:58
geirhaaccording to nc -zv you successfully connected to port 8010:59
MarcisBYes but browser not : (10:59
Cheezwhat browser?11:00
geirhacurl -i http://symfony.dev   does it try to redirect to https?11:00
Cheez.dev is owned by google and has HSTS preloading in chrome etc, so you cannot access it over http in chrome11:00
Cheezyou should use .test for local test domains11:01
MarcisBThanks : )11:01
BluesKajHowdy folks11:01
geirhaoh, fun11:01
Cheezgeirha: yeah it's an interesting one, although that IS why .test is explicitly reserved for this sort of thing. :)11:02
MarcisBsymfony.test not working also : (11:03
MarcisBgeirha Through curl in terminal it loaded all my page11:09
MarcisBBut in browser not11:09
MarcisB: )11:09
MarcisBI made symfony.mb and it works : )11:14
HanumaanI have a iSCSI partition which is mounted at location /media/FolderABC sometimes its gets disconnected and the data copied is basically gets copied to local machine, is there a way to say that directory is not accessible when connection is not there?11:25
gpunknot at my knowledge11:26
moosesHanumaan: I'd just whip up a fast bash script to handle the copy, have it check for a file named something like 'foo' that's on that iSCSI drive, if no foo, abort copy11:32
Hanumaanmooses: I actually made read only the mount point and so when it is not mounted then it will not be able to copy .. hope this will work11:34
roryHanumaan: https://serverfault.com/a/570271/12239111:35
moosesHanumaan: Ummm, but then when the drive is mounted I don't think it will be able to write :)11:35
roryHanumaan: unmount it then run: chattr +i /mountpoint11:35
moosesoh that's smart, rory.  Forgot about chattr11:35
roryfwiw I typed "linux only allow write to mount point when mounted" into Google and clicked the first Stack result11:36
moosesyou know what they say, 'the feature you want is probably already built in' <3 linux11:36
moosesrory: Show off! :311:36
Hanumaanrory: getting this error "chattr: Operation not permitted while setting flags on /media/PastAccounts/"11:39
vushhello #ubuntu. I am working on a virtual machine in ubuntu 18.04 and have a problem with systemtap (loading evdev) saying "semantic error: while resolving probe point: identifier 'module' ... source: probe module("evdev").(...) semantic error: no match11:39
viranI have a python process using 100% cpu that kill -9 doesnt end, any suggesstions?11:40
vushi have applied the fix for symbols and module names, i really think its the module that is missing11:40
roryHanumaan: you would need to be root, or use sudo in front of the command11:41
blackflowviran: is it in D state?11:41
viranblackflow: ubuntu   26789  100  0.0      0     0 ?        Zl   Oct13 4388:36 [python] <defunct>11:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 26789 in Ubuntu "I can't load a wirless card" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2678911:41
Hanumaanrory: thanks .. error didnt look like permission but worked with sudo thanks11:41
blackflowviran: that's a zombie, init should reap it11:41
geirhawell, it's not using 100% cpu11:42
virangeirha: top shows 100%11:42
blackflowHanumaan: "not permitted" didn't look like permission?11:42
viranblackflow: what doe you mean by init?11:43
Hanumaanblackflow: sorry .. yes it is ..11:43
blackflowviran: PID 111:44
viranblackflow: so, i should give it time?11:45
blackflowviran: if it doesn't, I'm affraid there's nothing you can do about it, but reboot. possibly with --force as systemd might object.11:45
blackflowviran: googling for it, seems to suggest systemd has issues with reaping zombies. I'd just reboot.11:47
ioriaviran, probably a multi-threaded11:47
virani'd like to unmount /mnt before i restart (aws machine, with a few aws disks) .. but im getting a message from umount saying /mnt is busy.... any safe way to unmount?11:49
howarthjwAnyone here running the newer (post-340) nvidia drivers?11:49
howarthjwI am curious if your nvidia_drm is triggering ipmi_msghandler.ko to load11:50
airwindxubuntu... whenever I try to attach a file in Thunderbirs the file selection dialog will open and show all files including the ones that begin with a dot (hidden ones)11:54
airwindWhat was the setting again to disable showing these?11:54
airwind~/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkfilechooser.ini already has a line ShowHidden=false, has no effect11:55
blackflowairwind: ctrl+h  if I'm not mistaken11:55
airwindholy hell that worked, thank you11:56
airwindthing is I already tried that shortcut, but in Thunar and it had no effect on the file selection dialog11:56
airwindnever thought about trying it in the dialog itself11:56
=== william is now known as Guest2695
lotus|NUCppettina: ill ping hggdh to have a look at it12:25
ppettinathanks gpunk!12:26
lotus|NUCppettina: feel free to idle in #ubuntu-discuss also12:27
ppfhow do i configure which program to open mailto links with?12:39
ioriappf, you can try systemsettings -> details -> default programs12:41
ppfwhat's systemsettings?12:41
ppfi have no DE12:42
lotus|NUCppf: you should mention your ubuntu version before asking issues12:43
ppfmy bad; xenial12:43
lotus|NUCppf: and flavor?12:43
ppfi tried mimeapps.list in .config and .local/.../, but that didn't help12:44
lotus|NUCppf: you dont run unity?12:44
ppfi.e. chrome and xdg-open don't open the email client but a new empty browser window12:44
blackflowppf: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xdg-utils#xdg-settings12:45
blackflowppf: which WM?12:45
ioriappf, cp /usr/share/applications/defaults.list    in  ~/.local/share/applications   and  do  'grep mail defaults.list'12:46
ppfblackflow: xdg-mime gives the right answer12:46
ppfblackflow: awesome-wm12:46
blackflowppf: I suppose it's your browser setting then. Eg. firefox has Applications section under General tab where you can adjust such actions, see content type "mailto"12:48
ppfblackflow: why does xdg-open go through the browser?12:48
blackflowI never said it does. You asked how to "open mailto links", so I assume it's in a browser?12:48
ppfi tried both the browser and xdg-open12:49
blackflownote that "mailto" isn't a mime type actually, but URL scheme12:49
ppf`xdg-mime query default x-scheme-handler/mailto` returns the correct .desktop file12:50
blackflowso I suppose you need to "xdg-settings set default-url-scheme-handler mailto <handler>"12:50
afancyHello, I have a cluster, with 1 master node and 16 slave nodes, with ubuntu 18.04 installed in all nodes.  For each node, there are two network interfaces, eno1 and enp2s0. The eno1 is used for internal network, while enp2s0 is used for external network. I use netplan to assign a static public ip address on enp2s0. Then, I could successfully ping the gateway of the public network, but I failed to ping the nameserver. What is the problem?12:51
afancy could anybody help me? thanks12:51
roryI am writing a script that performs some actions, then runs a git clone. Can I support all "git clone" options like "-b branchname" without explicitly handling them in my script?12:51
ppfxdg-settings get default-url-scheme-handler  mailto12:51
ppfis also correct12:51
ppfblackflow: ^12:51
rorylike a bash equivelent of Python functions **kwargs12:51
blackflowrory: not kwargs but yes *args.   https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/304895/pass-command-line-parameters-to-a-program-inside-the-shell-script12:52
blackflowppf: which handler are you using?12:53
Paddy_NIblackflow: No joy, still sitting at a low resolution12:54
ppfblackflow: claws-mail12:55
blackflowPaddy_NI: sorry, no idea then.12:55
blackflowppf: but what's teh _exact_ value for the xdg-settings12:55
afancycould anybody help me? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Hd3FX4z2b4/12:55
ppfblackflow: x-scheme-handler/mailto=claws-mail.desktop12:56
rorylovely, thanks blackflow12:56
ppfblackflow: bah, got a typo in the other mimeapps list :(12:56
blackflowppf: so, fixed?12:58
ppfblackflow: ya :(12:59
ppfthanks though!12:59
blackflownp ;)13:00
=== fosnet1 is now known as fosnet
Discordian93Hey I'm having trouble with Ubuntu 18.04 on my laptop, googled it and apparently it's a GNOME issue? I downgraded to 16.04 and I'm wondering if I could install another desktop environment while on 16.04 then upgrade to 18.04 in order to bypass this or will upgrading delete other desktop environments like it does to Unity?13:23
lotus|NUCDiscordian93: share your actual issue first please?13:24
EriC^^Discordian93: you could still install unity on 18.04 even from a fresh 18.04 install13:24
EriC^^as lotus|NUC  said though it's better to discuss the actual problem you're having13:25
Discordian93yes thing is the issue is that 18.04 freezes after like a minute of running13:25
Discordian93so I don't have time to install Unity or anything13:25
lotus|NUCDiscordian93: on a clean install?13:25
Discordian93tried both a clean install and an upgrade13:25
Discordian93even the live usb freezes13:26
trobothamhave you reviewed logs?13:26
EriC^^Discordian93: did you look into /var/log/syslog for any stuff?13:26
leftyfbDiscordian93: define freezes. Cant you CTRL+ALT+F2 to other tty's and login?13:27
Discordian93no, but after pressing ctrl-alt-f3 I saw an error message that someone with the same problem reported seeing in /var/log/syslog when I googled it13:28
EriC^^Discordian93: what was the error message?13:28
Discordian93no crashing to terminal mode kept giving me message of CPU unresposnive for 22 seconds13:28
Discordian93hold on I'll find the exact message13:28
Discordian93I found it before13:28
Discordian93this error13:30
Discordian93that's what kept popping up over and over13:30
EriC^^Discordian93: which ubuntu iso were you using?13:32
blackflowthat should've been the name for 18.04.   Ubuntu "Crashes After Login" Bionic Eighteen Oh Four.13:32
blackflowDiscordian93: in my case, upgrading nvidia to 396 from graphics-drives PPA solved it. I _my_ case.13:33
Discordian93I was using the 18.04 ISO from the torrent in the download page of ubuntu.com13:33
EriC^^Discordian93: so 18.04.1 ?13:34
Discordian93also an old ISO for 16.04 when I tried upgrading13:34
Discordian93yes 18.04.113:34
leftyfbDiscordian93: you could try nomodeset or acpi=off as kernel parameters. Then as blackflow suggested, if you have an nvidia chipset, I would recommend installing the 390 driver from the ppa.13:35
trobothamso wait, is it kernel panicing?13:35
Discordian93how do I do that?13:35
blackflow396 from PPA, not 39013:35
leftyfbblackflow: I've had better luck with similar issues with 390 over 39613:36
EriC^^Discordian93: hold shift to get grub, press "e" to edit, then add nomodeset and/or acpi=off in the line that says linux /boot/vmlinuz ....quiet splash and press F10 to boot13:36
trobothamassuming you are using grub ;)13:36
Discordian93right now I'm on 16.0413:36
leftyfbDiscordian93: we cannot troubleshoot 18.04 issues unless you're running 18.0413:37
saint_Hi all- CentOS 7 can't be installed on a HP Proliant ML350 because it does not see the disk array. Does anyone know if the latest version of Ubuntu has the same issue on those old ML350 ?13:37
Discordian93so I hold shift when I'm on GRUB?13:37
Discordian93aftr upgrading13:38
leftyfbDiscordian93: you hold shift to get to grub13:38
leftyfbsaint_: try it13:38
Discordian93hold shift from where? the desktop?13:38
leftyfbDiscordian93: during boot/POST13:38
leftyfbsaint_: http://certification.ubuntu.com/server/models/?query=ML35013:38
Discordian93I'll try but boot is a bit tricky on this laptop13:39
Discordian93like I can't ven get to UEFI settings during the boot sequence, have to do it fom the grub menu or windows settings13:40
saint_leftyfb thanks13:40
saint_leftyfb sadly, i m not using a Gen9 ... it s an old one. with a P400 controller13:41
leftyfbsaint_: try it13:41
saint_leftyfb i m afraid it s not going to work from what i saw online. i ll keep an old OS on it for now and will try to find another machine. thanks for the link13:42
leftyfbsaint_: or you could try it. The live iso would have been booted by now if you tried it at the same time you originally asked here.13:43
saint_lol =- yeah13:44
Jackneillim using service as my init. i want to get programatically (golang) the pids (pid groups) of some services. is there a better way then parsing status output?13:59
=== BgLamersTeam is now known as Dreaman
afancyHi, I failed to start systemctl start systemd-resolved (see https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/f9MtFBG8jk/)14:17
pragmaticenigmaJackneill: This channel is not really setup to handle programming questions. You might want to try a channel that is dedicated to the programming language of your choice or a general software development channel.14:31
pragmaticenigmaafancy: You have something misconfigured. Best to review your configurations and make sure everything is how it should be. Also, you shouldn't be setting up password authentication for SSH connections, it is highly recommended to use preshared keys.14:38
ZeZuhmm,  I can't grow btrfs part backwards live ... do I just add another node to btrfs w. another partition or reboot and resize w. live usb?14:49
blackflowZeZu: resize. btrfs is pooled so it'd be a shame not to use that fully.14:50
ZeZutrue, but it is nice to have the option to add nodes transparently w.o just using vfs mount14:51
blackflowZeZu: I'm not quite sure what you mean by adding nodes.14:56
=== Dreaman is now known as BgLamersTeam
NTQAnyone an idea how to make a graph out of the logs atop is generating? I am thinking of a graph for my load average.15:15
OerHeksNTQ, there is this project on github https://github.com/aplsms/atop-graph15:19
NTQOerHeks: It looks quite complicated. It seems I also have to install a docker environment and building a docker container. But just for a little graph? I don't think so...15:20
ioriaNTQ, then take a look at gnuplot15:21
NTQioria: Uh, that's looking much nicer.15:22
ioriaNTQ, (skip the install part) https://alvinalexander.com/technology/gnuplot-charts-graphs-examples15:23
NTQioria: The most complicated part, at least for me, is to read the binary logs atop is generating. Maybe I can find the converter inside the atop-graph project and make it a little bit easier.15:26
ioriaNTQ, atop -r filename.raw > filename.txt15:32
NTQoh, too easy xD Thank you15:33
ioriaNTQ,   https://superuser.com/questions/599464/graphing-atop-logs15:33
NTQioria: I just found the same like a few seconds ago :-D15:34
ioriaNTQ,   also'man  atopsar' might be useful15:36
israphialHi, having an issue with my second monitor. Just updated to 18.04 (which is awesome btw). My display settings accurately detect my second monitor as being there, and I can adjust settings for it, but the display isn't on. Like it thinks it's not getting a signal. However, before I boot into Ubuntu, it lights up with my pre-boot screen just like my main one does.15:37
israphialAlso, all of a sudden, when I try to switch my settings to dual monitor, the "keep your settings?" box that appears is appearing on THAT monitor so I can't even turn on keep my settings because the screen is black on that screen. So I'm kind of stuck in single monitor mode right now and I'm not sure what to do.15:38
OerHeksisraphial, odd, how do you tell that textbox in on that black screen?15:40
israphialBecause the screen dims and the window *doesn't* appear on my working monitor.15:40
israphialBut I know it's appearing somewhere. And when I was in dual monitor mode, I could move my mouse off my main screen onto the second monitor, so the computer is simulating the display without the monitor actually receiving a signal.15:41
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
israphialSo, not only can I not see what's on the monitor, I can't even switch to dual-display mode right now...15:45
ioriaisraphial, if everthing else fails, you can always try lightdm (instead of gdm3) and set it as default15:48
israphialWell nobody has offered any solutions at all yet and I'm having trouble finding any on the interwebs. Like I have no clue what to do. I've messed with the settings endlessly. I've been messing with this issue for an hour now, and finally decided I need some live help or something. And this channel has been incredibly helpful in the past.15:49
pragmaticenigmaisraphial: Someone is attempting to already help you. Please remember to have patience as everyone here is volunteering their time to help each other out.15:56
israphialThey are?15:56
pragmaticenigmaisraphial: ioria offered another suggestion to try15:56
israphialSwitching to lightdm?15:57
israphialThat's the one and only message I've seen from him or really anyone to me15:57
pragmaticenigmaisraphial: Yes, and have you considered attempting that?15:57
israphialDoesn't that change around my entire UI?15:58
israphialReally? What does it change? The last time I attempted to use lightdm for a fix, I couldn't log in to my computer lol.15:58
pragmaticenigmaisraphial: That sounds like you've got more going on with that system than you have told us about15:59
israphialThis is not the same computer as that one was, it was about a year ago. This is a fresh install and different comp.16:00
israphialWhich is why I'm confused as to why my second display isn't working with an out of the box install of a full ubuntu release. :(16:00
tgm4883israphial: this is a fresh install of 18.04?16:01
israphialYes, I just did it this morning16:01
tgm4883Does it work properly from the live session?16:01
israphialLive session?16:01
tgm4883israphial: from the installation media16:02
israphialDidn't do it like that, installed from... I think it was 17.1016:02
israphialNo media used16:02
tgm4883So it wasn't a fresh install of 18.0416:02
OerHeksfirst you claim an updated to 18.04 ubuntu, now it is out of the box install16:02
israphialWhat would that be called then?16:02
tgm4883An upgrade16:02
OerHeksmaybe your monitor is just set to dark by itself, fiddle around with the buttons?16:03
tgm4883israphial: does it work properly from a guest session?16:03
israphialOk. Then I upgraded to it this morning. My apologies for getting the terminology wrong.16:03
tgm4883OerHeks: it works during boot though16:03
israphialThe monitor basically shuts off/loses its signal immediately after grub.16:03
israphialPlus it's showing a "no signal" insignia, not just a black screen.16:03
tgm4883israphial: I'd verify proprietary drivers for your video card are installed and then check it from a guest session and if that fails from a live session16:05
israphialOk. I will try to find that stuff now.16:05
ioriai think guest session is out on 18.0416:06
tgm4883israphial: maybe also try xrandr to see if you can configure it that way or if you're getting any error messages16:06
tgm4883ioria: sad news16:06
ioriaisraphial, i's checkalso if wayland is stillin use16:07
tgm4883No guest account means creating a new user just to test this :/16:07
israphialThis is embarassing, but I don't know what xrandr is, nor do I know how to see if wayland is being used16:07
tgm4883israphial: command line utility for configuration displays16:08
israphialSearching for xrandr returns nothing in software store16:08
israphialah is it a cli cmd I need to run?16:08
ioriaisraphial, echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE16:08
tgm4883israphial: should already be installed16:08
israphialioria, x1116:09
ioriaisraphial, you're ok then16:09
israphialSo... Wayland isn't the cause16:09
tgm4883israphial: what's the output of just 'xrandr'16:11
israphialThis is really frustrating. I can't even TURN ON dual monitor functionality because the keep or revert settings window isn't even appearing on my main monitor, so I can't select it. ugh.16:12
israphialtgm, how do I export that to text? Or can I just copy it from cli..16:12
israphialcopied, sec16:12
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:12
israphialdidn't know you used your own version of pastebin here, that's cool16:13
israphialAlso, thank you for your help so far.16:13
ntdTJ-, any revelations debugging the issue we discussed?16:14
tgm4883israphial: Try "xrandr --output DVI-D-1 --auto --right-of HDMI-A-0"16:14
* tgm4883 crosses fingers16:15
israphialMain screen flashed. Nothing changed.16:16
israphialDisplay type appears to still be in single display mode.16:16
tgm4883israphial: What video card?16:16
israphialAMD Radeon R9 380 series.16:17
israphialAlso: I never did mess with those proprietary driver things someone mentioned. How do I get to those settings?16:17
tgm4883israphial: both monitors attached to that card?16:17
israphialI can't find them anymore. I thought they used to be in settings.16:17
israphialLet me double check. Fairly certain yes.16:17
tgm4883israphial: any output from "sudo ubuntu-drivers list"16:18
israphialYes, both plugged into gpu. sec.16:18
tgm4883israphial: and those plugs, one is HDMI and the other is DVI?16:19
israphialWhoa lol. NOTHING.16:19
israphialNo output.16:19
tgm4883that's expected16:19
israphialMain monitor is hdmi. Other is DVI, yes.16:19
israphialThere is a converter dongle being used for the old monitor. It's converting TO DVI I think, from VGA.16:20
tgm4883from DVI to VGA, if DVI is what is on the card16:21
OerHeksboot a live iso, to see if that works16:21
israphialDVI is the port on the card. So yes, oops. DVI to vga.16:21
tgm4883Yea I'd boot an ISO and see if you have any more success with the monitors. Also, see if there are any updates available16:22
tgm4883Booting from an ISO would at least verify there wasn't an issue with the upgrade16:23
israphialThe monitor worked directly before the upgrade. Like it was working this morning.16:23
israphialIt also works with my windows dual boot partition.16:23
tgm4883Neither of those confirm there wasn't an issue with something DURING/POST upgrade16:24
lolcat-007hello, how can i limit the bandwidth of other device connected to my local network???16:24
israphialpretty sure I have a key for 16.04 LTS somewhere. Hell, I don't even remember how to live boot anymore lol.16:25
gpunkgoogle that :)16:25
vmesonlolcat-007: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man8/tc.8.html16:25
tgm4883israphial: I'd download a 18.04.1 ISO, 16.04 won't tell us much16:26
israphialDownloading an entire ISO is not really an option for me right now, it would take multiple hours to complete. Right now I am using a tethered phone for internet lol.16:27
israphialOf all of the possible solutions, that one really isn't possible for me at the moment.16:27
lolcat-007gpunk: what i want to do is to limit the speed of other device connected to my local network which is watching netflix all the time so make the internet very low16:28
gpunkyes, see vmeson link :)16:29
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vmesonlolcat-007: do you have an open source router that all those devices connect to?16:31
lolcat-007vmeson: that is the problem my router doesnt have that function to limit speed so16:32
lolcat-007what do i need?16:32
pragmaticenigmalolcat-007: Haven't you asked this question before?16:32
lolcat-007pragmaticenigma: not really16:32
tgm4883lolcat-007: you would need to have a device between your network and the internet that could limit traffic. Generally this is done on your router16:33
lolcat-007tgm4883: my router can do that16:34
tgm4883I'm confused now16:35
lolcat-007it doesnt have that function16:35
=== esotericnonsens_ is now known as esotericnonsense
rbsI upgraded php packages from 1.4.2-1+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 to 1.5.3-1+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 and I want to revert the version back, how do I do it using apt?16:36
tgm4883lolcat-007: if it doesn't have that function, you would either need to get a new router or put another device in that could do QoS16:36
gpunklike a rasperypi with linux ...16:36
gpunkoh, you'd need two nics , so never mind16:37
lolcat-007tgm4883: wait a minute what is QoS?? i guess i already saw that on my router?16:37
tgm4883lolcat-007: Quality of Service16:37
gpunkquality of service16:37
lolcat-007tgm4883: but with that can i control the bandwidth16:38
israphialtgm4883, I'm going to restart my computer and I'll be right back16:39
tgm4883lolcat-007: it depends on what that does on your router and how configurable it is. It's useful when you don't want someone to take all of the bandwidth when there's competing items16:40
lolcat-007tgm4883: ok i gonna take a look of that but in case is possible to do it in linux limit the bandwidth16:41
gpunkat my knowledge, QoS controls/alters the pings not the bandwith16:42
tgm4883lolcat-007: yes, if your device is in line16:42
lolcat-007tgm4883: in line what do you mean? connected to my local network?16:43
gpunkit will have to be between your router/modem and the lan16:43
tgm4883lolcat-007: as in <YOUR NETWORK> ----- <DEVICE TO LIMIT BANDWIDTH> ------ <ROUTER>-----<INTERNET>16:43
lolcat-007tgm4883: sorry i dont get it16:44
tgm4883lolcat-007: you can't just put a device on your network that limits bandwidth. You have to put it BETWEEN your network and the internet16:44
tewardlolcat-007: to control bandwidth all the data on your network has to flow through it.  If it doesn't, then you can't control (or "meter") the bandwidth.16:45
tgm4883lolcat-007: you can't just install something on your computer that limits other people's bandwidth16:45
rbsthis is what I have from apt history log, I need to revert this... php-mongodb:amd64 (1.4.2-1+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+1, 1.5.3-1+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+1)16:45
tewardlolcat-007: QoS and bandwidth rate limiting and control happens at the border with the router or sometimes before the router, if you don't have that capacity in your router or you don't have something that every single byte of traffic flows through first you can't rate-limit the bandwidth on your network16:46
lolcat-007tgm4883: ok but there is a software called selfishnet in window you just install it and you can control the bandwidth so in linux there should be something similar or better16:47
tewardlolcat-007: that's more or less 'false behavior' or it integrates with other routers' QoS that already exists16:48
tewardlolcat-007: if it runs solely on your own single computer it's not really doing 'bandwidth control'16:48
tewardlolcat-007: at least not on your entire network.  or are yo ujust trying to control the bandwidth of your individual applications on your own computer and only your computer?16:48
teward(rather than your entire network)16:49
lolcat-007teward: i trying to control other device connected to my local network16:49
tewardlolcat-007: selfishnet is false behavior it doesn't really 'control' the bandwidth.  there's nothing Linux client-side that can do that.  you have to rate limit and control traffic at your router.16:50
israphialSo I restarted my computer, switched to "ubuntu using Wayland" in the login to see if that would change anything, and it didn't. Monitor did the same thing. Restarted again, turned Wayland off, didn't see an option for LightDM otherwise I would have tried that. Monitor still doesn't work right. This is so frustrating...16:50
tgm4883lolcat-007: we don't support that sort of behavior here16:50
israphialThe monitor loses signal right after the grub dark purple screen goes to black. The second monitor just doesn't come back on with the main one and eventually it shows "no signal" and stays running.16:51
lolcat-007teward: ok so how can i configure QoS on my router16:51
tewardlolcat-007: that's beyond the scope of this channel sorry.16:52
gpunkgo to #networking they might help you16:52
lolcat-007gpunk: ok thank16:54
israphialtgm4883: Do you have any other ideas dude? I'm honestly about done with this whole thing. This is so frustrating. I've been pouring through threads for like 2 hours now and nothing seems to even be relevant to me, let alone fix my problem.16:58
israphialI just want to get the hell off of windows. X_X16:59
gpunkwhy do you want wayland ?16:59
israphialBut with ubuntu, it seems like one problem after another. As soon as I figure out a fix to my network issue, this pops up.17:00
gpunkit is not that ready yet...17:00
tgm4883israphial: I don't. I'm in a meeting right now, but as I suggested before verify that you have all updates installed and try creating a new user.17:00
israphialAre you talking to me? I don't even know exactly what Wayland is. Lol.17:00
israphialOk tgm, I apologize for the ping then.17:01
tgm4883israphial: you could also try setting the displays up in mirror mode to see if that starts the second monitor17:01
israphialAll updates are up to date. Checked in software center and in cli using apt get. I can try a new user I guess.17:02
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tomvolektrying to install Ubuntu 18 from a USB into a core dual desktop and keyboard goes dead at the page which you input your name and passwrd, no keyboard input whatsoever, So I can not install .. anybody seen this ?17:11
OerHekstomvolek, that is unusual, did you checksum the iso?17:14
pragmaticenigmatomvolek: what kind of keyboard? laptop or desktop?17:14
tomvolekchecksum is ok ..17:14
tomvolekits a logitech wireless keyboard .. it was working fine with Ubuntu 16 ... no problem what so ever17:14
gpunkplug/unplug the dongle ?17:15
OerHekstry boot again in live mode, then hit the install button on the desktop?17:15
tomvolekActaully I had another problem also, the screen would come up blank after upgrading from 16 to 18 ... I had to reinstall from scratch to get ride of the blank screen issue17:15
tomvoleki have done all the plug , unplug , restart , u name it17:15
tomvolekI am booting from USB ,  how can I boot to rescue mode .. so i be at console .. I saw this thread maybe will help : https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2395625&page=217:16
tomvolekI been googling all night , this thing has eaten up 8 hours of my time :(17:17
tomvolekit seems some other folks are seeing it also .17:17
tomvolekbut have not seen a definitive answer pointing to a keyboard driver or somethign else17:18
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tomvolekcan I install Ubuntu 18 from command line using USB ?17:20
TJ-tomvolek: do you have keyboard input at the GRUB boot loader?17:21
tomvolekTJ- once BIOS comes up, it immedietly goes to loading OS from USB and boom its on the red installation screen17:21
TJ-tomvolek: try tapping Esc key immediately the BIOS is displaying messages; GRUB will look for the Esc key as it starts, and stop at the boot menu if it detects it. If that works, you know the keyboard issue is with the OS, not the keyboard itself17:22
tomvolekTJ-: I can try to hit shift key after BIOS to see if I can trap the key to get into Grub ..17:22
TJ-tomvolek: you may have to repeatedly tap Esc too, not just hold it down17:23
tomvolekTJ-: do you know if install from USB and grub menu will let you install fro command line ? no desktop install17:23
TJ-tomvolek: the LiveISO will not. The server ISO does17:23
tomvolekok good to know,  Can I install the Server then upgrade to desktop afterward ?17:24
TJ-tomvolek: also useful to note, if when starting the installer ISO you get the GRUB menu, then it is booting in UEFI mode17:24
tomvolekI really want to try this work around someone found on the thread above I pasted17:24
tomvolekok ?17:25
TJ-tomvolek: Yes, you can. After install you'd do "apt install ubuntu-desktop"17:25
tomvolekok, let me go that route and see what happens, its very likely some changes made to the inut driver for U1817:25
TJ-tomvolek: There was a bug at one time where the keyboard focus was on the wrong tty. So you could work around it by switching using Ctrl+Alt+F2 then Ctrl+Alt+F1 (or F7) to get back to the GUI and focus would have returned.17:26
tomvolekok, so I will burn Server ISO on a USB, reboot, hit Shift and Escape repeatedly to get to the grum and rescue mode ...17:26
TJ-No Shift, just Esc17:27
TJ-Shift only works for BIOS boots. For UEFI only Esc works17:27
tomvolekok I can try that also..... By the way the Server ISO install, does that happen at command line or it brings up a graphic screen up ie Xorg ?17:27
tomvolekok good to know TJ thanks17:27
TJ-tomvolek: the reason is, on BIOS mode GRUB can directly read the hardware registers and see the shift bit is set, whereas in UEFI GRUB has to use firmware services to read the keyboard, and they don't provide access to the shift/ctrl/alt bits17:28
tomvolekI see...17:28
TJ-tomvolek: the server installer uses ncurses text user interface (text-based dialogs)17:29
tomvolekTJ-:  on the BIOS I see a reference to UEFI being enabled or disabled, should it be enabled or disabled ?17:29
TJ-tomvolek: make sure to get the correct server installer, because one of them has the graphical "subiquity" "live server installer"17:29
tomvolekTJ-:  good to know, thats better, is that the default ?   I am an old timer I prefer things on tty :)17:29
TJ-tomvolek: preference would be to have UEFI enabled and boot the installer in that mode17:29
tomvolekok,  let me find the server ISO now ... Thanks for the hints17:30
TJ-tomvolek: I've not tried the new ISO so not sure how the graphical installer fires up17:31
TJ-tomvolek: I think you want http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/18.04.1/release/ubuntu-18.04.1-server-amd64.iso17:31
tomvolekmuch appreciate it17:31
TJ-yes, that's the text based installer. The 'live' graphical version is at http://releases.ubuntu.com/bionic/ubuntu-18.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso17:32
TJ-although from what I've seen reported it's not so much live as brain-dead at times :)17:32
tomvolek:), ok I am doanloading the first one now ..17:33
tomvolekI normally wait 6 months before I jump on a new version to let the dusts settle down.  But this time I got hit by this .17:33
TJ-tomvolek: I switched to 18.04 4 months before it was released, and it has generally been solid although as usual there are niggling bugs around the edges17:35
eeoshi everybody! Can you install appimage files system wide?17:36
tomvolekok, unfortunly this was my master server at the lab ...17:36
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norebeHow do LTS releases intend to address the more limiting security patch support policies of packages? e.g. PHP?18:05
tomreynnorebe: can you explain "more limiting security patch support policies"?18:07
OerHekspatches get backported, AFAIK18:14
norebetomreyn: I mean that the PHP project states it will support PHP with security patches for 3 years after release. What happens to an LTS release after 3 years?18:15
pjshey all.. Been having strange issues since yesterday but as of now my mic/speakers aren't recognized. I have a thinkpad x1c6, the only thing I did was plug in a headset yesterday (first time doing so, newish laptop) and now the built in mic/speakers don't work. How can I restart alsa-utils, pulse etc.? I tried using service and it says they're masked (not even sure what that means)18:15
OerHekspjs, open terminal: alsamixer # and hit F6 to select your soundcard, done.18:20
tomreynnorebe: like OerHeks, I'd expect that patches get backported for packages which receive Canonical support (main, restricted).18:21
tomreynthat's how it used to be.18:22
pjsOerHeks: thanks. but is it weird that I have to do this after using a headset? maybe I need events setup?18:22
BrianBlazehello beautifuls, I am running lubuntu and trying to set up vnc but vnc is trying to use xfce, while lubuntu is lxde as I understand. How do I force it to use that? Or am I thinking completely wrong lol18:22
OerHekspjs, was this an USB headset, by any chance?18:23
OerHeksthat could explain it18:23
pjsOerHeks: nope, 3.5mm18:23
pjsnormal ack18:23
OerHeksoh oke, no clue then :-(18:23
pjsok.. thanks18:24
pjsOerHeks: I still can't get any sound to play18:27
pjsOerHeks: actually I rebooted since using the headset now that I think about it.. so that can't be it18:28
TJ-OerHeks: pjs hint: ACPI ?18:29
pjsTJ-, hrmm.. I did make a change to a my defaults/grub file yesterday removing a sleep helper setting that was previously needed on this thinkpad (had to patch the dsdt/acpi table)18:30
pjsbut it shouldn't be neeed any longer as Lenovo released an updated bios resolving the issue18:31
TJ-pjs: mention of DSDT makes me think that could well be related18:33
pjsTJ- but I removed that patched dsdt table a month ago and it's been fine. There was a lingering setting related to sleep (on laptop lid close) that was no longer needed in grub config. I removed that18:33
TJ-pjs: maybe the new firmware has broken something else?18:34
pjsTJ-, possible but this just happened and I've been running it for a month now. Also, my gdm stopped working yesterday (no clue why).. I have to alt+f2, get a shell, startx manually (annoying)18:35
TJ-pjs: is the sound device seen by the kernel? "lspci -kd ::0403"18:35
pjssomething happened yesterday.. so weird18:35
pjsTJ-, yes18:35
BluesKajwonder if alsa settings could have been reset and the automute in alsmixer was re-enabled18:35
TJ-pjs: OK, and does that lspci report show a driver in use?18:36
pjsTj- http://dpaste.com/3WVJ4GW18:36
TJ-pjs: next step is to examine the kernel log: "pastebinit <( dmesg )"18:36
pjsTJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Yc7H9SVB32/18:37
TJ-pjs: line 855 onwards shows the audio hardware config18:39
BluesKajsudo modprobe snd-hda-intel, perhaps? maybe the intel audio bug has resurfaced18:39
TJ-pjs: what does "pastebinit <( aplay -l )" show?18:40
TJ-BluesKaj: it's already loaded, has to bw18:40
TJ-pjs: does the problem occur after a COLD boot as well as after a suspend/resume ?18:41
tuHello! I'm looking to customize an Ubuntu install CD and have all my basic problems solved except for me - each install my image will be doing will come from a USB drive - is there a place I can dump a file to on the USB key after the image is written so that I could change it per install? Basically need to swap out one file on the image but don't want to rebuild it everytime18:42
tuBasically wondering if I can just dump the file on the USB key root and then later use it during the install18:42
BluesKajTJ I had a lenovo laptop that used to unload the driver intermitently18:43
TJ-BluesKaj: right, but pjs confirmed it is loaded currently18:43
pjsTJ-, sorry, let me see18:47
OerHekstu; short answer = no18:47
pjsTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sRyq4FcrHy/18:47
pjsTJ-, I haven't tried rebooting yet. Just noticed this now18:48
tuWow really? That's gonna ruin my day. I kinda figured that had to be possible.18:48
TJ-pjs: OK, so it is the default device too (device index 0)18:48
tuOerHeks: let's say I'm willing to work for it is there a workaround of some kind?18:48
TJ-tu: if you're putting an ISO9660 file-system on the USB that is by definition Read-Only18:48
tuArgh. I didn't think it actually did it that way18:49
tuMakes sense though.18:49
pjsTJ-, I guess I could reboot. I have another meeting in 10 minutes (which is how I discovered this to begin with. Chrome couldn't see my mic for my last meeting lol)18:49
tuMy basic issue is I need to provision machines. They need a per machine cert. Was kinda hoping to just dump it next to the burned thing on tyne USB key and just have 1 key per machine to install18:50
TJ-tu: I can think of some complex tricks that might make it possible, but I wouldn't recommend them for the use-case you're talking about. You could however write raw bytes (using 'dd') to bytes *after* the end of the ISO, and include logic in your image (a shell script) that knows how to find those and to read/write them, or you could even use dmsetup (device-mapper) to map some raw sectors (after the end of18:51
TJ-the ISO image) and format them with a file-system18:51
TheteIs there any way to get fractional scaling on Ubuntu 18.04?  On a 4k display 100% is too small and 200% is way too big, would be nice if there were options for say 125%/150%18:53
TJ-tu: there is an alternative though. Have your installed images use the network to send the certificates to another host.18:53
TheteThis was an option when they were using wayland18:53
TJ-tu: have you considered using network provisioning and tools like cloud-init for this?18:53
tuTJ-: Er you mean fetch the stuff I need via the network?18:54
TJ-tu: provisioning tools are designed to do this kind of job.18:55
Thetesome people are saying that you can switch back to wayland on the login screen but there's no cogwheel on my login screen to do that18:55
ioriaThete, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1029436/enable-fractional-scaling-for-ubuntu-18-0418:55
tuTJ-: I'm using ansible. The issue is I need to create a self signed VPN client cert for each box and am hoping to keep the root ca offline18:55
tuSo I was hoping to be able to preprovosion the certs to basically take alongside the USB key18:56
TJ-tu: so you're operating your own CA, which issues certs for your hosts?18:57
tuYea just VPN client certs18:57
pjsTJ-, ugh, I hate when reboots work... lol18:57
pjssound is working18:58
tuI'm super open to suggestions too. I just had no better ideas than having the cert somehow dumped next to each install image18:59
OerHekspjs, have fun!19:00
pjsOerHeks: oh yea hah19:00
Theteioria: yeah I saw that, doesn't seem to work very well, I was gonna install latest gnome apparently there's more options19:02
TJ-pjs: OK, so your issue is due to the ACPI suspend/resume not properly reconfiguring the audio device19:02
BluesKajthe old intel audio bug19:03
TJ-pjs: I have an article with a workaround that may help you http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html19:03
BluesKajanyway, it's a bug in my book19:03
V7Hey all19:04
V7Do we need a "Dynamic DNS" when configuring noip on linux machine (local machine) just to get an ip tied with domain name?19:05
ioriaThete, above 3.30 i guess ?19:05
ntdThete, in here?19:05
Theteioria: yeah19:07
ioriaThete, really ?19:07
ntdThete has some rather conservative views on ECC memory19:08
ntdhe also shares my utter disdain of netplan19:09
Triffid_HunterV7: you need dynamic dns if your ip address changes unpredictably19:09
pjsTJ-, thanks!19:10
ntdand a dhcpd that updates the dns'19:10
V7Triffid_Hunter: Does /usr/bin/noip2 application update ip value with domain name registered at noip.com?19:11
black_mambaOn mac you have fs_usage … What is the equivalent on ubuntu? something that reports system calls and page faults related to filesystem activity in real-time19:15
V7fsck *19:16
V7Mighe be19:16
leftyfbblack_mamba: dmesg19:20
leftyfbwhich are kernel messages19:20
leftyfbSo not system calls I guess, but will show filesystem errors19:20
black_mambaleftyfb: it even comes with colors! that is helpful though!19:20
cim209has anyone here tried DisplayCal?19:20
leftyfbcim209: that's not your question19:21
OerHeks!info displaycal19:21
ubottuPackage displaycal does not exist in bionic19:21
leftyfbcim209: it's also not a supported package19:21
cim209it's in kubuntu's discover19:22
cim209kubuntu 18.0419:22
OerHeksyou might want to reask in #kubuntu19:22
Thetentd: this is the only ecc kit that works on my board http://www.crucial.com/usa/en/rog-zenith-extreme/CT1100403819:25
ntdyou bought one of those ROG obelisks?19:26
Theteonly board at the time that had the lowest VRM temps on threadripper 219:29
Theteit is flakey as F though19:29
TheteAsus has some seriously screwy bios issues on that board19:29
Thetetheir latest firmware which was supposed to enable dual 2080 RTX completely wrecks nvme raid19:30
Theteand the last 2 versions doesn't work with CL14 3200 Samsung B-die ram19:31
Theteso FYI if you wanna do TR2, stay away from ASUS they are sucking right now19:34
Paddy_NIHi I am struggling to get a resolution of 1920x1080 on a GTX 1050 TI.  I have been running around in circles for the past 3 days trying to get it to work.  So far the only driver that automatically detects the correct screen resolution is Nouveau, however this will not be sufficient as my client requires this for gaming purposes.19:37
Paddy_NIThe nvidia 390 driver does not seem to go above 1600x900. Even when I do select 1600x900 it is cut off, as in the bottom and right sides of the desktop go off screen19:38
Paddy_NII have also tried using xrandr to add a mode which is also unsuccessful, apparently this is blocked by the driver19:39
OerHeksPaddy_NI, tried to reset the monitor with its own menu to factory default?19:41
Paddy_NIOerHeks: Yes19:41
TheteI haven't had any problems with 390 on nvidia 10 series19:41
Thetethis on displayport?19:41
OerHeksoh oke, no clue then :-(19:41
Paddy_NIThete: HDMI19:41
Thetethat's the problem19:41
Theteswitch to displayport19:42
Paddy_NIThete: No it's not the problem19:42
Thetetry it19:42
ntdlast time i had an asus mobo they stopped giving updates after a few months19:42
Paddy_NIThete: As I already stated it works with Nouveau19:42
Paddy_NIIt also works when I use windows or a live cd19:42
ntdthere were no issues with the last update, but the ME firmware is now five years old19:42
TheteI've already experienced this pain19:42
ivalihow do I disable automatic udpates to Ubuntu Desktop?19:43
Paddy_NIThete: And the client is using this on a television so display port is out19:43
Thetethen I guess they're hosed19:43
Triffid_HunterPaddy_NI: tried 396.54 driver?19:44
TheteI can only speculate, but I think it has something to do with nvidia's driver with HDMI19:44
TheteI had the same problem19:44
Paddy_NITriffid_Hunter: Yes, same issue19:44
Paddy_NIThete: That would be absolutely terrible if it was true19:44
Theteit's nvidia19:45
Thetepar for the course with them19:45
Paddy_NINo doubt many linux users with Nvidia cards must be using hdmi19:45
Theteon linux at least19:45
Triffid_HunterPaddy_NI: weird, I'm using hdmi on nvidia right now, works great.. sounds like nvidia driver doesn't like whatever your client's TV is telling it about the screen dimensions19:45
Paddy_NITriffid_Hunter: It could very well be a problem with edid, although I cannot find a way around it :-(19:45
Thetethat could be as well19:46
Paddy_NIAlthough I cannot use xrandr to do "addmode" as it spits out errors, supposedly it's not allowed or so I believe19:46
eeoshi everybody! Can you install appimage files system wide?19:47
Paddy_NII also tried making a custom xorg.conf, which broke X19:47
Paddy_NIObviously I only have the vaguest of ideas  as to what I am doing19:48
Paddy_NIIs there any point in hoping that it would somehow work on a different television?19:51
Paddy_NIOr is there something more fundamentally wrong19:51
Paddy_NIOther than my sanity level19:51
TJ-Paddy_NI: does the Xorg.0.log give any clues, especially with regard to the EDID received from the TV19:58
Paddy_NITJ-: I have not found anything, should I pastebin this?19:59
TJ-Paddy_NI: please "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log" should do it19:59
Paddy_NITJ-: Sorry for taking so long https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dZ8w52BsBM/20:05
TJ-Paddy_NI: line 18820:06
Paddy_NIIt's an EDID issue20:07
Paddy_NIHow do I get around this20:07
TJ-Paddy_NI: now, you already know the EDID can be read, because installer/nouveau did it20:07
TJ-Paddy_NI: So I think the quickest workaround is to boot with the installer LiveISO which'll use nouveau, choose the "Try Ubuntu" option, use tools to read the EDID (read-edid), save that file into the installed file-system for later, reboot into the installed image again, and then you can create a custom /etc/X11/xorg.conf that contains an instruction to use that EDID file20:09
TJ-Paddy_NI: see https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3571/~/managing-a-display-edid-on-linux20:10
Paddy_NITJ-: Oh my god that sounds wonderful :-)20:10
Paddy_NIThank you TJ- I really appreciate this20:10
TJ-Paddy_NI: you might need to do some searches on how exactly to use read-edid before rebooting to the installer. Try it out20:11
Paddy_NITJ-: I will do, however I will most certainly need help as the guy is coming to get his PC tomorrow :-/20:13
Paddy_NIFreaking out a little20:13
Paddy_NITJ-: I am just going to grab my live usb20:14
Paddy_NIPlease don't go any where :-)20:14
Paddy_NIbah!  That was my cloudready usb20:18
Paddy_NII am an idiot. I will quickly make an ubuntu one20:19
matt|homehi. im working remote to my ubuntu desktop , and im trying to save some resources. does anyone know if i can just kill the graphical stuff without having it automatically restart or something?20:36
matt|homeah nevermind i got it20:37
frodefI can20:45
frodef't get any audio in audacity because it can't find the dynamic libs, as there is no /snap/alsa ...?20:46
Paddy_NIHey TJ- my laptop went to sleep, apologies20:46
multifractalI have a partition containing Ubuntu Studio that I would like to erase to clear space. I also have Win10 and regular Ubuntu 16.04 with their own partitions as follows https://imgur.com/a/ZuohCIU. Am I able to erase just Ubuntu Studio on Partition9 and grow 16.04's Partition7 to occupy that freed space? If so, what tools? GParted?20:47
Paddy_NII now have a live environment booted on the tower pc which has the problem.  Currently I have both "read-edid" and "edid-decode" installed.20:47
TJ-Paddy_NI: let me test it here, see what is needed20:49
TJ-Paddy_NI: start off with this to check there is a valid EDID: "sudo get-edid | parse-edid"20:51
Paddy_NITJ-: Oh great you are still here, I ran just "sudo get-edid" and it spat out a bunch of info, some of which seems to be missing unicode letters20:53
Paddy_NII'll do the other command you suggested20:53
TJ-Paddy_NI: get-edid on its own outputs the binary data only, which is why we need parse-edid to translate it into text20:54
TJ-Paddy_NI: if the output text looks good, and you see the modes you expect, you can use "sudo get-edid > /path/to/monitor.edid" to save it. I suggest you mount the user's home directory first, and write it there which will, I *think*, be /media/ubuntu/home/<your-user-name>/20:56
Paddy_NITJ-: You are a legend20:56
Paddy_NIDoing that as we speak, the information looks good. parse-edid displays it perfectly20:57
TheWildIt's not strictly #ubuntu, but I got no answer on ##linux. How I can read raw 2352 byte sectors from a CD?21:02
Paddy_NITJ-: I am quite confused, happy.. but confused.  I reboot in to the installed system and the resolution is now correct???  All I need was copy that edid file to the users home directory...21:06
Paddy_NITJ-: And I checked "lshw -c video" and it is indeed using the nvidia driver21:06
TJ-Paddy_NI: lol really!?21:09
Paddy_NITJ-: I know right!21:09
Paddy_NII am so confused right now21:09
TJ-Paddy_NI: so it cured itself... the file isn't being used ... I'll bet you nudged the monitor cable connections and they're making full contact now21:09
Paddy_NITJ-: You know I think the exact same thing21:10
TJ-Paddy_NI: tough lesson to learn but ... ALWAYS check cables/connections first, second, and third!21:10
Paddy_NITJ-: I am very happy though, I do think it best to learn how to use that edid file I made.  Just in case I get to his home and it does the same thing on his tv21:10
Paddy_NITJ-: Absolutely!!21:10
TJ-Paddy_NI: yes, belt-and-braces approach :)21:11
=== clone99 is now known as SimAloo
multifractalI have a partition containing Ubuntu Studio that I would like to erase to clear space. I also have Win10 and regular Ubuntu 16.04 with their own partitions as follows https://imgur.com/a/ZuohCIU. Am I able to erase just Ubuntu Studio on Partition9 and grow 16.04's Partition7 to occupy that freed space? If so, what tools? GParted?21:44
Ben64multifractal: yeah21:47
debsanGparted live CD/USB21:47
multifractalBen64: debsan: thanks. and i don't have to worry about it messing with grub and/or the widows10 bootloader?21:56
Ben64ubuntu studio might still appear in the list though21:57
multifractalthat's no problem. thanks21:57
=== capella|away is now known as capellaHaunts
JFox762hi... i need help diagnosing Hibernate failure on my laptop22:15
JFox762This is a "log" of the changes I made in order to enable Hibernate22:19
TJ-JFox762: tip: everything in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX is used for ALL menuentrys, but _DEFAULT options are only used for the default entrys (not recovery entries)22:25
TJ-JFox762: so your setting will duplicate the resume= entries on the default menuentris22:25
JustAPersonIs there a good tool for managing cgroups? I see there's some redhat stuff. Is that recommended?22:30
JFox762_hibernation resume is failing for me...22:33
JFox762_it worked when i first implemented it...22:33
mortHey, how do I make apt-get update grub even though my kernel is unsigned and secure boot is on?22:37
mortI know my system might end up booting, I'll just disable secure boot when I reboot in that case22:38
kinghatwhat does this mean? http://paste.debian.net/1047637/22:40
qwebirc35281Hello everyone! Quick question - does Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ship with broken LAMP stack ?! Because I just installed lamp-server with tasksel, and while apache2 works, its PHP7.2 mod doesn't get loaded. "sudo a2enmod php7.2" reports mod conflicts, and I have no idea how to solve this.22:41
qwebirc35281This is SHOCKING for an LTS release. Is tasksel known to be broken or deprecated? Which apache2 packages should I (un)install to fix this problem?22:42
mortqwebirc35281: did you install libapache2-mod-php?22:43
qwebirc35281Yes, tasksel installed it just fine.22:43
qwebirc35281"sudo a2enmod php7.2" reports :  Considering conflict mpm_event for mpm_prefork: ERROR: Module mpm_event is enabled - cannot proceed due to conflicts. It needs to be disabled first!22:44
moosesLAMP stack working 100% fine here on multiple 16.04 and 18.04 machines, but I did not rely on a external tool (nor do I see why one would not)22:45
qwebirc35281tasksel is not an external tool, it's the component of the default debian and ubuntu OS installer that handles such things22:45
moosesOh, TIL.22:45
JFox762does anyone here know how to diagnose Hibernate issues?22:46
moosesqwebirc35281: If it helps, I followed this and 5 mins later was 100% up and working great - https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-ubuntu-18-0422:46
qwebirc35281Haha, I'm following that as well, the problem is what you do if it DOESN't work  :)22:46
qwebirc35281Do you happen to know if disabling the conflicting mpm_event is safe to do?22:47
moosesxD that's always the fun part, right? :)22:47
* qwebirc35281 has no idea how to setup apache22:48
moosesqwebirc35281: I don't see why not, you can always put it back22:48
moosessudo a2dismod mpm_prefork22:48
qwebirc35281right, let's see...22:48
moosesJFox762: We hear you, you're just not giving us really anything to go on.  You might try again, and this time include things like the system make and model, system logs showing the failure, etc.22:49
moosesJFox762: As it stands, your question is kinda like 'my car won't start'.  Not much to go on :)22:49
JFox762I am running a Lenovo T430s, Hibernate is failing to resume to previous state... When I turn the PC back on, it is as if it merely rebooted22:50
JFox762Running Ubuntu 18.0422:50
mortSo, how do I force dpkg to upgrade grub even though my kernel is unsigned and secureboot is on?22:50
moosesJFox762: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=239220522:51
moosesJFox762: That should get you sorted.22:51
mortI don't care that the system won't boot, I'll just disable secureboot if it becomes an issue, I just don't want my system to be in a weird state due to packages not updating22:51
moosesJFox762: you can skip the encryption if you want.22:51
TJ-JFox762: check the kernel log on reboot, see what it is reporting when looking for the hibernate image22:52
JFox762How do I check the kernl log22:52
TJ-JFox762: "pastebinit <( dmesg )" and we'll look22:52
JFox762Never knew of Pastebinit22:53
JFox762such an awesome tool,22:53
TJ-mort: what error/warning are you getting, can you show in a pastebin ?22:54
moosesTJ-: JFox762 - guessing his issue is this - [  419.721205] PM: Cannot find swap device, try swapon -a22:55
JFox762had to install it... but I pretty much figured out what pastebinit does as soon as you suggested it :)22:55
JFox762Problem is Mooses... I had to ADD the partition after install, since I didn't have a swap partition before...22:55
mortTJ-: an ncurses screen with this content: https://pastebin.com/GcMpaTKG22:56
moosesDid you enable it, JFox762 ?22:56
JFox762so prior to the Swap partition, my system was presumably using a swap file, and not a partition22:56
JFox762so i tried to disable one of the swaps22:56
JFox762tried to disable the swapfile22:56
TJ-JFox762: and now "pastebinit <( lsblk )" please22:56
JFox762i did as you asked prior22:57
JFox762with the Swapon -a22:57
TJ-mort: you could installed the -signed package versions of the kernel22:57
mortTJ-: it's not a kernel from the repos22:57
JFox762What isn't a Kernel from th erepos?22:58
TJ-mort: oh, no, it's an rc5 from kernel mainline builds22:58
TJ-mort: in which case you'd need to disable S.B. first, then update22:58
mortI'd really prefer to do it in the other order22:58
TJ-JFox762: ok, that didn't help me much. Let me see "pastebinit <( sudo blkid )"22:59
JFox762are you both talking about my system?22:59
mortI'm talking about my system22:59
TJ-mort: looks like you'd have to hack the update scripts manually22:59
JFox762i had to run a sudo su actually23:00
JFox762and just typed pastebinit <( blkid )23:00
TJ-mort: I cannot find that message in any of the Ubuntu GRUB source23:01
mortit seems to be in a post-installation script23:03
TJ-mort: I've searched the source code, cannot find any strings matching what you pastebinned "enforcement policy" "will not be upgraded"  "cannot be verified"23:04
TJ-mort: but looks like this Bug #17887223:07
ubottubug 178872 in linux (Ubuntu) "bluetooth led always on (Sony Vaio SZ650N)" [Medium,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17887223:07
TJ-oh! Bug #178872723:07
ubottubug 1788727 in grub2 (Ubuntu Bionic) "upgrade crashing due to unsigned kernels" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178872723:07
TJ-mort: are you doing a release upgrade here?23:07
mortno, just an apt-get upgrade23:08
mortdpkg --configure -a does the same23:08
TJ-hmmm, weird, I wonder which package it is coming from23:08
mortTJ-: https://pastebin.com/riv9As0Z is what it prints outside of the ncurses window23:09
mortso it's grub-efi-amd6423:10
JFox762Does my fstab file look OK?23:12
JFox762TJ-: Does my fstab file look ok?23:13
TJ-JFox762: It /looks/ like you've got a swapfile (which presumably is being written to when hibernating) but the kernel command line is telling it to pick sda2 (resume=UUID=63ed26d3-5587-4120-8bd1-cfbbedb61b27)23:15
JFox762because I initially installed the system without a swap partition23:16
JFox762i had to add the swap partition using gparted on a live usb23:16
JFox762I then edited the fstab, in order to add the partition to it23:16
JFox762i also created a file in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume23:17
TJ-mort: what release of Ubuntu is that, 18.04 ?23:17
TJ-mort: this is perplexing; I've even searched the translatinos files and can't match any of the strings!!23:18
JFox762im going to try hibernating again23:18
JFox762hold on23:18
TJ-JFox762: is sda2 active swap right now?23:18
mortTJ-: I grepped after it, it's in /var/lib/dpkg/info/grub-efi-amd64.templates23:20
LuMinthi guys23:20
LuMintinstalling an amd64 kernel on an i386 ubuntu23:20
LuMinthow bad is it?23:20
JFox762_it didnt work23:20
LuMintJFox762_: ?23:20
JFox762_the hibernate23:21
JFox762_Resume didn't work !!! >:(23:21
LuMintshould I reboot or will it fail?23:21
JFox762_TJ-: ?23:22
TJ-JFox762: you are missing the swapfile offset from the kernel cmdline23:22
JFox762_how do i add that?23:22
JFox762_i don't want to use the swapfile... how do i use the swap partition instead/23:23
TJ-JFox762_: alter the fstab entry to use the swap partition, delete the /swapfile23:24
JFox762_will that allow hibernate to function?23:24
TJ-JFox762_: in theory it should, since the first and only swap device will now be the swap partition, not the swapfile23:25
TJ-JFox762_: when you had 2 entries in fstab my guess is that it'd use the 1st swap device it found which was the swapfile23:25
JFox762_I just edited it23:27
JFox762_should that work?23:27
JFox762_I created a backup of the fstab by doing a "sudo cp fstab backupfstab2.txt"23:28
TJ-JFox762_: that should be better, yes23:28
JFox762_ok so should i attempt another hibernatE?23:28
JFox762_I'm going to attempt another hibernate23:29
TJ-JFox762_: yes, try it23:30
JFox762TJ-: Hibernate Resume failed again, in spite of changes to fstab23:32
TJ-JFox762: in what way are you deducing it failed?23:32
JFox762Im simply leaving certain apps open when I type "systemctl hibernate"23:32
JFox762and then seeing if those apps are still open, with data I inputed23:33
JFox762for instance... I had gedit open with some unsaved text I typed in there23:33
johannesHi, I tried to do my xenial->bionic update finally, but apparently that failed and I'm in a half updated system now. Any idea how i can trace it down and fix? - https://pastebin.com/tyvjSCyC23:34
TJ-JFox762: but I've just noticed, the kernel log does seem to show that resume from S4 sleep succeeded.23:34
TJ-JFox762: do you have to log-in to the GUI via the greeter when it resumes?23:34
JFox762this used to work previously23:34
JFox762and when it did used to work, I had to login as well23:34
TJ-JFox762: show me "pastebinit <( dmesg )"23:35
TJ-johannes: would "sudo apt full-upgrade" help?23:36
TJ-johannes: or in the alternative "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"23:36
johannesTJ-: nope, similar dependecy issues as with the install -f23:36
JFox762i forgot how to do a pipe command to search through an output23:37
JFox762like dmesg | ????23:37
johannesJFox762: grep23:37
JFox762ahhh yes23:38
TJ-JFox762: now show me "pastebinit <( tail -n 2000 /var/log/kern.log )"23:38
TJ-JFox762: line 106423:41
JFox762but line 1065 says Image not found23:42
TJ-JFox762: lines 64-65 show a successful hibernate/resume23:43
TJ-JFox762: exactly, so the kernel cannot find a valid hibernate image23:43
JFox762so basically on hibernate command exuction23:44
JFox762for some reason, the hibernation image isn't being saved23:44
TJ-JFox762: have you ensured initramfs-tools RESUME= is set correctly?23:45
JFox762im pretty sure23:45
TJ-JFox762: "cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume"23:46
Bashing-omJFox762: /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume ; /etc/uswsusp.conf - have the correct UUIDs ?23:47
TJ-JFox762: "RESUME=" not "resume="23:47
JFox762hmm i never edited that23:47
JFox762RESUME has to be all caps?23:48
TJ-JFox762: it is an environmental variable that is used by a script23:48
TJ-JFox762: yes, RESUME != resume23:48
TJ-JFox762: that might not be the issue, but it is the most likely candidate right now23:48
JFox762i just changed it to "RESUME="23:49
TJ-JFox762: that looks better23:49
JFox762I never edited the uswsusp23:49
JFox762there is no such file actually23:50
Bashing-omJFox762: Maybe  uswsusp only comes into p[lay with encryption .23:51
JFox762let me try hibernate23:51
TJ-JFox762: The code does this "/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hook-functions:441:  if [ -n "${RESUME}" ]; then ..." the variable name is ${RESUME} and "-n" means it is testing for a string of length > 023:51
johannesTJ-: any idea about my dependency issue ... my assumption is hat I installed some bad library via some ppa ages ago, but can't find the root cause23:52
TJ-johannes: I couldn't spot anything obvious23:52
JFox762should i try the hibernate function now23:53
JFox762TJ-: ?23:53
TJ-johannes: have you confirmed that all the /et/apt/sources.list{,.d/*.list} reference the new release?23:53
TJ-JFox762: Yes23:53
johannesTJ-: yes, either commented out or on bionic23:54
TJ-johannes: try working through the reported dependencies: "sudo apt install python3-xapian" and so on then retry the "upgrade -f" after each23:55
JFox762TJ-: it worked :D23:59
JFox762the biggest reason I want Hibernate to work so bad is because I have found Suspend to be *VERY* unreliable23:59
JFox762Suspend causes the laptop to just flicker off and then back on23:59

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