=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [08:02] hi, I tried to file a bug report against thunderbird on launchpad but whenever I submit it gives me a "timeout error" so I lost an elaborate bug report twice to it.. [08:02] is this a known service downtime or what's going on? [08:09] Do you get an OOPS ID? [08:10] There's no expected downtime at the moment. [08:12] sec, trying to reproduce [08:13] of course now it works u_u [08:13] thanks anyway [08:13] (also, you can always refresh the error page or use the back button to get your text back. it's not lost.) [08:14] I did but that didn't work. I went back and was greeted by the "enter a summary" page [08:15] If you hit next there it should show the description field with your text [08:15] I see. That's not very obvious, though, especially since the summary didn't remember my text either [08:15] anyway, bug is filed === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [15:32] from #ubuntu: [2018-10-17 11:21:53] debug1: Skipping ssh-dss key /home/carlo/.ssh/lauchpad_carlo_dsa - not in PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes [15:32] have we confirmed that DSA keys still work for connections to Launchpad for bzr and such? [15:33] PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes is a client-side thing [15:33] o.O [15:33] See https://www.openssh.com/legacy.html [15:33] cjwatson: i wonder if the defaults changed in OpenSSH [15:33] *goes to bug -hardened [15:34] Yes, and they were documented as changing [15:34] Do not bug -hardened [15:34] cjwatson: ah, OK. [15:34] cjwatson: then why accept DSA still if it's no longer the 'default'? [15:34] s/the default/sane/ [15:34] It can still be sent even by modern clients with configuration tweaks (see the URL above) [15:35] urgh i hate legacy >.< :p [15:35] Deliberately breaking them could be discussed but would have to be quite widely announced and prepared for [15:36] cjwatson: any chance on the documentation we can make a blurb about DSA keys only being supported for legacy reasons and should not be used (in favor of RSA or ECDSA)? [15:36] i know we recently added the supported key types to the LP help docs [15:36] No, I'd rather not change that until we support Ed25519 [15:36] ack [15:37] Because it'll be more effective to push straight from DSA to Ed25519 if possible, rather than getting people to change twice