
thafreakdzho: lol, they called saturday morning to let me know it could be coming any time now15:35
thafreakThey asked for me to come in Monday as it should be ready by then15:35
thafreakOf course monday they call and push the time back because it came in later than they had hoped15:36
thafreakBUT, I now have a non-dying car15:36
thafreakWith an extended warranty and a huge monthly payment :(15:36
thafreakHow was OLF?15:37
thafreakIt was slightly weird not going, I had gone every year since 200515:37
thafreakBut only slightly weird. I think I had been losing interest for a while now15:38
dzhoyeah, the trip turns into being four things for me: OLF, just a generic road trip during a not-bad time of the year to be driving, MicroCenter shopping, IKEA shopping17:36
dzhoOLF was fine. LibrePlanet fires me up more.17:37
dzhosaw some talks, talked to some people.17:37
dzhoword my sdf.org shirt and so got some smiles and conversations out of that, that was fun.17:37
dzhomet a Linode employee at the booth whose IRC nick I recognize17:38
dzhogot a T-shirt of theirs that will fit me17:38
dzhoprobably the tech discussion highlight was talking with the Sine Nomine booth folk17:38
dzhothey do mainframe support17:38
thafreakdon't they also sponser lopsa?19:30
dzhonot sure I'd know20:24

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