mrz80 | Hmm... maybe I should sample that popping noise my ankle makes every step I take and use it for a percussion track :D | 14:22 |
mrz80 | Ok, here's one for the bunch: I'm looking at maybe picking up a 25key midi controller for use primarily to trigger some low pads and hold 'em while I play guitar over top of. Anythoughts on Arturia Minilab vs M-Audio Axiom? I see several of both for ~50 clams on reverb | 19:24 |
OvenWerks | mrz80: just looking at what midi maps Ardour ships with, I see:, and | 19:27 |
OvenWerks | the maudio also shows maps for the 49 and 63 | 19:28 |
OvenWerks | I sort of wonder how different all these 25/49/61 devices are inside. | 19:29 |
mrz80 | I was wondering about durability, feel of the controls, etc. Functionally they all look about the same. | 19:29 |
OvenWerks | I guess the keyboard part is all made by the same people anyway. | 19:29 |
OvenWerks | For a broader response maybe ask on the linux audio users mail list | 19:30 |
mrz80 | *nod* Something like Great Red Army Struggle Tractor Works and Keyboard for Proletariat Number 7 Music Factory | 19:30 |
mrz80 | :) | 19:30 |
OvenWerks | something like that... look at all our phones | 19:31 |
mrz80 | Ah, Eureka! (*runs naked through the streets, waving an ubuntu studio laptop over his head*) Finally solved the "all my patch mappings change when I switch computers" problem! Save a project-specific patch to channel map in qsynth that maps how I laid out the tracks in the Rosegarden project. | 21:11 |
mrz80 | hasta linguini, all! :D | 21:14 |
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