
smoserI have a git repo cloned from a private source on launchpad.13:33
smoserI want to propose a merge for that.13:34
smoserHow do I push somewhere to propose for merge and make sure it stays private ?13:35
smoserI'm assuming if I push to ~smoser/<project>/+git/<name> that that will not be private.13:35
wgrantsmoser: It will be private if the project is.13:53
smoserand to determine if a project is private ?14:02
smoserjust look at https://launchpad.net/<project>14:02
smoserthank you, wgrant14:02
wgrantsmoser: You can also see whether new branches will be private in the top right of the Code page for the project14:03
smoserthanks. that really helps. i just dont want to accidently push something public.14:05

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