=== disposable3 is now known as disposable2 [11:49] fresh install of ubuntu-server 18.04. Setting up monit and apache2. Confused about why the server guide suggests systemctl to control apache when there are init.d scripts installed. Can I continue to use /etc/init.d commands to control apache2 from monit? [14:10] jimcooncat: systemd arranges /etc/init.d scripts to wrap systemd when systemd is in use. So I think using the init.d scripts is safe, but all you're really doing is calling systemctl (or perhaps the dbus API equivalent) through a wrapper. [14:11] Actually I'm not sure if that's accurate. [14:11] Do init scripts call systemd as a wrapper? I know it goes the other way round - systemd generates systemd service units for existing init.d scripts. [14:12] In any case, systemctl is closer to what the system is actually doing, so better to use that directly. [14:26] rbasak, /lib/lsb/init-functions.d/40-systemd [14:32] rbasak xnox thank you [14:33] jimcooncat, this has come up before; i'm hoping to remove `duplicate` init.d scripts in the future. [14:36] I'm getting back in the game from five years ago, love the older tools but don't want to paint myself into a corner by using them, so to speak [14:38] jimcooncat, $ service foo start|stop|restart -> works on all systems, both new and old. [15:51] xnox: most systems use systemd now, though