[02:43] just did an apt install ssh and unable to locate the banner page to edit it [02:44] anyone know where the banner file is for the ssh server [02:46] ... after the login? === himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf [06:07] hello, i am having issues having the grub menu appear for dual booting purposes [06:41] bugal-jackson: have you tried `update-grub` command? [06:41] !grub [06:41] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [06:41] read more about it above [06:41] * valorie heads to bed [06:48] Hello! I just upgraded to Cosmic from Bionic. All seems to have gone well - except Mailspring and redshift are broken. I tried re-installing Mailspring but it is still not working. Konsole says: mailspring … Segmentation fault (core dumped) Any idea how to get Mailspring working again? Thanks. [06:53] @Anarchotaoist, Probably this: https://github.com/Foundry376/Mailspring/issues/1108 [06:55] ok, thanks Rik, I'll look into that! [07:11] okay I have fixed it so the GRUB menu appears on boot up. issue now is that only kubuntu appears, not my windows 10. my windows 10 still can boot, i just have to do it through bios [07:14] avizini was added by: avizini [07:14] Hello, [07:15] How can I use openvpn with kubuntu? [07:16] openvpn —config xyz.ovpn works fine but is there something from network manager? When i goto network manager i see an option for Automatically conntect to VPN when using ... [07:16] How do I use that option? [07:17] install the package 'network-manager-openvpn' first [07:17] Thanks! [07:17] @acheronuk That is already installed [07:18] @Linuxophil configured with openvpn recently. he may be better placed to say. I've never used it [07:22] Ok, Rik, that link had a .deb for mailspring, thanks, but another mailspring popped up in Discover. I decided to try that first. That worked! I just need to set up all my accounts again. argh! Perhaps I should give kmail another look in though? [07:27] @Anarchotaoist, or you try hiri as a snap# [07:27] Is the one in discover a snap? if so, it won't see your configs, naturally [07:28] @Anarchotaoist ^ [07:29] @acheronuk, ah, ok. I did not check. [07:30] @Linuxophil, Thanks for the suggestion. I do not use office365 though. [07:31] @acheronuk, Yes, it is a snap. Will a .deb pick up my accounts saved on my computer? I did previously have a .deb. [07:31] ok thanks rik [07:31] Linuxophil Can you help me with that? [07:32] @Anarchotaoist, I would think so [07:32] Cool [07:32] @avizini, I'll gladly try. Searching for this option right now. [07:32] @avizini, Can you send me a screenshot? [07:32] (Photo, 295x170) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/fDSkXwdm/file_10437.jpg [07:33] yes, i want to use this feature. automatically connect to vpn when using this network [07:36] it should show add connections option in network manager from where users can import a opvn config. This worked in ubuntu , u budgie, u mate [07:37] (Photo, 548x279) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/dg8fvCii/file_10438.jpg I cannot even select this option. [07:39] @avizini, You might want to do it the following way: [07:39] (Photo, 866x601) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/pi300M0w/file_10439.jpg weird, it shows that optionf or me but there are no vpn configs and i cant imort one [07:39] @Linuxophil, ? [07:41] @avizini, OK. Just switched computers. Now I see what you want. [07:41] First you need to configure a VPN. You have your ovpn file, right? [07:41] and all the keys? [07:41] yes [07:41] yes [07:42] click here: [07:42] (Photo, 1237x946) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/emTCNz2v/file_10440.jpg [07:43] hell, i am such an idiot [07:43] then scroll all the way down and click here: [07:43] (Photo, 319x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/rEBhU6fi/file_10441.jpg [07:43] the window size was small, i didnt see that button :/ [07:43] nvm, thanks [07:44] then find the ovpn file. [07:44] @avizini, Yes, that's a known bug. and it even didn't show a scroll bar, right? [07:45] @avizini, Always happy to help! [07:45] @Linuxophil, no it shows one, i didnt notice that [07:46] @avizini, OK. Tell me if it works now, please! [07:46] (Photo, 497x469) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/lRCpuveY/file_10442.jpg [07:46] @Linuxophil, yes it works [07:46] Thank you [07:46] My pleasure! [07:48] Thanks Linuxophil :) [07:53] @acheronuk, Always happy to help and be helped! That's the point here. [07:54] 👍 [08:01] how can i check if my linux is legacy or uefi? [08:02] you can isntall efibootmgr and then run efibootmgr, if its legacy then it will show an error [08:04] (Photo, 441x210) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/ZHSOlKmG/file_10443.jpg [08:04] if it was legacy then after efibootmgr command it would have shown an error [08:07] i guess this is on uefi [08:07] no error here [08:07] does it give output similar to the screenshot one? [08:08] yes [08:08] yes, then its uefi installation [08:08] that's an issue [08:09] :( [08:09] my windows 10 is legacy, so to dual boot my linux should be legacy as well, correct? [08:09] i mean i can still boot my windows 10, just doesn't appear in the grub menu [08:10] it should be but for example my computer supports both uefi and legacy boot together. I can install linux in uefi and win in legacy and it woould work [08:10] would like to fix this though, don't mind re-installing, only installed this a few hours ago [08:10] @bugal-jackson, yes it wont show up on grub menu but it would work [08:11] better reinstall it, either both uefi or both legacy [08:13] any idea how to install kubuntu in legacy? [08:13] @bugal-jackson, dumb question: Did you do sudo grub-update? [08:14] set boot mode to legacy by entering bios setup then reinstall it [08:14] @bugal-jackson, You start the USB medium in legacy (not choose UEFI in boot menu). [08:14] yea i have tried sudo-grub update [08:15] @bugal-jackson, "sudo grub-update" [08:15] oh oops, but yea that's what I used [08:15] @bugal-jackson, Sorry: sudo update-grub [08:16] i once did this and win was legacy but ubuntu in uefi, the installer didnt detect windows neither it showed up in grub [08:17] (Photo, 794x212) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/xcXTTFtF/file_10444.jpg Should give you an output like this [08:17] yea i did that, it doesn't find my windows [08:17] @bugal-jackson, OK [08:18] @bugal-jackson, Easiest is to reinstall then. [08:18] anyone ever tried installing an os onto usb drive? [08:18] I am currently running kubuntu on usb and it works well [08:19] @avizini, Yes. several times. [08:19] Works great! [08:20] what about the life of usbs, did you break any of them? [08:20] this is how my bios settings were https://i.imgur.com/DGGIFYx.jpg [08:20] @avizini, No. [08:20] should i change "other pci devices" to legacy? [08:21] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1058318/i-installed-ubuntu-mate-18-04-on-my-pendrive-how-can-i-maximise-the-life-of-tha [08:22] @bugal-jackson, try changing and see if the installr boots legacy mode [08:23] @bugal-jackson, yes [08:24] A PCI device is any piece of computer hardware that plugs directly into a PCI slot on a computer's motherboard. [08:24] dunno if it includes usbs, but switching it to legacy wont do any harm' [08:24] FXTDelta was added by: FXTDelta [08:24] alright [08:25] do i need to delete my kubuntu? or just running the installer again will fix it? [08:26] @bugal-jackson, no, once booted just delete the partition using kde partition manager then install it [08:26] it should autodetect windowd this time [08:27] i do that in kubuntu? or with my boot disc? [08:27] boot dicsc [08:27] alright [08:28] chose try ubuntu [08:29] okay [08:32] @acheronuk, Yes, that worked. All my accounts loaded! 🙏 [08:37] Ok, Cpod is broken too! Is that also an electron app? How do I update electron if so? I cannot find it in Synaptic. [08:53] alright [08:53] sudo update-grub now finds windows 10 [08:53] :) [08:54] thanks a lot [08:54] no problem :) [08:57] well now my PC automatically boots to windows 10. wasn't happening before [08:58] so you dont see the grub menu on startup? [08:59] nope, i just edited the /etc/default/grub too [08:59] to make it appear as menu and stay indefinitely [08:59] oh, oksy [09:01] can't set the drive as a boot option [09:01] in bios [09:01] i ddint get you [09:02] bauchhaus was added by: bauchhaus [09:03] Hi, I need help with broken packages in Kubuntu after an upgrade to 18.10 from 18.04 [09:03] this is an earlier screenshot but you can see it here https://i.imgur.com/DGGIFYx.jpg [09:03] i now only have 2 boot options, the "ubuntu samsung" no longer exists. but i can still boot it in boot overrides in another tab [09:04] wonder if i skipped a step [09:04] (Photo, 1280x420) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/ZqrpcWMX/file_10445.jpg [09:04] Cpod from Discover will not install, and the Cpod snap in Discover crashes when searching for a podcast. I downloaded the .deb from github and it will not launch either! 😥 [09:07] @bugal-jackson, if it works then dont touch it [09:17] @Anarchotaoist, 3rd party proprietary app? I guess report to them if so. [09:18] @acheronuk, ok, I just filed a bug report on github. Any recommendation for another podcast app? [09:18] @avizini, maybe I should pin that ^^ 🤣 [09:22] Pepe was added by: Pepe [09:27] @acheronuk, Interestingly the older version of Cpod -Cumulonimbus, works fine! [10:00] @jacky, Hey Jacky, I now have latte-dock 0.8.1 in 18.10 - but I am not getting badge notifications. Do you have to enable them somehow? Thanks. [10:15] me i launch it and voilà that's all [10:17] @Alexfrench, latte dock? [10:28] yes [10:32] Where did you source latte dock from? I have a psifidatos ppa. [10:35] first time i installed kubuntu on my laptop i ve made a list for available docks [10:35] then i searched it by discover application [10:36] and installed it [10:38] hmm, it does not show up in Discover for me. Thanks. [10:40] sorry that's what i've done really simple and i am a linux rookie you know [10:42] ok, maybe I did get it there for this time. Do the badge notifications for all your apps - or - just Kmail ( in your pic?) ? [11:23] Hi folks [11:25] hello [11:25] hi hashrack [16:14] new kubuntu works great [16:14] good job, folks [17:29] hello, re-installed my kubuntu but now when i try to run kate etc/default/grub, i get an empty file instead of the text file to edit the boot behavior [17:33] jianfa was added by: jianfa [17:33] i see, i just forgot the first dash on /etc/. all good [17:55] i just ran boot-repair, it asks if my SSD is a removable disc. i gues technically it is... but do I choose yes or no? [17:55] or does that term refer to usb drives and such [23:41] Anarchotaoist: Not to my knowledge! I just noticed it _working_ for me. I can check for particular settings though [23:42] It's only appeared for me for KMail however [23:42] * ^Gecko^ just got through installing kubuntu for the first time in years [23:43] <^Gecko^> kind of a 'Do I want to switch?' kind of thing. If I can get mIRC working okay......maybe