
tripelbhalsaq there is a more interesting program called screenshot. it's already in your computer I think. And it allows you to pic the entire screen, the active window, or an area you makr off AND it allows you to immediately have a chance to change the filename. Like.00:01
tripelbChetManly, what is that, the readwrite ufs00:01
ChetManlyI think its the unix filesystem00:02
tripelboh ty00:02
AuroraAvenueI am going to have to go to the c-e-x-shop & get a new sd-card - 'cos support here is miggledy-piggledy.00:09
=== pauljw1604 is now known as pauljw
=== RaptorJesus is now known as wompwomp
balsaqmy ubuntu desktop looks like this  https://imgur.com/a/2I0QoSO00:25
=== wompwomp is now known as RaptorJesus
balsaqmake up ur mind jezuz00:30
JFox762does anyone know how to install libudev000:38
Bashing-om!info libudev000:40
ubottuPackage libudev0 does not exist in bionic00:40
tewardJFox762: you sure you mean libudev0 and not libudev1?00:40
Bashing-omJFox762: ^^ willl need more info as to what you are doing .00:40
tewardJFox762: libudev0 is from Precise, trusty and later all use libudev100:41
JFox762apparently winetricks in proton needs it00:44
tewardwhat's Proton? o.O00:46
Kon-teward: Proton is the fork of Wine which is built into the Steam game store/DRM client00:48
tewardthe more you know :)00:49
tewardKon-: then Steam did it wrong00:49
JFox762Thing is00:49
JFox762when I try to run...00:49
white_magichello gents, can someone tell me how I would add the i3 window manager to a gdm session? I think I have to append Exec=i3 and TryExec=i3 to /usr/share/xsessions/ubuntu.desktop? I took Exec=i3 and TryExec=i3 from i3.desktop config file. The motivation here is that i want to be able to run some applets from gnome3 instead of sticking to LightDM which is what an i3 default xsession goes with. Please advise00:50
JFox762thats what happens00:50
Kon-JFox762: #gamingonlinux might be better equipped for Wine questions00:51
JFox762Im in there right now00:51
balsaqwhy does ubuntu 1804 see only 3.5gb or ram when i have 400:51
tewardbalsaq: are you using 32bit Ubuntu 18.04?00:51
white_magicbalsaq: are you on a 32 bit variant of ubuntu?00:51
tewardbalsaq: if you are on a 32-bit variant 3.5GB is really the 'physical limit' of RAM consumability.  4GB or more needs a 64bit OS.  Or PAE.00:52
balsaqno i just checked it is 64bit00:52
tewardbut in this case 64-bit is better :P00:52
balsaqi have 64 bit00:52
tewardbalsaq: uname -i shows x86_64?00:52
balsaqsystem says 64bit00:52
tewarddidn't ask what the *system* says00:53
white_magicI'm the one who tells the system how many bits it has!!00:53
balsaqthat cmd says x86_6400:53
balsaqthe system and the cmd say the same thing00:54
balsaqso why does it think i have 3.5 gb ram00:54
balsaqmaybe it takes .5 for graphics?00:54
tewardbalsaq: if your system is not running a dedicated graphics card, it may take RAM from the physical amount to power graphics.00:55
tewardthat'd be determined by the hardware and the BIOS/firmware though00:55
tewardwouldn't be surprised if it did reserve 512MB from the 4GB for graphics00:55
balsaqit does not have a separate card only intel graphics00:55
ezzieyguywufI have this recipe that is failing on launchpad. It is failing  because my git submodule is not being properly initiated. Does anyone know what I need to change in order to have my git submodule properly initiated? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/394447786/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-amd64.occwrapper_0.1.4.4-0ubuntu1ppa6~ubuntu14.04.1_BUILDING.txt.gz00:55
Kon-Does this mean the AppArmor profile should be active now? "Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox"00:56
balsaqhow can i determin where that other .5 gb ram went00:56
Kon-Because Firefox isn't showing in apparmor_status00:56
=== dingir___ is now known as dingir
Kon-balsaq: Linux counts your RAM a bit differently from the hardware manufacturer. An 8 GB machine will show 7.7 GB of RAM, for instance. There is no RAM missing. I think yours should be a bit higher, maybe 3.8 GB. But it's possible 300 MB or so is being used for video memory by the Intel GPU00:59
balsaqwell i recall my intel gpu as being 256mb when it was advertised years ago01:00
balsaqtheu still some ram missing01:00
balsaqi am using 1.7 gb of ram just to run the os , the cpu is not even breathing...but it seems to like ram.01:02
balsaqi only have 4gb and i see it made a 2gb swap01:03
Kon-balsaq: sudo apt neofetch. Then run "neofetch" and it will show you the amount of RAM installed down to the MB01:03
balsaqok one sec01:03
balsaqinvalid operation01:05
pauljw_budgiesudo apt install neofetch01:05
balsaqis that a deb01:05
balsaqor a snap?01:06
Kon-Oops, forgot the "install" there :)01:06
Kon-No, it's in the Ubuntu repo01:06
balsaqone sec01:06
balsaqMemory: 1567MiB / 3617MiB01:09
balsaqwhats that mena01:09
balsaqstill doesnt add up01:10
balsaqi think neo is trying to say im using 1567mb ram out of 3617mb ram01:12
Kon-balsaq: Correct01:13
Kon-So yeah, it looks like the system is only detecting 3.5 GB RAM01:13
balsaqnot good01:13
balsaqeven if system uses some for this or that it should see 4gb ram01:13
Kon-Could you paste exactly what the "OS" line says in Neofetch?01:13
balsaq Memory: 1567MiB / 3617MiB01:14
Kon-No, that's Memory01:14
Kon-I want "OS"01:14
Kon-Up near the top01:14
balsaqreeally dont believe me huh01:14
balsaqOS: Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS x86_6401:14
Kon-Just making sure01:15
balsaqsomething is wrong01:15
balsaqluckily my hdd is an ssd  so my swap file might not be too slow01:16
pauljw_budgienothing is wrong balsaq, but it's a very complicated issue.  if your machine is working properly, just ignore the memory.  memory management is one thing that linux excels at.01:17
TJ-balsaq: show us "pastebinit <( dmesg )" --- kernel log will describe how memory has been distributed01:18
balsaqmy cpu is hardly even breathing but im half enpty on ram using nothing but this chat01:18
TJ-balsaq: you can see how much memory is mapped for the iGPU with "sudo lspci -nnvvv -d ::0300"01:19
balsaqoh cool thanks ill try that01:19
caliculkI am trying to resize my filesystem for a plex server, and I am not sure what I did, but, somehow I made it a the partition an lvm, and I can't figure out how to extend it, as resize2fs is not working. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rtR9MBzGjV/ <- fdisk -l output01:21
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TJ-caliculk: what are you trying to resize?01:22
caliculkI am trying to extend /dev/sda5 to become ~100GB larger01:22
caliculkHowever, I don't have a GUI for this, and gparted cannot perform the function on the livecd.01:23
TJ-caliculk: do you want do it the easy way? you don't need to resize sda5, what you want to do is grow the plex--vg-root LV01:24
caliculkEasy way is fine.01:25
caliculkI was under the impression that lvextend or resize2fs is the way to perform this, but I might bemissing something.01:25
JFox762how does one use pastebinit?01:25
TJ-caliculk: you're correct, but there's a twist before those can be done01:26
TJ-caliculk: there are 2 ways to do this: 1) use "parted /dev/sda  resizepart 5 <end-sector>" followed by "sudo pvscan --cached" to tell LVM the partition is larger. That *should* automatically mean "sudo vgdisplay" shows the new free space, which *then* allows you to do lvextend01:28
TJ-caliculk: or, you can create a new partition (sda6) that uses up that free space, make it a PV (sudo pvcreate /dev/sda6) then add it to the VG (sudo vgextend plex /dev/sda6) at which point you can use lvextend etc01:29
caliculkTJ-, unfortunately the "easy way" did not work: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rPXNKgRpJ5/01:32
TJ-caliculk: you need to specify the units are sectors, as in "parted /dev/sda unit s resizepart 5 243269631" (that'll take it to the end of the disk)01:34
TJ-caliculk: and "pvscan --cache"   ( no d on the end :)01:35
TJ-caliculk: you may need to do a "kpartx -a /dev/sda" in between to tell the kernel the partition is larger01:36
TJ-caliculk: which should then be reflected in "cat /proc/partitions"01:36
caliculkAlright, sounds good, I will give that a shot01:40
caliculkBut unfortunately01:41
caliculkroot@plex:~# parted /dev/sda unit s resizepart 5 24326963101:41
caliculkError: Can't have overlapping partitions.01:41
caliculkStill displays the same error01:41
caliculkIf I knock it down by 1, so 243269630 I still experience the same thing01:42
caliculkBut, knocking it down by 100 seems to work.01:42
RandolfTry knocking it down by numbers that are powers of 2.01:43
Randolf32, 64, 16.01:43
TJ-caliculk: oh, it has to 1 less than the extended part, doh01:47
TJ-caliculk: actually you had correct the 1st time; as the same as the end of sda2 (extended)01:47
TJ-caliculk: sorry; been hacking for 18 hours, I think my brain has fried01:48
caliculkNo worries. :)01:48
caliculkHowever, after running vgdisplay I don't see the additional space where I should be: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rXnNKQWMVC/01:49
TJ-did you verify /proc/partitions shows the new size01:49
caliculkhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VMN8nQB5Th/ is the output of /proc/partitions01:50
caliculkAnd when I ran kpartx I receive the following errors: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ySs4pxrzpf/01:52
TJ-caliculk: so that shows the new size; what does "pvs" report?01:53
CannibalCarcinogI've got a Dell Optiplexx gx620 here that won't boot from the ubuntu dvd i burned the dvd is good i tested on this system and boot from it and ran unbuntu live. the optiplex will boot from the window disk    the cd/dvd rom is at the top of the boot list  any ideas as to what is going on?01:54
caliculkTJ-, pvs, lvs, vgs: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qzvRrNrzfh/01:56
TJ-caliculk: looks like pvscan --cache doesn't like to report an online resize01:57
TJ-caliculk: ahhh, try "pvresize /dev/sda5" then "pvs" again01:58
Bluecoatif my 'do-release-upgrade' bombed out due to package in-fighting, will a dist-upgrade and dpkg --configure -a be sufficient to recover?02:00
TJ-Bluecoat: yes, if you can solve broken dependencies02:01
caliculkSweet, everything is good now.02:01
caliculkThanks TJ-02:01
caliculkActually, I take that back "/dev/mapper/plex--vg-root   14G   13G   99M 100% /02:02
TJ-caliculk: well, you've got to "lvextend --resize2fs plex/vg-root"  haven't you?02:03
BluecoatTJ-: cool.  Two packages both claimed to own a particular package.  I gave it to the one that had the least visually offensive package name, solving it once and for all!02:03
TJ-caliculk:  no '2'! "lvextend --resizefs plex/vg-root"02:03
Bluecoat"particular file"02:03
TJ-I'm still wrestling with cross-tools upgrade broken, for the last few weeks. most annoying02:04
caliculkroot@plex:~# lvextend --resizefs /dev/plex-vg/root02:05
caliculk  No command with matching syntax recognised.  Run 'lvextend --help' for more information.02:05
BluecoatEr, like crosstool-NG is busted with Ubuntu latest?02:05
BioWeaponMasterhello ubuntu people.02:06
caliculkI did do lvextend this way and it worked fine02:06
caliculk lvextend -l 25600 /dev/plex-vg/root02:06
caliculk  Size of logical volume plex-vg/root changed from <13.52 GiB (3461 extents) to 100.00 GiB (25600 extents).02:06
caliculk  Logical volume plex-vg/root successfully resized.02:06
caliculkWhich I realize my goof there should have been a +2560002:07
TJ-caliculk: I generally use the "-L +xxG". Using "--resizefs" should call fsadmin to resize the file-system inside02:07
TJ-caliculk: if it is an ext* file system you can use 'resize2fs /dev/mapper/VG-LV'02:08
WoCwhich one is suited for Power Mac G5 ? the 16.04 PowerPC or ppc64el ?02:29
=== Dreaman is now known as BgLamersTeam
white_magiccan someone advise on how to change the output sound device using alsa - via commandline (amixer utility, probably)? I have headphones via the analog output and usb speakers which are digital output.03:11
white_magicis it so that i can't just set the output audio device - i simply have to mute the other ones and unmute the one I want to have the sound output to?03:11
=== HappyHotDog is now known as HauntedHotDog
=== BgLamersTeam is now known as Dreaman
SuperLagI know03:52
SuperLagI know that Android runs on a Linux kernel... but does the combo of Android & Linux (for a desktop) offer any of the tight integration like iOS & Apple computers?03:53
Kon-SuperLag: Check out KDE Connect03:57
=== Dreaman is now known as BgLamersTeam
RandolfSuperLag: I find the big thing that's missing from smart phones is remote control solutions like VNC.  This kind of software would make support so much easier than telling users who to do stuff over the phone.04:17
=== capellasGuts is now known as capellasGore
SuperLagRandolf: good point04:22
RandolfSuperLag: It's a major drag trying to help users configure their eMail over-the-phone.  It's ridiculously tedious, and it can take 20 minutes to configure one account for a lot of users.  With a VNC solution I could just have the user enter my IP address for a reverse connection and then configure it remotely for them in 30 seconds.04:24
TabMasherHi all.  Does anyone know of a good media player that can play H.265 HEVC format videos *aside* from VLC, for Ubuntu?04:30
RandolfTabMasher: You could try GPlayer.  I think that's what it's called -- I'll check...04:30
TabMasherThank you Randolf04:31
RandolfIt's called "mplayer."04:31
RandolfI believe it uses ffmpeg, which is what VLC also uses, but that's more behind-the-scenes.04:31
TabMasherOk, I will look into it.  Thank you again.04:31
jamie1okay, so im having some interesting happenings, on a thread ripper 2950x. when running an oc from bios and booting into ubuntu and checking the cpu clocks only one core is running at set frequency but on windows it works fine, any ideas04:43
RandolfTabMasher: You're welcome.04:45
TabMasherInteresting, mplayer sputters a bit but it doesn't lock up hard like VLC does in Ubuntu.04:50
yifuyouHi, All: After I upgrade from ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04, I can not install anything using apt04:53
yifuyouFetched 103 MB in 39s (2,644 kB/s)04:53
yifuyouExtracting templates from packages: 100%04:53
yifuyouPreconfiguring packages ...04:53
yifuyou(Reading database ... 282951 files and directories currently installed.)04:53
yifuyouRemoving linux-image-extra-4.4.0-134-generic (4.4.0-134.160) ...04:53
yifuyoudepmod: FATAL: could not load /boot/System.map-4.4.0-134-generic: No such file or directory04:53
usualriseHow is xiaomi notebook pro laptop if I have to use ubuntu as my OS only on it? Is anyone here using it?04:54
yifuyouusualrise: xiaomi notebook ?04:55
usualriseyifuyou: yes04:56
yifuyouI don't have a xiaomi notebook, But i just think it ok to only install linux on it04:59
yifuyouHi, All: After I upgrade from ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04, I can not install anything using apt, error message: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/j32jkhbKCj/05:03
yifuyouI have googled a lot and tried everything,but just can not fix it, anyone help ? Any suggestion is appreciated, Thank you!05:05
dbff2any way to re-install ubuntu without losing any of my files05:26
yifuyouHi, All: After I upgrade from ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04, I can not install anything using apt, error message: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/j32jkhbKCj/05:26
jwashhi everyone, how do I switch away from onboard wifi to my usb wifi05:39
milktyifuyou: 18th line in your log says to install package "linux-headers-4.4.0-134-generic", did you try installing this package?05:39
lone_rangerjwash is this in a vm?05:39
jwashjust normal ubuntu layer on my laptop05:40
lone_rangeroh well idk then :/05:44
yifuyoumilkt, when i try to install linux-headers-4.4.0-134-generic, It says: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7kJkBr3GPp/05:44
lone_rangerjwash: turn of your wifi maybe05:45
CannibalCarcinogubuntu-16.04.5        Failed to load ldlinux.c32         any ideas on how to correct this?05:47
jamie1anyone know how i would enable numa? i know i have a numa supported processor which actually runs better in numa due to the multi die setup but its not enabled right now05:56
milktyifuyou: try "apt-get update", then "apt install linux-generic"05:56
jamie1its a threadripper 2950x05:56
lotus|NUCjamie1: desktop or server?06:03
CannibalCarcinogubuntu-16.04.5        Failed to load ldlinux.c3206:04
jamie1lotus|NUC: its a threadripper 2950x which is epyc server chips supped and thrown on a prosumer cpu06:05
lotus|NUCjamie1: you might wanna talk to the #ubuntu-server guys then perhaps06:08
jamie12but... it's desktop too lol06:08
jamie12server guys never respond lol06:08
lotus|NUCjamie12: well yeah its a bit weird situation indeed, server chip on a desktop...not sure howto proceed myself06:09
jamie12tis awkward indeed lotus|NUC06:14
lotus|NUCyour in good hands with lordievader now06:15
jamie12I have an idea lotus|NUK06:15
jamie12so on Windows you can manually change on the fly and that's a uefi level setting controlled in os, set it on Windows to on then booting Linux06:17
jamie1lotus|NUC: NUMA IS ALIVE06:26
lotus|NUC!yay | jamie106:30
ubottujamie1: Glad you made it! :-)06:30
jamie1one question though lotus|NUC, how would i set a program to have absolute priority of resources?06:33
jamie1including gpu06:34
=== imsurit_ofc1 is now known as imsurit_ofc
winerrhow to get rid of error ssl handshake failed in wine .someone suggest wine not compiled with gnutls07:18
MrAureliusRhey folks. I seem to be getting really poor download speeds from the Canadian repository mirros07:25
MrAureliusRah well, I'm sure it'll pass07:26
ducasseMrAureliusR: try #ubuntu-mirrors07:34
stanrifkinubuntu bionic want me to install lib32gcc (32 bit) and so on when i want to install clang. is this normal? does clang has 32 bit dependencies?07:49
lotus|NUCstanrifkin: same here so it seems lib32gcc1 lib32stdc++607:51
lotus|NUCstanrifkin: if apt says its needed, its probably true :p07:51
stanrifkinlotus|NUC: ok. i couldn't remember if it was also the case on my old installation07:53
rastos2newbie here: how do I find out what apt source URL is needed for "tinc" package?07:55
lotus|NUCrastos2: apt-cache policy tinc07:56
rastos2lotus|NUC: N: Unable to locate package tinc07:56
lotus|NUCrastos2: do you have universe enabled?07:56
lotus|NUC!info tinc | rastos207:57
ubotturastos2: tinc (source: tinc): Virtual Private Network daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.33-1build1 (bionic), package size 172 kB, installed size 654 kB07:57
rastos2I probably do not have universe enabled. I need to look that up.07:57
lotus|NUCrastos2: wich ubuntu version are you on mate?07:57
rastos2lotus|NUC:  I just got my hands on on some machine that says 18.04.0107:58
rastos2and was asked to fix some issues07:58
rastos2sorry, it should be "18.04.1 LTS"07:58
lotus|NUCrastos2: did you upgrade from another version? wich issues was that about?07:59
rastos2I did not install the machine. It's not mine. The owner asked me to get tinc installed.07:59
rastos2the /etc/apt/sources.list seems to be rather terse08:00
lotus|NUCrastos2: ok, try to open the icon software&sources and doublecheck if universe is enabled08:00
lotus|NUC!sources | rastos208:00
ubotturastos2: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.08:00
rastos2I do not have GUI. Just ssh access. The /etc/apt/sources.list contains just "bionic main", "bionic security", "bionic stable" and "bionic-updates main"08:01
lotus|NUCrastos2: this is for my country: deb http://be.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic universe08:02
rastos2ok. that should get me started. thanks.08:03
yao_ziyuanwhile upgrading to ubuntu 18.10, bamf failed to download snap 'gnome-themes'. how do i retry?08:03
lotus|NUCrastos2: and: deb http://be.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates universe08:03
yao_ziyuanDownload snap "gtk-common-themes" (701) from channel "stable/ubuntu-18.10" (read tcp> read: connection reset by peer)08:03
lotus|NUCyao_ziyuan: does upgrade have failed, or can you proceed with bypassing that08:04
yao_ziyuanlotus|NUC: upgrade finished and pending restart.08:04
lotus|NUCyao_ziyuan: are you in the livemode?08:05
yao_ziyuanlotus|NUC: i'm in ubuntu 18.0408:05
lotus|NUCyao_ziyuan: you could try manual install: sudo snap install gtk-common-themes08:05
yao_ziyuanlotus|NUC: it says: snap "gtk-common-themes" is already installed, see 'snap help refresh'08:06
lotus|NUCyao_ziyuan: ok mate reboot then08:07
yao_ziyuanok. thanks.08:07
lotus|NUCrastos2: sudo apt update after you add universe to sources ok08:07
rastos2already done. worked like a charm. thank you.08:08
lotus|NUC!yay | rastos208:08
ubotturastos2: Glad you made it! :-)08:08
=== imsurit_ofc1 is now known as imsurit_ofc
mad_mosesHi, is it possible to mount a nfs share as a normal user?08:27
gigirockmad_moses, it depends from nfs share configuration08:28
mad_mosesgigirock: so this is something I have to configure on the server?08:28
gigirockI think so mad_moses08:29
Oolmore in client,no ? mount need admin right08:29
lotus|NUC!nfs | mad_moses08:33
ubottumad_moses: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.08:33
squealingcodeExperiencing some weird issues in 18.10. For example I cannot shutdown using "shutdown -h 0", the command literally times out after about five minutes.08:45
squealingcodeThink I am going to go back to 18.04, 18.10 is very unresponsive on my system, while 18.04 was rock solid.08:46
lotus|NUCsquealingcode: keep in mind that 18.10 is a non-lts08:46
lotus|NUCsquealingcode: also for real testing a clean install (as a test) would be reccomended08:46
squealingcodeAbsolutely, but now it's pretty much useless ;) I'll try a clean install, thanks for the tip.08:47
lotus|NUCsquealingcode: does sudo halt -p, shutdown right away?08:48
squealingcodeIt does, but the "slowness" is kinda on and off. Five minutes ago I couldn't open the Terminal, it just stood there trying to load for several minutes. Now it worked great.08:49
lotus|NUCsquealingcode: also reccomended is to predd F1 at shutdown, to see whats going on exactly you might see text based errors there08:49
MrElendigsquealingcode: what hardware is this?08:49
squealingcodeAh, I wasn't aware of that. Thanks, lotus.08:49
lotus|NUCit might be like systemd hanging on some service08:50
squealingcodeIt's an older 4th gen i5 and 1080 Ti.08:50
squealingcodeIt also takes like five to ten minutes to bring up the login screen, I just see the purple color for that time.08:50
squealingcodeIt's installed on a few-months old SSD.08:50
gigirocksquealingcode, which video card ? amd or intel ?08:51
squealingcodegigirock nvidia 1080 ti08:51
lotus|NUC5min on i5 & ssd isnt normal..08:51
gigirocksquealingcode, normally you have to acpi=off in the kernel call08:51
squealingcodeyeah, it's incredibly slow. 18.04 booted in under 10 seconds.08:51
squealingcodegigirock: In the grub config?08:52
gigirockwin10 in 10s08:52
gigirocksquealingcode, yes sir08:52
squealingcodeI'll check that now, thanks.08:52
lotus|NUCsquealingcode: investigate your systemd-analyze & systemd-analyze blame08:52
squealingcodeYep, thanks for the tip!08:53
MrElendigbooting without quiet and splash can also be useful08:54
gigirocksquealingcode, anyway sudo shutdown -r now , should work as expected ..............08:55
squealingcodeAccording to systemd-analyze blame the bootup process took just six seconds08:58
squealingcodeBut it took a good 2+ minutes before I saw the login prompt08:58
squealingcodeThanks for the help guys, luckily I took a clone of 18.04 before I upgraded, so I think I'm just going to restore as I need the system to be functional right now. Thanks again for all tip and help.09:00
=== emilsp is now known as slimep
=== milkt_ is now known as milkt
ksbalajiI'm on acer aspire e15 5108; on upgrading to 18.04 from 16.04, I have pointer probems. How to find the upgrade is ok?11:08
gpunkwhat do you call a pointer problem ?11:09
ksbalajimy touch pad does not work properly. It works only in wayland login11:10
=== BUTTERFLY^ is now known as Butterfly^
BluesKajHey folks11:38
ksbalajiIm on acer aspire 5108; on upgrading to 18.04, I have login problems - only wayland mode works. some progs dont open. How to find that the upgrade is good/bad?11:44
XaTIs there a soft to easily make a preseed image for ubuntu ?11:53
BluesKajhmm, no info11:55
BluesKajXaT, https://askubuntu.com/questions/595826/how-to-create-ubuntu-installation-preseed-file11:56
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XaTthx BluesKaj12:01
BluesKajXaT, hope it helps12:02
XaTmay be i'll see12:05
cluelesspersoni'm experiencing this bug https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center/issues/15212:06
cluelesspersonit seems the reason it occurs is that I have a **ton** of wifi points in my apartment building12:09
lotus|NUCssid broadcast ddos :p12:12
cluelesspersonlotus|NUC: well, it seems I'll have to look at the source myself in attempt to fix it or slow it down12:13
lotus|NUCcluelessperson: does this happen when you unfold wifi icon too?12:13
cluelesspersonno, only when I go into the settings->wifi tab12:13
lotus|NUCcluelessperson: and you have the correct wifi driver for your card i presume?12:14
cluelesspersonI don't know, just whatever ubuntu provided12:14
lotus|NUCcluelessperson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/176753612:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1767536 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Accessing the WIFI section of the "Settings" window causes massive freezes" [Low,Confirmed]12:15
lotus|NUCseems like it exists already12:15
cluelesspersonsudo dmesg | grep wifi12:16
lotus|NUCcluelessperson: is your system up to date mate?12:16
cluelesspersonyeah, that's the bug12:16
cluelesspersonlotus|NUC: yes, latest production12:16
lotus|NUCcluelessperson: latest kernel or latest ubuntu?12:17
lotus|NUCcluelessperson: add yourself affected ok12:18
cluelesspersonoi, don't even have an account12:19
lotus|NUCcluelessperson: id reccomend you make one12:19
lotus|NUChelp yourself & the community12:19
hollusionmy OS just froze, i believe it is a graphical issue. which logs shall i check?12:20
cluelesspersonhollusion: froze doing what12:20
cluelesspersonlotus|NUC: ah, I do have one12:21
hollusioni sent a message in discord chat and then it froze12:21
cluelesspersonlotus|NUC: I can actively test changes, but I don't know what changes to make to the source.12:21
hollusionbut it happened before within another app12:21
cluelesspersonhollusion: what does "froze" mean?   not being dickish, I just need details.12:21
cluelesspersondoes just a window become unresponsive?    does the mouse move?   does something else still work in the background/elsewhere?12:22
hollusioni was able to move the mouse but everything else was frozen, even pressing ctrl+alt+F2345 etc did not do anything12:22
hollusiondoes that mean its a windows/desktop manager problem?12:23
cluelesspersonI don't know sorry12:23
hollusionusername checks out12:23
cluelesspersonlotus|NUC: I don't understand these variable names: nm_device_wifi_connect_access_point12:26
cluelesspersonlotus|NUC: this seems to be the code: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center/blob/master/panels/network/net-device-wifi.c#L267-29312:29
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androfoxhello all, I need help urgently, my auth.log is being spammed with:  23/10/18 09:55kubuntusudopam_unix(sudo:auth): auth could not identify password for [myuser]12:53
androfox23/10/18 09:55kubuntusudopam_unix(sudo:auth): conversation failed12:53
MrElendigandrofox: are you the only user on the system?12:55
androfoxoh, this is embarrassing, it was one of my scripts failing authentication in a while loop...12:55
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ment0sHi, so Im just installing ubuntu 18.10 on my pc, I have multiple hard drives13:27
ment0sif I click Erase disk and install ubuntu, is it going to take first HDD and erase it ?13:27
lotus|NUCment0s: it will ask you in setup, wich disk to use13:28
ment0sok, what when I have nvme and I need boot partition on separate hdd ?13:28
lotus|NUCment0s: if you have multiple, you should be able to choose ontop13:28
candidatif you make install dual boot win 10 / ubuntu , with 4 harddrive formated with windows. is it possible to see those harddrive under ubuntu ?13:28
lotus|NUCcandidat: yes under /mnt or /media13:29
candidatthanks for the help lotus|NUC13:31
ment0swhy advanced paritioner tool doesnt have LVM support during installation ?13:31
candidati m going to do a dualboot13:31
lotus|NUC!dualboot | candidat13:31
ubottucandidat: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot13:31
ducassement0s: use the (debian) server installer for advanced disk options like lvm and raid13:33
ment0sany1 from cannonical ? Please note that your installer sucks.13:34
robairthey can I get some terminology help, is the mount point something like '/dev/hda8' or just the mounted on location such as '/'13:34
ment0srobairt: mount point is the /13:35
robairtment0s: thank you13:35
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ment0sMount Point .. its where your HDD partition is pointed to13:35
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Guest77hi guys I need to format my laptop from scratch and I would like to know if can use BIOS/GPT for dual boot ubuntu/win13:44
ducasseGuest77: legacy mode, not uefi, you mean?13:49
Guest77ducasse my laptop not have a UEFI firmware as only traditional BIOS13:50
Guest77the laptop is old 200813:50
ducasseGuest77: then you need a bios boot partition to use gpt13:51
ment0sso if I create LVM on LUKS manually,then let ubuntu isntaller install to it, would Ubuntu be smart enough to create Grub for encrypted drive ?13:53
ducasseGuest77: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/BIOS_boot_partition13:53
d-rockHaving a weird issue. I have an 18.04.1 server. I pulled an extra NIC out of my server and took the opportunity to enable SMART in the BIOS for two new disks. When I rebooted, the machine hung when starting udev (won't respond to C-A-D, etc). I put the NIC back in, disabled SMART, and it still hangs at udev. If I perform a rescue boot, I can get the machine basically up and running by hand-starting services, but som13:54
d-rockething appears to be wrong with udev and systemd when it comes to disks. vgchange is stuck waiting for a udevcookie to go to zero. If I manually complete the cookie and hand-create symlinks, all of my LVM volumes are fine. The only thing I can't get working is to mount /boot, because systemd times out on the device. However, I can manually mount the device anywhere but /boot (say, /mnt/boot) and it works fine. Reall13:54
d-rocky not loving systemd right now...13:54
wasanzyam installing ubuntu server 16.04, but am getting this error: "unable to install busybox-initramfs "13:56
wasanzyam using Dell Poweredge R64013:57
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wasanzyany idea what could be the problem?13:57
gpunkyour /boot is full?13:58
d-rockI was about to ask if you have a separate /boot partition13:58
wasanzymy /boot is not full13:59
wasanzyI gave 100M for /boot13:59
d-rockThat seems on the small side14:00
d-rockinitrd itself is 57MB14:00
sfdebughi there, does anyone know how to add support to HEIC files in ImageMagick?14:00
d-rockAt least on my box14:00
wasanzyI will give it 200M then14:00
wasanzythe boot should be primary or logical?14:00
Guest77ducasse I have already read this and I found : Windows 8/8.1 x86_64 versions support booting in x86_64 UEFI mode from GPT disk only, OR in BIOS mode from MBR/msdos disk only. They do not support IA32 UEFI boot, x86_64 UEFI boot from MBR/msdos disk, or BIOS boot from GPT disk.14:00
d-rocksfdebug: https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/issues/507 ?14:01
gpunkyes my /boot eats up way more than 100M14:01
Guest77ducasse It not possible install dual boot with BIOS/GPT?14:01
d-rockwasanzy: how big a disk are you on? 200M also seems tight. You'll need to make sure you're cleaning up old versions of the kernel as you install new ones for update14:02
d-rockI'm on a 2TB drive and my /boot is 2G14:02
wasanzyThis is a new machine, nothing has been installed on it before14:03
d-rockI would recommed at least 500MB14:03
ducasseGuest77: you would need to ask in ##windows, we can only support the ubuntu side of the problem14:03
d-rockIIRC, there's a setting to control how many "old" kernels are kept when upgrading them14:03
wasanzy500MB still gives the error14:04
wasanzyI changed from ext4 to ext3 just to see but still14:05
d-rockIs there any more detail than "unable to install..."?14:05
d-rockext4 should be fine14:05
wasanzyd-rock: that is the heading of the error14:06
gpunkcheck the md5sum of the iso too ...14:06
sfdebugd-rock, already read this post but didn't find any solution..14:07
d-rocksfdebug: did you build from source with HEIC enabled?14:09
wasanzythe bootable usb was created on windows, is that a problem?14:10
gpunkhow did you do that?14:10
sfdebugd-rock, yes, i did ./configure --with-heic14:11
d-rockAnd build completed ok without errors?14:11
Guest77ducasse How can test if my BIOS support GPT?14:11
gpunkwasanzy: win32diskimager: use this to create linux iso under windows14:12
ducasseGuest77: you would need to just try it, i guess14:13
wasanzyam downloading new iso, I will use linux to create it14:13
Guest77ducasse Do you confirm me that BIOS/GPT for ubuntu works?14:17
ducasseGuest77: yes, it works.14:18
deemGuest77: Windows can't boot from gpt without uefi, but ubuntu can14:19
Guest77ducasse and if I should create dual boot with win10 the BIOS-boot partition should be the first partition or it is irrelevant14:19
Guest77deem not even win10?14:20
ducasseGuest77: well, if windows doesn't support it you can't, can you?14:20
deemGuest77: the version is not relevant. Windows need uefi to boot from gpt14:21
Guest77deem I'm reading this : http://woshub.com/booting-windows-7-from-a-gpt-disk-using-bios-firmware-non-uefi/14:22
wasanzymd5sum check of the new downloaded iso : 24636fd103a2a43c95659f1c3c63718e14:24
deemGuest77: they don't boot windows from gpt. They use a mbr partitioned usb flash drive to boot from14:24
Guest77deem so even if I use the bios-boot partition it does not work?14:26
deemthere is no bios-boot partition if the drive has a gpt label14:26
deemif you use a usb flash drive oder another disk it might work like described in this article, but this is no question for this channel14:27
ducasseGuest77: if you want support for windows please get it in ##windows14:27
Guest77so I'm forced to use BIOS / MBR. I would like to know I will have some advantages, if I move the grub to a dedicated partition? ie if you need to reinstall windows, do you overwrite the bootloader?14:27
ducasse!fixgrub | Guest7714:28
ubottuGuest77: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:28
Guest77ducasse yes I know that the grub can be recovered, the question is: if I move the grub in a dedicated partition will be overwritten the same?14:30
OerHeksgrub won't be overwritten, the bootsector pointer will just be changed, afaik14:31
wasanzyIf I don't chose install with HWE Kernel, the os is not able to detect the RAID or disks, why is that so?14:39
Guest77OerHeks mhm arises me a doubt, grub can be installed in / dev / sda2, 3,4, ...? or can it only be installed on / dev / sda?14:41
OerHeksgrub is installed  'to the disk', not partition14:43
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OerHeks.. it is all in the manual, why do we need to copy paste?14:44
bodie_I noticed that when using the Yaru-dark theme I still have light popovers, such as for GPG password unlock14:49
bodie_guake is also light14:49
bodie_that doesn't seem right14:49
lotus|NUCbodie_: screenshot? volunteers might have a look for you14:50
bodie_sure, one sec while I figure that out...14:50
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bodie_re. earlier mention of yaru-dark theme weirdness in details (my GPG unlock popup is also light, but I can't figure out whether it's possible to screenshot that.) https://imgur.com/a/hLil6Vd15:08
bodie_I was able to adjust the theme in guake at least15:08
coconutAny reason for why an sd card wouldn't get auto mounted anymore on a liveusb?15:20
OerHeksfat32 should automount15:21
coconutWhile normally it just used to work?15:21
coconutyes, is just fat3215:21
sine0does ubuntu still do the amazon data thing ?15:22
craigbass76Well, this explains why I couldn't find hexchat open (and holding my nick) on any of my other computers... Here it is on another workspace...15:22
OerHeksif so, the filesystem might be corrupted, run a filecheck?15:22
coconutTested another sd card with fat16 which also used to work, and also no mounts and access.15:22
craigbass76When I'm in a file browser, I can see a preview of some jpg files, and not others. What's different?15:22
ducassesine0: that was years ago, it's opt-in now15:23
coconutOerHeks, well they both do still work under mac. But how would i do an filecheck? :)15:23
OerHeksthe -a option15:24
coconutok, will read on :)15:25
coconutweird... the card is not listed by fdisk. :/15:26
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OerHeksand by 'disks' utility ?15:27
coconuti don't know that app yet, will have to try it.15:28
coconutOerHeks, you mean the utility "diskscan" ?15:29
OerHeksno, gnome-disk-util, standard installed15:30
coconutthnnx. no nothing which looks like an sdcard listed there either.15:34
coconutOnly there are the (1) hard disk, (2) usb with live iso, (3) and a loop with casper.15:38
Guy_MilHi, I have downloaded Ubuntu 18.04 minimal "Bionic Beaver" 64MB from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD and when I try to run it via virt-manager qemu-kvm everything goes fine untill it asks me to choose ubuntu mirror from the ubuntu archive. no matter what mirror I choose the progress bar stuck at 0% then after around 10 min it jumps to 100% and get stuck again, and after another 10 min it pops15:39
Guy_Mil6:32 PM an error that says it could not download anything from this mirror and asks me to choose a different one.   Any suggestions for how to make it work?15:39
craigbass76Guy_Mil, network is up?15:40
Guy_Milmy network is up15:40
pragmaticenigmaGuy_Mil: The question is, is the network configured for your virtual machine15:40
coconutIt will not make me to give up... but weird... it used to work every single boot, and now sudden it don't anymore.15:40
Guy_Milcould be that the vms network have not configured properly during the installation15:41
Guy_Milhow can i check that?15:41
pragmaticenigmaGuy_Mil: You may need to seek support with the qemu group. They're not on free node. If you go to http://www.qemu.org, that should help you locate a support forum15:43
Guy_Milthe thing is that if i download the ubuntu18 full lst15:44
Guy_Mili can install it with no proble15:45
Guy_Milso i'm sure that this min.iso image has a problem15:45
pragmaticenigmaGuy_Mil: I don't believe the mini.iso is intended to be used for virtualized installs.15:46
Guy_Mili see15:48
Guy_Milthx i'll try it on a different pc15:48
pragmaticenigmaGuy_Mil: It shouldn't matter, but it's possible the mini.iso isn't picking up on some of the environment setup. Also, you mentioned a network issue during setup... or was that a outloud thought?15:48
coconutThink i will renew the iso on usb.15:48
Guy_Milno no that was only a loud thought15:49
TJ-Guy_Mil: are you having a problem with the mini.iso as the installer runs, or after installation when trying to boot the installed image?15:49
Guy_Milthe ipv4, ipv6 seems to be configured successfuly15:49
Guy_Milyes i used dd to transfer the iso to a bootable usb15:52
craigbass76When I'm in a file browser, I can see a preview of some jpg files, and not others. What's different?15:52
Guy_Mili'll try it on a different pc15:52
pragmaticenigmaGuy_Mil: I don't think you need to do that to install from the ISO15:52
pragmaticenigmaGuy_Mil: Isn't there an option for qemu ... -cdrom ?15:53
Guy_Milparagmativenigma: what do you mean?15:53
pragmaticenigmaGuy_Mil: How are you launching your virutal instance for installation?15:53
naccpragmaticenigma: it also doesn't really make sense to put the iso on a usb to virt-install15:53
Guy_Milmy main goal was to install ubuntu minimal on a different pc with automatic install using preseed15:54
naccGuy_Mil: why are you using virt-manager then?15:55
naccGuy_Mil: or are you trying to test in a VM first?15:55
Guy_MilI just wanted to make sure it works on a vm first15:55
naccGuy_Mil: were you trying to use a preseed with the mini.iso? or just the regular installer steps?15:57
Guy_Milnacc: I was trying both16:00
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Guy_Milthey both stuck at the mirror stage16:00
Guy_Milnacc: to make sure it is not something i configured worng I tried the original mini.iso from the ubuntu site and saw that it doesnt work16:02
TJ-Guy_Mil: is the virtual machine manager set to use NAT and DHCP, or is it bridged to your LAN?16:03
Guy_MilI tried with virtual box and it worked16:09
Guy_Milnow i'm trying on a different pc16:09
Guy_Miland it worked!16:10
Guy_Milthank you guys16:10
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digimonstahJesus, I am getting old on wasting 10 minutes registering in IRC freenode :D16:30
digimonstah15 minutes upon registering and logging in.... I am getting old :'(16:39
OerHekshow is this related to ubuntu support?16:40
digimonstahJust saying. Do I have to be really straight-forward on what I am talking about here?16:40
netcrashHello, /quit16:40
pragmaticenigmadigimonstah: This channel is dedicated to helping and supporting the Ubuntu operating system. If you would like to have general discussion, chat, and expression of ideas not related to support, please see the #ubuntu-offtopic channel.16:42
digimonstah@pragmaticenigma, appreciate that. Sorry for bothering.16:43
CyberTailsHi There. I have a EasyCAP Clone that has a different Machine ID than the stk1160 driver can recognize. Is there anyway to add the ID to the list for it to work?16:52
lotus|NUCbodie_: yaru light and yaru dark make a difference for you?16:52
ZeZuUgh tearing is wretched in all the video players,  no different between nvidia and nouveau drivers ... different video output modes : some look better than others but they all tear : wtf?16:53
ZeZuShould I be able to force vsync at a minimum/16:53
lotus|NUCZeZu: start with the details please16:53
lotus|NUCZeZu: ubuntu version, graphics card chipset, driver version, kernel16:54
ZeZu18.04.1 LTS , NV GP102 (1080ti), nvidia 390 , 4.15.0-36-generic16:55
ZeZuagain,  nouveau does the same thing, possibly even worse really16:56
lotus|NUCZeZu: kernel .38 is released, can you update please16:56
TJ-CyberTails: what is an EasyCAP ?16:56
ZeZusure but the last 5 kernels have done the same and unless you know of kernel updates affecting xvideo or something I have my doubts it'll make a difference16:57
CyberTails@TJ: Capture Device16:57
TJ-CyberTails: USB?16:57
lotus|NUCZeZu: ubuntu-drivers list gives you other driver versions?16:58
TJ-CyberTails: you can write the device's Vendor:Product ID to the driver's sysfs node to bind it16:58
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pragmaticenigmaZeZu: It can make a surprising difference, especially with the current specter and meltdown mitigation improvements (improvements in attempting to restore as much of the processing capabilities of the CPU while still protecting against the vulernabities)16:58
ZeZulotus|NUC, no16:59
pragmaticenigmaAlso, Nvidia just released a series of updates in the past week. Are you running with the latest updated drivers?16:59
ZeZuwell latest on apt16:59
ZeZuNot from www site16:59
lotus|NUCZeZu: with your card its possible the ubuntu graphics ppa latest drivers can also do some magic16:59
lotus|NUCZeZu: doesnt show 396 for your card?17:00
ZeZubut i'm on lts now I guess17:00
ZeZuppa says: i'm normally on sid17:01
ZeZudamn cross paste17:01
ZeZu: Current long-lived branch release: `nvidia-410` (410.66)17:01
lotus|NUCZeZu: try 390.87  from https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa see if it can make a difference17:02
ZeZuyeah update is already in progress17:03
ZeZuEh i might as well upgrade to cosmic while i'm at it17:03
pragmaticenigmaZeZu: No17:04
pragmaticenigmaZeZu: stay the course for now, otherwise you're introducing a whole new set of variables to your system17:04
ZeZuI'm aware17:04
pragmaticenigmawhich will make troubleshooting that much harder for us17:04
ZeZuppa.launchpad.net been this slow lately?  I can't get more than 300k out of it :|17:06
pragmaticenigmaZeZu: Also, check your player settings ... some of them choose their own hardware acceleration defaults that don't work well with the drivers. Sometimes manually changing them to match the card/drivers ability results in improved performance. I've had issues with several players not detecting Nvidia accelerators until I manually set the player to use them17:06
ZeZuShould it matter?  One would think even software decoders shouldn't be tearing as long as the backend is working properly / re: xv/xcb etc17:07
TJ-CyberTails: can you show us "pastebinit <( for n in /sys/bus/usb/devices/*; do [ -f $n/idVendor ] && echo $n = $(cat $n/{id{Vendor,Product},product}) ; done )"17:08
ZeZuunless ofc you have a 20yr old p3 that can't keep up the codec17:08
pragmaticenigmaZeZu: yes, it would matter. the automatic detection is just a program that makes a best guess and would be up to the developer on what they thought was the correct order of tests and options17:09
ZeZuIt would only matter for hardware decoding though17:09
ZeZureboot brb, idk if this client has backlog for znc so i may or may not see further responses17:09
coconutAnyone knows how to troubleshoot a not recognized sd card?17:11
pragmaticenigmacoconut: does the card recognize in any computer other than the one you are attempting to use it on?17:12
ZeZudoes it recognize other sd cards?17:12
coconutpragmaticenigma, it gets recognized on same computer when i boot the installed os. But not on live-usb17:13
ZeZutry another sd card,  but also is it a laptop built-in sd read or usb ?17:14
coconuton the same live-usb it did got recognized and mounted yesterday just fine.17:14
coconutfilesystem is ok too,just fat32.17:15
pragmaticenigmacoconut: what is the "installed os" ?17:15
pragmaticenigmacoconut: did you remember to properly unmount the disk before shutting down or removing the card yesterday?17:15
coconutpragmaticenigma, i might have yes17:15
ZeZuIf you're good w. the terminal just check if the device is there and if it's mounted or not17:16
coconutZeZu, no there is another sd card which has detect problems(and worked before), one with fat16 fs.17:17
coconutboth not recognized by fdisk -l17:18
coconutor disks tool17:18
ZeZuIf they don't show up as block devices17:18
ducassecoconut: see what is added to dmesg when you insert the card17:19
ZeZuthen something is indeed wrong , likely with the driver (or hardware) check dmesg17:19
ZeZupragmaticenigma, I just found something interesting:  nvidia-settings is using the wrong monitor for sync17:20
ZeZueven though it's not my primary screen,  is this not a bit odd?17:20
ZeZuThat is: [Auto] defaults to the wrong one for Xvideo17:20
pragmaticenigmaZeZu: See my previous comment about auto detection17:21
pragmaticenigmait applies to all things auto detection17:21
pragmaticenigmaSo in this case, no... not odd17:21
coconutducasse, ZeZu, thanks but dmesg is totaly new to me.17:21
coconutwhat are the right options for this?17:22
ducassecoconut: insert the card, run dmesg and pastebin the end of the output17:22
ZeZupragmaticenigma, yes well such is true I suppose but it does seem a bit odd to me that auto wouldn't use the primary screen17:22
pragmaticenigmaZeZu: What you defined as the primary screen only exists as a user preferance, not the system's actual enumeration of the screens17:23
pragmaticenigmaScreen0 is still the same Screen0 that was detected originally... even if you told it Screen1 is primary display17:24
ducassecoconut: that looks like a hardware or driver problem17:26
coconutThis one is faster after connecting the sd card -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NXYcmVQ3h2/17:27
coconuthmmm, ok. i hope it is driver problem, but is there any more to test?17:28
pragmaticenigmacoconut: something about that card isn't being liked or the hardware reader isn't getting configured properly. Something to note about a live instance, what worked yesterday won't always continue to work the same way the next day. There is no persistance, and each boot requires Ubuntu to go and find everything again. And sometimes, it just doesn't build up correctly17:28
coconuti guess i can always test another version.17:29
pragmaticenigmacoconut: Or you build a virtual machine on your Mac desktop, and run Ubuntu there17:30
coconutpragmaticenigma, i can yes :) (although i need a new laptop soon, the battery is starting to get old)17:32
ZeZuit still tears17:37
ZeZuI upgraded the driver again, checked all the settings17:37
ZeZuI'm about to just change it to opengl output and force vsync on opengl17:38
ZeZuI'm not even sure how it's possible but that fails as well,  I give up it's broke17:40
ioriaZeZu, you can try    options nvidia_drm modeset=1   in  /etc/modprobe.d/zz-nvidia-modeset.conf   anr run sudo update-initramfs -u17:41
ZeZuhmm, i thought that hasn't been needed for some time ?17:41
ioriaZeZu, https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/8fb9oj/how_to_fix_screen_tearing_ubuntu_1804_nvidia_390/17:43
ZeZuwill check it out, thanks17:43
NoImNotNineVolt16.04 headless, just installed xrdp but that won't work with the default unity...17:46
NoImNotNineVoltany suggestions?17:46
ZeZuXAuth ?17:47
NoImNotNineVoltwindows clients.17:47
ioriawell, i didn't even know that xrdp would work with unity17:47
NoImNotNineVoltioria: it won't, i don't think.17:47
ioriaah, ok17:47
ioriaNoImNotNineVolt, so use anothe de17:48
NoImNotNineVolti'm not insisting on unity, was just hoping to not be stuck with xfce or something :P17:48
NoImNotNineVoltis it that simple? i just purge unity*, install mate?17:48
NoImNotNineVoltall the junk i'm finding on the web suggest i use mate from a ppa. anything wrong with the one in 16.04 repo?17:48
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NoImNotNineVoltafter i do that, do i need to do anything else to change the default de? this is a headless box, so i don't think i'll see the lightdm 'select desktop environment' screen17:51
pragmaticenigmaNoImNotNineVolt: nothing is wrong with the default PPA... those suggestions might come from people interested in having the latest and greatest features of MATE as they're released17:51
OerHeksuse at your own risc, or contact the maintainer17:52
NoImNotNineVoltwill use official repo.17:52
cryptodanif everything works well right now why break it17:52
pragmaticenigmacryptodan: Did you read the whole chain?17:52
Linnakhi, What strong hardware do you recommend for video editing?17:53
NoImNotNineVoltyea, rdp still dies after i 'login to xrdp'17:53
pragmaticenigmaLinlz: this channel isn't suited for offering suggestions and recommendations. Please visit the #ubuntu-offtopic channel for general discussion.17:54
pragmaticenigmaLinnak: this channel isn't suited for offering suggestions and recommendations. Please visit the #ubuntu-offtopic channel for general discussion.17:54
pragmaticenigma(sorry Linlz)17:54
NoImNotNineVolthoping rebooting flips the default de from unity to mate, now that unity's gone and mate's the only de.17:54
NoImNotNineVoltunless lightdm still prompts the user :|17:54
pragmaticenigmaNot sure how to define the default DE for headless17:55
NoImNotNineVoltyea, does that not work? :P17:55
pragmaticenigmaIf my memory is right, when you log in with the client, it generates the session on demand, right?17:55
ZeZuit melds in with the mess like everything else,  some of them used to use a predefined session base on config,  some of them used the login manager, etc etc17:56
ZeZuI think it's standard now and should use login screen17:56
NoImNotNineVolti'm seeing errors in ~/.xsession-errors now, at least17:56
ZeZu( for rdp only )17:56
pragmaticenigmaZeZu: most of them can't use the login screen anymore... so that's not exactly correct17:58
ZeZuI thought actual rdp can?17:58
ZeZu(as opposted to 52 flavours of vnc / similar)17:59
NoImNotNineVolti can move to 18.04 if that helps...18:00
ZeZuThis is one of the reasons I tend to just stream X11 to a windows X server if need remote UI, which is rare18:01
pragmaticenigmaNoImNotNineVolt: that actually adds another wrinkle... though it would be better to start with something more recent18:01
pragmaticenigmaNoImNotNineVolt: this is usually one of my go to resources on gettings stuff like this working: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers18:02
pragmaticenigmabut xrdp isn't something I've worked much with before18:02
NoImNotNineVoltwas really hoping for rdp at 3440x1440 :P18:03
OerHeksecho gnome-session >> ~/.xsession perhaps?18:03
pragmaticenigmaOerHeks: it's headless18:03
sappheiroshow do you learn CLI? i tried for example 'man suspend' trying to learn how to suspend the computer (instead of clicking the power button etc) and got only 'no manual entry found'18:04
sappheirosshould i browse the ubuntu webpages until i find some documentation on it?18:04
NoImNotNineVoltsappheiros: probably do a search for cli acpi commands18:04
ducassesappheiros: try 'apropos suspend'18:06
tgm4883sappheiros: man only shows man pages that are actually installed. You're likely wanting to install pm-utils so take a look at that18:06
TJ-sappheiros: "man systemctl" - the command is "systemctl suspend"18:06
tgm4883TJ-: +118:06
sappheirosTJ-: +1 indeed (new command learned yay thanks)18:07
pragmaticenigmasappheiros: also, not everything done in the gui directly translates to a command for CLI... start with simplier commands and work your way up to system operations18:07
sappheirosyeah, does seem that way ...18:08
pragmaticenigmaNoImNotNineVolt: Have you seen this? http://c-nergy.be/blog/?p=996218:08
sappheiroswell, i can't find a keyboard shortcut to suspend, and it's not listed in lxhotkey, and lxhotkey is not easily letting me create one (say, left alt + power button for 'suspend')18:08
NoImNotNineVoltpragmaticenigma: lol, you tell me this after i did an apt-get purge unity*18:09
NoImNotNineVolthow does that work, anyway? it's vnc->rdp?18:09
pragmaticenigmasappheiros: that's because there is no "suspend" command18:10
sappheirosshouldn't there be? thanks, btw, for getting suspend to finally work with this Dell D620 laptop18:10
sappheiros(lubuntu 18.04.1 LTS)18:10
tgm4883sappheiros: the suspend command... you've quit18:12
NoImNotNineVoltwait, is there no do-release-upgrade from 16.04.5 lts to 18.04 lts yet?18:15
NoImNotNineVoltdoh, it was my /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades set to never18:18
pragmaticenigmaNoImNotNineVolt: yeah.. that would prevent it... set it to lts18:20
NoImNotNineVoltwow, packages no longer supported in 18.04 include tcl, tk?18:21
* NoImNotNineVolt assumes name change18:21
Nellukanyone know of an easy/lightweight tool to sync a directory to dropbox or google drive?  from my googling it looks like rclone is a winner but wondering if i should consider anything else18:22
ZeZuIs plasma package related stuff #kubuntu only?  do-release-upgrade crapped out on me, two packages seem to contain the same file :|18:24
NoImNotNineVoltso ubuntu 18.04 moves away from unity... so xrdp should just work? :P18:24
ZeZuYou actually need the whole desktop or you just trying to get display output for one thing?18:26
NoImNotNineVoltwhole desktop.18:27
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ZeZuI've only ever needed to use headless for embedded devices generally,  or servers where i really had no need for for a desktop18:28
NoImNotNineVoltthis is my dev workstation.18:28
ZeZuAnything else it was always easier to just setup with a full desktop env. in the first place so the configs were there18:28
NoImNotNineVoltbut i don't have room for another monitor, etc.18:28
ZeZuSo use one just to set it up18:29
naccZeZu: which packages, have a log?18:29
ZeZudpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/breeze_4%3a5.13.5-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb (--unpack):18:29
ZeZu trying to overwrite '/usr/share/metainfo/org.kde.breezedark.desktop.appdata.xml', which is also in package plasma-look-and-feel-org-kde-breezedark-desktop 4:5.12.6-0ubuntu0.118:29
NoImNotNineVoltit's complicated :P18:29
naccZeZu: looking18:29
NoImNotNineVolti mean, i could, but it would take about an hour. was hoping to find an easier alternative.18:30
naccZeZu: 18.04 or 18.10?18:30
NoImNotNineVoltfigure i'll just give upgrading to 18.04 a shot18:31
ZeZuupgrade from 18.04 to 18.1018:31
naccZeZu: LP: #17991018:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1768470 in ntfs-config "duplicate for #179910 Cannot disable device, please remove from archive" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176847018:31
naccerr, sorry18:31
naccLP: #179901018:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1799010 in breeze (Ubuntu Cosmic) "SRU - missing breaks/replaces for Bionic -> Cosmic upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179901018:31
naccZeZu: subscribe to that bug and indicate you hit it, please18:31
=== Tara is now known as Tessa
Guest84hi guys the PMF 802.11w capabilities should be supported from the wireless driver or depend of the physical wifi card implementation?18:32
craigbass76When I'm in a file browser, I can see a preview of some jpg files, and not others. What's different?18:33
tgm4883!details | craigbass7618:34
ubottucraigbass76: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.18:34
=== Tessa is now known as Tara
ppfso, let's see if cosmic fixes my audio issues18:36
craigbass76There aren't any errors, just no preview. In icon/thumbnail view, some pics I can see, and others are a generic looking icon.18:36
craigbass76tgm4883, ^^18:36
pragmaticenigmacraigbass76: The images may not be a supported format or too large for the preview/thumbnail to generate18:37
ZeZunacc, know of solution?  I can't think of any since it's a req. dep of plasma ... but my apt-fu isn't real great18:37
craigbass76pragmaticenigma, they're jpgs, and some "icon" files are smaller than some I'm getting previews with18:43
craigbass76Oops -- not a terminal18:44
coconutvery oops18:45
Mr_Dogei've created an Ubuntu group for telegram users , is it allowed to send it here ?18:45
Mr_Dogei am also planning to connect irc and group with bridge , please tell me if it is not a violation of any rule18:46
ppfmmh does the upgrader produce a log file?18:47
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pragmaticenigmaMr_Doge: ask in #ubuntu-ops ... I don't think it's allowed though18:48
ppfthe cosmic upgrade failed, but the upgrade didn't show me the errors properly18:50
ppfthe upgrader*18:50
ioriappf, /var/log/dist-upgrade18:51
Mr_Dogeokay, pragmaticenigma even a bridge too ?18:53
ppfioria: thanks. doesn't contain anything interesting though18:55
ppfi'll apt -f install and reboot18:55
pragmaticenigmaMr_Doge: I wouldn't recommend anything... it isn't just a potential violation of Ubuntu channels, but Freenode's terms of service. Your questions are better asked in #freenode18:56
coconutpragmaticenigma, my sd card seems to work under a vm. I just wanted to mention this because of the help. :)18:56
NoImNotNineVoltso, if i had removed unity and installed mate on 16.04, then did a do-release-upgrade to 18.04, will i have the new gnome de?19:02
NoImNotNineVoltdoes a release-upgrade change the default de?19:02
ppfNoImNotNineVolt: no19:03
ppfit upgrades mate as well19:03
NoImNotNineVoltppf: well, surely it would if you were going from unity to gnome, right?19:03
ppfit would upgrade unity and install gnome19:04
ppfyou can then switch if you want19:04
NoImNotNineVolt"I’m writing to let you know that we will end our investment in Unity8, the phone and convergence shell," he wrote. "We will shift our default Ubuntu desktop back to GNOME for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS,"19:04
NoImNotNineVoltis that only for new installs, then?19:05
OerHeksunity desktop is still alive, so is mir19:05
OerHeksbut no default anymore19:05
NoImNotNineVoltnot default -- on new installs.19:05
ppfthe upgade won't uninstall anything that still exists19:05
NoImNotNineVoltbut it also won't change the existing default de?19:06
ppfa fresh install won't ship you unity anymore19:06
ppfbut you can still install it19:06
OerHeksbtw adding a desktop is no problem, removing one is interesting19:06
NoImNotNineVoltis there a way to change the de from the console?19:06
NoImNotNineVoltthe default de?19:06
OerHeksif that is lightdm, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM#Changing_the_Default_Session19:08
pragmaticenigmaMr_Doge: Have you asked your questions in #freenode ?19:23
ppfrebooted successfully!19:23
ppflet's see if the sound is fixed :)19:23
NoImNotNineVoltis there a package or metapackage that contains everything in a default desktop install in 18.04?19:44
ppflike ubuntu-desktop?19:47
pragmaticenigma!info ubuntu-desktop19:47
ubottuubuntu-desktop (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.417 (bionic), package size 3 kB, installed size 47 kB19:47
pragmaticenigmathat wasn't helpful bot19:47
pragmaticenigmaNoImNotNineVolt: ubuntu-desktop is a meta package that installs the default Ubuntu desktop19:48
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sappheirosprotonmail messages are very slow to load ...20:11
NoImNotNineVoltsweet, xrdp works fine with mate on 18.0420:12
OerHeks18.04 ubuntu-gnome-desktop20:12
OerHeks!info ubuntu-gnome-desktop20:12
ubottuubuntu-gnome-desktop (source: ubuntu-gnome-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.83 (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 13 kB (Only available for amd64; armhf; arm64; i386; ppc64el)20:12
naccOerHeks: i think that one is only necessary for upgrades from the old ubuntu gnome20:12
NoImNotNineVolti have no strong gnome/mate preference, just happy it's working and at 3440x1440 :)20:12
NoImNotNineVoltfigured it'd be a bit less laggy though, for text entry at least.20:13
NoImNotNineVolt.5ms rtt, .1ms jitter20:14
NoImNotNineVoltbut that's not really an ubuntu problem :P20:15
NoImNotNineVoltthanks for the help!20:15
daedelothhi there, my digitalocean ubuntu droplet has went into kswapd0 frenzy mode twice in the last month. is there any way to figure out what is causing that?20:39
tomreyndaedeloth: which ubuntu and kernel version, architecture is this? do you have swap? partition or file? how much ram? which virtualization technology is this?20:43
tomreynwhat is vm.swappiness set to?20:43
tomreyndo you do system / performance monitoring?20:44
craigbass76Any idea why I can see an input registering that it's getting signal (Volume Control -> Input Devices -> Line In) but don't hear anything?20:45
daedeloth4.4.0-138-generic, no swap partition that I know of, swapiness of 60, 1gb ram20:46
craigbass76I can hear youtube videos, and I can hear this input in Ardour with jackd running20:46
daedeloththere is some monitoring going on from serverpilot, but I don't know much about the internals20:46
daedelothavailable memory actually dropped when the issue occured20:48
daedelothwell first it jumped from 61% to 77%, then it dropped to 30% and into swap frenzy20:48
tomreynlinux suggests ubuntu 16.04, is this correct?20:48
daedelothfrom what I understand :)20:48
daedeloth16.04 indeed20:49
tomreynbut not .0?20:49
tomreynlsb_release -ds; cat /proc/swaps20:49
daedelothUbuntu 16.04.5 LTS20:49
daedeloth /swapfile                               file52428433552-120:50
daedeloth1gb is a bit on the low side for the amount of things i'm hosting, but once it starts swapping everything absolutely crashes :)20:51
daedelothnot sure if what I'm saying is correct20:51
tomreynsysctl vm.swappiness20:51
daedelothvm.swappiness = 120:51
tomreyndidnt you say 60?20:52
daedelothyea, strange20:52
daedelothI did cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness20:52
tomreynshould report the same as sysctl20:53
daedelothok it seems like I ran the first command locally instead of remotely20:54
daedelothso yes, 120:54
tomreynstorage is fully ssd backed there, isnt it?20:55
daedelothyea i think so, checking20:55
naccdaedeloth: if you are actually using all of your system memory (a spike from 60% to 30% might mean that it's actually going all the way up) and a low swappinness setting means it will only start swapping when you are almost out of memory20:56
tomreynwith swappinness 1 the kernel should not normally swap a lot. you could consider reducing the size of your swap to just a few MB, then the OOm killer should be trigger happier, which may help stabilizing the sstem.20:57
naccdaedeloth: and if you are actively consuming memory while you are swapping out heavily, you can get into a thrashy state20:57
naccdaedeloth: it's not clear if you are saying it's 'unexpected' that swap is being used? you said you are probably overcommitting your system?20:57
tomreynright, the actual issue will be that you have processes allocate way too much memory.20:57
daedelothyea it's very probable that my apache configuration isn't optimized to run on just 1 gb20:58
daedelothapache / php fpm pools20:58
daedelothactually not even sure how it's configured, serverpilot is taking care of a lot of things20:58
tomreynso you need better monitoring to get a better idea of what is misbehaving, and review service configurations to make sure the total amount of RAM all services can allocate together remains below your total ram (some overcommit is probably ok)20:59
tomreyn"XXX is taking care of [..] things" is a recipe for desaster. ;)21:00
daedelothyea, i know :) but it's cheap and easy, and it's only the second time the system started acting up21:00
tomreynif you maintain things, you need to know (have documented) how thiungs work and what their rough edges are21:00
naccthis just seems like a misconfiguration (either droplet sizing or the swappiness parameter)21:02
sappheiroshow do the developers have the time or money to contribute? is it all volunteer work?21:33
sappheirosi mean, are there people who code for ubuntu and fix bugs rather than watch TV or do other hobbies?21:33
sappheirosor is this #ubuntu-offtopic discussion?21:33
Platonidessappheiros: some people do21:35
Platonidessome other people is payed to contribute21:35
tgm4883yes, that's offtopic discussion21:35
^Peter^Not surprisingly, fixing interesting bugs is better than watching the rubbish on TV at the moment.21:35
pragmaticenigmaHello Teodoro777 ... is there an Ubuntu support question that we can help you with?21:51
Teodoro777for now everything is OK, I just wanted to say hello22:02
=== BgLamersTeam is now known as Dreaman
TheteAm I alone or does snap feel so dirty/filthy?22:33
balsaqi feel same and it deosnt fullt remove when u try to remove it22:35
balsaqi had to remove it in termial and even now ther is still one .json file that i cannot remove22:37
balsaqplus the snap app never appeared to even let me use it yet it said i installed it total junk22:38
balsaqso....no thete  ur not alone22:40
rungccHello everybody. First of all, sorry to come with a question out of nowhere. Anyway; I just put together a new streaming and video recording workstation and for some reason I'm having problems with the audio recording. I specifically choose this mobo because of level1tech video talking about it's compatibility with Linux, but even having that as a guide, I'm still having problems with audio... All my recordings are problematic22:51
rungcc(noise) and my pulseaudio config is messing things up, telling me that my plugged mic (on the rear) is actually on the front mic plug... Just so you guys can understand better, I uploaded an wav file that show how much noise I'm having... It is making recording a nightmare here and I'm not really sure on how to solve this. can anyone help me please? This is the audio link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1662jqmzoxp2843/2018-10-23_122:51
rungcc9-38-47.wav/file    My mobo is an Aorus B450 Wifi Pro btw.22:51
rungccsorry, broken link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1662jqmzoxp2843/2018-10-23_19-38-47.wav/file22:51
balsaqwould i benefit from running a full time antivirus in ubuntu22:52
Bashing-ombalsaq: Only in the event that you are exchanging files with Windows ..or running a server that is facing the world .22:54
Bashing-om!virus | balsaq22:54
ubottubalsaq: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus22:54
yelowfishhi all,may i request help re replacement of the default network manager into wicd.using the terminal? on xenial22:54
rungccOh, sorry... the audio chip on my card is Realtek ALC89222:58
rungccIf someone could help me with that audio problem, I would be really grateful.23:00
rungccnot that this counts for everything23:00
balsaqman jaro is good for that23:01
=== Butterfly^ is now known as Guest81808
sappheiroswhat should i do when MPV won't play my DVD?23:14
sappheirosgnome mpv23:14
sappheirosinstalled by default in lubuntu 18.04.1 LTS23:14
=== hitchhikingcoder is now known as darthfork
guivercsappheiros, you could try `sudo apt install libdvd-pkg`   (sorry I've not played a dvd in a long time, and so no experience since *ubuntu 11.x days)23:17
sappheirosdoes x86 mean 32-bit?23:20
sappheirosthanks guiverc am trying now23:20
sappheiros(apparently yes, x86 = 32-bit https://serverfault.com/questions/188177/why-does-x86-represent-32bit-when-x64-represents-64bit )23:21
guivercsappheiros, x86 - depends on how used, but in our world, yep it means 32bit, and amd64 means 64  (amd was first with 64bit)23:21
sappheirosguiverc, i already started this process, but encountered some concerning messages, e.g. that a database is locked and that i must reconfigure via a sudo command ... i'm worried about breaking my system ...23:25
sappheirosshould i have done https://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-play-a-dvd-in-ubuntu instead? ...23:25
sappheiros> libdvd-pkg: dpkg database is locked. You may need to use command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg".23:26
sappheiroslibdvd-pkg: Building and installation of package(s) [libdvdcss2 libdvdcss-dev] postponed till after next APT operation.23:26
sappheirosbut what guiverc suggested is the same as https://askubuntu.com/questions/845205/how-to-play-dvds-in-ubuntu-16-04#845206 ...23:27
sappheirosguiverc, that fixed it, thank you :)23:31
guivercsappheiros, sorry I was away; glad you got it fixed..23:40

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