
Capitainehi folks, i need some help to setup Jack from fresh install16:04
OvenWerksIt looks like something else is using the device already.16:31
Capitaineto start... anybody know  what should be err = ? and where to change it's value?16:31
OvenWerksI would suggest try killall -9 jackd jackdbus16:31
OvenWerksthen try starting jack again16:32
OvenWerksNote that many jack aware programs will start jackd on their own if jack is not running. This jackd may not stop once the program has stopped16:33
CapitaineOvenWerks,  okay.  it says no process found.16:34
OvenWerkshmm, ok run:16:34
OvenWerkscd /tmp && wget http://jackaudio.org/downloads/adevices.sh && bash ./adevices.sh16:35
OvenWerks(all one line) and paste the output.16:35
OvenWerksThat should tell what application is using your device16:35
OvenWerkshmm it just says pulse which should give up it's device when asked.16:38
OvenWerksdo you have the bottom half of the output? (Part II?)16:40
Capitaineone process.. qjackctl ...16:41
OvenWerksjust as a quick check.. try jack_control ds alsa dps capture none dps playback none16:43
OvenWerksjack_control dps device hw:PCH dps rate 4800016:44
Capitainedriver : alsa  capture : none  record: none16:44
OvenWerksjack_control dps period 1024 dps nperiods 2 start16:45
OvenWerksthose three commands16:45
OvenWerksthen jack_lsp16:45
OvenWerksjack_lsp should show system:capture_116:47
OvenWerksand system:playback_1 lines16:48
OvenWerks(probably 2 each)16:48
OvenWerkscool, so jack is running16:50
Capitaineokay... do i have to do it everytime?16:50
OvenWerksif you restart qjackctl it should show that jack is running and you should be able to open the connects window16:50
OvenWerksyou shouldn't16:51
OvenWerksHave you looked at using ubuntustudio-controls? (if you are using 18.04 it is not that far along yet)16:52
Capitainei got fresh install with update from last stable release las week16:53
OvenWerks-controls can start jack at session start16:54
OvenWerks-controls can also start stop jack any time16:57
OvenWerkspatchage gives a good way to connect jack clients too16:57
OvenWerksif your ubuntustudio-controls does not have the Audio Setup tab, you can install the new one from: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/+archive/ubuntu/autobuild16:58
OvenWerksThis is the one that comes with 18.1016:59
OvenWerksIf you are going to use qjackctl, stay away from the advanced tab :) Almost any setting made in the advanced tab will cause trouble.17:03
OvenWerksto reset qjackctl rm ~/.config/rncb.org/QjackCtl.conf17:05
Capitaineok. if i don't do so it will keep that actual configuration?17:09
OvenWerksthe configuration will be saved from application start to application start17:10
Capitaineokay what app would be good to start with?17:12
OvenWerksThere are two common things people do in qjackctl that cause trouble: change the server name to anything other than (default) or try to use two different devices for input and output. (like computer speakers for out put and USB audio box for input)17:14
OvenWerksif you stay away from that qjackctl will work fine for starting jack17:14
OvenWerksThe only thing to remember is to start jack with qjackctl before you start any app that uses jack17:15
OvenWerksOr did you mean what app would be good to rty audio out with?17:17
Capitaineok... and ...  if i need the input from  a usb microphone to output in the speaker i must connect it with patchage right?17:18
OvenWerksno you need to use zita-ajbridge17:18
OvenWerksuse ubuntustudio-controls will do that for you.17:18
OvenWerksubuntustudio-controls is under system in the menu.17:20
Capitaineand if i want to add some beat from lmms to the usb microphone and output them both in real time i have to ... ?17:20
OvenWerksuse ubuntustudio controls17:21
OvenWerksyour usb mic will just show up in jack17:21
OvenWerksit will not show up as "system" but as the device name17:22
Capitainei have to make a user for every item and then add it to realtime  user17:23
OvenWerksopps! you have the old one17:23
OvenWerks get the new one from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/+archive/ubuntu/autobuild17:23
OvenWerksjust add the PPA and it should be upgradable17:24
OvenWerksor you can DL the deb directly and install with dpkg17:25
OvenWerks (or apt)17:25
OvenWerksdirect download is https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/+archive/ubuntu/autobuild/+files/ubuntustudio-controls_1.7+git-0~201810210006~ubuntu18.04.1_all.deb17:26
Capitaineok.  done.17:35
OvenWerksWhen you open it the window should be much bigger17:36
OvenWerksThere are two tabs17:36
Capitaineyes it is...17:36
OvenWerksin Audio Setup, set jack master to PCH,0,017:37
Capitainesystem tweak and audio setup17:37
OvenWerksthen make sure the check box at the bottom for Bridge USB devices to jack when plugged in is checked17:38
OvenWerksyour usb mic should now show up in qjackctl connections or patchage17:38
OvenWerksBe carefule with qjackctl as I think it defaults to stopping jack when qjackctl is exited.17:39
Capitaineok so i don't close it.17:40
OvenWerksThis can be changed in qjackctl setup in the Misc tab by unchecking: start jack audio server on application startup and unchecking Stop jack audio server on application exit17:41
Capitainethen i need to setup zita-mu1's input...17:46
Capitainelet's say number one input as the microphone and number2 input as lmms17:48
OvenWerksSo you are using MU1 as a mixer then?17:49
* OvenWerks had not thought of that17:49
OvenWerksI don't think that will mix the two sources though, it looks like it switches from one to the other17:50
OvenWerksThe only app that comes with studio that mixes (aside from Ardour) is idjc17:51
OvenWerks(under internet)17:51
OvenWerksthere is jack-mixer, dbmix (I don't know if it does jack though),17:55
OvenWerksmixxx is there also17:55
OvenWerksActually jack-mixer looks good17:58
OvenWerksit has meters and can be configured to as many chanels as you like18:00
* OvenWerks is going to suggest adding this to Studio for 19.0418:00
OvenWerksCapitaine: I would install jack-mixer and use that.18:05
Capitainedid it... do you know how to setup the channel from lmms ?18:15
OvenWerksI am not sure what you mean18:17
OvenWerksin jack mixer you add a new input... name it LMMS18:17
OvenWerksthen in qjackctl connection connect the output of lmms (capture) to the input of jack-mixer (playback)18:18
OvenWerksThe meter in jack-mixer should show the audio from lmms18:19
OvenWerksI am not familiar with lmms though. So I don't know how to get sound from it. Ah, lmms starts with it's outputs connected to system:playback. So disconnect that and reconnect to jack-mixer lmms L and R18:21
OvenWerksyou USB mic may be only 1 channel in which case I would connect it to both the Mic L and R18:22
Capitaineok. thanks a lot man. should be good now to at least start ...18:26
OvenWerksYou're welcome, enjoy18:27
craigbass76Any idea why I can see an input registering signal (Volume Control -> Input Devices -> Line In) but don't hear anything.20:45
OvenWerkscraigbass76: more info? Which application are you using?20:46
OvenWerksJack or not?20:46
craigbass76Hah... That was dumb. Yes, I could hear it if I was in Ardour with jack running. I just read something about loopback. So I got into alsamixer, enabled a loopback that I saw there, and now I can hear.20:49
craigbass76I've got latency down quite a bit in Ardour, but it's still not quite like hearing it live20:50

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