
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
flocculantochosi: xfce 1479204:30
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 14792 in General "Clearing search leaves Settings missing sections" [Normal,New] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1479204:30
ochosibrainwash: updated with latest findings: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/179513517:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1795135 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Window buttons are not clickable at the top of the screen" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:42
theta8Noticed the Desktop Settings application hangs when your xfce4-desktop.xml is 'outdated'17:48
theta8found this after upgrading my existing install to 18.4.117:48
theta8*hangs when after you select a folder to look for images in17:49
theta8the xml was not malformed so I'm guessing there was a setting in it no longer supported17:53
theta8I've upgraded my existing install at least two other times prior17:53
flocculantochosi: no idea then, normally I'd assume this install was all over the place. But it's pretty much fresh with just our ppa's. 18:30
flocculantaah - I see comments in xfce-dev about it18:31
bluesabreevening all21:47
flocculanthi bluesabre ochosi 21:50
bluesabrehi flocculant ochosi21:50
flocculantfeels odd being here late enough on a school night :p21:51
bluesabreglad to see folks still around when I get around21:52
* flocculant feels positive about just testing and not shepherding :p21:52
flocculantbluesabre: so anyway - parole bugs where you have to muck about to get something to play to start with21:53
flocculantdon't ask me to report it 21:53
flocculantagain :p21:53
* flocculant goes looking in his list21:54
flocculantbug 170524321:55
ubottubug 1705243 in parole "Play button inactive" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170524321:55
bluesabreYep, got lots of parole bugs to fix from the last 2 cycles21:55
flocculantsomeone I know (well) hates this one21:55
flocculantthat's from 17.something ...21:55
flocculantand currently I've been using parole more - and I second them lol21:56
flocculantbluesabre: not sure what info I could gather for that one - but if you do, then I will21:57
flocculantnot sure if the git version suffers though tbf21:58
bluesabreflocculant: thanks, will let you know if I need some patch testing or more details :)22:02
flocculantthat'd be good - every time I use it - I look at that bug report :p22:02
flocculantochosi: I know that maybe this isn't the way to fix things, but why not just move the default panel to a sensible place - like at the bottom ...22:03
flocculantand re the settings issue - I'd be good grabbing from git again to prove fixes22:04
bluesabreWe can add a panel daily build to https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/ppa to make that easier on folks22:05
bluesabreWas also thinking of making a tool to refresh your configs based on the current x-d-s to test that more easily22:06
flocculantbluesabre: well - once we know what Dippy Doodle is and ppa's work properly again - I'll be adding them all in again22:07
ochosiflocculant: thanks, we first have to figure out what's wrong with that custom exo widget (how i'd love to replace that)22:08
ochosiin settings i mean22:08
ochosiand re: panel location, yeah, that'd be even worse than the workaround i added to the panel ;)22:08
flocculanthah to the last one :p22:09
flocculantand yea - ack, just let me know and I'll use it to start getting back some love :p22:09
ochosialrighty, not sure how long fixing that may take22:10
ochosiactually exo is kinda bluesabre's department ;)22:10
flocculantwell I'm still here :)22:10
flocculantha ha ha 22:10
flocculantshuffle those cards 22:11
* ochosi tries to sneak out the back door...22:11
flocculanthe he he 22:11
brainwashochosi: isn't GTK3 to blame for the settings manager glitch?22:13
ochosiwell potentially22:13
flocculantand much else ...22:14
ochosibut we also haven't dropped all deprecations22:14
ochosiso that can also be a source of weird effects22:14
ochosiand custom widgetry doesnt necessarily behave the same in gtk2 and gtk3 if you "just port it"22:14
brainwashthe same widget is used in thunar, right?22:15
flocculantthis is exactly why I don't code ochosi :p22:15
flocculant'this year's excuse'22:15
ochosibrainwash: yeah, should be exoiconview if i don't misremember22:16
ochosistill, wouldn't mind to drop it from the settings manager22:16
bluesabresince I can reproduce with the clear button, I can probably figure out the issue22:17
ochosithe semi-broken hover effect is also due to that22:17
ochosiyeah, probably just a lost refresh/redraw22:17
bluesabregtk is weird with it's events, probably a new one "text-cleared" that doesn't line up with "changed"22:17
ochosimaybe a gtk_widget_queue_redraw in a random place will help :p22:17
bluesabrewill debug it sometime this week (feel free to beat me to the punch)22:18
ochosihah, i'm happy i figured out the panel bug22:18
ochosithat ate some of my "free evenings"22:18
ochosinext i'd rather start fixing the remaining deprecations22:18
ochosior at least reducing them22:18
ochosiboth settings and panel need that22:19
bluesabreSuppose I can apply your panel changes to each settings dialog22:19
ochosi(feel free to support me on that, although i understand it's more boring than adding features)22:19
ochosii think the g_setenv should be enough in the settings manager22:19
ochosiit only affects plugged dialogs22:20
bluesabrethe only real annoying thing I've been working on has been the gigolo port22:20
ochosiit's not a problem of the standalone dialogs22:20
bluesabreand it's 99% done now22:20
bluesabreShould be easy to test that22:20
bluesabrewill check it out tonight22:21
bluesabregotta help with dinner now, bbl22:21
ochosisure thing22:21
flocculantcya later bluesabre 22:21
ochosii'll be hitting the hay now too22:21
ochosinight everyone22:21
flocculantand good night to you too then :)22:22

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