
lubotTimApple was added by: TimApple02:33
lubotmowestusa was added by: mowestusa02:38
SenoraratonMy lubuntu installation won't log in now.  It just looks me.  I tried digging around in the terminal but couldn't make any headway.  Any thoughts?08:11
SenoraratonIt will let me login in the terminal.08:11
lubot<lucasgf> (Document) https://telegram.lubuntu.me/WwD9f8g4/file_4367.mp411:38
lubotlbssousa was added by: lbssousa13:41
wxl[m]Senoraraton: check your log files for hints. I'm sure you did something to break things. My guess is if you make a new user, it works fine.16:00
sappheiroshow do i install japanese keyboard? https://askubuntu.com/questions/567413/installing-japanese-language-support-from-command-line did not give me a keyboard icon to click to switch to japanese text, and the link in the accepted answer returns an error now16:38
wxl@sappheiros: does the apt install $(check-language-support) work?16:44
sappheiroswxl, okay, it just finished installing a lot more, but it's still not clear to me how i now proceed to type in japanese16:53
wxlsappheiros: configure fcitx16:54
sappheiroswxl, pretty frustrated right now. I typed up a response to share with you on Leafpad after my computer crashed, and then my finger accidentally pushed some key, and after a moment the Leafpad window just vanished.17:02
wxlsappheiros: is it still running?17:03
sappheiroswxl, I clicked Fcitx within System Tools and a keyboard icon appeared in the right of my taskbar. Clicking it a grey rectangle opened and my computer froze, no longer responding to mouse clicks or keyboard.17:03
sappheirosI just clicked 'Send' to send a report to developers about the Leafpad crash.17:03
wxloh this is 18.04, too, eh17:03
sappheirosDoes everyone always have problems with Linux?17:03
sappheirosor with ubuntu?17:03
wxleveryone has problems with everything17:03
wxlyou think microsoft software is flawless?17:04
sappheirosi have never had an experience with ubuntu where something doesn't crash or instructions don't fail me17:04
sappheiroswell, fair point.17:04
wxlthey've *RECENTLY* had bugs that were deleting files17:04
sappheirosi don't recall problems with windows xp17:04
sappheirosbut since then, yeah, every windows OS has had problems17:04
wxlxp was a security nightmare17:04
sappheirosi was too young maybe to know that17:04
sappheirosbut windows 10 i took as a personal insult, it was so bad lol17:04
sappheirosi made the mistake of getting a surface pro 4 for work17:04
wxlit's foolish to think that anything is going to be infallible17:05
sappheiros"wtf did i pay money to be a beta tester"17:05
sappheirosmy opinion about the surface pro 4 + win 1017:05
sappheirosi submitted over 400 feedback of bugs etc with 2/3 upvoted by others17:05
wxlthe nice thing about open source software is that you have ready access to the people who are working with it and can actually have conversations with them17:05
sappheirosyeah ...17:05
wxlAND if you want to fix it you can17:05
sappheirosmicrosoft's discussions board can't hold a candle to askubuntu17:05
sappheirosor stackexchange17:05
wxland if you don't, you didn't pay anything for ity17:05
wxlOR IRC17:05
* wxl looks around for that windows irc channel17:06
sappheirosliterally, microsoft discussions will have bots posting WRONG answers and automatically accept them17:06
sappheirosit was astonishingly bad17:06
wxlbugs happen17:06
sappheiroslike, moderator bots ending threads with useless info ...17:06
sappheirosso why did Fcitx crash my computer?17:07
sappheirosshould i try right clicking instead of left clicking this time?17:07
wxlnow for the bad thing about open source software: it's pretty much entirely done by volunteers. we work very hard to test and improve, but we can't get 100% coverage.17:07
sappheiroshow do i unfreeze the computer instead of holding power button to hard shutoff?17:07
wxldepends upon the type of freeze17:07
lubotamaroq was removed by: amaroq17:07
wxlyou can try opening a virtual terminal to begin with, i.e. with ctrl-alt-f117:08
wxlif you can open that, it's not dead17:08
wxlyou can always log in and run, e.g. `top` to see what, if anything, might be running madly, and kill it17:08
wxlthen you should be back to normal17:08
sappheirosLXTerminal is taking a long time to open the prompt now17:09
sappheirosis that due to me installing anaconda and initializing it to bashrc?17:09
wxlthen you probably have some runaway program17:09
sappheiroshow do i kill a runaway after viewing 'top'?17:10
wxli just ran fcitx. the keyboard indicator icon comes up in the taskbar. right click gives me lxpanel options. left click are fcitx options. no crash.17:10
wxlhit k and then it will ask for a process id, defaulting to the one at the top17:11
sappheiroswxl, probably better to tell someone how to get out of the ttys (tty1?) after pressing ctrl+alt+f1 ... i had to shutdown -r to get out ...17:34
wxlwell i didn't expect you to disappear......17:34
sappheirosexit and quit() didn't work17:34
sappheirosi just pushed ctrl+alt+f1 and the full screen went into a terminal and i couldn't get out17:34
sappheirosa little knowledge is a dangerous thing ;/17:34
geniiJust use the same key combo and cycle through the F keys until you hit the one which X is still running on, usually 717:35
sappheiroswxl, i was able to kill lxpanel to unfreeze my system -- clicking Fcitx froze it again -- but now my taskbar is gone ...17:49
wxli'm shocked you're having these problems17:49
wxlare you limited on resources, perhaps?17:49
sappheirosi opened xlterminal and typed lxpanel & and that brought it back17:49
sappheirosi have 1.6 GHz CPU and 2 GB RAM17:49
sappheiros~40 GB HD17:50
wxland how much of that RAM/CPU are you using?17:50
sappheiroshow do i check that? via 'top' again?17:50
wxlwell you can use the little task manager app17:50
sappheiros0.0 - 4.0 us 'top' says17:50
wxlbut top can help, too17:50
sappheirosCPU usage 5%17:51
sappheirosmemory 395 MB of 2002 MB used17:51
wxlok so you have plenty17:51
sappheiroslooks like i'll need to log out and log in -- lxpanel is restarted but the color is off so the tabs are hard to read17:51
wxldo it again and see how they changed17:51
wxlhold on, i'll help you with that17:51
wxlwaiting for my vm to boot17:51
sappheirosfixing the color of my taskbar?17:51
sappheirosyou mean?17:51
wxlat least i think XD17:52
sappheirosi k sigterm'd process id 761 i.e. lxpanel to unfreeze my computer17:52
wxlyep i'm right17:52
wxlyou'd need to run `lxpanel --profile Lubuntu` to get your panel back the way it should be17:53
sappheirosdid the alt ctrl f1 to do it via top, then +f7 like you said to go back to this usual screen17:53
wxloh you can just run top in terminal silly17:53
wxli mean that's what the ttys are--- terminals17:53
wxlthey're just outside x17:53
wxlso if x freezes, you can still use the system17:54
sappheirosi couldn't at the time because clicking Fcitx froze the screen17:54
sappheiroskeyboard as well17:54
sappheirosi couldn't alt+tab to lxterminal17:54
wxlit's bizarre. for me it doesn't do next to anything to boot fcitx17:54
wxlyou are on 18.04, right?17:54
wxlperhaps it might be something about the languages you're using17:55
wxltell me everything you did17:55
sappheirossince ...? ... i just did the two c.. oh. there was one thing.17:55
sappheiroswell, i did the commands at https://askubuntu.com/questions/567413/installing-japanese-language-support-from-command-line, but before that17:55
wxlwhich ones?17:55
sappheirosafter installing it said some language support wasn't installed, so i just followed the prompts to install them -- at first login after installing from liveDVD17:56
sappheiroshttps://askubuntu.com/questions/567413/installing-japanese-language-support-from-command-line/567417#567417 these two17:56
sappheirosand let's see if i have a photo of the message after installation ...17:56
sappheirosi thought i linked to the answer itself17:56
sappheirossudo apt-get install language-pack-ja language-pack-gnome-ja language-pack-ja-base language-pack-gnome-ja-base17:56
sappheirossudo apt-get install $(check-language-support)17:56
sappheirosonly two commands in that answer17:56
wxlhm have to have check-language-support it seems17:57
wxldid you install it?17:57
sappheirosi did run that command and it installed a bunch of stuff17:57
wxlso somewhere along the way you already had language-selector-common installed17:58
sappheirosi am apparently missing /home/[username]/.config/autostart/xpad.desktop by the way17:58
sappheirosXpad through that error when i first opened it17:59
wxli'm not sure i understand what you're saying.. what gave you what specific error when?17:59
sappheirosthe xpad error was when i tried opening xpad yesterday or the day before17:59
sappheirosjust thought i'd bring it up if it might be related unbeknownst to me17:59
sappheirosmaybe separate issue18:00
wxldid xpad open?18:00
wxluhhh that check-language-support business may be flawed advice18:01
wxlit's loading all this qt4/5 stuff that's totally unnecessary18:01
wxlnot to mention gtk3 which may be problematic in and of itself18:01
sappheirosyeah i think it broke my system D:18:02
sappheiroshow do i undo18:02
sappheiros(i have no idea if it broke my system or not)18:02
wxlyou could sudo apt purge $(check-language-support)18:02
sappheirosthat was 4 years ago18:02
sappheirosmaybe it's outdated?18:02
sappheirosas i said, the link in that answer to https://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/language-support-ja/ leads to an error too18:03
wxlwhich it would18:03
wxllucid is long end of life18:03
wxland there's no language-support packages18:03
wxli'm confident the fcitx gtk3 front end is part of your problem18:04
sappheirosso do i have to manually uninstall everything that command installed?18:05
sappheirosor just uninstall a few things then 'sudo apt autoremove'?18:06
wxlsudo apt purge $(check-language-support)18:06
wxlthen you'll probably need to autoremove18:06
sappheirosgreat! hooray good design18:06
wxlbefore you hit ok on that, send me the list of packages it wants to remove18:06
sappheirosi mean that such a command exists18:06
sappheirosbtw before i do i killed lxpanel in ctrl+alt+del task manager, and then in lxterminal executed lxpanel --profile Lubuntu & like you said and it seemed to work, but i'm getting messages in terminal18:07
sappheiros(lxpanel:2026): Wnck-WARNING **: 13:58:27.642: Unhandled action type _OB_WM_ACTION_UNDECORATE18:07
sappheirosthat said, let's do the purging ..18:08
wxldon't worry about warnings18:08
wxlgtk is noisy18:08
sappheirosoh boy, that's not encouraging18:08
wxlwarnings are NOT errors18:08
wxlerrors are problems18:09
wxlwarnings are just a notice, basically18:09
wxlit sounds bad, but it's not18:09
sappheirosno, i meant ...18:09
sappheirosit didn't do anything -_-18:09
wxlaw hell ok that stinks18:10
wxlyou'll need to pick through /var/log/apt/history.log and figure out all the packages18:10
wxlin fact18:11
wxltry this:18:11
wxlgrep -A 2 check-language-support /var/log/apt/history.log18:11
sappheirosjust returned the prompt, no messages18:12
wxlthat's a bummer18:13
wxlthen picking through the logs it is18:13
wxlbut let's do this18:13
sappheirosi think i found it though18:13
wxlsudo apt purge fcitx-frontend-gtk3 fcitx-frontend-qt4 fcitx-frontend-qt5 kde-config-fcitx18:13
sappheiroswell, i already found two relevant sections in history.olg18:13
wxlthose i think are giong to be the real problem children18:13
sappheiroshttps://pastebin.com/xfpTUfXT just fyi i guess18:14
sappheiros'k please see https://pastebin.com/c71waZXX18:15
wxlyep do it18:16
wxlthen autoremove18:16
sappheirosi guess i will say Y and then sudo apt autoremove, yep okay18:16
sappheiroshttps://pastebin.com/KQwWDCaQ it wants me to confirm again18:17
wxldo it18:18
sappheirosi guess I'll say Y18:18
sappheirosyep 'k18:18
sappheirosyay, i hope. more details about the removed packages: https://pastebin.com/MJUNX8QP18:19
sappheirosso do i need to restart? ... i guess not ... should i try clicking on that keyboard icon in my taskbar again? ...18:20
wxlsappheiros: probably don't need to restart, but a log in/out might not hurt.18:25
sappheirosmy lxpanel is now showing the wifi icon twice -_-18:33
sappheirosi tried using Fcitx after a restart and it worked the first time i clicked on it, and i opened a virtual keyboard, but the second time i clicked on it it crashed again18:33
sappheirosand my lxterminal is taking a long time after opening it to show the prompt18:33
sappheiroswxl, just opened Language Support and it's saying again that first prompt when i booted for the first time after liveDVD installation, i think: "The language support is not installed completely"18:53
sappheirosit wants me to install fcitx-frontend-gtk3, fcitx-frontend-qt5, and fcitx-frontend-qt418:53
=== lynorian_ is now known as lynorian
wxlsappheiros: interesting thought experiment: try to re-do all the language stuff you did on a live image. i'm sure you can't get it to reproduce19:22
wxlsappheiros: and i hear what language support is saying but i'm not sure why it wants you to install ALL of that. it's so unnecessary.... and conflicting, too19:22
sappheirosdoes seem odd to ask for qt4 and qt519:23
wxland gtk319:23
sappheirosand i did think gtk was a competitor to qt19:23
wxlyou already have the gtk2 front end19:23
wxlit's an alternative toolkit and what we primarily use in lxqt, i.e. 18.10 and beyond19:23
wxlthe extra wifi icons, supposedly, have to do with something that @tsimonq2 did but didn't fix.. i'm not sure of the details19:24
sappheirosisn't 18.04 supposed to be more stable than 18.10?19:24
sappheirosi'm wondering now if i should upgrade -_-19:24
wxl"stable" is a curious description19:24
sappheiroswell, i mean, more supported -- what i mean is, "i shouldn't be having this problem" -_-19:25
wxlpart of the reason we went with lxqt over lxde is because of how much more stable and reliable it is19:25
wxlwith the LTS releases, you find very few major changes so the LIKELIHOOD of problems is smaller19:25
wxlthat doesn't mean it's more stable19:25
wxlthe support cycle is longer, though19:25
sappheirosare people regretting making lxde the longer support cycle if 18.10 has the more stable/reliable code?19:25
wxlno, because lxqt wasn't ready for primetime yet19:26
sappheirosso why choose 18.10 over 18.04?19:26
wxlas i said before, bugs do happen19:26
wxlbecause it's lxqt, i.e. it's the future. we will not be returning to lxde.19:26
tewardso 20.04 == LXQt :P19:26
wxl^^ and that's the next LTS release19:26
tewardthe interim releases are good ways to test and debug things prior to the next LTS :)19:26
teward(this is always the case)19:27
sappheirosugh then wouldn't i be helping more if i were to be dealing with this problem in 18.10 instead?19:27
sappheirosso shouldn't i just swap now?19:27
sappheirosas a means to try to solve this issue?19:27
wxlyou shouldn't be having the problem in any version, ideally19:27
teward^ this19:28
wxlbut i think you'd be better off going forward in 18.10. upgrading from lxde to lxqt is not easy/simple19:28
sappheirosi'm all depressed now19:28
wxli think the issue with the extra wifi icons is that the "indicator applets" applet also provides networky stuff19:28
sappheiroslol https://lubuntu.me/about/ is down19:29
wxlwhy do you think that's a valid page?19:29
tewardAFAICT that isn't even on the sitemap o.O19:29
tewardsappheiros: the main lubuntu.me page seems to be the "About" page.19:30
tewardoop wait19:30
tewardwxl: i see it19:30
teward"Explore Lubuntu's Features" -> lubuntu.me/about/ == 40419:30
tewardbad link on the front page.19:30
wxlsigh more stuff @tsimonq2 needs to fix that he broke again :)19:30
sappheirosi'm like a magnet19:31
teward@wxl: can I make a phab task for it and assign it to simon wiht a big "FIX THIS!" message? :P19:31
tewardor do I not have that level of access19:31
wxlyou should be able to19:31
wxlmaybe pull wendy into it as she might have access but i'm sure only he knows what it's actually supposed to point to :/19:31
sappheirosi wanted to win the lottery so i could go into software development, like develop ubuntu and answer questions19:32
sappheiros... instead a guy in south carolina won19:32
sappheirosthis dude won $1.6 billion19:32
sappheirosor $0.9 billion19:32
sappheirosthat's insane19:32
wxlinstead you can what the rest of us do19:32
sappheirossuffer the panic of never having enough time because you have to work for low wage?19:32
wxljust keep swimming19:33
tewardwxl: you mean TheWendyPower on Phab?19:33
wxlyeah teward19:33
geniiAfter lottery tax it will be 40% of that, then they apply the income taxes on whats left. But still a lot of money.19:33
sappheiroswhy replace leafpad with featherpad?19:38
sappheirosoh, because of QT switch?19:38
sappheirosi think i would be so happy if i won it, because i would be able to do all the same stuff except not have so many money problems (car, debt, food, cold, living with mentally ill family)19:39
wxlit's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay nicer19:39
sappheiroslol, featherpad? or QT?19:39
sappheirospretty exciting youtube vid19:40
sappheiros@ https://lubuntu.me/cosmic-released/19:40
sappheirosmakes me feel bad i just spent so many hours setting up 18.04 ...19:40
sappheiroserm, it sounds like it the installation might not properly manage my GRUB/partitions??19:41
sappheirosi don't know if my HD uses an EFI system19:41
wxlit should fine. what makes you think it won't?19:42
sappheirosi just think i read something about EFI lately and had to do something with it, but i don't really remember19:44
sappheirosit's a dell d62019:44
wxlthere is something with efi and encryption19:44
sappheirosi don't think i encrypted the hard drive19:44
wxlcan you confirm nm-applet is running on your machine?19:44
sappheirosbasically i'm nervous because if my win7 partition gets messed up then i'm screwed, because i bought this from amazon and they didn't give me the win license19:44
sappheirosnow? about lxpanel? the second instance of the wifi icon went away19:45
sappheirosi might have restarted lxpanel, not sure19:45
wxlreboot the machine19:45
sappheiros26 min left for the 18.10 download19:47
sappheirosi was thinking to just overwrite the 18.04 installation19:47
lubot<HMollerCl> @sappheiros check exhaustively if 18.10 can doy all the things you want/need before installing. At this time there are some things that are more difficult to do in 18.10 vs 18.04, propietary drivers for instance.19:49
sappheirosD: ... thank you ... so i can't play DVD?19:49
lubot<HMollerCl> netflix: you can run it on firefox or chrome (because of DRM)19:50
lubot<HMollerCl> but, non of those can use hw acceleration, so if your machine isn't powerfull enough, you might up with strange behaivour (in 18.04 and 18.10)19:51
sappheirosi don't know anything about hw acceleration19:51
sappheiroswhat about wine?19:52
lubot<HMollerCl> for dvd: https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/first-lubuntu read where it says "install some extra software"19:52
sappheirosi would like to use win xp software which i think requires wine19:52
sappheirosi'm downloading at 1.00 MB/s from 5 peers; is Comcast throttling me? ...19:52
sappheiros8/49 -> 1.05 MB/s19:53
sappheirosvia Transmission and the lubuntu link at https://lubuntu.me/downloads/19:53
lubot<HMollerCl> wine: I have had some issues with wine in 18.10 the shortcuts are not created in the menu, but I'm not sure is a problem of my system or in generla. Besides that, everything is ok.19:54
wxl> is Comcast throttling me?19:54
wxlrhetorical question19:54
lubot<HMollerCl> @sappheiros [<sappheiros> i don't know anything about hw acceleration], main point, there should be no difference between 18.04 or 18.10 in this point.19:55
lubot<HMollerCl> for dvd, try this: ... sudo apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-extras ... sudo apt-get install libdvd-pkg ... sudo dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg ... sudo apt-mark hold libdvd-pkg libdvdcss2 libdvdcss-dev19:56
sappheiros500 kB/s from 30 of 50 peers -- i mean, certainly a torrent would get higher speeds than that from 30 people, right?20:01
wxlrhetorical question meaning: yes, they're throttling you20:02
wxlbtw sappheiros https://askubuntu.com/questions/1086859/how-to-fix-lxpanel-showing-wifi-twice/1086885#108688520:18
lubot<bonacin91> happened in one of my machines:'ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader-core'20:24
lubot<bonacin91> *missing20:24
wxlnot understanding your issue20:24
lubot<bonacin91> just a warning i received20:24
wxlyou got a warning that says "ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader-core?"20:25
lubot<bonacin91> yes20:25
wxlthat seems unlikely20:26
wxldo you have the actual complete text?20:26
wxla screenshot?20:26
lubotmuxator was added by: muxator20:26
lubot<bonacin91> nope... its gone sorry... everything seems to upgrade properly so far20:27
wxlcomplete information is required to provide a complete solution :(20:28
lubot<bonacin91> sorry my bad20:28
lubot<muxator> Hi everyone. I have a very silly question. I am on lubuntu 18.10. I am not finding where's the UI to add new icons to the quicklaunch of lxqt-panel.20:30
lubot<muxator> I have been trying to discover it by myself since three days, looked at the manuals, but I am really not being able to identify what to do to add an icon to the quick launch. Thanks for the help!20:32
wxl@muxator you mean to the right of the menu20:32
wxlcuz if you do you'll be shocked at how easy it is20:34
lubot<muxator> @wxl, yes. The quicklaunch is the widget that by default contains the icons of pcmanfm-qt and firefox.20:34
lubot<muxator> I am sure I will be baffled! :)20:34
wxlopen the menu20:34
wxlfind the icon you want20:34
wxldrag and drop it20:35
wxlneedless to say it's so obvious it's not obvious XD20:35
lubot<muxator> ...aaaand it worked like charm! Thanks.20:35
wxllynorian: that might be a good one for the manual XD20:35
lubot<muxator> The closest I got in my trial and error was open the menu, finding the icon I wanted, RIGHT CLICKING, and nothing happened. I did not try to drag it.20:36
wxl@muxator we'll get it in the manual. thanks again :)20:37
lubot<muxator> Thanks again, and thanks for the update on the manual, bye!20:38
wxlnp be welL!20:38
sappheirosam i correct in thinking a more elegant solution, and one that would benefit me going forward, is simply to drop 18.04 for 18.10?20:38
sappheirosrather than what wxl suggests in that answer?20:38
sappheirosi just installed 18.04 1-2 days ago20:39
wxli think you'll benefit overall20:39
wxlsince you asked the question20:39
wxlyou have the responsibility of checking the provided answer and accepting it or not20:39
sappheiros... oh. right ...20:40
sappheiros... i kinda thought i could post "upgraded to 18.10, problem solved" and accept that as the solution if it works >_>20:40
sappheirosthen over time lxde users could upvote the lxde solution if it turns out to be more popular20:40
lubotSlider1 was removed by: Slider120:40
tewardif you do that on Ask Ubuntu your question is either closed or your answer is hoovered up and thrown into the Void by the reviewers, sappheiros20:40
wxlprobably not a good idea for people who want to stay with 18.04 and many folks will20:40
tewarddisclaimer: i'm an Ask Ubuntu moderator :p20:41
wxlteward is an askubuntu bigwig so bow to him XD20:41
teward***WORSHIP ME AND MY POWER!*** Um, I mean... yeah I'm a mod.20:41
wxlnote too that i mention that probably fixes your fcitx issue, too, so it might nullify/solve the other question20:41
sappheirosbut man why does my computer have to think before opening LXTerminal20:42
sappheirosi'm wondering if i installed a trojan from another askubuntu answer20:42
sappheirosi mean, before LXterminal shows prompt20:42
wxldidn't you say you added something to bashrc?20:42
sappheirosi did, anaconda thing20:43
wxlcomment it out and see if it improves things20:43
sappheirosbrb testing solution20:43
lubotmuxator was removed by: muxator20:44
sappheirosa confounding variable just occurred to me: i switched from wifi to ethernet before testing solution20:45
sappheirosi mean to say, i plugged in ethernet cable and the icon switched to the connected rectangles as the connection went to ethernet20:45
sappheirosbut wifi is still enabled, and it looks like i'm actually connected to both wifi and ethernet20:46
sappheirosonly one nm-applet icon it looks to me (i.e. only one ethernet icon, no wifi icon)20:46
lubot<bonacin91> (Photo, 1280x719) https://i.imgur.com/TENFnwk.jpg @lubuntu_bot20:47
lubot<bonacin91> @wxl [<wxl> a screenshot?], managed to do it again20:47
sappheirosthat did seem to fix the problem!20:48
sappheirosexcept Mozc takes my dvorak keyboard so i have to type japanese in dvorak, instead of in qwerty20:48
wxlnot sure abou thtat issue. bug the mozc (google) folks :)20:48
sappheiros> Thank you for your review.   You need at least 2k reputation to continue reviewing suggested edits.20:50
sappheiroslol that's quite a leap20:50
sappheiros1 edit: no problem. 2 edits: TWO THOUSAND REPUTATION!20:50
wxlfor your own question? god weird20:50
wxlyou don't have to accept the edit, but you should be able to accept the answer20:51
wxl@bonacin91 can you install lubuntu-core?20:51
lubot<bonacin91> dunno still upgrading20:52
lubot<bonacin91> this machine is pretty slow20:53
wxlwell you should try to install it. failing that, follow the instructions and run `ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader-core`20:53
lubot<bonacin91> okey dokey20:53
lubot<bonacin91> thanks20:53
wxloh hm. we don't have lubuntu-core anymore. i guess that's why20:53
wxlthere's now lubuntu-qt/gtk-core20:54
wxlunfortunately upgrades from 18.04 to 18.10 are guaranteed to be rocky20:54
wxl^ lynorian ANOTHER thing to add to the manual re: upgrades.. can't upgrade lubuntu-core20:55
sappheirosdo you mean if we try to upgrade without using installation media to overwrite partition?20:55
wxlsappheiros: yes20:56
sappheiroshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick internal server error again20:56
sappheirosany webpage to guide me in making USB boot drive from iso?20:57
lubot<HMollerCl> in linux or windows?21:02
sappheirosnot sure if i should be looking at https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu#0 ...21:04
lubot<HMollerCl> in lubuntu there shold be a "startup disk creation tool"  I believe it is in system tools21:05
* sappheiros reads https://manual.lubuntu.me/1/1.2/booting_the_image.html instead21:05
sappheiroslubot, how do I autocomplete 'HMollerCl'? ...21:08
lubot<tsimonq2> You don't, it's on Telegram :)21:09
sappheirosi don't see that in System Tools for 18.04.1, but your manual recommends https://help.ubuntu.com/community/mkusb21:09
* sappheiros feels like the odd one out for using hexchat21:09
lubot<tsimonq2> But to ping him, type it with a @, like this: @HMollerCl21:09
sappheirosi ... almost did that ...21:09
lubot<tsimonq2> Hehe21:09
lubot<HMollerCl> HWat I'm good for?21:10
sappheirossudo apt-get install mkusb mkusb-nox usb-pack-efi21:12
sappheirosa ton of stuff installs21:12
sappheirosseems like so much work goes into it21:13
sappheirosdoes 18.10 take more HD than 18.04?21:18
lynoriansappheiros: yes more stuff installed with more features21:21
sappheirosi was hoping modularity meant a leaner default installation21:23
lynorianit is still not exactly way to big and you could remove programs you don't want but that makes upgrading a bit difficult once the metapackage gets removed21:24
sappheirosmkusb quick start pdf appears to contain a typo21:24
sappheirosi mean, an egregious one21:25
sappheirospage 521:25
sappheirosExample: md5sum xubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-i386.iso mkusb21:25
sappheirosthat 'mkusb' seems shouldn't be there21:25
sappheirosp 15 is unclear ...21:28
sappheirosquickstart manual doesn't say whether to use persistent live drive and msdos, upefi, or d-n-i ...21:31
sappheiroschecking https://help.ubuntu.com/community/mkusb it seems i should select 'clone' rather than persistent live -- i mistakenly thought 'clone' meant 'copy' ...21:33
sappheirosoh no21:34
sappheirosi can't cancel the gui21:34
sappheirosi clicked the 'x' but it went to the next screen as if i had selected something21:34
sappheiros(oh good there was a 'stop' after that and the next screen)21:34
sappheirosusing the liveUSB now22:02
sappheiroslooks great22:02
sappheiroswhy is USB listed twice in taskbar?22:02
sappheirosthat seems like an error...22:02
sappheirosLubuntu 18.10 i386 is listed twice.22:03
sappheirosnow i can't take a screenshot ...22:07
lynoriansappheiros: alt +f2 for lxqt-runner?22:07
lynorianand then enter shot should bring up only the screenshot app22:07
sappheirosthanks, that worked. but the Prnt Scrn button worked the first time, but not the second, to open that same program22:15
sappheirosplease see https://askubuntu.com/questions/1086930/are-these-miscellaneous-problems-oddities-during-liveusb-normal-lubuntu-18-1022:26
wxlsappheiros: you really should do one question per question22:30
wxlsappheiros: also you might have better luck getting replies from the mailing list22:30
lynorianwhen booted in the live session should the USB even show up there?22:31
wxli wouldn't say anyone in the lubuntu team is really closely monitoring questions on askubuntu22:31
lynoriansappheiros: have you copied and pasted anything yet?]22:32
wxlthere should be one mount22:32
wxltwo is weird22:32
lynorianqlipper shows that text as a placeholder22:32
wxlmight want to `fdisk -l`22:32
wxli show one22:32
lynoriannot sure running / off of an external drive showing it in removeable media is that good an idea22:33
wxlyou should not show the iso in devices in pcmanfm22:33
wxlit should be mounted to /dev/loop0 if you're running off the live system22:34
wxlor rather that's the device file22:35
wxlwhich is what makes it unique22:35
sappheirosnot sure i understand you, wxl -- i'm reporting what i've seen that's confusing me here on the liveUSB, haven't installed 18.10 yet22:37
sappheirossharing this in case it's something to take into consideration for the next release for new users22:37
wxlyou're showing something that i dno't see at all22:37
wxli suspect you've done something a bit abnormal22:38
wxlthe qlipper thing is expected, though22:38
sappheirosso what should i do? someone on #ubuntu says if md5sum was okay and if no errors detected during the check disk for errors that i should be fine ...22:38
wxlbut askubuntu is the WRONG place to go to provide general feedback22:38
wxlit's a place to get questions answered22:38
sappheirosi copied the liveUSB using the lubuntu manual, using the GUI instead of the command prompt22:38
sappheiroslynorian: no22:39
wxldid you check the disk for defects?22:39
sappheiroslynorian: but now that i have, yes, it's updated, thanks22:39
sappheiroswxl: yes, that's what i meant about checking for errors22:39
sappheiroserm, unless yo umean something different22:39
lubot<tsimonq2> *cough* verify checksum *cough* *cough*22:39
sappheirosi did that already22:39
wxlthat's not necessarily the same as checking the hashesh22:39
sappheirosthe string looked the same to me22:39
wxlwhen you boot22:40
wxlselect "check disc for defects"22:40
sappheiros... could using Transmission to upload the file to others while at the same time burning it to USB have caused a problem?22:40
sappheiroswxl: yes, thats' what i did22:40
sappheirosthat menu item22:40
sappheirosfrom the USB22:40
wxlAND you check the md5sum?22:40
sappheirosyes, i did that before i made the USB22:41
wxlsappheiros: i don't know what to say about all the extra mounts.22:43
sappheirosit's just the one extra in the taskbar22:43
sappheirosunless neither of the two should be showing there22:43
wxljust ignore it22:43
sappheirosmy mouse isn't moving as far as it was in 18.04 :(22:43
sappheirosi've turned up the sensitivity22:44
sappheirosbut not much change22:44
sappheiros(using finger + trackpad)22:44
lubotTimApple was removed by: TimApple22:51
Luke_usa_ubuntuhey, running lubuntu on a macbook pro. And would like to install my isight camera. Found this guide, but it's a bit more techniacal then I'm used to.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleiSight22:53
wxlLuke_usa_ubuntu: i doubt you willl find a better solution22:55
Luke_usa_ubuntuwxl: haha ok, thanks. didn't know if there was something more easy22:56
wxlLuke_usa_ubuntu: blame apple and their proprietariness22:57
sappheirosoh, there's a dell latitude laptop keyboard option!22:57
Luke_usa_ubuntuwxl: is it easier with other devices? I was using osx, but it got slow with the new update. So I came back to Ubuntu (Lubuntu)22:57
sappheirosi guess that's what i should pick for my installation, then22:58
wxlLuke_usa_ubuntu: most other devices don't require proprietary firmware22:58
Luke_usa_ubuntuwxl, ahhh. gothcha. so if i used a usb webcam, it might be easier to install?22:59
wxlLuke_usa_ubuntu: you'd probably plug it in and call it done.22:59
wxlLuke_usa_ubuntu: my webcam on my new hp envy worked right out of the box22:59
Luke_usa_ubuntuwxl, awesome. I'll try that. I have one at home already. Thanks for the help.23:00
Luke_usa_ubuntuwxl: I'm guessing my next computer won't be an apple. Lubuntu is working great!23:00
wxlLuke_usa_ubuntu: glad to hear it :)23:00

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