
sappheiroshow do i load the SSL certificate when it's in a .config folder that doesn't show up in the open dialog window after clicking 'Load'?02:11
sappheirosin quassel02:11
sappheirosPlease see https://askubuntu.com/questions/1086972/how-to-use-ssl-with-quassel-lubuntu-18-10-i38602:23
sappheirosHow do you hide the messages of people joining and parting in Quassel?02:27
sappheirosgot it02:49
Gabranamushi there02:59
lubotKimiyasu was added by: Kimiyasu04:44
lubot<tsimonq2> Welcome Kimiyasu!04:44
lubot<tsimonq2> And in other news, 40 members \o/04:45
lubotPradeep_Rwes was removed by: Pradeep_Rwes04:56
lubot<marneu> 39 ^^11:19
lubot<marneu> Does anyone know how to customize the native file dialog? I've noticed there's a file ~/.config/lxqt/filedialog.conf, but it only has a couple of lines and I can't find documentation on possible options and values. One of the things I want to accomplish is to show hidden files by default.11:41
sappheirosthere's no documentation for setting up wifi at https://manual.lubuntu.me/search.html?q=internet12:17
sappheirossearching 'network' in start menu returns nothing12:17
sappheiroslikewise for alt+f212:17
* sappheiros checks https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=240450612:17
lubot<HMollerCl> @marneu [Does anyone know how to customize the native file dialog? I've noticed there's a …], In my case showing hidden files is by default. I switch with ctrl+h12:22
lubot<marneu> That only works in Featherpad forme , and only if I don't tick "use native file dialog" in Featherpad's options. Didn't you have Plasma installed? I've noticed that this works differently if Plasma or Xfce are installed alongside LXQt.12:25
lubot<HMollerCl> I purged plasma, but maybe there are some "artifacs" that still chage behaivour12:26
lubot<marneu> Maybe I should try installing and purging Plasma :D12:28
lubot<HMollerCl> sorry, I purged kwin not sure if its the same or include plasma.12:29
lubot<HMollerCl> but where you don't see hidden files?12:29
lubot<marneu> I usually use the native file dialog with Kate. Ctrl+o to bring it up. Works similarly with Featherpad if you set it to use the native file dialog (it has an option for that).12:31
lubot<marneu> You can show hidden files by right-clicking, but that's not convenient.12:32
lubot<marneu> Really grates my gears tbh, since I use the file dialog a lot.12:33
sappheirosis this outdated? https://www.dell.com/support/article/us/en/04/sln151759/how-to-troubleshoot-wireless-network-issues-in-ubuntu-linux-on-your-dell-pc?lang=en#2 they say to 'sudo nm-tool' but 'command not found'12:33
lubot<HMollerCl> @marneu [I usually use the native file dialog with Kate. Ctrl+o to bring it up. Works sim …], in mycase ctrl+h works when native filedialog is unclicked.12:35
lubot<HMollerCl> when native filedialog is clicked, it doesn't12:35
sappheirosi'm thinking i don't want to do what dell suggests there regarding configuration files ... that i just need that bw-installer package askubuntu mentioned ... whose page i can't find now12:35
lubot<marneu> @HMollerCl yep, same here. But Kate doesn't have that option.12:36
lubot<HMollerCl> @marneu [@HMollerCl yep, same here. But Kate doesn't have that option.], so it only use the native?12:37
lubot<marneu> Yes, Kate only uses the native one. Same with other applications (e.g. Firefox).12:37
sappheirosfinally, here it is https://askubuntu.com/questions/55868/installing-broadcom-wireless-drivers12:39
lubot<HMollerCl> @marneu [Yes, Kate only uses the native one. Same with other applications (e.g. Firefox).], mmm, couldn't figure out how to make it work.12:40
lubot<HMollerCl> (if it could) wei will have to read the cpp manual12:40
lubot<marneu> I've read that a couple of times, what's the "cpp manual"? Do you mean the source code?12:41
lubot<HMollerCl> @marneu [I've read that a couple of times, what's the "cpp manual"? Do you mean the sourc …], yes...12:42
lubot<marneu> cheeky ^^12:42
lubot<HMollerCl> credits to @wxl12:44
lubot<HMollerCl> Does 18.10 has a graphic interface for installing .deb? Ark doesn't seems to do it.12:45
lubot<marneu> probably not, dpkg -i should work tho12:49
lubot<marneu> doesn't resolve the dependencies tho12:52
sappheirosmy gnumeric sheets dont' open now in 18.10 :(13:53
sappheirosnvm it opened from within librecalc, but not if i right-click open on the file ...13:54
sappheirostime is a real number instead of a date though ...13:55
sappheiroshow do you show only the active desktop's apps in the taskbar?15:02
lubot<marneu> right click the taskbar, 'configure "task manager"', check "Show only windows from desktop 'Current'"15:06
sappheirosThank you. Please consider changing this design: It's more natural to think it should be under "configure taskbar" rather than "configure task manager" ...15:10
sappheiros... maybe ...15:10
sappheirosor, right clicking on the numbers to 'configure workspaces'15:10
lubot<marneu> It's in both places, though - if you "configure panel", there's a section for "widgets", and each item has a gear/menu symbol (depending on icon theme) that leads to the item's options.15:12
sappheirosi didn't see that.15:18
sappheirosi did look there, but that was not clear to me15:18
sappheiroshow do i leave feedback? as another example, i would like the OS to tell me keyboard shortcut if present, like windows 10 did (i think), when hovering my cursor over 'lock screen'15:18
sappheirosi was hoping it would tell me the shortcut is super+l15:18
sappheirosinstead it just says 'lock the current session' and i don't know if there's a shortcut or not15:18
nosmelcDumb Question: 18.10 has LXQT, right?15:49
wxlnot dumb and yes15:49
sappheiroshow do i leave feedback? as another example, i would like the OS to tell me keyboard shortcut if present, like windows 10 did (i think), when hovering my cursor over 'lock screen'16:29
CrazyTuxhello, I installed Lubuntu 18.10 yesterday. Installed this app "telegram". But, it couldn't get installed properly. But, there is a icon of it in the menu in Internet group. How can uninstall it completely and remove that icon from the list?16:43
wxlultimately this is a question for the telegram folks16:43
CrazyTuxwxl, I am running lubuntu 18.10.16:43
lubot<HMollerCl> @CrazyTux [<CrazyTux> hello, I installed Lubuntu 18.10 yesterday. Installed this app "teleg …], how did you install it?16:44
wxlthat's besides the point. the ubuntu repositories do not provide telegram, so we can't support it16:44
CrazyTuxI don't need that app now. I think, it is not installed.16:44
CrazyTuxonly the icon is present there.16:44
CrazyTuxI installed it because it was available on Discover.16:44
wxlyou probably installed the snap16:45
lubot<HMollerCl> @wxl [<wxl> that's besides the point. the ubuntu repositories do not provide telegram, …], are you sure? I don't have any other repository and sudp apt install teklegram-desktop worked for me16:45
wxlwhich, again, telegram is responsible for16:45
CrazyTuxyes. I too was thinking that.16:45
ilyaigpetrovwxl: but they had an official package in bionic, is it over?16:45
wxloh huh this is new i hadn't realized that16:45
lubot<HMollerCl> sudo apt install telegram-desktop16:46
wxlstill i bet you it's the snap that did it16:46
wxli've heard of problems with snaps not cleaning up after themselves16:46
lubot<HMollerCl> in cosmic16:46
wxli'd just go delete the .desktop file in /usr/share/applications or wherever it might be16:46
CrazyTuxI just checked the installed snap. It says telegram is not installed.16:46
wxlif it's the deb it's /usr/share/applications/telegramdesktop.desktop16:47
lubot<HMollerCl> sudo apt purge telegram.desktop ??16:47
CrazyTuxI installed another app p7zip from Discover. It is shown in the list of snaps installed.16:47
wxlpurging would be the best way to remove everything16:47
CrazyTuxI tried doing that too16:48
wxlsame name in the snap but good luck finding it https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/dev/snap/snapcraft.yaml#L9916:49
CrazyTuxwxl, not installed, so not removed.16:49
CrazyTuxI don't need that app now.16:50
CrazyTuxI just want that icon in the menu list removed.16:50
CrazyTuxbtw, Lubuntu lxqt is pretty snappy.16:50
CrazyTuxI hope it is stable too.16:51
wxlfind / -type f -name telegramdesktop.desktop 2>/dev/null16:52
wxlthen delete all the instances you find16:52
CrazyTuxwxl, what do I need to do?16:54
wxlfind / -type f -name telegramdesktop.desktop 2>/dev/null16:54
wxlthen delete all the instances you find16:54
CrazyTuxis this a command?16:54
wxlit's certainly not english XD16:54
CrazyTuxis this a directory I need to navigate to?16:55
wxlit explicitly starts from root so you can be anywhere in the filesystem16:55
wxlit will give you a list of locations16:55
CrazyTuxI am not able to locate it.17:00
wxltry logging out and in again17:01
CrazyTuxwxl, I logged in again.17:11
CrazyTuxbtw, which software sources should be enabled for lubuntu 18.10?17:21
wxlthe ones you want XD17:21
wxlfor example there are unsupported options that you still might want17:22
CrazyTuxI still have that icon in the list.17:22
wxlyou could include ppas that we don't support, but you might want them17:22
wxlregarding your icon i don't knwo what's going on17:25
wxlfind /usr/share -name *telegram*.desktop -type f 2>/dev/null17:25
CrazyTuxwxl, couldn't locate that17:28
wxlfind ~/.local/share -name *telegram*.desktop -type f 2>/dev/null17:29
CrazyTuxwxl, do I need to find this using file manager?17:32
wxlfind works just as well, if not better17:33
wxlbut you're welcome to try17:33
CrazyTuxwxl, find in the terminal?17:33
wxllook at the first word in the command i gave you17:34
CrazyTuxok. I will copy that entirely and paste in the terminal.17:34
CrazyTuxdidn't get any result.17:35
wxlwhat EXACT steps did you take to install this software?17:36
CrazyTuxI just clicked on install in the Discover.17:36
CrazyTuxit took a lot of time to install that.17:37
CrazyTuxalong with that I installed p7zip.17:37
wxlthere's multiple results for telegram17:37
wxlwhich one?17:37
CrazyTuxstrangely the icon is of p7zip. But, the name says telegram. desktop.17:38
CrazyTuxwhen I click on the icon in the menu it won't execute, because there is not telegram app installed. I have removed that.17:39
CrazyTuxbut, that icon still persists.17:39
wxlyou still haven't answered me17:40
CrazyTuxwxl, actually I don't remember.17:40
wxlwell then it's hard to know what you did17:40
wxlso it's hard to fix17:41
CrazyTuxthere are two. I chose one of those.17:41
* wxl facepalms17:41
CrazyTuxwxl, ok. let it be.17:41
wxlok last attempt:17:41
wxlgrep -Ri telegram /usr/share17:41
aasgkhow can i force a lubuntu18.10 installation on a laptop with 1gb ram -125mb for graphic?17:42
wxlaasgk: force it to do what?17:42
aasgkto do the installation ;)17:42
tewardaasgk: you shouldn't have to 'force' it to install anything17:42
tewardit should "just work".17:43
wxl^ that17:43
tewardare you getting a specific error?17:43
aasgknot enough memory?17:44
tewardaasgk: show us the exact error you're seeing?17:45
wxlaasgk: i've done it with 512mb before17:45
tewardbecause 'not enough memory' sounds like something screwy is going on on your system17:45
tewardwxl: recently?17:45
tewardwith 18.04/18.10?17:45
wxlwith 18.1017:45
wxlin lxde versions i've done 256 before17:45
aasgkX Das System hat nicht genug Arbeitsspeicher. Es wird mindestens 1GB benötigt..17:46
CrazyTuxwxl, what does that command do?17:46
aasgk1GB are installed, -125 for the internal grafic..17:46
wxlCrazyTux: searches recursively through /usr/share for any instance of "telegram," in a case insensitive manner17:46
tewardaasgk: so your system has 875 then.  That might mess with things.17:46
tewardthe OS will only see '875' if the system is taking 125 and dedicating to the graphics17:47
wxlstill should work17:47
wxlmy usual setup is the 512mb setup i did had 16mb video memory17:47
wxlcan you send a screenshot of that error aasgk ?17:48
CrazyTuxwxl, what do I need to do next?17:49
wxlCrazyTux: what were the results?17:49
aasgk..i will try17:50
CrazyTuxwxl, https://hastebin.com/kenayorehe.makefile17:51
CrazyTuxwxl, did you find anything?17:54
sappheirosCan alt+f2 not be used for executing commands? for example, 'firefox ewtn.com' instead of just 'firefox'20:35
sappheiroswhen i tried it the result indicated it was searching for a file rather than parsing it as a command option20:35
sappheirosdoes 18.10 use Qt or LXQt? are they different? do i need to be following https://fcitx-im.org/wiki/Configure_(Ubuntu) to setup japanese keyboard layout?20:57
sappheirosit appears it uses LXQt, a type of Qt https://lxqt.org/about/20:57
lubot<marneu> LXQt is not a type of Qt. It's a desktop environment that uses Qt, like KDE Plasma.20:59
sappheirosman, i thought KDE, GNOME, and Qt were three different libraries of code to build an OS given a linux kernel21:01
sappheirosyou're saying KDE is ... a graphics manager that uses Qt?21:02
sappheirosi just need to search KDE and read top results ...21:02
sappheirosi installed keyboard - japanese but it's just roman letters like qwerty, not creating japanese script21:04
sappheirosin fcitx configuration21:05
lubot<marneu> KDE, Gnome and LXQt are desktop environments; Qt and GTK are libraries you build applications with. LXQt and KDE use Qt, Gnome uses GTK. ... Don't anything about fcitx, sorry ^^21:06
lubot<marneu> Qt and GTK are libraries for building GUI applications.21:06
sappheirosthank you21:17
sappheirosjust added more detail re: apt list21:30
wxlaasgk: remove the "-ram" line in the "required" section at the end of /etc/calamares/modules/welcome.conf. you're right. i didn't test installing, but only booting.21:34
sappheirosadded more detail to https://askubuntu.com/questions/1087249/how-do-i-install-the-japanese-keyboard-layout-in-lubuntu-18-1021:36
lynorianfirefox runs rough with 1 GB of ram if you have that or less I would recommend falkon but that has problems with nvidia apparantly22:11
otyughafter upgrading to lubuntu 18.04 from 16, I have to login twice after suspend22:12
otyughany idea ?22:12
lubot<marneu> otyugh: Is it the same window/dialog, or do they look different? If it's the latter, you probably have two screenlockers running (e.g. lightdm's light-locker and xscreensaver). You'll have to disable the one that isn't xscreensaver (LXQt is a bit bitchy if you don't use xscreensaver).22:36
otyughthey looked similar to me but I'm not sure 100%22:38
lubot<marneu> You could try opening htop or qps (assuming you're on 18.10) and checking what's running). htop has a handy search function.22:41

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