
balsaqi may have to remove ubuntu and try kubuntu ubuntu cannot dim my display on my laptop they never installed the softwqare to make it work00:20
balsaqi wonder if kubuntu can do it00:20
balsaqits eating my battery cuz i cannot dim it00:20
balsaqis anyone running kubuntu on a laptop?00:44
valoriebalsaq: I am, and dimming works perfectly01:03
valoriefn key + the built-in bright and dim work just fine01:04
valorieI did nothing to make that work01:04
kalikatzsame here, hp pavilion g6.  dimming works great  conky reports cpu 45C gpu 45C  idling along01:26
valorieSysinfo for 'valorie-Oryx-Pro': Running inside KDE Plasma 5.14.2 on Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) powered by Linux 4.18.0-10-generic, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz at 2022-2087/3800 MHz, RAM: 31804/32118 MB, Storage: 336/1144 GB, 226 procs, 165.3h up01:32
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> @balsaq, There is a function in grub to enable keyboard keys for dimming. That may be an issue. ??01:43
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Sorry - in BIOS!01:44
valorieI didn't have to do that01:47
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> I lost function one day and Dell support gave me that solution.01:48
jackyalthough I haven't had to do that for my current laptop01:49
=== fishfox__ is now known as fishfox
beltorakhi all; i'm doing a (mostly) fresh install of kubuntu 18.04 and i'm having trouble manually setting up my partitions with an encrypted root. the installer keeps crashing. has anyone gotten that to work before?04:56
valorieI always use a partitioning tool to set those up in advance04:57
valorieotherwise it gets too complicated04:57
beltorakcool, i usually start with *-server that way, how do you do it with the kubuntu install cd?04:58
valoriewhy would root be encrypted? just curious04:58
beltoraknot /root, but the rootfs04:58
jackyprobably under a LVM (logical volume manager); I think Ubuntu's installer has been nudging people to use that04:58
valorieI use kde partitonmanager04:58
valoriebut one can use parted04:59
beltorakyeah i can create the encrypted partitions, but I don't know how to make the installer recognize that an already encrypted partition should be used as /04:59
valorieyou won't be able to do it from a live session without some fiddling04:59
valoriewell, that is beyond what I know04:59
beltoraktell me what you know, i can probably adapt it05:00
jackybeltorak: you'd have to get into the active desktop and _mount_ that disk05:00
beltorakdoes it have to be mounted at a specific location, or with a specific /dev/mapper name?05:00
jackylike if it's /dev/sda3 === / and it's encrypted using something like ecryptfs or what not, if I remember correctly, you can go back into the installer and use that partition05:01
jackyI actually might try this out right now, lol05:01
beltorakok, i'll give that a shot05:01
beltorakooooh, i got a new dialog; "detected /dev/mapper/<luks-name>" - looks promising05:04
jackyyup! that should ask for your mount passphrase05:05
jackyI'm booting up the VM now05:05
beltorakit didn't ask for the passphrase since i guess this time it detected a filesystem on it - last time i tried this i didn't mkfs it or mount it05:05
beltorakok, yeah, because (last time) there wasn't a file system on it (just luksOpen'd), it was trying to get me to create a partition table, this time it let me select to use the existing fs as / (i hope)05:07
beltorakso i have an already formatted/partitioned one partition as efi, it will automatically detect and use that, right (/boot is unencrypted)05:08
beltorakwell it's actually progressing; that's good; thank you jacky and valorie. one of these days i'll move to lvm05:12
beltorakwell it's finished; moment of truth05:19
beltorak:( ok it boots, but it doesn't attempt to decrypt /05:43
beltorakin 14.04 i used to have an /etc/crypttab listing the boot-time partitions to decrypt, but that doesn't exist now. do i need to create that?05:43
beltoraki tried chroot'ing to the encrypted /, mounting all the partitions where they should be, and running update-initramfs, but that didn't seem to work05:44
beltorakjacky: what did your expirement with the vm discover?05:46
=== beansmyname is now known as huggabean
=== Arthur_D2 is now known as Arthur_D
lordievaderGood morning06:19
beltorakjacky: ok, creating the /etc/crypttab and running update-initrd worked; now i have the fun of reinstating my normal user06:31
beltorakis creating "plasma widgets" any easier or more well documented than it was for 14.04? I have shell script kdialog thing i want to turn into a systray thing, prefereably without having to delve into c++ or qt designer...06:36
jackyagh, they're gone06:47
jackybut it did work for me when re-trying with a VM06:47
=== acheronuk_ is now known as ackeronuk
BluesKajHowdy folks13:07
IrcsomeBot<Velizar Peshev> guys how to install Unetbootin in Kubuntu 18.10? PPA shows me error13:55
IrcsomeBot<Velizar Peshev> sudo apt update … Hit:1 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu cosmic InRelease … Hit:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu cosmic InRelease … Ign:3 http://ppa.launchpad.net/gezakovacs/ppa/ubuntu cosmic InRelease     … Hit:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu cosmic-updates InRelease           … Hit:5 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu cosmic-backports InRelease              … Err:6 http://ppa.launchpad.net/gezakovacs/ppa/ubu13:55
IrcsomeBotRelease            …   404  Not Found [IP: 80] … Hit:7 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu cosmic-security InRelease … Reading package lists... Done                      … E: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/gezakovacs/ppa/ubuntu cosmic Release' does not have a Release file. … N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. … N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for reposito13:55
IrcsomeBotand user configuration details. … velkata@velkata-desktop:~$ sudo apt install unetbootin … Reading package lists... Done … Building dependency tree        … Reading state information... Done … E: Unable to locate package unetbootin … velkata@velkata-desktop:~$13:55
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> that ppa doesn't support 18.1014:07
jubo2Hiya. What do people use as a mail client. I've been trying to use Kmail, but it just does not work very well. When adding new accounts they never show up in the left-hand side box so they are unaccessable, even as I see that they are being checked for mail. Also its got lots of other bugs. Thanks in advance16:15
IrcsomeBot<avizini> @jubo2, i'm currently using kmail, you can try thunderbird or geary16:52
jubo2ok avizini. I need to give one or both a try, cause Kmail just ain't working for me on Kubuntu 18.04.116:53
Alexfrenchi have thunderbird too and it works16:56
BluesKajkmail isn't worth the trouble IMO16:59
=== TheSilentLink_ is now known as TheSilentLink
IrcsomeBotVadymati was added by: Vadymati20:12
ubUXUbuhello kunutites21:45
kalikatztrying to send email with KMail. I attach a .txt file and all is ok, I attach a .7z file and get "Failed to transport message. Server error".  Am i overlooking something too simple?23:37
kalikatzok, i just tried same email to myself using google's web app and i get this "message.7z (1K) Blocked for security reasons!"  sad :(23:43

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