
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> @valorie, Hi Valorie. What configuration do you use in Settings - Compositor? What settings do you use in  the nvidia settings app? Thanks.03:18
valorieopenGL and just standard03:19
valorieI made nothing special since adjusting to this laptops hidpi03:19
valoriehaven't messed with it for a year beyond doing recommended upgrades03:20
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> @valorie, OpenGL 3.1 or 2?03:21
valoriethis is in cosmic03:22
valorieSysinfo for 'valorie-Oryx-Pro': Running inside KDE Plasma 5.14.2 on Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) powered by Linux 4.18.0-10-generic, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz at 1999-2000/3800 MHz, RAM: 25832/32118 MB, Storage: 373/1144 GB, 225 procs, 215.14h up03:22
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> ok! I was using 3.1. I may give 2.0 a try then!03:23
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> How is plasma 5.14 working for you? ๐Ÿ™‚03:24
valoriehaven't seen a graphics glitch since upgrading03:25
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> ooh! Oryx Pro also! Nice! Is it the newer slim factor one?03:25
valorieno, it's .... 2 or 3 years old03:25
valorieI love it03:26
valoriebut it doesn't go with me when I travle03:26
valoriebit of a beast03:26
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Groovy! Maybe I should upgrade to 5.14 also. Would Kwin have any improvements in 5.14??03:27
valorieI didn't pay attention03:27
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Beauty AND beast! ๐Ÿ˜„03:27
valorieused to freeze occasionally and now doesn't03:27
valorieso all good for me03:27
valorieseems lighter, too03:28
valoriefan doesn't come on as often03:28
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Great! Good to know! I was wondering if 5.14 would be a good choice for now or whether to wait for it to be default.03:29
valorieI'm not gonna ppa-purge it, for sure!03:30
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> "Allow applications to block compositing" - is this better ticked on or off?03:31
valoriehmmm, dunno03:32
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> ok03:32
valorieI think if you play games you want that03:32
valorieI didn't mess with it one way or another03:32
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Ok. I have it ticked off at present. I cannot recall what the default state was - on or off. I am not a gamer but do graphic work.03:34
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Arg! I just tried so many combinations in the settings but nvidia will not work properly! Worst of all Krita will not even open! ๐Ÿ˜ž Back on Intel power saving mode now.04:22
valoriedamn it04:26
valoriemaybe ask in the #krita chan?04:26
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IrcsomeBot<Velizar Peshev> @Anarchotaoist, use nouveau11:48
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> I was having some trouble with nouveau also (stuttering scrolling) and from what I am led to believe only the nvidia driver gives me access to the dedicated graphics. Diogenes gave me a script that fixed glitches and tearing so I am using Intel without issue - but I want the power of the Nvidia to do graphic work if possible.11:58
tichunWhat to do when I cannot install boot splash I downloaded?12:11
tichunAlso, why cannot I install e.g. 'lindows' title bars? I got those on other installs and that is not the only package I have problems with, once I couldn't install 'United' theme pack12:14
BluesKajHiya folks12:42
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QuantosHi, I'm having difficulties replacing winblows with KUbuntu 18.0415:22
QuantosI've never had a problem installing Linux before15:23
QuantosI think the problem has something to do with UEFI, but I'm not 100% sure15:26
IrcsomeBot<Zeises> Newbie question here...Which is the best tool to create a kubuntu usb on windows?15:34
QuantosI used ISO to USB15:35
QuantosSmall and efficient15:35
QuantosOkay, found my problem, its my mouse15:36
QuantosInstallation is working now15:36
IrcsomeBot<Zeises> Apparently kubuntu manual suggest's Etcher and unetbootin.....the forums mostly suggest rufus and unetbootin....while i was thinking of Universal usb installer๐Ÿ˜‚15:40
IrcsomeBot<Zeises> I feel so dumb now๐Ÿ˜…15:40
QuantosHey, is there a reason that my madcatz mouse doesn't work with KUbuntu 18.04?16:06
QuantosIs there a driver somewhere for it?16:06
IrcsomeBot<avizini> @Quantos, if there is then open driver manager, wait for a while and you should get an option to install additional drivers. (tcan take some time)16:11
QuantosThat's hardly useful since as soon as the device is connected KDE has a seizure16:15
* Quantos goes back to the drawing board16:19
* Quantos wishes he could draw....16:20
IrcsomeBot<avizini> is that a fresh installation?, if yes then you could try reinstalling it but this time select "install proprieatary drivers" and keep your madcatz mouse connected16:25
IrcsomeBot<avizini> that might work16:25
QuantosNaw, can't even install with the mouse in question connected16:32
QuantosEven with a second mouse connected it disables the buttons on both16:33
IrcsomeBot<avizini> try installation only with keyboard16:33
IrcsomeBot<avizini> press tab to move between sections16:33
QuantosYeah, I did that first16:34
QuantosNo joy16:34
QuantosI just found something that 'might' be a solution16:34
QuantosIt's six years old though and I'16:34
Quantosm a little hesitant to try it16:35
QuantosDoes it look safe to try?16:35
IrcsomeBot<avizini> yeah the poster is good16:36
IrcsomeBot<avizini> try it, nothing to lose16:36
QuantosThanks for looking16:38
IrcsomeBot<avizini> (Document) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/j7SfIoa1/file_10598.mp416:38
QuantosTrying to get a madcatz cyborg 7 mouse to work on KUbuntu 18.0420:25
QuantosTried https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1528982&page=320:25
QuantosIs that file supposed to be empty?20:26
valorieQuantos: we haven't used KDM for .... so many years20:35
valorieand never do20:36
valorienever do20:36
valoriesudo kate20:36
valorienever, ever20:36
valoriejust edit the file and put in your sudo passw when prompted as you save it20:37
QuantosYeah, Okies, couldn't sudo kate anyway20:46
QuantosIt gave me an error and a kick in the behind20:46
QuantosI've never seen that boot on my pc before20:47
QuantosThink it was steel toed20:47
emma_hey valorie is ardesia not in the kubuntu repo?21:18
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valorie!info ardesia21:21
ubottuPackage ardesia does not exist in bionic21:21
valorieevidently not, emma21:22
valoriewhat is it?21:22
MrokiiWhere in kubuntu can I install or make sure that a proper nvidia-driver is used?21:41
emmavalorie: it is supposed to be software that lets you anontate your screen no matter what app you are in.  like microsoft ink21:43
emmalike no matter what app you are using you could draw on the screen if you get me21:43
emmaanything like that in kubuntu?21:43
emmavalorie: is kubuntu using X or wayland>22:40
valorieemma: you can choose wayland if you have the wayland-session thing installed22:55
valoriewe don't provide it by default as it isn't really ready for the average user22:55
valorieit basically requires only one package: plasma-workspace-wayland22:56
emmavalorie: that's fine, that's good to know. I was hoping it is still X because that's what the software im finding uses.23:00
emmavalorie: im looking for some software that will let you annotate/free draw on the screen in whatever app you are in.23:00
valoriedon't worry, X won't be switched off for a long, long time23:00
valoriehmmm, don't know about anything like that23:00
valorieso you'll have a choice for a long time as well23:01
valoriethe plasma devels are working very hard on wayland and have a policy that no patch is accepted if it doesn't work in wayland23:01
emmahm i see.23:02
emmaWell if Wayland confirs no benefits then why switch23:03
valorieit does confer many benefits23:04
valoriehardly anyone is switching yet, but everyone is preparing for the future23:04
emmaI see23:05
valorieit works much better with hidpi graphics for one23:05
valorieand everyone is moving to that23:05
emma!info gromit-mpx23:05
ubottugromit-mpx (source: gromit-mpx): GTK+ based tool to make annotations on screen with multiple pointers. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-2 (bionic), package size 31 kB, installed size 95 kB23:05
emmaoh no it is gtk+ based23:05
emmawait it says it is in the kde store: https://store.kde.org/p/1129261/23:08
emmadoes it seem odd that a gtk3 port is in the kde store?23:08
valorieemma: kde store is the old KDE Look which also had Gnome Look and maybe others23:12
valorieso all workable packages that the maintainers want there are there23:13
valoriejust as in ubuntu you can use anything in the archive23:13
valorie!info gromit-mpx23:13
ubottugromit-mpx (source: gromit-mpx): GTK+ based tool to make annotations on screen with multiple pointers. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-2 (bionic), package size 31 kB, installed size 95 kB23:13
valorieit will bring in some gtk libraries, but if it works, who cares?23:14
emmaYeah doesn't work anyway I guess23:16
emmavalorie: i guess compiz might have a screen-marker/annotate plugin but I don't think Kubuntu uses compiz does it?23:20
valorieyou can use compiz rather than kwin if you like23:20
valorieI never have but I know some people who have23:20
valorieyou can use kwin in plain ubuntu as well, or in gnome/another distro23:21
emmavalorie: i know you keep saying you *can* do these things but *should* you? Arent you creating some sort of abomination by mixing and matching and diverging from the pure intentions of the original developers?23:23
valorieI say: keep good backups and use what you like in the way that works for you23:24
valorieyou can always reinstall quickly and easily23:25
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life

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