
JadedJI installed Gedit on lubuntu06:02
JadedJbut now when I open gedit, it doesn't save recently opened files06:02
lubotWolfenprey was added by: Wolfenprey07:14
CrazyTuxhello, I am not able to get "Find Files" feature work in Lubuntu 18.10.07:30
lubotaptghetto was added by: aptghetto11:15
CrazyTuxhello, does lxqt on lubuntu has all the functionalities of lubuntu lxde?12:39
lubot<marneu> @CrazyTux [<CrazyTux> hello, does lxqt on lubuntu has all the functionalities of lubuntu lx …], Probably not. LXDE doesn't have all the functionalities of LXQt, either.12:45
CrazyTuxlubot, how can I search for a file on a partition?12:46
CrazyTuxI want to find a file on a partition.12:46
CrazyTuxbtw, is lxqt a point and click desktop?12:49
CrazyTuxwhich DE is recommended if one wants to get work done with least dependence on the terminal?12:50
CrazyTuxI tried using Tool - Find Files options in lxqt's file manager. It seems it doesn't work perfectly.12:51
lubot<marneu> All desktops on Linux are 'point and click' desktops. LXQt's file manager has a search function, but I don't know whether you can search *only* a partition. Alternatively, you could try catfish (might need to install it first). ... Not having to use the terminal is one of the design goals of LXQt, but tbh I don't know how far they came12:52
lubot with that - I love using the terminal :D12:52
CrazyTuxlubot, ok. So I need to install catfish.12:53
lubot<marneu> If you don't want to use the terminal at all, Lubuntu 18.10 isn't that great I think, because there's no GUI for the driver manager and network manager included. Xubuntu (with the Xfce DE) might be better, since it's more mature.12:54
CrazyTuxlubot, btw, is lxqt on Lubuntu 18.10 well tested and reasonably bugfree or is it still under testing?12:54
lubot<marneu> btw, 'lubot' is the name of the bot who bridges between irc, telegram and matrix. my nick is 'marneu' ^^12:55
lubot<marneu> Compared to other Ubuntu flavors, Lubuntu 18.10 is on the buggy side I think.12:56
CrazyTuxmarneu, ok12:57
CrazyTuxthen, which is more stable?12:57
lubot<marneu> Xubuntu is extremely stable.12:58
CrazyTuxmarneu, ok. Xubuntu LTS?12:59
lubot<marneu> LTS (i.e. Xubuntu 18.04) has fewer bugs than other releases, but I don't think it even matters for Xubuntu.12:59
CrazyTuxXubuntu vis-a-vis Mint Xfce?13:00
lubot<marneu> dunno, probably the same. The good thing about Xubuntu is that you can upgrade to Ubuntu's 6-monthly releases (e.g. 18.10), but on the other hand you might not want that anyway if you're concerned about bugs.13:02
CrazyTuxok. I want a stable and bugfree OS.13:04
apt-ghettostable and bugfree normally means old13:39
apt-ghettofor stable and bugfree aka old os, take a Debian13:40
lubot<marneu> They don't want to use the terminal, though, so Debian is not such a great choice.13:41
apt-ghettothe terminal is very stable13:41
apt-ghettofor beginners i recommend to use a *buntu13:42
apt-ghettoi do not recommend linux mint, because not all security updates are delivered with the default settings13:42
lubotmpmusthafa was added by: mpmusthafa14:02
CarbineMorphois lubuntu 18.10 running wayland or xorg?16:21
CarbineMorphoI have looked online and its not clear16:21
lubot<aptghetto> Check it with echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE16:33
lubot<marneu> Lubuntu 18.10 ships with Openbox, which doesn't have a wayland session.16:38
lubot<miguel1mx> I've been using LXQt for some time now, on Artix Linux (vanilla LXQt) and Lubuntu. LXQt is stable. It does not break for daily usage. I use a lot the file manager, the terminal and many goodies.16:55
lubot<miguel1mx> If your are heavy used to LXDE you will need some time to get used to, but I would say it is a good time to have it for your desktop. If you have to choose for anyone, you or someone else who wants to get the work done, choose Lubuntu.16:56
lubotMaria Andrea was added by: Maria Andrea21:25
lubot<Maria Andrea> Is 2 gb USB disk enough for new desktop 18.10?21:27
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> ISO image?21:28
lubot<Maria Andrea> Yes21:28
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> Yes, it is21:29
lubot<Maria Andrea> Noted21:29
lubot<Maria Andrea> I want to use Rufus or universal USB installer to burn that iso to the 2gb usb flash disk,  thanks21:30
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> The ISO image lubuntu 18.10 is 1.6gb. You can also use Etcher21:32
lubot<Wolfenprey> @Maria Andrea [I want to use Rufus or universal USB installer to burn that iso to the 2gb usb f …], Yoi will not have problem to burn it in a 2 gig pen21:32
lubot<Maria Andrea> @Wolfenprey [Yoi will not have problem to burn it in a 2 gig pen], 👍21:33
lubot<Maria Andrea> @Marcelo Pugliesi [The ISO image lubuntu 18.10 is 1.6gb. You can also use Etcher], Noted,  thanks21:33

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