[18:57] working up the wiki for this week ATT. [21:46] UWN551 up for critique and proof reading : Note - I remembered to add cosmic to the "updates" for ALL of October. [21:53] I would start on release day with that though. [22:00] And otherwise you only missed one camel case of "NetworkManager" [22:04] krytarik: Humm .. thought I caught that camelcase .. will look again .. and find. [22:10] found the camelcase .. reworking cosmic updates next. [22:40] krytarik: Yuk. above my skill level to isolate the comic updates to the 18th ..hold my hand again ? [22:44] 1.) Remind yourself what day Cosmic was released, 2.) go to the mailing list archive sorted by date and click the links until you got the start of that day, and 3.) pass the list item number of that to the script instead. [22:46] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Tiago Carrondo: S01E07 – Se não os podes derrotar junta-te a eles @ https://podcastubuntuportugal.org/2018/10/28/s01e07-se-nao-os-podes-derrotar-junta-te-a-eles/ [22:46] Or alternatively of course, manually delete the items you already got on the wiki page up to that item number. [22:46] krytarik: I have - so I thought -- will "look" again :) [22:47] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: IBM Just Bought Red Hat for $34 Billion @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=136288 (by Joey Sneddon) [22:47] And those dudes suck at timing.. >_> [22:48] krytarik: Portugal thinks it is Monday - best I recal :P [22:51] krytarik: "mail list archive" : got a better link than what I found - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ - ? [22:53] https://lists.canonical.com/archives/cosmic-changes/ [22:53] And it's still Sunday in Portugal too - but that was hardly the point. [22:53] krytarik: Thanks .. doing ATT . [22:55] krytarik: Portugals' posted release date is the 28th :( [23:34] krytarik: And "cosmic updates" edited to the 18th . [23:35] Oki doki! [23:37] krytarik: While there .. Go ahead and remove "WIP" and call it ready to go ? [23:38] Yeah, I'm not bothered to look if you did all changes as suggested. :P [23:41] krytarik: Weren't much .. :P