
=== Guest44577 is now known as kryptopraxis
nickNolteapt search and regexes... how can i find stdlibc++6? stdlibc\+\+6 not showing anything either...00:05
RhapsodyHow do I go about changing the font used in GNOME? I've used GNOME Tweaks to change the font in applications and such, but that doesn't change it in GNOME. So I've followed the guide here; https://www.maketecheasier.com/change-the-fonts-in-gnome3/00:06
RhapsodyApparently doing that is supposed to change the font used in GNOME, I'm using the clock in the top middle as an indicator. There's no change, even if I change the font size.00:07
RhapsodyHm, I see, that's for the default theme... Needs to be for the theme I'm using.00:08
cyborgjedihi guys00:42
RhapsodySo I'm looking to do some gaming on Ubuntu. I have an AMD 390X GPU. I'm wondering where I need to install graphics drivers or whether Ubuntu already handled it for me? Additionally, in the situation that I *do* need to install drivers from AMD, do I use the regular or pro variant? I'm a bit confused here.00:53
Bashing-omRhapsody: Yes both ways :) That card also supports the proprietary overlay. https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2404547 to get some hints .01:01
RhapsodyBashing-om: It's mostly a matter of which is more ideal for performance01:02
RhapsodyI'll check out that link though, thanks01:02
Bashing-omRhapsody: At this point you should hve the AMDgpu driver ... now on top of that one "MAY" install amdgpu-pro on supportd GCN cards .01:05
RhapsodyAny way to confirm that?01:05
Bashing-omRhapsody: kinda old but should suffice: http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMD-Radeon-GPU-PRO-Linux-Beta-Driver%E2%80%93Release-Notes.aspx01:17
businessaccounthow to specify a specific kernel modul to be loaded at boot01:20
Bashing-ombusinessaccount: Choose an alternate kernel from the grub boot menu's "advanced" options.01:26
businessaccountaccording to the online support the qcserial driver needs the usb identifier compiled into the module from the linux source code, but if that is so why do some posts claim to have had it working without mention of conmpiling kernel code01:26
businessaccountBashing-om: does adding it to /etc/modules not work anymore?01:27
Bashing-ombusinessaccount: Sorry, never known of such a thing as adding a module to boot a kernel .01:29
businessaccountthe module is to be loaded at boot01:30
businessaccountthough according to documentation it needs to be recompiled from source after adding a usb identifier into the sourcecode01:31
businessaccountit looks to me this is how android phones work01:31
businessaccountsame deal01:31
businessaccountqualcomm serial01:32
businessaccountwhich somewhat explains why android lacks many real features of a mobile telephone network01:32
swift110hey all01:33
businessaccounthi swift11001:35
swift110how are you bucketm0use01:36
swift110how are you businessaccount01:36
businessaccountarm cpu has about just enough power to rendur animatind call them apps01:36
businessaccountmost of it is app glu01:38
businessaccountwebpages downgraded to show on a phone01:38
businessaccountswift110: vanguard is trading high01:39
cryptodan_mobileWeb pages arent downgraded to work on mobiles they are designed so they can work on smaller then normal desktop screens01:41
businessaccountswift110: did they poot a little extra boost in your coffee01:45
swift110oh goodness cryptodan_mobile is here01:46
swift110how are you CrypticS_01:48
swift110how are you cryptodan_mobile01:48
Roden1any way to increas max valume on unbunt?01:49
businessaccountdoes ubuntu 16 xenial have the kernel headers ready to rebuild a kenel module against the generic kernel01:49
Roden1increase max vol. on Ubuntu?01:49
swift110good to hear cryptodan_mobile I am looking for a new job01:49
businessaccountor is it 18 xenial01:49
businessaccountubuntu xenial01:49
cryptodan_mobile18 is bionic01:50
cryptodan_mobileAnd you can check for headers in synaptic01:51
cryptodan_mobileGood luck swift11001:51
Roden1anyone know hotkey to show the desktop?01:54
swift110thanks cryptodan_mobile01:55
businessaccountthe qcserial module requires an USB ID in the module for it to work02:07
businessaccountthough of 84 people using it around the time of maverick I don't see any questions about compiling the module02:07
businessaccountanyhow it is not listed by lsusb02:08
businessaccountapparently HP had a specific tailored ubuntu for it's machines which is nowhwere to be found02:09
businessaccountthere is mention of the tailored ubuntu with the qcserial built for HP netbooks but the image is nowhere found02:11
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=== nickNolte1 is now known as nickNolte
businessaccounthey does utopic unicorn 3.16 coincide with the kernel version of the oldest debian stable 3.1602:18
businessaccountit looks like mini.iso can backport to utopic02:18
businessaccountdoes that give a kernel code compatibility out into debian if I use it02:19
bray90820Can ubuntu live hot swam sata cd drives?02:20
businessaccountbray90820: if the hardware supports it02:22
businessaccountthat is most likely a function of the bios02:22
bray90820Alright thanks02:22
RhapsodyDoes anyone know how to change the taskbar so that active applications have something like this instead of the orange dots they currently have? https://camo.githubusercontent.com/b07bd2390cdd348e6404e46a97e3f35d2be5c25e/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f7444314f4251332e706e6702:24
=== caravena_ is now known as caravena
csquidany chance someone could help me understand what set -x means here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FB9SsQwQCY/02:49
csquidNo manual entry for set :/02:52
=== xinlu is now known as BOSNA
=== capella|away is now known as capellasFetid
mohnishHey guys! I've just installed i3wm, I wanted to launch dmenu from it so I edited the /i3/config file. But, when I restart i3, it shows me an error03:51
mohnishERROR: Duplicate keybinding in config file:03:51
mohnish  state mask 0x40 with keysym d, command "exec dmenu_run"03:51
mohnishERROR: FYI: You are using i3 version 4.14.1 (2017-09-24)03:51
mohnishthough, demenu starts with no problem03:52
mohnishIt's just that it shows this error03:52
Mr_CyclopsHello, I am using Ubuntu Budgie 18.10, and using two monitors HP EliteDisplay E22103:54
Mr_Cyclopsbut the colors look so different on both03:54
Mr_CyclopsI tried switching the cables but no luck03:54
Mr_CyclopsAny help?03:54
mohnishMr_Cyclops: Change the monitor settings maybe?03:55
Mr_Cyclopsthey are exactly the same make and model, using the same color profiles03:55
Mr_CyclopsCould be a bit more specific? Change what setting?03:55
Mr_Cyclopsmohnish, I checked all of that, item by item, same to same on both, but no luck03:56
mohnishMr_Cyclops: I don't know sir, I just tried to help you, besides I'm here for my problem too03:56
Mr_Cyclopsnp, thanks03:57
=== pwater is now known as piercedwater
=== capellasFetid is now known as capellaHaunts
lotuspsychjemorning cfhowlett05:44
cfhowlettyowza ^3 lotuspsychje05:45
davenallTesting ident...?05:46
cfhowlett!testing | davenall05:46
ubottudavenall: To test your hardware, you can use the packages memtest86+ (for memory, can be started from the !GRUB boot menu), smartmontools (for hard drives), cpuburn (which MIGHT damage your processor if cooling is not adequate!). Additionally, lm-sensors can be useful to monitor temperatures and fan speeds - See also !benchmark05:46
davenalllol what05:46
davenallNo I was just testing my nickserv thing05:46
cfhowlettdavenall, use /msg nickserv           and it will stay private05:47
davenallI didn't know I had to ident every single time I connected so I was having issues05:47
cfhowlettah, that.  too many trolls = login each and every time05:47
davenallYeah I get it, I'm just new to IRC so I was confused because I registered yesterday and then it was saying unregistered, but I identified and I'm all good now :)05:48
lotuspsychjedavenall: welcome to the ubuntu community05:53
=== imsurit_ofc1 is now known as imsurit_ofc
lotuspsychjedavenall: this channel you can use to ask ubuntu support questions05:54
csquidcan someone tell me what set does or set -x there is no manual for set05:54
davenallThanks! Doubtful I'll be asking any questions, but I'm happy to help answer them05:55
cfhowlettcsquid, no context = no answer.  more details are needed05:55
lotuspsychjedavenall: the welcome suits for volunteers also, ask or help can both be done here05:56
csquidcfhowlett: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dJkZWRnWJr/05:56
csquidcfhowlett: whats the point of set -x05:56
davenallIt echoes every command to the screen as it executes05:56
cfhowlett!cookie | davenall nice one!05:57
ubottudavenall nice one!: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!05:57
csquidthats odd, wonder why they would have it do that when its in rc.local, normaly you wouldnt even see it? or will you see it in post?05:58
jeanrehi all06:00
jeanrerunning ubuntu 18.04 but I have to start the system using pci=nomsi06:00
jeanreanyway I can not do that06:00
lotuspsychje!bootoptions | jeanre06:01
ubottujeanre: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.06:01
jeanrebecause currently I have major performance issues06:01
jeanremicro lockups each few seconds etc..06:01
jeanreand tons of errors surrounding snap packages06:02
jeanrechromium_chromium.desktop[2594]: [2594:2934:1028/080218.805720:ERROR:process_singleton_posix.cc(608)] accept() failed: Operation not permitted (1)06:02
jeanreit spams the syslog06:02
jeanrethis is a fresh install06:03
jeanreno kernel customizations etc..06:03
jeanreI am not sure what to do in this case06:04
lotuspsychjejeanre: did you install the chromium snap urselfyo06:04
jeanrefrom the store yes06:05
jeanrebut its not just that06:05
jeanrethe gnome system monitor does the same06:05
jeanrehas the same errors06:05
csquiddavenall: i tried this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fHQB4Jm4gk/ with set -x and without, it did not echo tmux new -d before executing when set -x in place06:05
lotuspsychjejeanre: gnome system monitor is now a snap by default06:05
lotuspsychje!pm | jeanre06:06
ubottujeanre: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.06:06
jeanreye most apps are06:06
jeanrefreaks me out a little that I can see the CPU spike and lock up06:07
jeanrethis is crazy06:09
lotuspsychjejeanre: are you admin of the system?06:09
jeanreyes its a desktop machien06:10
jeanreI need to fix the snap errros06:11
lotuspsychjejeanre: did you reboot after your snap install06:11
jeanreand then I need to fix the nomsi crap06:11
lotuspsychjejeanre: try also to compare chromium snap vs the apt version06:12
jeanrelet me reboot06:12
jeanreso I rebooted the logs seem better06:14
jeanrenow the issue is the pci=nomsi06:15
jeanreanyone have any ideas?06:17
lotuspsychjejeanre: you might wanna idle here till TJ- wakes up he's our bootoptions expert :p06:19
jeanrethe issue is, that I think it affects performance06:20
jeanreadding the graphics PPA now and seeing if I upgrade to 39606:22
lotuspsychjejeanre: wich driver does your system reccomend: ubuntu-drivers list ?06:23
lotuspsychjejeanre: and your card chipset?06:25
jeanrenvidia gtx 106006:26
lotuspsychjeok think 396 can be tested too06:26
lotuspsychjesee wich one performs best :p06:26
jeanreissue is why do I need nomsi06:27
vegombreihi i have a weird problem , after the recent update my wifi dongle doesnt connect to my router doesnt even find it finds everything else i teather except my router please help me fix this06:29
lotuspsychjevegombrei: chipset and ubuntu verion/kernel please?06:29
lotuspsychjejeanre: join #ubuntu-discuss and wait for TJ-06:30
vegombreilotuspsychje: how to see that bro im a noob06:39
cfhowlettvegombrei, /join #ubuntu-discuss06:39
lotuspsychjevegombrei: sudo lshw -C network && uname -a06:40
lotuspsychje!paste | vegombrei06:40
ubottuvegombrei: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:40
vegombreilotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/y9x3Qr2DbZ/06:44
vegombreitook a while to figure that out im getting good06:44
vegombreilotuspsychje: you saw?06:46
lotuspsychjevegombrei: yeah, seems like an atheros chipset06:46
lotuspsychje!atheros | vegombrei06:47
ubottuvegombrei: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:47
cfhowlettatheros is not particularly ubuntu friendly06:47
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lotuspsychjevegombrei: might be a wrestling game with firmwares06:47
vegombreilotuspsychje: weird it was working all my life until last night , wifi works im tethering thru my cell phone ... the wifi just doesnt find my router06:48
lotuspsychjevegombrei: can you recall what happened before, after an upgrade for example?06:49
vegombreilotuspsychje: everything else finds my router thats so wierd,06:49
lotuspsychjevegombrei: try this: tail -f /var/log/syslog and plugout and back in your wifi stick to see relevant errors06:50
vegombreilotuspsychje: not really stuff seemed normal it asked for an update i gave my password and then they just stopped being friends06:52
cedxaI want to update opera along with the other system updates. how?06:53
vegombreilotuspsychje: everything else is friends with the router except the pc, pc can even tether from tablet and mobile but refuses to find the router its weird they just stopped being friends06:54
cfhowlettcedxa, sudo apt dist-upgrade would do it06:54
cedxacfhowlett: ok tq06:54
lotuspsychjevegombrei: you might wanna lookup your dpkg logs to see whats last installed, that could have broken06:55
vegombreilotuspsychje: i did that that thing you said and unplugged the wifi dongle and back in and saw lots of text stuff but it still doesnt find my router07:02
vegombreilotuspsychje: ya think i should just download the new one format my system and reinstall?07:03
yelowfishhi all. the line : "modinfo iwlwifi" will show the drivers being used right?07:05
=== Class7_ is now known as Class7
ccb0x45hey im trying to upgrade to 18.10 from 18.04, and the upgrade won't allow because of held broken packages..07:36
ccb0x45https://pastebin.com/Z32n03pR those are my broken packages and I have no idea how to fix07:36
evertirodid you try running fix?07:38
evertiroapt install -f07:38
ccb0x45yes, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.07:38
evertiroSo they aren't actually broken, they'll break on upgrade07:39
ccb0x45ok.. so is there anything I can do?07:39
jeanrelotuspsychje: seems it was my wifi card07:40
ducasseccb0x45: purge all ppas (don't just disable them)07:40
ccb0x45how do I do that?07:41
ccb0x45I have ppa-purge07:41
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html07:42
evertiroccb0x45 Only checked xorg-video-abi, but that package at least isn't in official repos, so I'm guessing that ducasse is right and it's a PPA issue07:42
ccb0x45how do I know which ppa's to purge?07:42
ducasseccb0x45: _all_ of them, is what is recommended before upgrading07:43
ccb0x45every single ppa I have?07:43
evertiroit's best to07:43
ducasseccb0x45: at least those who replace repo packages07:43
evertiroif a PPA doesn't have a candidate for the version you're upgrading to, it can cause all sorts of fun issues07:43
ducasseccb0x45: if it just installs a single package that doesn't already exist in the repos, it's probably not a big deal07:44
blip99Hi all, I'm running Xubuntu 18.04.1 on a Dell XPS laptop.  Bluetooth worked fine for months, but sometimes machine boots up with bluetooth not working (or after suspend to ram).  Rebooting usually solves it, but this time it isn't07:47
blip99and this command no longer works: 'sudo service /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart'   ---> Failed to restart etc-init.d-bluetooth.service.mount: Unit etc-init.d-bluetooth.service.mount not found07:47
blip99Any thoughts?07:47
evertiroblip99: did you run an update recently?07:48
ccb0x45thanks guys07:48
ccb0x45I found the ppa causing the issue, I didn't have many07:48
ducasseccb0x45: yw07:48
blip99evertiro, yes but nothign drastic just weekly updates (maybe it updated the kernel though)07:48
ccb0x45another question, what is generally considered generally better, for ATI gpus, running the closed source drivers or open source drivers?07:49
evertiroblip99: wait a second... are you seriously using the full path in that commnad?07:50
evertiroshould be just sudo service bluetooth restart07:50
ducasseccb0x45: in most cases, open source07:50
ccb0x45@ducasse, is that for performance?07:50
ccb0x45I wanted to run the open source, but when I installed 18.04 it was crashing when i moved the mouse at the login screen(black screen) if I didn't nomodeset07:51
ducasseccb0x45: aiui there are only a few cards the closed source driver works with anyway, and it tends to take a while to work on new releases07:51
ccb0x45ill try my luck at the open source driver on 18.10 I guess07:52
ducasseccb0x45: i don't think amdgpu-pro works on 18.10 yet anyway07:53
ccb0x45uh oh.. if the crash comes back then I might be out of luck07:54
blip99evertiro, oh lol. ok that ocmmand worked, but still no bt.  can you please help me check if the correct daemons are running?  i'm so confused by the 1000 cli commands with blue in the name07:54
ducasseccb0x45: if it does you should file a bug07:54
blip99evertiro, the gui tools i have on XFCE is blueman-manager.  I opened that, it asked me to enable Bluetooth (I pressed yes to enable). but the interface isn't usable, buttons not clickable07:55
blip99evertiro, bluetoothctl 'list' shows no controllers. strange07:56
=== MuffinPimp_ is now known as MuffinPimp
JadedJwhat's a good PHP editor for ubuntu that allows auto complete of variables08:27
N3X15I use atom, but there's lots out there.08:27
eviladminJadedJ: (g|n)vim08:42
eviladminemacs if you are the religious kind08:42
FishBone000how to access /home/[username]/.local?09:15
FishBone000this folder isn't shown in built-in Files app.09:15
FishBone000*app Files09:15
FishBone000(I mean, without terminal)09:16
ryuoFishBone000: because hidden files are hidden by default? turn it on.09:16
FishBone000how then?09:16
ryuotry right clicking and see if it's there.09:16
balsaqmy new wallpaper for ubuntu  https://imgur.com/a/Mn3C5q710:40
uberwaghi, if using ubuntu 16.04 how can i use a newer openvpn version? i always prefer to install with apt-get so packages get updated automatic when it is needed, so i rather not install from source or something10:59
uberwagah ok, found it: https://gist.github.com/cyrex562/c8b3c0b1a02a4367a35b0ebec7286c3311:03
guivercuberwag, maybe this will help https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/OpenvpnSoftwareRepos  (note: I don't use openvpn, but i see it allows you to choose release)11:04
balsaqdoes ubuntu have a widget that displays you hardware and temps etc...on a running display on the desktop?11:07
eviladminbalsaq: multiple11:10
jcduttonbalsaq, e.g. xsensors11:13
Apachezmodified systemd startup, removed 5 unwanted services:     before: 2.837s (kernel) + 9.168s (userspace) = 12.005s graphical.target after 9.036s in userspace     after: 3.149s (kernel) + 2.613s (userspace) = 5.763 graphical.target after 2.587s in userspace11:16
eviladminnot shown: the 40 sec spent in firmware :p11:19
Apachezintel nuc so it doesnt spend that much before handing over to the kernel11:19
balsaqmine is taking to long to staart with a long pause at boot up wth is that i have assd and it takes at least 30 sec shoiuld only take 10-15 sec to boot?11:20
balsaqim using a ssd11:20
balsaqwhy is ubuntu slowto boot up?11:21
eviladminsystemd-analyze blame, plot etc11:21
balsaqcan i fic it11:21
balsaqi may go back to win 10 for that reason alone11:21
Apachezbalsaq: guess out of the blue, you have dhcp configured and it cannot locate the dhcp server?11:21
Apachezdefault timeout for some stupid reason is 30 seconds11:22
Apachezwhich is fun, not!11:22
balsaqblank purple screen while booting just pauses right there11:22
balsaqare these guys on drugs11:22
balsaqnoone wants that in their OS11:22
Apachezremove splash from /etc/default/grub and run sudo update-grub2 and reboot11:22
Apacheznow you should see some text on what its doing11:22
eviladminsystemd-analyze plot > boot.html then open it in your browser11:23
balsaqi dont know how to do that11:23
balsaqApachez, i did not configure anything i am using ubnuntu as it came from ubuntu as is11:24
balsaqthis pause seesm to built right in by the dev team11:24
balsaqsystemd-analyze plot   this CMD basicaly filly my screen with pages and i mean pages of nonsense11:26
balsaqenough to write a novel11:26
eviladminbalsaq: note that I also wrote "> boot.html"11:27
eviladminand "then open it in your browser"11:27
eviladminit being the boot.html file11:27
balsaq'how do i open in browser11:28
balsaqi had to remove that boot html to even run the cmd11:28
eviladminopen your browser, type in the path to the file, or on a terminal do "<yourbrowser> path/to/the/file"11:28
eviladminno you did not11:28
balsaqit would not run with that last line in there11:29
eviladmin`systemd-analyze plot > boot.html` will work just fine unless you are using a completely broken shell that doesn't support > redirection11:29
balsaqwhat is the file path thst i type ive goat  novel here11:29
EriC^or did it?11:29
balsaqill try again11:29
CrackedCrackerthis is strictly offtopic, but is there any chat for c++ here or elsewhere? I am struggling to understand pieces of code from documentation and can't find my way through generic and formal explanation of cppreference :(11:29
EriC^balsaq: what actually hapnd11:30
EriC^sry im eatn chkn11:30
eviladminwell, techically should > boot.svg since it is svg and not html11:30
balsaqwhen i did what he said NOTHING then iremoved the arroes and boot html and it gave ne TONS of info11:30
EriC^balsaq: then it worked11:31
EriC^> redirects std output11:31
eviladmin"systemd-analyze [OPTIONS...] plot [> file.svg]"    -- the man page11:31
balsaqyeah it gsave me tons of date11:31
balsaqbut nothing has changed thois slow boot11:31
eviladminbalsaq: firefox boot.html11:31
EriC^in this case to a file called boot.html11:31
balsaqwhat cmd do i run11:31
balsaqlets start there11:31
Apachezbalsaq: plot shows a graphical output of what is taking time during boot11:31
balsaqit shows about 5000 words yes11:32
Apachezif you dont understand that then put that svg on imgur and give a link to that in here and some other might be able to help you out11:32
Apachezyeah words are difficult if you are being ignorant11:32
balsaqu want that massive text that ran in terminal11:32
balsaqApachez, go eat some coco puffs11:33
EriC^ur having an attitude dude11:33
balsaqno he made comment11:33
EriC^and dont wanna learn11:33
ApachezEriC^: the best kind of trolls :)11:33
Apachezthe ignorant who dont want to learn :D11:34
Apacheznow showing on netflix ;)11:34
balsaqim reading my terminal11:34
eviladminbalsaq: systemd-analyze plot | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw11:34
eviladminthe post the url it gives you11:35
eviladminit will say url: <something>11:35
balsaqcurl cannot be found11:35
EriC^balsaq: the systemd command plots the various services that run and how long they take, run the command, open the image in your browser/image viewer11:36
balsaqsuda apt install curl11:36
balsaqwants me to install curl11:36
eviladminsay yes11:36
balsaqappears to have installed i11:38
uberwagi installed apparmor, but when i check apparmor_status, i get: apparmor module is not loaded.11:38
uberwagubuntu 16.0411:38
uberwagon openvz vps11:38
uberwagi cannot use apparmor on openvz?11:39
eviladminuberwag: you are stuck with whatever the host support, if they don't support apparmor then you can't do nothing about it11:39
* eviladmin suggests not using openvz11:39
eviladminuberwag: stuck on a 2.6 kernel too btw?11:39
uberwageviladmin: yes11:40
eviladmineven more reason to find a better host11:40
eviladminkvm isn't that much more expensive usually11:40
uberwagany attempt to upgrade 18.04 will fail on such a host?11:40
eviladminnot sure what the minimum kernel version for the glibc in 18.04 is11:41
eviladminbut when you can get a kvm host from 10€/year..11:41
balsaqdate: 2018-10-28T11:39:23.060689+00:0011:43
balsaqdigest: e14e5d310dd43afa0166c2d845b16933dbcf280a11:43
balsaqlong: AOFOXTEN1Dr6AWbC2EWxaTPbzygK11:43
balsaqshort: zygK11:43
balsaqsize: 10755311:43
balsaqstatus: created11:43
uberwageviladmin: that is very cheap, where you found that?11:43
eviladminuberwag: pops up on lowend from time to time11:43
eviladminthose that are that cheap are usually quite limited though, more common is 5/month for a decent one11:44
balsaqi dont see how that information can help stop the lag in my boot but there it is11:44
eviladminbalsaq: post only the bit that say url:11:44
eviladminyou didn't post that because you got hit by the anti-spam bot11:44
balsaqok but i dont see url on here i ll read it again'11:45
balsaqurl: https://ptpb.pw/zygK11:45
eviladminit says url: <something> right under the line that says status: create11:45
eviladminhttps://ptpb.pw/zygK.svg  with rendering11:45
eviladminthe bright red are the things that blocks11:46
balsaqis incredible that u have to know all this to get buntu to run right11:46
eviladmindisabeling plymouth may help quite a bit it seems11:46
balsaqhow do i disable plymouth11:46
eviladminalso your claim of "lag" is clearly false, as it boots in 12.4 seconds in total11:47
eviladminmaybe you are confused by your firmware being really slow?11:47
eviladminand/or it having a timed spash screen11:47
balsaqthen why does it stick on  purple screen for so long like 30 secs11:47
eviladminbefore you get to the bootloader?11:47
eviladminif so, try upgrading the firmware11:47
balsaqits a intel i5 with ssd11:48
balsaqBOOT DOZE IN 15 SEC11:48
balsaqtotal time from off to deskto p is what i mean11:48
balsaqno idea where i u got that 12 sec11:48
balsaqtakes me at least 30 sec or more11:48
balsaqill reboot and write it all down11:48
eviladminStartup finished in 2.572s (kernel) + 9.869s (userspace) = 12.442s graphical.target reached after 9.857s in userspa11:49
balsaqyeah but take lot longer to get to my desktop11:49
eviladminnote: does not include whatever your firmware and bootloader is doing11:49
balsaqso u want me to update my ssd?11:49
eviladmincheck for a firmware update for your motherboard11:50
balsaqthere are no more of those11:50
eviladminalso see if it has some splash screen with a timeout configured11:50
balsaqi did that when i took win 1011:50
uberwageviladmin: i paid for this openvz for quite a long period, can i somehow still use it in a secure way? i already got firewall in place, but with lower kernel, modules not loading - is this a big security risk, or is it ok to still use such a box?11:50
eviladminuberwag: personally I would not trust anything openvz11:50
balsaqif there is splash screen config it came with 18.04 as i added nothing11:50
eviladminthough arguably you should not trust any hosting company / vps seller11:51
eviladminthough how paranoid you should be depends on what you are hosting :)11:51
uberwagyes ok11:52
uberwagi host pictures of cats <<11:52
eviladminbeside the security issues, openvz with ancient kernel are just a giant pain to deal with11:52
Nelluki just stopped using an openvz host yesterday because it was so oversold that it would often take 30 seconds to respond to the 'uptime' command. wonder if i can do a paypal chargeback11:52
eviladminbad performance, lacks features, can't use out of tree modules etc11:53
Apachezwhere did balsaq go?11:54
Greyztardoes uuid of disk change if reinstall os?or could i possibly reinstall and just copy old fstab to new install?11:55
balsaqtakes 5 seconds to see the gateway logo, another 22 seconds of purple nothing until i can see my log in screen, then i log in and it takes 7 more seconds to see desktop11:57
eviladmindisable plympouth11:58
balsaqok how do i do that11:58
balsaqsorry im not good at linux11:58
eviladmin12:22:48*         Apachez ⸾ remove splash from /etc/default/grub and run sudo update-grub2 and reboot11:58
balsaqok starting with the /etc11:58
balsaqhere goes11:58
balsaqhaha i donthave permission11:59
balsaqoh wit'11:59
eviladminEDITOR=nano sudoedit /etc/default/grub11:59
Apachezsudo vi /etc/default/grub11:59
Apachezwhatever floats your boat :)12:00
eviladminsudoedit is nicer, no reason to run the editor itself as root12:00
eviladmincan even use gedit or notepad that way12:00
balsaqthe eidor thingput all kinds of data up though12:00
oijeeboo!keep druidbloke12:00
Apachezand replace     GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="splash quiet"      with       GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet"12:01
Apachezsave the file12:01
eviladmincould drop the quiet too, optionally12:01
Apachezrun      sudo update-grub2     after that12:01
Apacheznow you disabled graphical boot and use textual instead (well framebuffered but anyway, you see text instead of graphic stuff)12:01
Apachezquiet seems to add boot time12:01
balsaqgoog il ike that text12:01
Apachezdepending on gpu the framebuffer gets really slow12:02
balsaqbut i still havent done it yet12:02
Apachezso I prefer quiet if you want speed, no need for the text to render onto the display which you dont see anyway12:02
balsaqor is it ready to go now12:02
balsaqi want total speed12:02
Apachezin my case except for modifying the grub I also ran:12:03
Apachezsystemctl disable motd-news.service12:03
Apachezsystemctl disable NetworkManager-wait-online.service12:03
balsaqim lost but i have that last terminal up there12:03
Apachezsystemctl disable apt-daily.service12:03
Apachezand then I removed the postfix package (in my case I have no need for it, but your milage may vary)12:03
eviladminmost users don't need postfix12:04
balsaqwhat do i do now12:04
eviladminthere are way simpler sendmail implementations if you just need smtp too12:05
balsaqwhat cmd do i run to remove all the stuff that slows me down12:06
balsaqsudo update-grub2     i did that one12:07
Apachezbefore I had    https://ptpb.pw/D8lx12:07
Apachezafter the above changes I had    https://ptpb.pw/ff4X12:07
balsaqam i done y uidating grub alone12:08
Apachezbefore I had    https://ptpb.pw/D8lx.svg12:08
Apachezafter the above changes I had    https://ptpb.pw/ff4X.svg12:08
balsaqan i done just because i updated grub12:08
Apachezyou fix grub12:08
Apachezyou disable whatever services you like12:08
Apachezyou reboot12:08
Apachezyou then run systemd-analyze plot > plot2.svg   again12:08
balsaqi updated it but i dont know how to fix what it tells me12:08
Apachezand paste that output somewhere12:08
balsaqi wnt to remove splash or w/e u said that makes it pause12:09
balsaqthe long wait i get onthe purple screen12:09
balsaqim lost guessim stuck with slow boot12:12
BluesKajHiya folks12:42
uberwageviladmin: if i find a kvm host that i like, is it ok to have ubuntu 16.04 on it, vs v18 - from security pov they both supported right?12:48
eviladminI would install 18.04, I don't see any reason to use 16 unless you have a pointy haired boss with a gun at your paycheck12:49
uberwaghaha ok12:50
uberwagwhat is the best way to version upgrade to 18.04 if 16 is installed by default?12:50
eviladminimo a clean install of 1812:51
uberwagof course, but in case i need?12:51
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | uberwag12:52
ubottuuberwag: Upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04.1 is now available, if you do not receive the upgrade window try update-manager -c12:52
BluesKajubottu, with LTS only enabled in the package manager, the update and upgrade existing pacvkages first, then sudo do-release-upgrade in the terminal12:53
ubottuBluesKaj: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:53
BluesKajoops uberwag^12:54
uberwagobottu: i think you are very intelligent!12:54
uberwagubottu: you too! :)12:55
ubottuuberwag: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:55
BluesKajuberwag, my ubottu post above was meant for you12:55
uberwagthank you12:55
BluesKajeasier then a clean install and preserves your settings andf data12:56
rebabwindows irc channel doesn't help. I'll install ubuntu.12:56
lotuspsychjerebab: we strongly advice installing ubuntu :p13:00
rebablotuspsychje: I have some files on windows. Can I reach those on ubuntu?13:02
lotuspsychjerebab: you mean for backup your files?13:02
rebablotuspsychje: No I have 3 partitions. C, D and another partition for ubuntu. I'll install dual boot. Can I reach D drive on ubuntu?13:03
lotuspsychjerebab: yes you can enter ntfs drives from /mnt or /media13:04
rebablotuspsychje: and my last question. My friend was always choosing the OS before booting. I mean GRUB booter. Can I boot Ubuntu by default?13:05
lotuspsychjerebab: after you have setup ubuntu alongside windows, you can edit grub to have ubuntu by default sure13:05
lotuspsychje!grub | rebab13:06
ubotturebab: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:06
rebabafter everything set. which is the boot another os button?13:09
lotuspsychjerebab: there's no magic red button13:09
lotuspsychjerebab: you need to edit grub with an editor13:10
lotuspsychjerebab: gedit for example13:10
rebablotuspsychje: no I mean when I want to open windows 10 I have to edit grub right? No button for it?13:11
lotuspsychjerebab: ah you mean to enter grub? that magic button is holding shift at boot13:11
rebablotuspsychje: I want to open Ubuntu by default. (dual boot)13:11
jhaveWhat is the best solutin, upgrade a 16.04 server to 18.04 vs a fresh 18.04 install and data migration ?13:46
lotuspsychjejhave: that depends what you mean by 'best'13:50
lotuspsychjejhave: both are the users choice actually13:51
jhavelotuspsychje, just what way i have to go :)13:56
lotuspsychjejhave: really depends on your case mate, let me ask you this, do you have a reason to clean install completly and do all your configs over again?13:57
lotuspsychjejhave: if you have not, why not making a backup and lts upgrade?13:59
fradwhat command or app can I use nowadays to reduce the size of a large pdf file? Searching online I found forum entries from 6 years ago.14:00
firelegendI was running Ubuntu 18.414:03
firelegendPremature send :/14:03
lotuspsychjefirelegend: elaborate please, whats going on?14:04
firelegendI was running Ubuntu 18.04 x64 with kernel 4.15.18, on a laptop14:04
firelegendlotus psyche I would have but premature send14:04
firelegendI have Intel coffee lake with integrated gpu and Nvidia dedicated card, I used prime-select to switch to Intel gpu14:05
firelegendAnd so ce then all hell broke loose14:05
firelegendI could no longer get Nvidia running14:05
blackflowjhave: a lot has changed since 16.04 and some things aren't installed the same way if you upgrade or install from scratch. I'd recommend isntall from scratch if you want a clean 18.04 experience.14:05
firelegendI reinstalled the driver, xorg, gdm314:05
firelegendAnd now xorg is broken14:05
lotuspsychjefirelegend: wich driver does your system reccomend? ubuntu-drivers list14:06
firelegendlotuspsychje I used the Nvidia ppa14:06
firelegendSo the proprietary drivers14:06
lotuspsychjefirelegend: wich driver does your system reccomend please14:06
firelegendThe very latest I assume14:06
firelegendI ko longer have a window manager14:06
firelegendIt's broken14:07
lotuspsychjefirelegend: can you fallback to tty?14:07
firelegendStartx just hangs now14:07
lotuspsychjefirelegend: ubuntu-drivers list plz14:07
firelegendI have a bunch14:07
firelegendNvidia driver 390 39614:08
firelegendAnd 41014:08
lotuspsychjefirelegend: ok tnx, wich driver is currently active?14:08
firelegendNot sure I am on the cmd14:08
firelegendNo window manager, no Gui14:08
lotuspsychjefirelegend: sudo lshw -C video to see behind driver=14:09
firelegendSays driver Nvidia14:10
firelegendAnd for the Intel graphics i91514:10
lotuspsychjefirelegend: ok, lets try to fallback to nouveau first: sudo apt purge nvidia*14:10
lotuspsychjefirelegend: reboot, and see if you can enter your system again14:11
firelegendI did fallback to it initially, but that was not what I wanted14:11
uberwagby default openvpn 2.4.4 will be installed - i cannot imagine this being a big security risk, else they would change that.. am i right?14:11
firelegendSo i blacklisted it14:11
firelegendIn blacklist. Conf14:11
uberwagi can install from source, but i rather just apt install openvpn as it then will be auto updated14:11
firelegendDamn I forgot to purge Nvidia14:14
lotuspsychjeuberwag: start from the beginning mate, what are you trying to do14:15
firelegendSounds like there's an arduous process ahead of me14:15
uberwaglotuspsychje: install latest openvpn on ubuntu 18.0414:15
lotuspsychje!latest | uberwag14:15
ubottuuberwag: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.14:15
uberwagthanks ubottu :)14:16
lotuspsychjeuberwag: we strongly advice to use package versions for your current ubuntu version14:16
lotuspsychjeuberwag: or consider !backports or snaps14:16
lotuspsychjefrad: not sure it has a reduce function, but we hear good things of inkscape14:19
firelegendlotuspsychje I am now rebooting, but considering I managed to break xorg and gdm314:20
firelegendMight not work still14:20
firelegendOh it seems to be loading I can see a cursor14:21
firelegendWell, I am stuck with the mouse cursor on a black screen, I can move the mouse, but that's about it14:22
yelowfishhi all.after extracting the zip file fr github can i use sudo make immediately or should i relocate the extracted files first?14:23
firelegendWhat now?14:23
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | firelegend try this14:23
ubottufirelegend try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:23
firelegendBTW is there a reason grub editing is so slow?14:24
kreyren@Drone done?14:26
kreyrenResending: Hey, i have a problem with overheating on my ntb https://askubuntu.com/questions/1087990/ubuntu-overheating-possible-hw-damage-defaults-to-gentoo-kernel-initramfs-to/1087991#108799114:27
kreyrenWhat is the TLDR of IRC guidelines here?14:28
lotuspsychje!guidelines | kreyren14:28
ubottukreyren: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines14:28
yelowfishmay i request assistance re driver installation ?14:29
lotuspsychje!ask | yelowfish14:29
ubottuyelowfish: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:29
firelegendLotuspsychje I managed to get in14:30
lotuspsychje!yay | firelegend14:30
ubottufirelegend: Glad you made it! :-)14:30
firelegendI see I am using llvmpipe and lightdm14:30
firelegendNow comes the harder part again14:30
firelegendGetting Nvidia up and running14:30
firelegendWith proprietary drivers14:30
lotuspsychjefirelegend: ok now on an optimus card you need an nvidia driver + nvidia-prime14:30
lotuspsychjefirelegend: i would go first for the reccomended driver ubuntu-drivers list show you14:31
kreyrenlotuspsychje: why is nvidia prime required? (have issues with Nvidia drivers on gentoo)14:31
yelowfishi did sudo make and got this : Directory nonexistent14:31
yelowfishMakefile:975: "Cannot use CONFIG_STACK_VALIDATION=y, please install libelf-dev, libelf-devel or elfutils-libelf-devel"14:31
lotuspsychjekreyren: we can only support ubuntu here mate14:31
firelegendMy idea was that I could switch between Intel graphics and Nvidia14:31
firelegendFor some power saving14:32
firelegendAs soon a si used14:32
kreyrenlotuspsychje: ikr asking for info since its related14:32
firelegendPrime-select Intel14:32
lotuspsychjefirelegend: thats possible, once you got the right nvidia driver14:32
firelegendEverything broke14:32
lotuspsychjefirelegend: falling back to nouveau was just to get us a booting system14:32
firelegendI was using 410 at that time14:32
lotuspsychjefirelegend: i would go for a lower first14:32
lotuspsychjefirelegend: 390 showup for your card?14:33
lotuspsychjefirelegend: you can also ubuntu-drivers autoinstall14:33
firelegendWell before I used 390 because at that moment there were no drivers for me, at least autoinstall did not use Nvidia drivers14:34
firelegendSo i had to manually add the Nvidia ppa14:34
firelegendAnd grab em from there14:34
firelegendAnd I had a working system for a month14:34
lotuspsychjefirelegend: thats not possible, ubuntu drivers list always shows a reccomended one (if you have nvidia)14:35
firelegendBut battery life was horrid, 30 minutes or so14:35
firelegendNot at that time for me, when I had a fresh Ubuntu install14:36
firelegendNot even i915 worked alright without going through some guides on my laptop14:36
yelowfishhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WGnPwHh9Dm/ pls advice.tnx14:37
lotuspsychjefirelegend: try ubuntu-drivers autoinstall, and see wich one it installs?14:37
firelegendIt chose the latest 41014:39
firelegendLet's hope it manages to boot later on14:39
lotuspsychjeok if its not, purge nvidia* again14:39
firelegendBeforehand when I had used prime select to use Intel, the resolution was very low instead of fhd14:44
firelegendXrandr showed only lower resolutions than native14:44
firelegendHowever I think I had better performance on the window manager and scrolling with Intel than Nvidia, for some reason14:46
firelegendAnd a 1050 is probably way faster than hd63014:46
firelegendLotuspsychje doesn't seem to want to work without nomodeset even when the drivers were installed14:50
firelegendI only heard that Ubuntu login sound, some kind of drums, and the screen is black with a small non blinking dash on the upper left corner14:50
firelegendI can access the shell with ctrl alt f3 though14:51
lotuspsychjefirelegend: is your system up to date?14:52
firelegendI was even running kernel 4.1914:52
lotuspsychje.38 kernel?14:52
lotuspsychjefirelegend: i wonder wich driver was there, before you added the ppa14:53
firelegendWell not 390 for sure14:53
firelegendBack to nomodeset and perhaps 39014:53
coconutlotuspsychje: what videocard you recommend, when there are choices for an 1060 or an 1070?14:55
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lotuspsychjecoconut: both work on ubuntu14:56
coconutok :)14:57
lotuspsychjecoconut: for hardware specific questions ask in ##hardware14:57
cryptodan_mobilecoconut: the 107014:58
BluesKajfirelegend, no guarantees when one runs a non-default kernel14:58
nodeIm stuck with Show Plymouth Boot Screen any help14:58
nodeGoogle didn't helped me14:58
lotuspsychjenode: start from the beginning please: ubuntu version, kernel version stuck at wich point with wich error14:59
firelegendBlues Kaj I guess15:01
nodeIm on ubuntu 16.04 xenial x64 kernel 4.15.0-3615:01
lotuspsychjenode: system up to date to latest?15:02
nodeYes all package are updated15:03
coconutcryptodan_mobile: i also like the 1070 more, but it comes with (possibly a lot)more heat and lower battery life under *laptops*, which is what i consider buying currently.15:03
Cheezthat is the latest kernel for 16.0415:03
Cheezusing the HWE kernels15:03
Cheezoh, this isn't the channel i thought it was, ignore me15:03
lotuspsychjenode: can you press F1 for textboot and see wich line error you got stuck exactly please?15:04
qwebirc15973hey guys im trying to install acm flight simulator on ubuntu and i get an error while compiling the game with the command make - "error : format not a string literal and no format arguments" in function VPrintPolygon, am i missing something here or whats wrong15:04
OerHeks!info acm15:05
ubottuacm (source: acm): Multi-player classic air combat simulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.0-29.1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 801 kB, installed size 1494 kB15:05
OerHeksno need to build, it is in the repos15:06
qwebirc15973oh how do i run it15:06
nodeAt "Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen"15:07
OerHeksqwebirc15973, i guess it will put an icon/starter in your menu15:07
coconutcryptodan_mobile: do you happen to know the difference between the two? (for heat and power consumption)15:08
qwebirc15973i tried sudo apt-get acm and i get E: Invalid operation acm15:08
lotuspsychjenode: can you enter desktop with a liveusb?15:09
OerHeksqwebirc15973, add 'install' .. and make sure you have universe repo enabled15:09
cryptodan_mobilecoconut: if for a lap top then a 1060. I get 2 hours on my 1070 in a powerspec 171015:11
nodeI dont have any issue using live usb15:19
cluelesspersonso, sometimes CIFS glitches out and I cannot remount a mount15:37
cluelesspersonI got a segmentation fault15:37
cluelesspersonand when I try to remount it, I get 51215:38
cluelesspersonuntil I restart15:38
cluelesspersonwondering how to "clear this out"15:38
kamurahi any one built squid from source recently?15:40
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leftyfbkamura: Not only does a survey not help you regardless of answer, compiling applications from source isn't really supported here. Why can't you just install the package available in ubuntu?15:48
rebabHello. Do you speak some Windows? Check this please. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pyWbNr5CjW/15:56
rebabWindows IRC channel is totally useless.15:56
leftyfbkamura: please do not PM15:59
kamuraok we can talk about a completely un related topic here then15:59
leftyfb!details | rebab15:59
ubotturebab: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.15:59
kamurait has nothing to do with ubuntu16:00
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leftyfbkamura: then try #ubuntu-offtopic. This is an ubuntu support channel16:00
demioyo folks16:00
demioi accidentally uninstalled the default calendar package on ubuntu16:01
kamuraI will do thanks16:01
demiohow do i get it back16:01
leftyfbdemio: reinstall it16:01
demiowhen i install GNOME Calendar it appears with broken icons16:01
demioits not in the software list16:01
demioonly GNOME Calendar16:01
demioso im kinda confused16:03
gpunkit is integrated in gnome-shell, you might need to logoff/logon16:03
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demioif i install gnome calendar and logout/login it should work?16:05
demiocause its not broken16:05
demiojust the icon16:05
psilonuxHi, how do I know if timedatctl is using the ntp-server provided by the dhcp-server on my LAN?16:10
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cariveriHi. I used to run a browser for audio in the background, when playing a game. now the browser sucks up all the cpu power, after install of ubuntu 18 coming with newer browsers.16:13
TJ-psilonux: you don't; check the log systemd-timesyncd: "systemctl status systemd-timesyncd.service"16:13
psilonuxTJ-: well, I actually just did that but journalctl tells me that timesyncd is alternating between the ntp-server from dhcp and ntp.ubuntu.com. How can I force timesyncd to only use the ntp-server from dhcp?16:15
psilonuxI read the man page, but it isnt very informative16:16
TJ-psilonux: hmmm, not sure, maybe there's an option adding ubuntu time server that can be disabled16:21
psilonuxsettings in /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf take precedence, but nothing is configured there except the defaults from compile time16:22
psilonuxmaybe ntp.uubuntu.com is compiled in default16:22
TJ-psilonux: I see that is in /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf but commented out (as a fallback)16:24
firelegendWithout nomodeset none of the display managers work16:26
firelegendNot gdm3, not lightdm16:26
TJ-psilonux: you're correct; debian/rules shows the conf flags are -Dntp-servers="$(DEFAULT_NTP_SERVERS)" and  DEFAULT_NTP_SERVERS = ntp.ubuntu.com16:26
psilonuxTJ-: that would mean that  timedatectl rotates between the compiled in default ntp.ubuntu.com and the dhcp provided one?16:28
psilonuxat least that's what comes up in the log16:29
TJ-psilonux: it would seem so; maybe if you set the fallback to nothing it'd stop the default being used?16:30
psilonuxTJ-: everything is commented out in /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf Thanks anayway, I'll try to live with it :)16:36
TJ-psilonux: I meant to set "NTP=" and  "FallbackNTP=" instead of having it commented out, in case that will override the compile-time defaults17:00
cariveriis there a way to limit a process in cpu usage?17:23
cariverior program I should say. like a browser.17:24
firelegendAlright, so how do I troubleshoot window managers not working?17:28
firelegendThe logs do not say anythinf17:29
gpunkcariveri :  look at man nice17:29
ccb0x45hey whats the difference between the radeon, amdgpu, and amdgpu-pro drivers?17:32
ducasseccb0x45: radeon = old open source driver, amdgpu = open source driver for newer gpus, amdgpu-pro = closed source driver for newer gpus17:33
ccb0x45ok, so I should be using amdgpu most likely, I had a hell of a time figure out how to get it stable on 18.1017:34
ccb0x45I had to add this to my grub: radeon.si_support=0 radeon.cik_support=0 amdgpu.si_support=1 amdgpu.cik_support=1 amd.modeset=1 amdgpu.dc=0 amdgpu.dpm=117:35
ccb0x45@ducasse, while I was troubleshooting it, for a while on 18.10 it only worked in Wayland... and I noticed Wayland felt different to me.. like smoother, but none of my electron apps worked or would show up on the dock, are electron apps just incompatible with Wayland?17:37
ducasseccb0x45: no idea, i don't use wayland and i don't use any electron apps17:44
ccb0x45ok, VS Code is acting really wonky since upgrading to 18.1017:44
ccb0x45the fonts are really weird17:44
ccb0x45slack, spotify, vs code all didnt show up for me under wayland17:45
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AuroraAvenuefinally sorted out g-mail debakle. not sure 'bout fonts though...17:49
TJ-ccb0x45: are those all snaps?18:08
ccb0x45@TJ-, I installed them from the Ubuntu Software app... not sure, how do I tell?18:12
TJ-ccb0x45: well, to me none sound like packages from thw archive but you bring up a good point; one of our volunteers raised a bug against the gnome software center package because it is impossible to know when an application comes from a snap (and consequently is NOT supported by the community nor Canonical)18:16
ccb0x45@TJ- what do you mean none sound like packages from the archive18:17
kiasanhi all18:19
TJ-ccb0x45: VS Code for example, and electron apps (isn't that a brower engine + javascript application) ?18:19
ccb0x45@TJ- yea electron apps are browser engine based18:20
ccb0x45@TJ- what did you mean not from the archive?18:20
Richard_CavellOerHeks, I was having sound trouble yesterday.  That link has not fixed my problems.18:21
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ccb0x45@TJ- its strange to me that starting in wayland doesn't even have those apps in the dock, but starting in x has them18:24
ccb0x45same with searching them in the "Applications"18:24
ccb0x45I see what you mean about snap18:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1747081 in snapd "Snap application icons do not appear with Wayland" [Undecided,New]18:27
OerHeksiirc lots of issues running chrome and apps on wayland, maybe 18.10 improved things, i am still on 18.0418:30
qwebirc7039could someone help me figure out why i can't run ubuntu without nomodeset?18:50
qwebirc7039tried using the amdgpu drivers but that didnt work18:50
qwebirc7039reinstalled a few times as well18:51
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ioriaqwebirc7039, what's your card ?18:58
ioriaqwebirc7039,  POLARIS 12  should be supported by opensource amdgpu driver19:00
ioriaqwebirc7039,  lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D'19:00
qwebirc7039VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Ellesmere [Radeon RX 470/480] (rev e7) Subsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. [MSI] Ellesmere [Radeon RX 470/480/570/580] Kernel modules: amdgpu19:01
ioriaqwebirc7039,  lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' | nc termbin.com 999919:02
ioriaqwebirc7039,  no module in use .... try this :   sudo lshw -c Video |  nc termbin.com 999919:03
ioriaqwebirc7039,  are you on a fresh install atm ?19:05
qwebirc7039well i installed a couple minutes ago and someone suggested this: "Maybe regression in the kernel. Remove amdpro driver and install latest kernel with https://github.com/teejee2008/ukuu"19:07
qwebirc7039but other than that yes19:07
ioriaqwebirc7039,  uname -r ?19:07
qwebirc7039before this i tried fedora 4.16 which worked fine until i updated to 4.1819:09
ioriaqwebirc7039,  cat /etc/default/grub  |  nc termbin.com 999919:10
ioriaqwebirc7039,  you see the line  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"    , add     iommu=soft   after ' splash  ' and run sudo update-grub19:12
qwebirc7039so restart and instead of nomodeset use iommu=soft?19:14
ioriaqwebirc7039,  that's the plan19:14
qwebirc7039k brb19:14
texlaUbuntu-Mate 18.10 How to activate numlockx at login19:15
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cyborjedii need fast distro for hp f123319:19
pagetelegramGreetings, I am new on Ubuntu, using the latest 18.x coming from WindowMaker Deb8 setup. I kinda want the wmaker installed as that is what I am use too. The reason for the switch is I needed to get stuff from snapd to work and that wasn't happening in deb8. Now that I am here I foremost need the time and day to display day, month and year as well as the time. I also need virtual desktops, I use to use wmclip just fine. If I19:20
pagetelegramcan get windowmaker setup then that would be preferred. Won't do it from sources tho as I can't have any unexpected issues; I've dealt with enough already.19:20
qwebirc98097went to black screen again once I set iommu=soft, had to add on nomodeset after it19:20
qwebirc98097but i did the update-grub19:20
pagetelegramfor 18, wmaker is no longer in the repository. it was according to online accounts for 16.19:21
ioriaqwebirc98097,  sudo modprobe -v amdgpu19:22
qwebirc98097insmod /lib/modules/4.15.0-38-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu.ko  modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'amdgpu': Invalid argument19:22
AuroraAvenuebang goes the knighthood, then. |   https://www.redhat.com/en/about/press-releases/ibm-acquire-red-hat-completely-changing-cloud-landscape-and-becoming-world19:23
ioriaqwebirc98097,  my bad, amdgpu  cannot work with nomodeset19:24
ioriaqwebirc98097,  can you reboot without 'nomodeset' and open a console when you got the black screen     ctrl+alt+f2 (or f3)  and run again the cmd  ?19:26
pagetelegramIs there a preferred route to install and change DE to Windowmaker on latest Ubuntu?19:26
ubuntulibreHi guys :) I am trying to reinstall libreoffice on my ubuntu 18 lts. I previously uninstalled it to try office alternatives but now I can't seem to download many essential packages because of libreoffice-common dependency19:26
ubuntulibrehow can I reinstall libreoffice?19:26
qwebirc98097ill try, the ctrl+alt+f2/f3 hasn't worked previously brb19:27
ioriaqwebirc98097,  you need to wait a bit19:28
ubuntulibrerelevant paste: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/b2b9rQmJPK/19:32
qwebirc8891ctrl+alt+f2/f3 doesnt work19:32
qwebirc8891sometimes there's a message right before the black screen but moves too fast to see19:32
cryptodan_mobileqwebirc8891: might want to remove the quiet splash screen from the kernel boot parameters to see the boot process19:33
ubuntulibreanyone encountered a similar problem?19:33
qwebirc8891ok ill try that19:34
Apachezlooks like IBM just aquired RedHat:  https://www.redhat.com/en/about/press-releases/ibm-acquire-red-hat-completely-changing-cloud-landscape-and-becoming-world%E2%80%99s-1-hybrid-cloud-provider19:41
qwebirc23441without nomodeset it just crashes to the black screen, with it on it just boots normally19:42
CookieMyou can always install their official build from libreoffice.org it’s pretty straightforward19:42
ubuntulibreif anyone would encounter my problem in the future: https://askubuntu.com/questions/691630/libreoffice-core-dependency-in-every-install19:42
ubuntulibregot it to work. have a nice day everyone19:42
zeedeejust upgraded to 18. samba share with windows 10 seems broken. i have seen adding "client max protocol = NT1" to smb.conf is supposed to help. this did nothing for me. any other troubleshooting tips?19:42
zeedeeor should i be in #samba?19:43
ioriaqwebirc23441, did you use that parameter when you first installed the system?19:43
qwebirc23441yes, needed to19:44
ioriaqwebirc23441, ever tried the proprietary  AMDGPU-Pro ?19:45
qwebirc23441yes, didn't work.19:45
qwebirc23441even during live cd19:46
pagetelegramgoing to restart and test out setup with xdm and wmaker installed.19:48
ioriaqwebirc23441, you can boot in Recovery mode -> root shell  and maybe get some hints from /var/log/Xorg.0.log and dmesg19:49
crmltHow could I hide the tty1 login prompt which is spawned before lightdm greeter is started on my system?19:50
qwebirc23441ill check it out19:54
backnforthHi, should I use Ubuntu 18.04 or 18.10 for gaming? I'm looking for compatibility.20:01
qwebirc42512theres red text in dmesg that says vgacon disables amdgpu kernel, dont see much besides that20:03
ioriaqwebirc42512, last thing i can suggest is   amdgpu.dc=0 instead of nomodeset and iommu20:04
pagetelegramI have another DE I just installed, (wmaker) and I want to make that the default and remove what ever the DE Ubuntu comes with. Recommendations?20:04
pagetelegramHow do I switch DE at the CLi?20:07
acresearchpeople i have installed an application that seems to be untrusted, but i still want to open it, how can i?20:08
qwebirc47873holy shit that worked20:08
qwebirc47873THANK YOU20:08
qwebirc47873pm me your info and ill venmo you 20 bucks20:09
ioriaqwebirc47873, i don't believe you :þ20:09
qwebirc47873literally spent the past 10 hours trying to figure it out20:09
qwebirc47873im serious20:09
ioriaqwebirc47873, lucky guy20:09
qwebirc47873seriously thanks that just made my day, and im serious about paypal/venmo'ing you 20 bucks20:11
ioriaqwebirc47873, no problem20:11
qwebirc47873makes me want to learn this overcomplicated piece of crap even more20:13
ioriaqwebirc47873, well, it's about amd not (yet) shipping  nice with linux that's all20:14
nickNolteanyone here knows what the /cow device is on linux?20:15
TJ-nickNolte: Copy-On-Write20:17
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nickNoltei want to change a ln -s link in /var/lib/postgres/9.6 (owner/group/permissions), but no luck20:25
nickNoltethe link points to "main" folder in same directory20:26
nickNoltethe device is specified as /cow20:26
nickNolteto be precise, it points to "main.bak" and is called "main"20:27
nickNoltesudo chmod etc gives no error, but attributes stay the same20:27
TJ-nickNolte: are you running a Live environment from ISO?20:28
nickNoltebut i can change every other file, create etc20:28
nickNoltecan even change the actual folder "main.bak"20:28
TJ-nickNolte: the basic architecture is the root file-system is squashfs, which is read-only, so it is mounted with an overlayfs so it can do copy-on-write if you make changes. Overlay is backed by RAM tmpfs I think, so it could be it is running out of free space in tmpfs, or that path is somehow otherwise protected20:30
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TJ-nickNolte: if you're trying to change an existing sym-link, you need the --force option, as in "ln -fs ..."20:31
nickNoltemust be the second one, i can merrily delete and add files on the system. postgres itself got added post-boot20:31
nickNoltei just want to change the attributes of the link20:32
nickNoltemaybe if i create it as the postgres user, that i am actually trying to change it to20:32
`whoami`Hello, is there any service that "automagically" cleans /tmp without user's consent ?  Running ubuntu 18.0420:32
joakimhi guys I'm trying to have a installscript (#!/bin/sh) to grab the os and release and then echo it to a repo.list but it fails for me, any of you you could help me?   PS: I recall something about "old" days where you could put some $release into the repo list it self20:33
TJ-nickNolte: if I recall correctly, the ownership/modes can't be changed in some circumstances20:33
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nickNolteTJ-: it's seems to be working with sudo -u postgres (..)20:37
acresearchhello people20:37
TJ-nickNolte: ahh, nice find20:37
TJ-acresearch: apparently as the link I gave you in ##linux shows, its part of the Ubuntu desktop gnome software20:38
acresearchTJ-:  i tried the chmod command nothing changed20:38
acresearchthe application i am trying to run us ToupLite   from Omax microscope20:39
TJ-acresearch: because it is owned by 'root' I suspect20:39
TJ-acresearch: so you'd neeed to do "sudo chmod ..."20:39
acresearchTJ-: yes i sudo chmod still nothing changed20:39
RobBurkeHi. Anyone knows a way of modifying the nightshift mode un 18.04? Mine turns my monitor almost completely red and I want tone it down  bit20:40
acresearchTJ-: i opened the .desktop file and i went to the source but when i execute it on its own it opens an application without any text on the GUI buttons, very strange20:40
acresearchTJ-: i think i purchased a very expensive digital microscope without the possibility of making it work on linux :-(   even though the manufacturer says it should work on linux20:41
TJ-acresearch: I don't use ubuntu/gnome desktop so I'm unfamiliar with it, but in general you probably need "sudo chmod a+x ...."20:42
TJ-acresearch: I think simply +x affects your current user, root, which already has the permissions, 'a' means 'all' which does "ugo+x"20:42
acresearchTJ-: i just tried it again, nothing changes, still cannot open it20:42
`whoami`so yeah, it seems systemd is actually cleaning tmp files... what if we actually *need* them ?20:43
TJ-acresearch: did you read the bit in that AskUbuntu answer that says "This may also appear if any of the paths in your .desktop files are malformed or do not refer to existing files or directories...."20:44
RobBurkenevermind, found it in the dconf-editor20:48
acresearchTJ-: hmmm20:52
TJ-`whoami`: the wohle point of /tmp/ is for ... temporary ... files :) I use tmpfs for /tmp20:52
TJ-acresearch: I'm lost now, sorry!20:53
TJ-acresearch: but if you're installed some 3rd party application has it installed in the system directories, or inside your $HOME directory?20:53
acresearchTJ-: https://hastebin.com/ahizaqetud.ini   this is the content, the paths are fine21:03
fasslwhat does cannot open it mean?21:05
acresearchfassl: i think it is just a broken software,     i am trying to compile another one, should i get the linux x64 or x86?21:06
TJ-acresearch: can you execute the program directly with "/usr/local/ToupLite/touplite" in a terminal shell?21:07
`whoami`TJ-: yes, but i remember when /tmp was cleaned on reboot; not while you're using them21:07
acresearchTJ-: yes, but i get a GUI without words21:08
TJ-`whoami`: well yes, it should have contents deleted on shutdown, or at startup21:08
TJ-acresearch: which means the application is broken in some way21:08
OerHeksacresearch, is it executable +x ?21:08
`whoami`it's been like 4hrs i am building, re-building and re-re-building something, which eventally failed because of systemd trying to act "smart"21:09
`whoami`(not trying to start a rant about systemd, tho... just sharing my unpleasant experience)21:09
fasslis it a script? file /usr/local/ToupLite/touplite21:09
acresearchOerHeks: yes21:09
acresearchTJ-: OerHeks  the application is called ToupLite from Omax and ToupTek, could there be an alternative for linux?21:10
TJ-`whoami`: seems like /lib/systemd/system/systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer is responsible; OnBootSec=15min and OnUnitActiveSec=1d which if they seem as obvious as they seem, suggests 15 minutes after boot and every 24 hours after service start21:11
acresearchTJ-: dam on alternative to   there is no alternative to ToupLite   :-(21:12
OerHeksacresearch, tjere are some debs on https://www.openastroproject.org/downloads/21:12
OerHeksfound on https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/272720-oacapture-100/?page=721:12
`whoami`i'd say "every 15min after boot", or their thing is bugged21:12
TJ-`whoami`: the man-page says about "--clean": "If this option is passed, all files and directories with an age parameter configured will be cleaned up."21:13
`whoami`gmbl, it's probably not a smart thing to do :(21:13
TJ-`whoami`: check the journal entries for that service, see when it is running21:13
TJ-`whoami`: here, I see it runinng after a "--Reboot--" and then every 24 hours21:14
apekattenIs there any way to remove a file from a package without breaking the system? I want to use an updated version of ZFS, but the module shipped in "linux-modules-4.15.0-38-generic" screw me over21:15
tmrolandhow can i fix software centre always getting stuck on the screen of the last viewed app ?21:15
tmrolandany button i click doesnt work21:15
TJ-apekatten: how about dpkg-divert ?21:16
`whoami`TJ-: it seems it's the /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-housekeeping process that was causing the error, actually21:16
OerHeksremove ~.cache/software-center/ and restart softwarecenter, usually fixes glitches21:16
TJ-apekatten: as in, for example, "sudo dpkg-divert --divert /path/to/file.diverted --rename /path/to/file"21:17
tmrolandcan that be avoided next time or do i have to do it each time?21:17
tmrolandcause it gets stuck each time i open it21:17
`whoami`so, not systemd. But still ... :)21:17
TJ-`whoami`: grrrr @ gnome!21:17
TJ-`whoami`: not using gnome here which must be why I've not seen that21:17
`whoami`systemd and gnome, what a combo ;p21:17
gostforestHello, I was wondering if you guys could help me install avast on ubuntu?21:17
TJ-`whoami`: and I don't think I've actually seem my files in /tmp/ go missing so I think systemd-clean is smart enough not to remove stuff I use21:18
tmrolandwell theres no cache21:18
acresearchTJ-: from this link should i choose linux x64 or x86?  i have ubuntu 18.0421:19
acresearchOerHeks: thanks i will look into them21:19
apekattenTJ-: thanks, I'll try it :)21:19
`whoami`well i'm using out-of-the-box ubuntu 18.04; seems it's not suited for devs then :/21:20
apekattenTJ-: what happens when I upgrade and there is a new kernel?21:20
OerHeksgostforest, avast gives support, but outdated. https://support.avast.com/en-eu/article/131/21:21
MrokiiHello. I've tried to switch nvidia-drivers via "Software & Updates", but for some reason the progress bar doesn't move when trying to apply the changes, at least for a few minutes. Is it normal that this takes so long?21:21
gostforestOerHeks, I tried that but it said access denied21:22
gostforestI mostly need an antivirus that i can run on ubuntu, but scans windows viruses21:23
TJ-apekatten: err, you'll need to do it again for every linux-image-* version I'm afraid. What is the actual problem you're having? Are you maintaining an out-of-package build of ZoL21:23
OerHeksgostforest, oh, that is why, EOL, dead https://www.ubuntufree.com/how-to-install-avast-on-ubuntu/ , but you can pay for server antiviral stuff21:23
TJ-acresearch: depends on your system "dpkg --print-architecture" -- if it is x86_64 then you're using 64-bit21:24
OerHeksor just install clamav and rkhunter21:24
gostforestso it says i require a company name, do i just put any old name?21:25
TJ-apekatten: why not wrap your ZoL in DKMS wrapper so it is built and installed automatically every time a new kernel is installed, and replaces the module shipped in the kernel image?21:25
apekattenTJ-: Yes , I have compiled and wish to use zfs-0.8.0, but the kernel module shipped in linux-modules-4.15.0-29-generic ruins it21:26
apekattenTJ-: I have never heard of this method, do you have a link to a tutorial or somewhere to learn more?21:26
TJ-apekatten: wrap it with DKMS. I do that a lot with various (test) module builds. source gets linked to /usr/src/<module>-<version> I add a dkms.conf file, and then "sudo dkms add <module>/<version>" and "sudo dkms install <module>/<version>"21:27
acresearchTJ-: amd6421:27
TJ-apekatten: which ubuntu release are you using? I might be able to find you an example/template21:28
TJ-acresearch: that is x86_64; 64 bit21:29
TJ-!info zfs-dkms | apekatten21:29
ubottuapekatten: zfs-dkms (source: zfs-linux): OpenZFS filesystem kernel modules for Linux. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.5-1ubuntu16.4 (bionic), package size 1353 kB, installed size 10462 kB21:29
apekattenTJ-: I'm using 18.0421:29
TJ-apekatten: you could use that as your example, copy its dkms.conf and modify the version for yours, then uninstall that zfs-linux once yours is building and installing correctly21:30
TJ-apekatten: it'll install under /usr/src/21:30
gostforestOk, I need this all to be cleared. Anyone here know of an antivirus that scans buntu for viruses and windows for viruses?21:31
apekattenTJ-: thanks! I'll try it21:31
TJ-apekatten: "man dkms" will be a great help to you :)21:32
TJ-apekatten: and "dkms status" will help enlighten you21:32
acresearchTJ-: i think i will have to use a mac or a windows for this microscope camera let me try and see, it seems it is a very bad chinease product, even their website is not that great, i am surprised omax has partnered with them21:37
gostforestok so i need to install clam av, but its not letting me21:41
gostforestforgot to sudo21:45
acresearchTJ-: i just check and the software work very well on mac, so i am concearned that they only say they provide for linux without "actually" providing a software for linux21:55
TJ-acresearch: that would not surprise me21:55
acresearchTJ-: :-(21:55
KPI42Hello everyone, Unity has been discontinued ?22:21
eviladminKPI42: in ubuntu yes22:24
eviladmindevelopment have been taken over by third party, but don't expect it to live for long22:25
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KPI42Ok, thanks :)22:50
GalactorHello! what is a good bluetooth device manager TUI?22:58
tgm4883ok, running 18.04, how can I run a command on screen rotation?22:58
AndyChow888tgm4883, xrandr --rotate22:59
tgm4883AndyChow888: I need to run a command when the screen rotates (eg. when it rotation automatically, via the accelorometer) not how to rotate the screen23:01
TJ-tgm4883: the iio-sensor-proxy package (if your system has an orientation sensor)23:02
AndyChow888tgm4883, do you really need that, or do you need to disable the screen rotation?23:02
tgm4883TJ-: I was hoping there was a way to do it without the iio-sensor-proxy, if only because it seems like there should be since the screen rotates automatically already. But I'll look into that again. (I was hoping UDEV could do it)23:03
tgm4883AndyChow888: Yes... I'm trying to fix the pen mapping to my screen when it rotates. Not disable screen rotation23:03
TJ-tgm4883: iio-sensor-proxy is the package that provides all the plumbing; it's part of gnome. which DE are you using?23:06
tgm4883TJ-: budgie, now that I'm looking at it it's already installed. I guess I should be using that :)23:07
TJ-tgm4883: test it with "monitor-sensor"23:11
tgm4883TJ-: just did, seems to be working. Now I just need to figure out how to connect this with the command I want to run23:12
tgm4883On my previous tablet, I never got it working correct. Wasn't a big deal though because it wasn't a very good tablet/pen23:12
TJ-tgm4883: usually it's a combination of udev and a call to a script the runs xrandr if X is running (not sure what you'd do for a Wayland based setup)23:13
TJ-tgm4883: if the orientation is wrong you have to add a matrix to udev's 60-sensor.hwdb. I had to do that for my Asus T300CHI23:14
tgm4883TJ-: the orientation isn't wrong per se, it's the pen orientation that is wrong when the screen rotates (the pen mapping doesn't rotate)23:22
AndyChow888You can probably create a service that is triggered when the rotation happens, and rotates the pen orientation. But that's batteries not included type of hack.23:24
tgm4883AndyChow888: I feel like that's what I had done on my previous tablet. IIRC wrote output of monitor-sensors to a file, watched that file for certain text and then ran a command based on that. But it was really hacky23:25
AndyChow888You can make a sd-event. works on events, instead of timer.23:28

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