[01:20] hi, i am using xubuntu and the window limit to resize it is just of 1 pixel !! if i move of 1 pixel, i dont success to grab the window [01:20] how to enlarge it to 3-5 pixels ? === Prest0o is now known as Guest31288 === Guest68609 is now known as Prest0o === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [09:55] hi, im trying to install an xubuntu here, and it says "no space lef on device" its compleetelly frezzed, next line its : processing trigger for shared_mime [09:56] _pacckages bus its there since quite some time already [09:56] but [09:59] the machine has enogh space on disk gb of ram 4ghz * 8 core dont know... [09:59] How much space on the disk? [09:59] duno 500 bg [09:59] gb [09:59] And is that just the one partition? [10:00] i have 1 tera disk now doing a second partition to, รง [10:01] i have a windows but wated to use a diferent shell... seem like its goin to be expensive... jajja [10:01] wanted [10:02] ill restart it, it as like 2 hours now installing.... think it will not recover [10:03] it moves!!! ill give it a chance... jajaj [20:55] Hello can someone help me i installed xubuntu new on macbook pro [20:56] ? [21:00] Good on you! \o/ [21:00] HEy [21:45] I'm trying to make a shell script into a panel launcher. Looks to be firing off, but it's not working. THe command is sshfs remote_dir local_dir, and I am prompted for a password. The corresponding fusermount -u local_dir is working fine