[00:53] valorie- thank you for the SDDM [00:55] Okay, what if it says that SDDM service is not loaded [00:56] Someone mentioned editing that file manually, how do I go about locating it in the directory structure? [00:59] The reason I ask is that I'm in the X11 directory and I don't see anything called xorg.conf [01:03] Hidden files is checked off [01:04] Err, I mean it's ticked so that they show [01:17] And when I try with gedit I get this error in the term [01:17] ** (gedit:4957): WARNING **: 19:16:51.311: Set document metadata failed: Setting attribute metadata::gedit-encoding not supported [01:20] Well, I don't know how or why [01:20] But after I rebooted the mouse works now [01:20] So I'm going to go offer a sacrifice to the Linux gods and just be thankful [01:21] Thanks for the help guys === huggabean is now known as hellabean [02:18] Hi, anyone know in kmail, if its possible to convert an IMAP account to local-offline after the remote server has disappeared? [02:21] somekool: that sounds like a question for the kmail team -- try in #kontact I think [02:21] oh, they have #kmail [02:22] #kontact has lots more people though [02:24] Hello. Can someobdy in here help me to use grub-install properly in a non-booting system? I started via a live-cd and used chroot, but I get an error message when using grub-install [02:29] !grub [02:29] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [02:29] some useful bits there, Mrokii [02:29] !chroot [02:29] A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot [02:29] for how to set that up properly [02:33] valorie: Thanks I'll see if there's something in there that can help me. [02:34] I've chrooted in once to fix grub and did it, so it's possible! [02:34] relying on those links [02:46] valorie: Do you know what I have to use for "arch" in the "sudo debootstrap"-line with an AMD-CPU? [02:46] hmmm [02:46] maybe all [02:46] but I'd ask in #ubuntu [02:46] bigger channel and more chance of finding an expert [02:48] I had asked there, but nobody answered. :-( [02:49] boo [02:52] Okay, I'm installing a basic system as described now. I have tried "amd64" as arch, though I'm not sure if that's correct. [02:53] it either works or it doesn't [02:53] amd64 is an arch for sure [02:53] and most of us run it these days [03:06] I think I followed the instructiions for chroot, but when I try "sudo update-grub" I get "grub-probe: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?)" [03:18] valorie: Not sure if my last message went through. For some reason I got disconnected. I followed the instructiions, but I wasn't able to actually exeute install-grub or whatever the command was. I am currently rebooting and will try it once more. [03:18] best of luck [03:18] valorie: Thanks. If that fails I have no clue what to do, besides reinstalling the system. [03:19] reinstalling is easy, so that's a good fallback [03:19] do you have good backups? [03:22] valorie: Nope. But "home" is on a different partition, so I guess all I would need would be the repos I added manually. Although I'll need to reinstall all kinds of apps then. [03:22] true [03:23] and that can be a bit of a pain, for sure [03:23] you tried "update-grub" too? [03:24] Yeah, but it didn't work. Gave me an error message. [03:27] something is bad, for sure [03:27] I hate messing with grub [03:27] one time, I got the bug where grub was created, but *on the USB* [03:28] so it would boot, but only if I kept the USB plugged in [03:28] That's weird. [03:28] gosh, super-old bug, but it happens seldom, so nobody has been able to figure out how to fix [03:29] yeah, that was bizarro [03:29] I *think* I had the problem I am facing now a long time for the first time. But I can't remember what I did back then. [03:29] to fix I had to use *another* USB to get a live session to chroot from [03:29] crazy [03:31] sounds so, yes [03:32] I think I see the problem here... The instructions do not say anything about mounting the failed hd... [03:32] ah [03:32] you do have to mount the partition to make it writable [03:33] I have to mount it *within* the chroot-environment? [03:33] I would think so [03:34] that's why it's so hair-raising -- you have to figure out where your failed install is, and where grub should be [03:34] ugh [03:34] I'm just not good with that stuff [03:34] anything but intuitive [03:36] *sigh* doesn't work. I get "cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?)" [03:36] I have linked dev outside of chroot as suggested with other diretories in the tutorial. [03:37] I really wish someone expert would speak up === ichoquo0Aigh9ie is now known as jalcine === jalcine is now known as jacky [07:02] What is the difference between kontact and kdepim? [07:03] kontact's an app that's part of the KDEPIM suite (PIM = Personal Information Management) [07:03] https://community.kde.org/KDE_PIM for more info [07:04] Do you know the name of the debug package. I have been looking for kontact-dbg but it would be kdepin-dbg instead? [07:05] hold on, I'll get that for you [07:05] kontact-dbgsym [07:06] also see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages [07:06] as you will need to enable an extra repo for them [07:07] oooh [07:07] I didn't know that part [07:07] thanks ackeronuk [07:07] I was just getting to that :) [07:25] valorie: I guess I'll give up on the issue. I've tried reconfiguring grub, nomodeset-server option and checked the bios. No clue what else I could look for. [07:25] So I guess I'll do a backup and the reinstall Ubuntu on the System partition. [09:42] I have an HD with two partitions (home and system/boot). Is it possible to use the installer from the live-disk to install a fresh Ubuntu-system while also pointing it to the existing home-folder? [09:53] Mrokii: Yes [09:54] Mrokii: if you choose manual partitioning you can point /home to an existing partition and *not* format it [09:54] as long as you use the same username etc for the new install, it should work just fine [09:56] hateball: Thank you. [10:01] hateball: I guess it would be best to chose that disk containing the two partitions for boot loader installation, right? [10:24] Mrokii: well where do you have it now? [10:25] hateball: I can't really remember, as it was too long ago. I have a suspicion that it was on one of the older disks. But I went with installing the boot loader on the disk with the two partitions I'm using and it worked fine. The system is already up and running. [10:36] Mrokii: great! :D [10:37] hateball: Yeah, I feared it would be a lot more work. But the apps seem to recognize all my preferences without problems, so it's just a matter of adding repos and installing apps. [10:39] Mrokii: yea as long as the username and id matches it should be fine [10:39] Seems so, indeed. [11:01] Hi all [11:16] hi there! i run into this issue: i clicked (2-4 times) on the plasma menu icon and now it is frozen. anyone can help me in solving this issue? thank you [11:17] Atahuakpa: probably you need to restart plasmashell [11:17] Atahuakpa: kquitapp plasmashell && kstart plasmashell [11:17] hateball: i will try that command. === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [12:34] good news or bad news ...you decide.... https://www.businessinsider.com/ibm-is-reportedly-nearing-a-deal-to-acquire-redhat-the-software-company-valued-at-20-billion-2018-10 [12:36] hateball: thank you for your help [12:37] Atahuakpa: it worked? [12:38] hateball: yes :) [12:38] Atahuakpa: Very good :) [12:38] hateball: i think that's a bug. [12:39] yep, you can help by filing a report if you like [12:39] !bug [12:39] If you find a bug in Kubuntu, please follow the instructions at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting to report the issue to the developers. === Pici` is now known as Pici === himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf [16:26] is kubuntu faster than ubuntu [16:37] I have a strange issue that I've never come across before with Wine [16:37] It appears on screen as a small sliver [16:37] I can't maximize or close it [16:37] KUbuntu 18.04 [16:38] Actually I can't even move the sliver of a window [16:39] balsaq- I don't think that it's faster [16:53] I got wine running, nvm my previous [17:30] How can I enable to global menubars in 18.10? [17:32] Take a look at this http://fasterland.net/activate-global-menu-kde-plasma-5-9.html [17:35] Quantos: Thank you! :) Though it was even easier. No need to go to the system settings, after adding the panel it works. :) [17:35] I'm glad that I could be of service [17:35] You were. :) [17:35] Heee [17:41] -afk- [17:45] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/axEElpmr/file_10616.jpg Not appear for me on kubuntu 18.04 [18:27] KDE 5.x need fix inconsistency on icon of cursor using Spotify [18:27] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/DCaUmomv/file_10617.jpg [18:27] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/7iQorSAN/file_10618.jpg [18:53] I don't see an issue in Plasma 5. I think it's a Spotify thing. [20:47] I've got a question about removing a repository from KUbuntu 18.04 [20:48] I was trying to install my mouse and VBox earlier and I have a couple of repositories that apparently don't exist anymore [20:48] I get an error when I open discover [20:49] Not sure how to get it so you can see it, it vanishes before I can take a screen shot === mpmc_znc is now known as mpmc [20:53] I found it [20:53] once again I asked too soon, please ignore my previous [20:55] :) === wodencafe is now known as wodencafenvy [22:48] Hi all [22:48] How to upgrade from 17.10 to 18.x? [22:48] to 18.04 [22:49] ** Open the "Software & Updates" Setting in System Settings. [22:49] I cannot find this [22:49] from here: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes [22:55] Ah, nevermind [22:55] I didn't have update-manager installed [23:17] ha, everyone solves their own problems [23:17] I do that -- as soon as I'm desperate, I ask here -- and just asking the right question often leads me to the correct solution [23:18] so never feel a dunce by asking! === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [23:36] valorie: yeah, it's rubber ducking effect [23:36] exactly! [23:36] :D