
zap0hi, i have a netbook  running 18.04  i read somewhere i could do:  sudo do-release-upgrade07:42
zap0i tried that, and it said there is no new07:42
zap0is this not how it's done?07:42
lynorianzap0 18.04 to 18.10 can be quite a wierd job and is not officialy supported since 18.10 uses lxqt and 18.04 is still the gtk2 lxde07:44
lynorianwell 18.04 is lts so you have to tell it to check for every new version07:44
zap0ah ok.07:44
lynorianhttps://manual.lubuntu.me/D/upgrading.html is if you really want to go through with this07:45
zap0as long as i update regularly is there really any reasons to upgrade to 18.10 then?07:45
lynoriando you want to use LXQt07:45
lynorianover LXDE07:46
zap0i have no need for that.07:46
lynorianthen 18.04 probably makes more sense for that case07:46
zap0ok. thank you.   appreciate the sage advice.07:47
onlaHey. I am trying to find how I am running ibus anthy automatically on boot. I have lubuntu 14.04 (sys v init I guess) and i3 window manager. For example where are the files that are added originally from Open System > Preferences > Startup Applications11:12
onlaor similar11:12
YohkiiHey I get some random stutters in my video playback with mpv on Lubuntu 18.10 with Intel HD Graphics 5500 GPU. Any idea how to troubleshoot this?11:45
leszekYohkii: I am suprised it is only a video problem. Usually on modern intel gpus nothing works as expected anymore11:46
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> Unfortunately it's a problem affecting all variants of 18.1011:46
leszekThe intel driver is utter crap and modesettings breaks here and there aswell11:46
YohkiiThe strange thing is I can play the same bit of video twice and the stutter only happens the first time11:46
leszekso up until sandy bridge (Intel HD3000) you can use the intel driver everything after it and it runs like ......11:47
leszekYohkii: try another backend maybe for the video acceleration11:47
leszekmpv should use opengl by default I suppose. Try vaapi if available or even the old xv11:47
Yohkiitried both vaapi and xv, takes a bit longer to stutter but still happens11:48
YohkiiThe console don't really report anyhing when it happens, it just seems to count two/three seconds really fast all of a sudden11:48
YohkiiCPU reports >10% usage on all cores too, so I just don't get it11:49
leszekok thats weird then. Does it happen with another video player like vlc aswell?11:49
YohkiiSame thing with vlc11:50
YohkiiI'll try some different output optins in VLC, I guess11:51
leszekYohkii: otherwise also install inxi and give me the output of inxi -G11:53
YohkiiGraphics:  Device-1: Intel HD Graphics 5500 driver: i915 v: kernel11:53
Yohkii           Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.1 driver: modesetting unloaded: fbdev,vesa11:53
Yohkii           resolution: 1920x1080~60Hz11:53
Yohkii           OpenGL: renderer: Mesa DRI Intel HD Graphics 5500 (Broadwell GT2) v: 4.5 Mesa 18.2.211:53
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> Configure vlc to use X11 output video12:06
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> Disable system effects12:06
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> Install Oibaf newest xorg and Mesa drivers12:07
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> For me get a little better12:07
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> But things are really bad with gnome12:08
YohkiiThanks, I'll try that12:09
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> There are some tutorials to enable dri3 on Intel HD graphics12:11
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> Some cases help too12:11
YohkiiNow only audio output is jumpy, and less often...13:11
lubotverywellfandango was added by: verywellfandango15:42
wxljust saying hi?16:38
WickI need help16:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:40
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/16:41
WickI'm in lubuntu 18.10 and I'm forced to start telegram via Terminal, because in the menu it does not appear to me, how can I solve it? I have already tried to uninstall and reinstall but I have not solved it.16:42
wxlhow did you install it?16:43
Wicksudo apt-get install telegram16:43
wxlyou mean telegram-desktop?16:44
Wickor sudo apt-get install telegram-desktop16:44
WickYes telegram-desktop16:44
wxlif that installed correctly you should have a /usr/share/applications/telegramdesktop.desktop16:44
WickPermission denided16:45
Wickdenied *16:45
wxlpermission denied doing what?16:46
WickI tried to search /usr/share/applications/telegramdesktop.desktop in the terminal, but it tells me permission denied16:46
wxlyeah i can't reprorudce that behavior16:52
wxlhow did you try to search?16:53
Wickby writing to the /usr/share/applications/telegramdesktop.desktop terminal16:55
wxlyou mean you entered in:16:56
wxland hit enter?16:56
wxlapparently you're not familiar with the terminal, as that does not search, but attempts to execute it16:56
wxlyou can use the `cat` command before it to list its contents16:57
Wick[Desktop Entry]17:06
WickName=Telegram Desktop17:06
WickComment=Official desktop version of Telegram messaging app17:06
WickExec=telegram-desktop -- %u17:06
wxlWick: it has no "Category" key?17:33
wxlCatgories, that is17:34
wxlhere's the file from debian, which should be consistent with ubuntu https://salsa.debian.org/debian/telegram-desktop/blob/debian/master/lib/xdg/telegramdesktop.desktop17:35
wxlwith the Network category, it should end up in network17:36
Wickit is identical17:37
wxlbased on the version number, it doesn't seem ubuntu has made any changes to the debian package17:37
wxlso look in the "Internet" category17:38
Wickthere is not...17:39
wxleven across reboots?17:39
wxlworks for me17:42
wxlin a terminal do `ls -al /usr/share/applications/telegramdesktop.desktop | awk '{print $1, $3, $4}'`17:43
wxlwhat do you get from that?17:43
Wick-rw-r--r-- root root17:46
wxland that all looks good17:47
lubot<bonacin91> whats minimum space required for 18.10?17:48
lubot<bonacin91> for VM17:48
wxlwe don't really publish minimums but 8gb should be sufficient17:49
lubot<bonacin91> no no I meant space17:50
wxldisk space, right?17:50
lubot<bonacin91> ye !17:50
wxlthat's the question i responded to17:50
lubot<bonacin91> you did17:51
lubot<bonacin91> thansk17:51
wxlWick: does `desktop-file-validate /usr/share/applications/telegramdesktop.desktop` return anything?17:51
wxl3 times now i have installed the telegram-desktop deb package. each time it immediately adds the "Telegram Desktop" entry in the "Internet" category between "Quassel IRC" and "Trojitá." each time, i purged it and it was immediately removed.17:54
wxlis it possible you installed the snap package instead?17:55
WickI do not think I installed telegram with sudo apt-get install telegram-desktop17:57
wxlhow did you install it?17:57
wxlthen you either did that or you installed the snap package17:58
Wickthat i remember no...17:59
wxlwhich would generally involve you using the snap command rather than apt17:59
wxlare you saying you don't remember/17:59
WickRemember to have installed telegram only through the command: sudo apt-get install telegram-desktop18:00
wxlif that's the case, i have repeated the same exact behavior and it works fine for me18:00
wxlat least on 18.1018:00
Wickum ... then are you done to completely remove telegram-desktop from Lubuntu? I reinstall it maybe I "appears"18:02
wxli'm having trouble understanding you but to completely remove it and all dependencies you would do:18:03
wxlsudo apt purge telegram-desktop18:03
wxlsudo apt autoremove18:03
Wicknow reinstall telegram ?18:05
wxlagain, i did an install and then that 3 times over and each time it did what it was supposed to18:05
wxlif your intention is to uninstall and reinstall, then yes, you would `sudo apt install telegram-desktop`18:05
Wickthere is not telegram on Internet >_<18:07
wxlare you sure you have 18.10?18:08
wxl`lsb_release -r` should tell you18:08
wxlalso it might be interesting to see what `apt-cache policy telegram-desktop` tells you.18:08
Wickyes 'im sure 18.1018:13
wxlis it a fresh install or an upgrade?18:13
wxland you're sure this is lubuntu? XD18:13
WickHahahahahaha,  yes lubuntu 18.1018:14
wxlfresh install or upgrade?18:14
Wickfresh install18:15
wxlyeah i'm at a loss18:15
wxleverything looks normal from what i can tell18:15
wxla bug that can't be reproduced is, sadly, an unfixable bug :/18:16
wxltry copying that .desktop file to your Desktop folder18:16
wxlyou might be able to double click it there18:16
wxlalternately move it to ~/.local/share/applications, though i bet you'll have to chown it to your ownership18:17
WickTelegram is not on the desktop,18:18
wxlcopy it there18:19
Wicklaunch 'telegram-desktop' on terminal18:19
Wickwhat should i copy ?18:21
Wicksorry >_<18:21
wxlcopy the file18:22
apt-ghettocat /usr/share/applications/telegramdesktop.desktop > ~/.local/share/applications18:22
wxlpaste the file in your desktop folder18:22
apt-ghettothen you do not have to change any permissions18:22
Wicktells me /home/name/.local/share/applications: it's a directory18:24
apt-ghettosorry: `cat /usr/share/applications/telegramdesktop.desktop >18:27
apt-ghetto             ~/.local/share/applications/telegramdesktop.desktop`18:27
Wickok wxl, done18:30
wxlwhich is done?18:30
Wicki copied telegram to the desktop18:30
wxlso if you did everything i showed in that video, you should just be able to use it.. as i showed in the video18:30
Wickyes i can use it18:31
wxlwell we didn't solve the problem of getting the menu item to work, but at least you don't have to use the terminal to launch it18:32
Wickyes.... thank :D18:33
Wickthanks again! see you next time, bye bye18:34
wxltake care18:34
Wicki will learn18:35
=== saptech_ is now known as saptech
sappheirosCan you get the video at https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/9smwye/little_brother_tried_to_impress_me/?st=jnw9157w&sh=aa8bc55c to load? Should I report this as a bug?21:34
sappheirosEven if I select 240p, the video image stops moving, while the playback status bar progresses as if the video is playing -- it's acting like the video's too much for this computer to handle, but the CPU and memory I'm sure are not maxed out ...21:35
sappheiros... no, actually the CPU shows max in ctrl+alt+del window21:35
sappheiros(with the 2 GB RAM ~75% full)21:36
sappheiroswhen i close that video the CPU drops back down to ~30% (1.6 GHz CPU I think). so it seems that video maxes out the CPU and fails to render properly. is this a 1.6 GHz limitation? or should it be working?21:36
sappheiros(1.66 GHz)21:37
sappheiros(Intel T2300)21:37
lubot<HMollerCl> in chromium worked for me22:13
lubot<HMollerCl> remember that hw acceleration is not available in firefox nor chromium in linux22:16
lubot<HMollerCl> you could try to get the video url (in this case https://v.redd.it/3ubh991b4bv11/HLSPlaylist.m3u8 ) and play it in vlc which has hw acceleration22:17

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