
didrocksgood morning07:16
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:19
didrockssalut oSoMoN, ça va ?07:21
oSoMoNdidrocks, ça va, et toi?07:24
oSoMoNil a plu toute la nuit et il continue à pleuvoir fort, je me prépare à affronter les éléments pour aller à l’école…07:25
didrocksoSoMoN: à part les acouphènes, ça va. La pluie est passée ici (c'était ce week-end et lundi)07:26
jibelGood morning07:56
seb128good morning desktopers08:41
didrockssalut seb12808:42
seb128lut didrocks, en forme ?08:42
seb128I saw a long discussion on #ubuntu-devel yesterday about the overlay for the iso, was there any useful outcome?08:42
didrocksseb128: yeah, at least, we know what can or cannot be done08:44
seb128so what can be done? ;)08:44
didrocksmeaning: some of the really niceness we could have get from the layer approach isn't feasable in how it's implemented, sadely :/08:44
seb128I wonder if we should start collecting those notes in a shared document08:44
seb128or maybe that ends up in the blueprint/spec08:44
didrocksright now it's some notes on a text file in my disk08:45
didrocksmy goal was to put that in the blueprint itself08:45
didrocksless volatile than a google doc somewhere IMHO08:45
didrocksI have diagrams btw08:45
seb128sounds good08:48
didrockshey Laney09:04
seb128hey willcooke Laney, how is u.k today?09:10
willcookeseb128, it's sunny but zero degrees09:14
seb128same here, cold & sunny09:15
seb128which is much better than yesterday's cold&rainy09:15
Laneyhey didrocks seb128 willcooke 🧟 🧠 🧛 🎃09:19
=== Class7_ is now known as Class7
=== caravena_ is now known as caravena
andyrockseb128: thx for the reviews :)11:38
seb128andyrock, np!11:39
seb128does anyone can hint me on how to easily tweak/Edit a patch with gbp pq?14:17
seb128like give me a branch with the diff applied when I can hack and do a refresh14:18
xnoxgbp pq import --force; git rebase -i, select a thing to edit, edit; gbp pq export14:19
xnoxseb128, is a `general recipe`14:19
seb128xnox, I tried that (thx to google) but rebase -i coplains about having no info about the current branch14:20
* xnox ponders which branch you are on14:20
seb128$ git rebase -i14:20
seb128There is no tracking information for the current branch.14:20
seb128Please specify which branch you want to rebase against.14:20
xnoxseb128, ah14:21
seb128* patch-queue/ubuntu/bionic14:21
seb128so that one?14:21
xnoxseb128, git rebase -i <committish> =) sorry, you need to do something like $ git rebase -i HEAD^^^^ -> to rebase the last four patches.14:21
xnoxor like do $ git log14:21
xnoxto look up the commit id, before the one you want to tweak.14:21
seb128k, thx14:22
* xnox hopes above makes sense.14:22
Laneyfor a non-pushed branch like this one I'd just give the original branch name (ubuntu/bionic)14:22
Laneydoesn't matter if you rebase "too much" in this case14:22
* xnox likes Laney's comment too14:22
LaneyTIL rebase -i with no branch though14:23
seb128I need to learn more git14:24
seb128that was a fail14:27
seb128export doesn't include my changes ^^14:27
seb128was "git rebase --abort" maybe not the right way to end the rebasing?14:27
Laneynope, --continue after amending the commit14:27
seb128Laney, xnox, thx, I managed to do it14:31
seb128never used rebase -i, I first started by deleting all the line I was not interested in and changing a "pick" to "edit", that didn't work great14:31
seb128it eventually worked by keeping the other line and just changing the line I was interested in14:31
Laneyit's like "do these actions on top of the base I chose"14:32
Laneyso if you delete a pick, it is lost14:32
Laneythat is actually useful to do intentionally sometimes of course14:33
Laneyin patch-queue terms it means dropping this patch14:33
seb128k, I understand now, thx :)14:34
jdstrandseb128: fyi, will be uploading a fix for the thumbnailer bug today14:36
jdstrand(sprint last week, off last two days)14:36
seb128jdstrand, hey, I did for cosmic yesterday since you were not around and I think my change makes sense, let me know if that looks wrong though, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/395375642/evince_3.30.1-1ubuntu1_3.30.1-1ubuntu1.1.diff.gz14:37
jdstrandseb128: I wanted to use: owner /tmp/{,.}gnome{_,-}desktop{_,-}-thumbnailer.* w,14:39
jdstrandseb128: since I've seen _ used elsewhere14:39
jdstrandit was probably a gnome-desktop change, but the above rule is forward and backward compatible14:39
seb128jdstrand, cf my comment on the bug / https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-desktop/blob/master/libgnome-desktop/gnome-desktop-thumbnail-script.c#L73014:39
jdstrandI gotta run atm though. I'll read backscroll14:40
seb128jdstrand, the different is bubblewrap codepath or not I think14:40
seb128jdstrand, but if you want to replaced my upload with yours wfm14:40
seb128jdstrand, thx14:40
andyrockfinally fixed the crash with 'gnome-shell --replace' \o/14:55
andyrockwell at least proposed a fix14:55
seb128andyrock, so I found a problem with livepatch notification, I wanted to look at fixing it today but looks like I'm not going to be able to squeeze that14:57
seb128I did upload fixes for update-managers/g-i-s/etc though14:57
andyrockseb128: what problem?14:58
seb128andyrock, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/180086215:00
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1800862 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "Doesn't communicate about applied livepatch on start" [Undecided,New]15:00
andyrockseb128: mmm I'm not sure canonical-livepatch daemon deletes the status file if no patch is applied15:01
seb128andyrock, ?15:02
andyrockseb128: that means that once the file is there it's going to stay there, even if there is no patch applied15:02
seb128the problem is rather that if you have an update, the status is updated on boot/when system gets online15:02
seb128so the event happens before update-notifier is loaded15:02
seb128(maybe before user login)15:02
seb128so you don't get the notification15:03
andyrockseb128: I see the problem but checking for the file when update-notifier starts it's going to create other issues15:03
seb128would make sense to notification if the status had some applied?15:03
seb128whcih one?15:03
andyrockseb128: imagine this scenario15:03
andyrock1) you get a livepatch update15:03
andyrock2) lp daemon creates a status file15:04
andyrock3) update-notifier shows a notification15:04
andyrock4) you update the kernel15:04
andyrock5) now no lp patch is applied but the file is still there15:04
andyrock6) on next reboot update-notifier will show a notification even if no patch is applied15:05
seb128the lp is applied no?15:05
seb128until you reboot you are on the pre-update kernel no?15:05
andyrockonce you reboot you get a new kernel, no lp patches15:06
andyrockthere is no point in showing a notification15:06
seb128that's already an issue today no?15:06
seb128I see15:06
seb128I would argue that that status file should be deleted on boot15:06
seb128but are you sure it's going to be there wrong?15:07
andyrockseb128: that or we need a serial number15:07
seb128on next boot, lp refresh should happen15:07
seb128and the status should be "no update"15:07
seb128and not "applied <n>"15:07
andyrockin theory yes, but for the moment it's just used to notify applied patches15:07
andyrockwe need to fix canonical-livepatch15:07
seb128we could compare timestamp of the status and of the boot15:08
seb128and notify on start if status is newer than boot?15:08
seb128like compare age to uptime15:09
andyrockthat too, we just need to make sure that the squashfs thing does not mess up with timestamps15:09
seb128the status in /var, that's not in a squashfs no?15:09
andyrockah yeah so we're saafe15:12
andyrockyeah that would work15:12
seb128andyrock, I commented on the bug15:14
andyrockseb128: I'll add it to my todo list15:16
seb128andyrock, thx, if you are too busy I can have a look next week15:16
seb128but I'm off tomorrow and friday15:16
andyrocktomorrow is national holiday for me too15:16
andyrockI'll add a trello card15:16
seb128enjoy the day off :)15:17
seb128k, desktopers, I'm going to call it a day in 10 min or so, driving for the w.e.  I might checkout emails later/tomorrow morning but otherwise I'm off until monday16:23
seb128good luck for those who work those days, enjoy those who have days off, swaps, etc16:23
Laneyhave fun!16:25
seb128thx, you too16:34
caravenaTrevinho: Hello, please review: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1799994 (For GDM3)16:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1799994 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "Xorg loads, no display on nvidia 390.77-0ubuntu0.18.04.1" [Undecided,New]16:38
caravena¿Bug in gdm3?16:41
oSoMoNricotz, FYI, I'm going to create disco bzr branches for firefox17:23
willcookeI'm off, night out tonight \o/17:26
willcookenight all17:26

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