
=== balkamos_ is now known as balkamos
seb128rbasak, hey, could you have a look to the bolt SRU to bionic if you do SRU reviews today? it's needed to unblock the fwdup SRU and also fix some regression from the previous SRU09:10
dokojamespage: please could you have a look at the openvswitch ftbfs in disco on amd64? blocking the python3.7 transition09:11
seb128rbasak, oh, also yaru-theme to cosmic if you can, we want to get that one out of the way to be able to follow with another SRU with other changes which we preferred to not bundle with the fixes09:11
jamespagedoko: ah the notoriously racey under load test suite of ovs09:19
jamespagedoko: have you tried a rebuild?09:19
dokotsimonq2, xnox: please could you have a look at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/395331465/buildlog_ubuntu-disco-i386.ecflow_4.10.0-2ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz ?09:36
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seb128bdmurray, hey, I commented on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/1790609/comments/3 , let me know if that makes sense/is good enough12:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1790609 in evince (Ubuntu Bionic) "Update evince to 3.28.4" [Medium,New]12:56
rbasakDoes anyone know why debian-goodies is in server-ship? We're considering dropping it.13:43
rbasakWhat does "Task-Key" at the top of a seed that is also a task actually mean? Is that defined anywhere?14:01
cjwatsonrbasak: It turns into a Key field in the task that's generated by ubuntu-seeds.pl in the tasksel source package; Key is defined in tasksel/README, and indicates that if the key packages aren't available then the task won't be shown14:05
rbasakcjwatson: thanks! The server seed lists screen (only) as key. I guess we'll need to change that if we drop screen (in favour of tmux) from there then.14:06
rbasakahasenack: FYI: ^14:06
cjwatsonrbasak: I expect so.  Somebody should also do 'rm -rf ubuntu-tasks && make ubuntu-tasks' (IIRC) in tasksel and upload it, if you do.14:11
rbasakack, thanks14:12
bdmurrayseb128: While the upstream issue says it will be fixed in gs 9.24 there isn't any indication in the gs changelog that the specific issue was fixed and the upstream security bug is still private hence my concern.14:35
seb128bdmurray, well, even if it was not fixed, the current package has that option on so the SRU is not a change of behaviour or a regression14:35
seb128bdmurray, also we have apparmor protection around the thumbnailer as a second safety14:36
seb128mdeslaur, jdstrand, ^ maybe you can weight in on whether it's fine to keep the evince ps code enable (see comments on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/1790609)14:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1790609 in evince (Ubuntu Bionic) "Update evince to 3.28.4" [Medium,New]14:37
mdeslaurdepends if people still want to read postscript documents or not14:40
mdeslaurI'm comment in the bug14:40
mdeslaurseb128: commented14:47
bdmurraymdeslaur: ack, thanks14:50
seb128mdeslaur, thx14:51
seb128bdmurray, mdeslaur, oh, and again in case it's not clear, we don't "re-enable ps" in Ubuntu, ps is enabled and was never turned off for us, that's a new default from the upstream update from that SRU which we didn't follow14:52
seb128so we don't create any extra risk compared to what is today in cosmic14:52
mdeslauryes, but we're manually re-enabling something that upstream decided shouldn't be turned on14:54
mdeslaurwhich I'm sure someone will tweet about at some point14:55
seb128let's see if upstream keep it this way14:56
seb128they turned if off "until ghostscript is fixed"14:56
seb128but yeah, it's not ideal14:56
seb128it's one of those case or whether your desktop is useful or it's secure :p14:56
dokoLocutusOfBorg: could you prepare a new virtualbox for disco?15:28
dupondjemmm, shim-signed 1.37~18.04.2+15+1533136590.3beb971-0ubuntu1 might introduce some regression ...16:05
dupondje"Could not delete variable: No space left on device"16:05
dupondjereboot, downgrade to, and no errors16:05
dupondjeis that a bug on grub/shim? Then i'll report16:08
sil2100rbasak: hey! You done with your SRU work for today?16:18
rbasaksil2100: not yet. I've had a few interrupts. I expect to get back to it in about twenty minutes.16:19
rbasaksil2100: but please don't hold back the queue is rather long :)16:20
rbasakI'll let you know what I'm taking to avoid duplicate work.16:20
seb128rbasak, did you see my ping in the morning about reviewing bolt (bionic)16:22
rbasakseb128: I did. I'll try to get to it today (I was doing releases first)16:23
sil2100rbasak: thanks! ;)16:26
seb128rbasak, k, thx, I'm dropping off IRC/travelling but I'm going to look at the bug later in question there is any question16:32
rbasaksil2100: looking at releasing parted, virt-manager, postfix, apache2 and exim4 in Bionic.16:33
rbasaksil2100, vorlon: it's not clear to me whether to force-badtest usdisk2 for parted or what :-/16:40
rbasaksil2100: looking at the Xenial queue now.17:15
rbasaksil2100: now on the Bionic queue (I'm skipping the feature work in the Xenial queue as they tend to take a long time to review and I'll be EOD soon)17:27
rbasakdoko: could you help with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/anki/+bug/1762593/comments/11 please?17:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1762593 in anki (Ubuntu Bionic) "anki crashed with ModuleNotFoundError in /usr/share/anki/anki/mpv.py: No module named 'distutils.spawn'" [High,Incomplete]17:34
LocutusOfBorgdoko, yes17:51
sil2100rbasak: ok, thanks! I'll be releasing the python packages for cosmic as I have confirmed they're good to go18:00
rbasaksil2100: I'm EOD now. I flagged a possible issue in my review for bolt, but it's incomplete. Notes in the bug. If you're able to take over, please do.18:06
rbasak(I see no reason to stay late to fix that as I think I need an answer before being able to accept)18:06
dokorbasak: yes, once the archive is open18:12
mwhudsoner update_excuses appears to be linking to test runs that autopkgtest.u.c doesn't know about?23:44

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