
=== n is now known as Guest1598
=== balkamos_ is now known as balkamos
UBuxuBUmade mistake using plank-made it invisible-once i did that i cannot see the very edge of the plank to be able to click on it to get into preferences now i do not want it invisible anymore but i cannot change back01:50
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
grunt22foxI need some help03:23
rud0lfrather tell your problem then look for a person03:23
grunt22foxI installed Discord through a deb file and I can't find it anywhere to uninstall03:24
grunt22foxTried software, and tried an archive manager03:24
rud0lfapt remove discord03:25
rud0lftry apt remove dis03:25
rud0lfand press tab03:25
rud0lfit should autocomplete03:25
grunt22foxIt didn't work03:26
grunt22foxIt's just sitting there in my menu03:26
grunt22foxIf I look in edit launcher it brings up env BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/discord_discord.desktop /snap/bin/discord %U03:27
grunt22foxThat was the command03:27
grunt22foxSo basically heres what happened03:30
grunt22foxI installed Discord through deb03:30
grunt22foxthen I installed it through Software\03:31
grunt22foxso yeah its pretty annoying03:32
grunt22foxIf you find anything I would love to know03:32
grunt22foxjust gonna reinstall xubuntu03:45
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=== sorinello1 is now known as sorinello
=== sorinello1 is now known as sorinello
=== sorinello1 is now known as sorinello
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diogenes_Happy Halloween!16:52
xubuntu16ihello evereboy16:59
Spasshello xubuntu16i17:00
kumoolanyway to start a terminal in a certain workspace?17:06
kumoolor anything really=17:07
GridCube!info wmctrl17:09
ubottuwmctrl (source: wmctrl): control an EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-7build1 (bionic), package size 19 kB, installed size 53 kB17:09
kumoolthanks GridCube17:10
SpassDevil's Pie with "set_workspace" should also work17:10
Spass(but I don't use it, so I don't really know)17:11
GridCubei don't really know much of any of those options anyway17:12
GridCubei always disable all workspaces but one17:12
kumoolI would also do the same thing except i tend to use 2 terminals linked as one, I probably should use a vertical pane and not have to use workspaces but...17:13
UBuxuBUi still have not solved my issue: the controls in xubuntu and my Fn keys will not lighten or darken my display screen. it appears the devs simply turned it off somewhere in the OS, i need help turning it on or making it work.19:50
UBuxuBUwhy am i power mgr acces denied error21:07
brainwashUBuxuBU: what does that mean?21:13
UBuxuBUi went to kitchen put laptop lid down and when i openeded it saw the error on the upper right of screen21:14
UBuxuBUwhere the notifications are21:14
UBuxuBUthen it went away21:14
UBuxuBUseems meaningless21:15
brainwashbug 176803821:16
ubottubug 1768038 in xfce4-power-manager "xubuntu, clean bionic, power manager suspend fails" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176803821:16
=== UBuxuBU is now known as Halloweiner

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