
=== icey is now known as Guest40513
didrocksgood morning07:06
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dufluMorning didrocks.07:15
dufluWait, holidays?07:15
dufluOh, no. I see07:15
didrockshey duflu: swapped with tomorrow :)07:17
duflu    \o07:45
NafalloI iz ze tired.07:50
=== Class7_ is now known as Class7
didrockshey Nafallo07:58
Nafallocoffee and medicine... that's better :-P08:01
dufluRAOF: Was it this missing from archive that we need for EGLStreams builds? https://github.com/NVIDIA/egl-wayland08:05
dufluIt would be nice if when switching Nvidia to KMS that it used the Nvidia hardware and not software rendering :)08:06
tjaaltonhum, maybe I should package those for pkg-xorg08:14
Nafalloduflu: sounds like an expectation problem ;-)08:15
duflutjaalton, I'm not completely sure but I think that package has what's missing to cause mutter builds to say EGLStreams support is absent08:17
duflu-package +project08:17
tjaaltondoes kms cause issues on xorg side too?08:18
dufluHonestly, I forgot to try Nvidia KMS with Xorg08:18
dufluI'm back to Intel08:18
dokois osomon working this week?08:19
dufludoko, not back till Monday08:19
dokoouch, libreoffice ftbfs in disco :-/08:20
duflutjaalton, I would not recommend flipping the KMS switch by default at the same time. But only because I don't know all the consequences08:20
tjaaltonat the same time as..?08:21
duflutjaalton, at the same time as packaging the missing eglstreams stuff08:21
dufluForgot for a moment they are separate source packages, so less of an issue08:21
tjaaltonI surely won't08:21
tjaaltonthough I'd expect nvidia to ship a version of it, no08:22
duflutjaalton, again not sure. Only seen it on github08:22
dufluOwned by NVIDIA08:23
tjaaltonwith the driver I mean08:23
tjaaltonthey shipped libglvnd too08:23
dufluI am guessing they don't consider it mature, or blessed, or something08:23
tjaaltonsince they're the only consumer I can think of08:23
willcookemorning all08:55
dufluHi willcooke08:56
didrockshey willcooke08:58
Nafallohi willcooke09:00
Nafallomorning Laney09:04
dufluello Laney09:07
didrockshey Laney09:07
Laneyhey Nafallo duflu and didrocks!09:12
dokoricotz: please could you have a look at the libreoffice ftbfs in disco?09:27
ricotzdoko, this is the openjdk11 problem09:29
ricotzdoko, just apply https://launchpadlibrarian.net/392800154/libreoffice_1%3A6.1.3~rc1-0ubuntu0.18.10.1_1%3A6.1.3~rc1-0ubuntu0.18.10.2.diff.gz09:29
=== willcooke changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/RHiGQXZJ/ubuntu-desktop-1904-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently
RAOFWe just need a devel link for `libnvidia-wayland-egl`, which is shipped in the main NVIDIA packages.11:06
RAOF<freenode_duf "RAOF: Was it this missing from a"> No, that's not it.11:06
tjaaltonRAOF: is it ok to build-depend on packages from restricted?12:20
tjaaltonI don't think that would be a solution for debian anyway12:20
tjaaltonso it'd need to be packaged, which is almost done now12:21
dchalmersqq: If I am on cosmic, is it possible to install software from a PPA where the author hasn't provided a Release file for cosmic yet?13:12
willcookedchalmers, short answer AFAIK, no13:16
willcookeI expect there is a way to try and force it, but I wouldnt bother13:16
=== xclaesse is now known as Guest14715
kenvandinewillcooke: i can't add jamesh to a card on the 19.04 board.  Maybe he needs to be added to the board as well?14:48
kenvandinepopey: that content interface bug (platform snap not mounting) has been fixed!14:57
kenvandinepopey: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6044/files14:57
gitbotsnapcore issue (Pull request) 6044 in snapd "cmd/snap-confine: remove stale mount profile along stale namespace" [⚠ Critical, Closed]14:57
willcookekenvandine, try now15:02
willcookekenvandine, I've added him but maybe he has to accept it first15:03
kenvandinewillcooke: bingo, thanks15:03
kenvandinewillcooke: we need till as well15:06
om26erWhere do Canonical's hardware certification guys hang, is there an IRC channel ?15:09
om26erSpecifically wanted to talk to them about this issue I reported https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu-certification/+question/67585415:09
Laneynot sure there's a place15:38
willcookeparents evening, bbiab16:34
popeykenvandine: yay!17:13
willcookenight all18:08
robert_ancellkenvandine, https://imgur.com/a/K6NyrsN20:33
RAOFtjaalton: KMS by default would cause problems, yes.22:13
RAOFtjaalton: For example, on my hybrid laptop, having nvidia KMS enabled results in no output in X (because, even though the NVIDIA KMS node cannot drive the internal panel, the modesetting driver bound to the Intel DRM node thinks its a PRIME slave and so doesn't drive the internal panel either)22:15
RAOFtjaalton: And, looking at it again, I think that https://github.com/NVIDIA/egl-wayland would be enough to build EGLStreams-based compositors out of.22:25
RAOFI was a bit confused because a symbol they need is not defined in there, but due to the magic of `wayland-scanner` it should be defined in generated code that gets linked in…22:25

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