
* vorlon waves15:05
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Nov  1 15:05:15 2018 UTC.  The chair is vorlon. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:05
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:05
vorlon[TOPIC] Lightning Round15:06
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning Round
vorlon$ echo $(shuf -e vorlon bdmurray xnox tdaitx doko sil2100 rbalint infinity cyphermox mwhudson rcj philroche Odd_Bloke juliank fginther cshep tobijk)15:06
vorlontobijk juliank sil2100 xnox doko bdmurray fginther mwhudson cyphermox rbalint philroche rcj Odd_Bloke infinity tdaitx vorlon cshep15:06
philrochetobikoch/tobijk is OoO15:06
juliank* python-apt update for disco15:06
juliank* verified regressions in bionic15:06
juliank* wondering about weird bug 164464315:06
ubottubug 1644643 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt failed to run due to link time reference error" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164464315:06
juliank* assisted in fixing python symlink check in ubuntu-release-upgrader (LP: #1799839)15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1799839 in friendly-recovery (Ubuntu) "not possible to use "Repair broken packages"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179983915:07
juliank* analyising a problem with apt regarding downloads failing sometimes for unknown errors15:07
juliank* merge proposal: minimize-manual livecd-rootfs for bionic (LP: #1800610)15:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1800610 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu Bionic) "[SRU] minimize number of manually installed packages" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180061015:07
juliank* further work on socket-activated PackageKit/aptdaemon debconf frontend15:07
julianksil2100 is not in here15:07
xnox* Discussing s390x installer plans for this cycle15:08
xnox* Verified / is now released15:08
xnoxbug #179836715:08
xnoxbug #177760015:08
xnoxbug #179430815:08
xnox* Preparing fixup upload of boost/mongo15:08
ubottubug 1798367 in nodejs (Ubuntu Bionic) "[SRU] nodejs should use openssl1.0 in testing as well" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179836715:08
ubottubug 1777600 in Ubuntu on IBM z Systems "chzdev can't find modprobe" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177760015:08
ubottubug 1794308 in Ubuntu on IBM z Systems "VM devices rdr, pun and prt are not activated after restart" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179430815:08
xnox* Blocked / awaiting review:15:08
xnoxubuntu-keyring sru still not accepted https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-keyring/+bug/179807315:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1798073 in ubuntu-keyring (Ubuntu Bionic) "[SRU] Provide 2018 archive signing key on stable releases" [Undecided,In progress]15:08
xnoxdual-signing DD is not merged https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/ubuntu-archive-publishing/dual-sign-2018/+merge/35691915:08
xnoxsystemd stuck in bionic unapproved15:08
cyphermoxxnox: doesn't show15:08
juliankxnox: christmas tree?15:09
infinity(doko) Vell, vhat I have done iz to upload ze toolchain und make vis starting ze pyson transition.15:10
vorlon(is it a national holiday where he is?)15:10
bdmurrayreported apport bug re -dbg and -dbgsym packages LP: #180017715:11
bdmurraymerged my fix for the above apport bug and updated Launchpad retracers15:11
bdmurrayworked with webops to get extra core files in swift requeued15:11
bdmurraymodified errors graph legend to not include End of Life releases15:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1800177 in Apport "apport-retrace fails to find -dbgsym packages for a package which stopped producing -dbg packages" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180017715:11
bdmurrayaddeded support for disco to errors and daisy code bases15:11
bdmurraysubmitted RT regarding updated of production version of both15:11
bdmurraysetup rls-dd reports15:11
bdmurraytested debconf dialog bug LP: #179865615:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1798656 in debconf (Ubuntu) "gtk3 frontend gives no widget for answering a boolean prompt" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179865615:11
bdmurrayuploaded fix for do-release-upgrade and phased-updates (LP: #1799710)15:11
bdmurrayuploaded improved _pythonSymlinkCheck for ubuntu-release-upgrader (LP: #1799839)15:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1799710 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "18.04->18.10: update-manager don't show upgrade page" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179971015:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1799839 in friendly-recovery (Ubuntu) "not possible to use "Repair broken packages"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179983915:11
bdmurrayreported and uploaded fixes for LP: #1800945 (disco and debootstrap)15:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1800945 in debootstrap (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Add Ubuntu disco as as supported release" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180094515:11
bdmurraySRU verification of secureboot-db (LP: #1776996)15:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1776996 in secureboot-db (Ubuntu Bionic) "secureboot-db out of date, missing revocations from Aug 2016" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177699615:11
bdmurraywrote a job to find new packages in main w/o subscribers15:12
bdmurray✔ done15:12
dokosorry ...15:12
fgintherdoko, go ahead15:12
dokopython* SRU's for bionic and cosmic15:12
dokotoolchain updates for disco15:12
dokopython3 transition for disco (3.7)15:12
dokohaving fun :-/15:13
doko(not yet done)15:13
infinityYour emoticon disagrees with your statement.  I'm not sure which to believe.15:13
dokolooking at -med and -sciencing packaging makes me sad15:13
vorlondoko: transition not done, but is your status report?15:14
fgintherFixed issue with trusty maas builds15:16
fgintherSome minor cosmic -> disco transition work15:16
fgintherFinished work to enable a ssh user redirect feature for a partner15:16
cyphermox- SRU verifications for netplan.io bionic15:17
cyphermox- SRU verifications for shim in xenial15:17
cyphermox- debugging DHCPv6 with m.deslaur15:17
cyphermox- debugging ppp vpn for Will (LP: #1778946)15:17
cyphermox- planning for shim future work; Edk2 integration, shim 16 release, etc.15:17
cyphermox- merged IPv6 privext for netplan15:17
cyphermox- more small improvements to netplan's error reporting15:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1778946 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "No dns resolution after closing a vpn/pptp connection" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177894615:17
vorloncyphermox: where can I understand edk2 integration vs shim?15:18
bdmurrayI thought rbalint was out15:18
cyphermoxvorlon: https://github.com/rhboot/shim/issues/15115:18
vorloncyphermox: thanks15:18
philroche* Monday bank holiday15:19
philroche* Cloud image customisations15:19
rcj* some days the things I do are so secret not even I know what I'm doing15:19
rcj* cloud image work to open disco15:19
vorlonyour northbridge doesn't know what your southbridge is doing?15:19
rcj* cloud image vanguarding and mentoring15:20
vorlonOdd_Bloke is out15:20
infinity * Archive opening, yay!15:20
infinity * Launchpad, cdimage, archive.internal, etc mangling for opening.15:20
infinity * Copy all the things!15:20
infinity * Delete some of the things!15:20
infinity * New chroots!15:20
infinity * Merges!15:20
infinity * Helping with opening python transition debugging.15:20
infinity * Got all the Ubuntu images (except for live-server, hrm) building.15:20
tdaitxShort week: out sick Thursday and Friday, mostly recovered now15:20
tdaitxOpenjdk security update:15:20
tdaitx* regression in openjdk-8 and openjdk-10 caused by missing patch15:20
tdaitx  - Oracle didn't include it in the security update for partners even though it was included in the 11.0.1 and 8u191 security updates15:20
tdaitx  - related to debian bug 911925 and LP: #180079215:20
ubottuDebian bug 911925 in openjdk-8-jdk "openjdk-8-jdk: Maven surefire crashes after update to 8u181-b13-2" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/91192515:20
tdaitx  - applied missing patch to openjdk-10, under test15:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1800792 in openjdk-8 (Ubuntu) "Update to 8u181-b13-1ubuntu0.18.04.1 breaks Maven builds" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180079215:21
tdaitx  - updated openjdk-8 to 8u191, under test15:21
tdaitx* investigated jtreg's agentvm failure in Cosmic15:21
tdaitx  - caused by java.nio.ByteBuffer.flip15:21
gaughenLukasz is bank holidaying fyi15:21
tdaitx  - bionic was not affected because jtreg was never rebuild with openjdk-9 or openjdk-1015:21
tdaitx  - checking if we can build it differently or need to patch the affected code15:21
tdaitx* applied patch to fix openjdk-8 fonts (debian bug #911847)15:21
ubottuDebian bug 911847 in src:openjdk-8 "openjdk-8: Backport fix to JDK-8132985: crash in freetypescaler due to double free" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/91184715:21
vorlon * roadmap sprint last week15:22
vorlon * was off yesterday15:22
vorlon * code reviews for ubuntu-core and armhf classic image builds15:22
vorlon * kernel SRU processing15:22
vorlon * discussions around s390x installers15:22
platonical* livecd-rootfs now includes grub-efi packages15:22
platonical* cloud partner work15:22
platonicaldid you see it this time?15:23
rcjplatonical: o/15:23
vorlonquestions on status?15:23
vorlonplatonical: I see your messages, if that's what you mean15:23
cyphermoxvorlon: no code review for netplan WPA ?15:23
platonicalvorlon, it is, thanks!15:24
vorloncyphermox: was off yesterday; in my queue for today15:24
vorlon[TOPIC] Bugs15:26
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Bugs
vorlonmaybe nothing at this point in the cycle, but?15:26
bdmurrayvorlon, cyphermox: There've been some updates regarding the secureboot-db bug 180075015:26
ubottubug 1800750 in secureboot-db (Ubuntu) "Error message during upgrade: "Error writing key update: Permission denied"" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180075015:26
vorlonbdmurray: as long as the package install isn't failing, that's a low priority15:26
bdmurrayvorlon: And it seems like it isn't failing correct?15:27
bdmurrayThen bug 1794292 has a couple of updates15:28
ubottubug 1794292 in plymouth (Ubuntu Cosmic) "plymouthd crashed with SIGSEGV in /sbin/plymouthd:11 in ply_renderer_set_handler_for_input_source -> ply_keyboard_stop_watching_for_renderer_input -> ply_keyboard_stop_watching_for_input -> ply_device_manager_deactivate_keyboards -> on_deactivate" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179429215:28
cyphermoxnow we know it's deactivation at boottime15:28
vorlonso is that bug in the prioritized queue or so?15:29
cyphermoxthere is a card15:29
bdmurrayIt might be assigned too15:29
vorlonthen I assume we don't need to discuss it further15:30
gaughenvorlon, bdmurray cyphermox there is a card in the done column15:30
bdmurraywell that seems like the wrong place15:31
vorlonsomeone want to undo the card then?15:31
bdmurrayyeah some did undo the card15:31
gaughenit is undone15:31
cyphermoxundone done15:32
gaughenand now it's back to inprogress with cyphermox on it15:32
cyphermoxarewe done?15:32
vorlonok, any other bugs?15:32
bdmurrayIs done undone like rare?15:32
vorlon[TOPIC] AOB15:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
vorlonanything else?15:32
tribaalI like disco's name better than xnox's troll, for the record :D15:32
cyphermoxI'm off monday.15:32
dokoplease help with the python3.7 transition15:32
bdmurrayI could use a merge for that15:32
vorlondoko: ack15:33
bdmurrayof that?15:33
dokolook at apport autopkg test failures, as well as autopkg ?15:33
dokohttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html  -> look at build failures, fix them15:33
vorlonbdmurray: done15:34
dokohttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html -> fix those15:34
dokostill waiting on the backlog of autopkg tests15:34
juliankdoko: both links are the same15:34
dokoit's crazy, the armhf/arm64 buildds block starting the autopkg tests, and then the amd64/i386 autopkg testers are delaying things15:34
xnoxjuliank, the comment is not ;-)15:35
xnox_after_ the url15:35
dokojuliank: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/html/python3.6-7.html15:35
dokoand after that, should we do the same with perl for the opening, or just open?  and somebody asked for protobuf and poppler transitions first15:36
vorlonseems like a discussion to take back over to #ubuntu-release15:38
dokoup to now I only upload python related stuff. so every ftbfs should be python related, or one of the 1500 ftbfs not addressed last cycle ...15:38
dokoyeah, we can do. but that channel tends getting ignored with all the automated messages15:38
vorlonsure, questions of archive opening ordering are still better discussed there15:38
vorlon(and also, I have to run afk early so I'm itching to close out the meeting ;)15:39
dokomeh ...15:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | <wxl> be nice
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Nov  1 15:39:36 2018 UTC.15:39
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2018/ubuntu-meeting.2018-11-01-15.05.moin.txt15:39
vorlonthanks, all!15:39
* Eickmeyer is here for the Membership Board meeting and is applying for membership, but noticed no activity.20:18
wxloh ho20:19
wxllet's see if we can't round up the troops20:19
wxlok that's two and i'm sure nzoueidi and tsimonq2 are lurking20:20
* Eickmeyer is thinking he should've said something earlier.20:20
wxlshould be sufficient for quorum20:21
tewardwxl: you sure about that?  Simon IIRC was 'away' last I checked20:21
EickmeyerI just got a response from tsimonq2 on Telegram.20:21
teward(was trying to reach him about email things via irc)20:21
wxlyeah ping him on telegram (*eye rolling*)20:21
wxlyou are here right nzoueidi ?20:22
teward*watches tsimonq2's chair catch aflame since he lit a fire under him*20:22
wxllet's get this party started20:22
wxlwho's chairing? NOT IT :)20:22
tsimonq2*watches teward's head light on fire because I lit his coffee on fire*20:23
tsimonq2wxl: NOT IT20:23
bashfulrobotNOT IT20:23
tewardtsimonq2: joke's on you, i've been drinking tea all day >:D20:23
bashfulrobotha ha20:23
tsimonq2(I'm on mobile, sooo)20:23
wxlsorry you lose nzoueidi :)20:23
wxlerr, you win20:23
wxlyou GET to chair the meeting20:23
wxlit's an honor20:23
nzoueidiI was just looking for my mug of coffee20:24
nzoueidithis is not fair :')20:25
bashfulrobotI have never chaired before - once I know how - will can can do.20:25
wxldon't worry. Eickmeyer will be an easy one.20:25
EickmeyerCareful, tsimonq2 might light that coffee on fire.20:25
* bashfulrobot looks for coffee20:25
bashfulrobotWho brought hte donuts?20:25
bashfulrobotWho brought *the* donuts?20:25
nzoueidino problem, let me open some links and let's start the party :)20:25
wxlbashfulrobot: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology20:25
EickmeyerSorry, may have nom'd all the donuts while waiting for you guys.20:25
* bashfulrobot marks the page for later review20:26
tewardif it weren't for the fact i ain't on the board i'd offer to help chair but... *immediately whooshes away to fix an issue on Lubuntu's infra*20:26
* bashfulrobot thinks Eick owes donuts to all.20:26
* Eickmeyer gives everyone a WHOLE DONUT each.20:26
* bashfulrobot in the voice of the cadbury commercial "not enough..."20:27
tsimonq2bashfulrobot: Soo, just run #startmeeting ;D20:27
wxlnzoueidi: just follow the meetingology instructions.. #startmeeting, etc20:27
* Eickmeyer gives everyone a Cadburry Egg each20:27
bashfulrobotcommon Eickmeyer How bad do you want this?20:27
* wxl steals all the Cadbury eggs and immediately devours them20:27
wxlthose are my FAVOURITES20:27
tsimonq2Because being American is cool.20:28
bashfulrobottsimonq2: You had it right the first time20:28
wxlyou can keep your draconian policies to yourself20:28
teward*is wondering when the meeting will actually begin because pure curiosity*20:28
wxlthis is a training opportunity, teward :)20:29
tsimonq2screw it20:29
tsimonq2#startmeeting UMB20:29
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Nov  1 20:29:15 2018 UTC.  The chair is tsimonq2. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.20:29
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick20:29
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | <wxl> be nice | UMB Meeting | Current topic:
tsimonq2#topic Eickmeyer20:29
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | <wxl> be nice | UMB Meeting | Current topic: Eickmeyer
tsimonq2Please introduce yourself20:29
EickmeyerMy name is Erich Eickmeyer, I am currently the Council Chair for Ubuntu Studio, and have been contributing since March/April.20:30
EickmeyerI've been working on revitalizing the flavor, and have been the driving force behind some of the innovations in Ubuntu Studio apparent in 18.10.20:30
wxlit's ONLY been that long????20:31
tsimonq2I was gonna say20:31
bashfulrobotA lot done for the time frame.20:32
tsimonq2Any questions for Eickmeyer?20:32
EickmeyerI've been an administrator for the Ubuntu Studio Facebook and Twitter accounts as well.20:32
EickmeyerI've been doing all webpage posts on ubuntustudio.org since April.20:32
tsimonq2bashfulrobot: +120:32
wxlrandom question with no bearing on your membership: what's the future for studio?20:32
bashfulrobotEickmeyer: How do you see yourself moving forward within the Ubuntu ecosystem? Plans? ideas? (high level)20:33
EickmeyerRight now, we're focusing on bringing Wacom tablet configuration to ubuntustudio-controls, and making ubuntustudio-installer a utility that anybody can install from any flavor to gain all of the benefits of Ubuntu Studio.20:33
EickmeyerThat way, they can use thier desktop environment of choice.20:33
nzoueidiEickmeyer, any loco teams around? I am wondering why you are not involved into?20:34
Eickmeyerbashfulrobot: I see myself continuing the lead for Ubuntu Studio and brining it back into the spotlight of being the multimedia distro of choice.20:34
Eickmeyernzoueidi: Currently, the loco teams in my area are inactive, afaik.20:34
Eickmeyervalorie would know more about that than I, however.20:35
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: If you had to suggest one improvement for Ubuntu as a whole, what would it be?20:35
wxli can confirm they are, afaik, too20:35
wxlthere's been some talk of bringing ubuntu pnw back but i need to revisit that topic again, so blame me20:35
tsimonq2DO IT :D20:35
bashfulrobotEickmeyer: What do you see as on of the hardest things when getting involved in Ubuntu?20:37
Eickmeyertsimonq2: Tough one. I'm not sure I have a concise answer to that, but I think figuring out a way to get packages from Debian updated easier would be nice, but I really don't know.20:37
bashfulrobotEickmeyer: What do you see as *one* of the hardest things when getting involved in Ubuntu?20:37
tsimonq2I'm ready to vote as soon as bashfulrobot's question is answered.20:37
bashfulrobottsimonq2: works for me.20:38
nzoueidime too, I need another mug of coffee20:38
nzoueidiI am looking into the bugs in your LP account, keep it up20:39
Eickmeyerbashfulrobot: Probably one of the hardest things is finding a place where one's skills are best used. I have a degree in leadership, so I found a leadership opportunity with Studio once I saw the need. However, leadership spots seem hard to come by, which makes sense.20:39
EickmeyerHonestly, it ended my days of distrohopping.20:39
bashfulrobotfor now. Wait until your installer is out.20:40
tsimonq2#vote Eickmeyer Ubuntu Membership20:40
meetingologyPlease vote on: Eickmeyer Ubuntu Membership20:40
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:40
wxlew distrohopping20:40
meetingology+1 received from tsimonq220:40
meetingology+1 received from bashfulrobot20:40
meetingology+1 received from nzoueidi20:40
meetingology+1 received from wxl20:40
meetingologyVoting ended on: Eickmeyer Ubuntu Membership20:40
meetingologyVotes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:020:40
meetingologyMotion carried20:40
tsimonq2Congrats Eickmeyer :)20:40
bashfulrobotsend donuts.20:40
EickmeyerThanks guys!20:40
pavlushkaCongrats Eickmeyer20:40
tsimonq2I'll button push when I get home if that's OK20:41
wxli'm not logged into launchpad so someone else can add him to members20:41
nzoueidiI will send on mug of coffee for tsimonq2 for chairing tonight20:41
Rosco2Yay \20:41
pavlushkathat was a yummy meeting I must say20:41
nzoueidiI will wxl20:41
tsimonq2#topic AOB20:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | <wxl> be nice | UMB Meeting | Current topic: AOB
EickmeyerBig thanks to Rosco2 for his help!20:41
tewardnzoueidi: nah he needs less coffee and more WATER  *shot*20:41
tsimonq2Anyone modulo Lubuntu Membership?20:41
tsimonq2I don't think we need to discuss it here, but meh :)20:42
EickmeyerIf Ubuntu Studio membership was a thing, I'd go for that too.20:42
tsimonq2Ending in...20:42
nzoueidiEickmeyer, added to ~ubuntumembers20:42
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | <wxl> be nice
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Nov  1 20:42:55 2018 UTC.20:42
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2018/ubuntu-meeting.2018-11-01-20.29.moin.txt20:42
tsimonq2Thanks, y'all :)20:43
wxlthat is the most bizarre use of modulo ever20:43
EickmeyerThanks everyone!20:43
tsimonq2Thanks nzoueidi20:43
wxlin fact, it's completely ridiculous20:43
tsimonq2wxl: shush XD20:43
teward*throws @tsimonq2 back over to telegram*20:43
* bashfulrobot looks up modulo20:46
bashfulrobotwait what? tsimonq2 that was odd20:46
bashfulrobotha ha20:46
wxli don't think he knows what he's talking about20:47
wxlin fact i'm sure of it XD20:47
EickmeyerYeah, I looked it up and cannot make heads or tails of what he meant.20:48
wxlthe only thing i can think is perhaps he means is there anyone remaining that's not divided between the choices of supporting or not supporting it?20:49
wxleven then i'm REALLLLLLY reaching20:49
pavlushkaEickmeyer: so the coin is loaded incorrectly I guess20:50
pavlushkaEickmeyer: and Hi20:50
Eickmeyerpavlushka: Sideways, in fact. Perpendicular. Square peg, round hole.20:50
* Eickmeyer is off to work20:52
EickmeyerThanks again everone!20:52
wxlnp congrats and keep up the good work Eickmeyer20:53

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