[16:15] hello, I'm a ubuntu studio user, I'm shopping for a new laptop, any suggestion? I'm a heavy Ardour user so I need a good cpu [16:28] studio-user182: I don't know what to tell you, but I've had good luck with a Dell gaming laptop. Having a dedicated GPU to take the workload off of the CPU is helpful for audio production. [16:29] ok thanks [16:29] I was checking thinkpenguin.com [16:29] System76 has some good stuff too. [16:32] studio-user182: ThnkPenguin's highest-end notebook only has integrated graphics, as far as I can see. [16:33] already checked System76, too expensive. I'm trying to spend $1k more or less [16:34] I'd then check Amazon. I got mine for ~$550. Most Dell laptops, while they come with Windows, are very Linux friendly. [16:35] Dell even officially supports Linux on some of their laptops. [17:33] I've got a Latitude 7480 running Xubuntu and it's fantastic. [17:59] Dells do tend to be pricey [18:51] thanks guys [19:44] plex or subsonic? [19:50] MaynardWaters: This is an official support channel. For offtopic (non-support) discussions, feel free to join #ubuntustudio-offtopic. [21:15] does studio include any programs that can stabilize video? [21:21] ah, kdenlive does... lets see how well it works [21:45] has anyone gotten stabilization working in kdenlive? haven't found an answer online either [21:46] seems there was a bug that lead to stabilization not working, but it was fixed in the version before latest [21:47] no info on this version, kdenlive 17.12.3 === HeadlessHorseman is now known as Unit193 [22:18] now trying transcode, lets see if this works