
UBuxuBUeven the techies who live in here get tired of trying to fix this00:06
astra`i posted the logs they asked me to but no one responded00:07
astra`oh well00:07
UBuxuBUsame as it ever was same as it ever was same as it ever was ....00:09
UBuxuBUhate to say it but xfce is the most reliable..i luv ubuntu but...its true00:10
astra`https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/sPVLUj6X/ <---no answer as to why is that happening?00:56
white_magiccan someone help me figure out how to remove tearing? I'm running Ubuntu and I have compton installed. I have tried running it with various launch params, e.g. "compton --backend glx --vsync opengl-swc" but tearing persists in a firefox webpage that I'm using as a test. Please advise!01:10
white_magicI'm running Lubuntu, not ubuntu (typo), so the DE is lxqt01:10
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LaunchpadMcQuackinstalling ubuntu and there was an option to encrypt installation i forgot to check. now its on time zone, and the back button is grayed out. why? i just want to go back and check the box i forgot.02:13
compdocjust start over02:16
TimeDoctorthat's maybe the best/worst example of someone asking for help and then immediately quitting, and I rarely see the follow-up of the person offering help also immediately quitting :(02:16
i4On my system i get a advertisement at notification area! With ad of casino... How can I remove this? Where I must to check some settings or do some tweaks to remove this annoing unwanted ad... Ubuntu Budgie 18.0402:27
=== HauntedHotDog is now known as HappyHotDog
courrierWhat's the simplest action to get an autoipd address with 18.04? I thought "sudo autoipd -w myinterface" was enough, but it isn't because the network maanger shuts down Ethernet when it realizes it can't get an IP from DHCP03:03
courrierPitty it can't see that autoipd affected an IP :(03:03
cobracommandwhat do you guys think of the switch to from unity to gnome 3?03:11
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gee111just installed ubuntu on a USB flash drive. It takes 5 minutes to boot. But that's not the issue. It's taking 2 minutes to open any window or menu. Even clicking OK takes 1 minute to respond. Is this normal???04:02
Bashing-omgee111: USB is slow .... BUT not that slow .04:09
gee111just installed ubuntu on a USB flash drive. It takes 5 minutes to boot. But that's not the issue. It's taking 2 minutes to open any window or menu. Even clicking OK takes 1 minute to respond. Is this normal???04:14
Bashing-om23:09 < Bashing-om> gee111: USB is slow .... BUT not that slow .04:14
gee11132 GB USB 3.004:15
gee111I used 31 GB ext4 and 1 GB swap04:15
Bashing-omgee111: What processor .. and how much ram ?04:16
lotuspsychjegee111: usb protocol will always be a bottleneck from an ubuntu dedicated stick04:16
gee111I accidentally installed the boot loader in the hdd04:20
gee111not in th eusb04:20
gee11110 GB of ram04:21
gee111I can't even chat here because the window is constaly freezing04:25
lotuspsychjegee111: dedicated ubuntu usb stick can be used for testing, recovery,bugging out but not so well for daily use04:30
pi0i want to password protect my ubuntu box with a usb password disk04:58
svolocHi guys. How to find out when Ubuntu 18.10 will use 4.19 kernel as default? Currently it is 4.18.0-1005:14
guivercsvoloc, I personally would expect 18.10 to remain on 4.18  (19.04 uses 4.18 currently)05:16
lotuspsychjesvoloc: you ask this for a reason? anything doesnt work under 4.18?05:24
svolocYes, I cannot connect external monitor to my laptop using usb-c connection. 4.19 has support for that, I think.05:25
pi0is there a thing as a secure boot or usb boot password protect usb disk05:25
lotuspsychje!mainline | svoloc05:26
ubottusvoloc: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds05:26
pi0lotuspsychje: was that for me?05:28
lotuspsychjepi0: no05:29
svoloclotuspsychje: which deb files should I download http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.19/  for amd64?05:31
pi0can you encrypt ubuntu filesystem after install?05:32
james_brownhello everybody! I just installed ubuntu 18.04 and now the file names on the desktop start a new line after 9 or 10 characters.  I couldnt find anything on google06:41
james_brownhow can i fix this?06:41
Rockwoodi am unable to open mozilla due to error :- Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible06:56
guivercRockwood, if you stat ~/.mozilla/ - do you have permission to rw? (do you own it?), does it exist? (mine is a directory), does it contain ....  ditto ~/.mozilla/firefox/  (a file profiles.ini is in here which may be what it wants)07:00
Rockwoodi just apt updating command running07:02
Rockwoodguiverc, and output of apt update is http://dpaste.com/2YEWM3V07:04
james_brownguiverc: I just installed ubuntu 18.04 and now the file names on the desktop start a new line after 9 or 10 characters.  I couldnt find anything on google.  How can i fix this?07:09
Rockwoodguiverc, chown: cannot access '/home/nitin/.cache/mozilla': No such file or directory07:12
Rockwoodchown -hR $USER:$USER ~/.cache/mozilla07:13
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* guiverc is away on phone call sorry Rockwood 07:25
RockwoodErr:19 http://ppa.launchpad.net/gwendal-lebihan-dev/hexchat-stable/ubuntu bionic Release  404  Not Found [IP: 80]07:25
Rockwoodits okay no issue07:25
Rockwoodhow to remove this error07:25
guivercRockwood, your last PPA you gave supports lucid thru xenail - not bionic - to remove error you can remove PPA (and find another that provides whatever you got from it, and supports Bionic - IF you actually need it!)07:34
RockwoodFailed to fetch http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu/dists/xenial-getdeb/InRelease  Clearsigned file isn't valid, got 'NOSPLIT' (does the network require authentication?)07:35
Rockwoodnew error after that07:36
Rockwoodguiverc, new error i removed those error but now coming more and more07:38
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Rembohello, can someone tell me if one of the following patches require reboot https://hastebin.com/ewedagaxiz.php ?07:45
Freenoodlesystemctl start dovecot fails with " dovecot.service: Failed to run 'start' task: No such file or directory" but it doesn't say what file is missing. starting dovecot -F gives no output, is there some way to make systemctl more verbose to see what file it misses?07:57
Freenoodlejust with dovecot -F, the programme seems to run, so there seems to be an issue with systemd08:00
spliffyFreenoodle: did you try journalctl -x?08:01
spliffyFreenoodle: from the manpage: Augment log lines with explanation texts from the message catalog. This will add explanatory help texts to log08:01
spliffythat is the explanation for the -x switch08:01
Freenoodlespliffy, yes, didn't reveal more info08:01
spliffyFreenoodle: I would take a look at dovecot logging settings. If it doesn't already log more info which you didn't find you can increase verbosity there08:02
Freenoodlespliffy, problem is; I don't get to the point of systemd launching the dovecot process. I can start dovecot manually with dovecot -F but sytemctl seems to throw the towel even before. I don't get any logs08:04
Freenoodletherefore I wonder whether there is any way to make systemctl more verbose08:04
Freenoodlejournalclt -xe only says "dovecot.service: Failed to run 'start' task: No such file or directory"08:04
spliffyFreenoodle: you didn't mess with systemctl files?08:05
spliffyFreenoodle: hah.. i guess you put the arguments in the wrong order08:06
spliffymight that be the case?08:06
Freenoodlespliffy, no, we did not touch them. Just did a fully restore frome a system backup, btw, the systemd file has no arguments08:11
spliffyFreenoodle: i thought you might have switched the arguments for the systemctl call, because it didn't recognize 'start', but it found the dovecot.service, so the theory is wrong08:18
spliffyI'd expect a line starting with ExecStart in the dovecot service file, which causes this error08:19
spliffyFreenoodle: ^08:19
spliffybut by default it is just ExecStart=/usr/sbin/dovecot -F08:22
spliffyon my ubuntu 18.04.108:23
trobjoping anyone. Is my irssi config working?08:30
guiverc_dpong trobjo ?08:30
elias_atrobjo: Using Finnish software is a virtue. :)08:33
vltHello. My firefox redirects specific-domain.tld from the address bar to google.com/search?q=specific-domain.tld (chromium doesn't). How can I tell firefox not to do this?09:39
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VjdfMQHey all10:22
VjdfMQWhy could stat give Access: 10136-02-16 06:16:00.000000000 +0200 ?10:22
TJ-VjdfMQ: incorrectly set timestamp - looks like it was set using 'touch'10:23
VjdfMQTJ-: Hm, this is file downloaded from Git10:26
VjdfMQI mean, it is source file containing text10:26
VjdfMQs/is/is a/10:27
TJ-VjdfMQ: checked out in the working directory?10:30
VjdfMQTJ-: Sorry, what do you mean?10:30
TJ-you're 'stat'ing a file you've checked out in the working directory, or a file in the .git/ repo itself?10:31
VjdfMQTJ-: At working directory10:31
VjdfMQI mean, from ZIP downloaded from Github10:31
LopeHow can I download ubuntu server 17.10.1? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/10:42
enzotibLope, not supported anymore10:42
Lopeenzotib, doesn't matter, i need it to test some software that only works on it.10:43
enzotibLope, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/artful/10:43
LopeI suppose 16 might work though.10:43
LopeIs 16 more supported than 17?10:43
enzotibLope, 16.04 is a Log Term Support releases, so yes, it is still supported10:44
Lopeenzotib, is there a netinstall for ubuntu 16 server? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/16.04/release/10:46
haysanyone know why sudo is slow out of the box on 18.0410:47
hayssomething to do with NetworkManager?10:47
Lopeenzotib, am I missing something? I don't see server amd64? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/16.04/release/10:48
crawlerHey guys, is this "normal" for ubuntu 18.10 https://imgur.com/a/iE3BeWY10:48
ledeniLope: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/17.10/ubuntu-17.10-server-amd64.iso10:49
enzotibLope, http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04.5/10:49
crawlerlaptop has been up for a day now, gnome-shell consumes ~1GB of ram10:49
Cheezthat seems about right to me, the 650mb used by dropbox is the one that stands out there.10:57
Lopeledeni, enzotib thanks10:59
empedokles78Seit dem LTS Update schmiert das Programm Rhythmbox bei mir dauernd ab. Bei anderen auch?11:00
gee111I accidentally installed grub in the hdd while installing linux in the usb drive. What do I do to remove it?11:01
crawlerCheez, i was reading that some patches where pushed to 18.10 to reduce notorious gnome-shell leaks11:01
enzotib!de | empedokles7811:02
ubottuempedokles78: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!11:02
crawlerand this looks like behavior i seen on 18.04 and on fedora 28 too11:02
enzotibgee111, what OS do you have on the hdd?11:03
haysugh the slow sudo is driving me nuts11:04
TJ-hays: delay in resolving hostname?11:05
haysTJ-: not sure!11:05
TJ-hays: we do have an alternative; try using "pkexec" instead11:05
gee111ubuntu is running ultra slow in a 32 GB usb. Taking minutes to open anything.11:05
TJ-gee111: how is it connected? USB2 or USB3?11:05
TJ-gee111: check the kernel log in case there are I/O errors. "dmesg | tail"11:06
haysTJ-: id rather get the very standard sudo working right11:06
gee111everything takes minutes to open, even kernel log11:07
elias_agee111: How is the card behaving in memory test?11:07
LopeHeimdall was bumped to version 1.4.2 a year ago. Why do Ubuntu 18.04 repos still have 1.4.1?11:08
Lope1.4.1 doesn't work properly on some devices.11:08
gee111I just bought the drive11:10
empedokles78Sorry, rhythmbox crashes frequently after my LTS 18.04 update. Anyone else experiencing this problems?11:10
lotuspsychje!latest | Lope11:10
ubottuLope: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.11:10
TJ-Lope: the package is in universe and therefore community-maintained; it may have been imported from Debian at the start of the cycle11:10
TJ-gee111: does the dmesg log show any errors or warnings?11:11
lotuspsychjeempedokles78: to troubleshoot, try to start rythmbox from terminal, see if you can catch errors on crash11:11
empedokles78lotuspsychje, will it list those automatically if I start it from there?11:15
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BluesKajHiyas all11:38
TJ-It turns out gee111's system is booting from USB since the HHD was failing with lots of bad blocks... suggests the cause is I/O errors because something is using the HDD11:42
nekowaiidesuAnyone have actual hands on experience with radeon GPU on (x)ubuntu11:46
lotuspsychjenekowaiidesu: ask your real issue please, volunteers might be able to help you more with better details11:51
nekowaiidesulotuspsychje, sorry got distracted mid-sentence. I have a Radeon R9 380 and I'm running Xubuntu 18.04. The default ubuntu drivers don't perform well (if at all) - I tried some thirdparty ppa for amd drivers, but didn't have much luck there either. The amdgpu-pro drivers latest rev is from 2015, so I'm weary of those too.12:10
nekowaiidesuI'm just wondering if there is any GPU diagnostic tools I can use to know if my GPU is even being used12:10
nekowaiidesuOr if I'm lucky, perhaps someone has a R9 300series and has experience getting it to run properly on Ubuntu12:10
lotuspsychjenekowaiidesu: check this: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-latest-amd-radeon-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux12:12
nekowaiidesuMy friend uses an *old* crappy Nvidia card and gets better framerates in games than I do.12:12
ac3TakwasA vulnerabilities assessment tool reports that I have to use certain versions of openssh and nginx.12:12
ac3TakwasHowever, despite running `apt upgrade && apt update`, the installed versions are not bumped up.12:13
TJ-ac3Takwas: those tools are often wrong; specific versions are not required; what are required are patches to mitigate vulnerabilities, which is what the Ubuntu security team do12:13
lotuspsychjeacetakwas: on ubuntu, we reccomend to use the package versions specific for your ubuntu version12:13
nekowaiidesulotuspsychje, thanks.. I have followed through that guide. None of these drivers seem to help/work efficiently (granted I didn't try amdgpu-pro because the release being 2015 makes me skeptical of it)12:13
ac3TakwasHow do I ensure the right versions are there?12:14
TJ-ac3Takwas: Ubuntu applies patches to fix specific vulnerabilities to existing packages, we do not blindly upgrade to a new version of a package12:14
ac3TakwasTJ-: So you're saying I should ignore them?12:15
lotuspsychjenekowaiidesu: if radeon doesnt perform well, as a test try them anyway?12:15
TJ-ac3Takwas: identify which CVEs the packages are supposed to be vulnerable to, then read the Ubuntu changelog to verify a patch is applied (e.g. "less /usr/share/doc/$PACKAGE/changelog.gz" )12:15
nekowaiidesu<lotuspsychje> nekowaiidesu: if radeon doesnt perform well, as a test try them anyway?12:29
juhuu4712since a few days, i have a problem with udev. I have lots of log-entries like "Nov  2 12:49:38 myhostname systemd-udevd[30869]: Process '/bin/chmod 0666 ' failed with exit code 1." any ideas?12:29
nekowaiidesulotuspsychje, I will try this in the evening. Final question, is there any better way to check what driver the card is actually using? lspci just shows that I have a GPU, but doesn't say much about the driver being used.12:30
nekowaiidesuI know how to list my ppas and whatnot.. But not sure if the card is actually making use of them :S12:30
lotuspsychjenekowaiidesu: sudo lshw -C video, behind driver= at bottom12:30
nekowaiidesu<3 thanks for all the help lotuspsychje12:31
lotuspsychjenp nekowaiidesu hope it helps12:31
TJ-juhuu4712: has the root file-system been mounted read-only?12:31
juhuu4712TJ, i am not sure, /etc/fstab contains /dev/sda1 / ext4 rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 012:34
TJ-juhuu4712: is there any other messages around those reports of the actual files/nodes it is trying to chmod ?12:36
juhuu4712TJ, i only found this one "Nov  1 00:07:05 myhostname systemd-udevd[3992]: message repeated 2 times: [ Process '/bin/chmod 0666 ' failed with exit code 1.]"12:39
TJ-juhuu4712: that sometimes happens if you've installed some 3rd party VPN type software that creates network interfaces12:40
juhuu4712TJ, i am using openvpn. in these days, i hab the problem, that the CRL-file was expired. but now i updated the CRL-file and openvpn is working as expected12:42
juhuu4712TJ, could be, that the udev-problem occured since the CRL-file expired12:43
TJ-juhuu4712: possibly it happens when the VPN interface is being created? can you match the message timestamp with some action you were doing, like connecting the VPN?12:43
TJ-juhuu4712: here's how to limit messages: " journalctl --since="2018-11-01 00:07:00" --until="2018-11-01 00:07:10" "12:45
juhuu4712TJ, yes, the logging occurs, when i restart openvpn12:45
TJ-juhuu4712: that'll give you 5 minutse either side of the "Nov  1 00:07:05" report12:45
TJ-juhuu4712: OK, so the VPN fails and no network device is created, or is created and removed so quickly, that when idev calls /bin/chmod the node has gone12:46
juhuu4712TJ, so how to solve this? the tap-device is created and vpn is working. so is this a real problem?12:48
TJ-juhuu4712: possibly not. it's a pain that udev doesn't report *what* it is trying to operate on12:49
TJ-juhuu4712: I wonder if udevd itself reports anything more. Try this: "journalctl --since="2018-11-01 00:07:00" -u systemd-udevd "12:50
juhuu4712TJ, https://pastebin.com/nACQ9bVR https://pastebin.com/vr9mKNqV12:55
juhuu4712TJ, the second one is still longer, but it is always the same12:56
ioriajuhuu4712, have you tried to restart udev  (service udev restart) and then rerun the cmd ?13:00
juhuu4712TJ, this looks better https://pastebin.com/z67cgydJ13:03
cryptodanjuhuu4712: look at the following lines of /etc/udev/rules.d/99-sbig.rules 49, 54, and 59 that maybe causing your issues13:10
cryptodanjuhuu4712: can you run "cat /var/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 9999" and share link here13:12
juhuu4712TJ, ok, here you are http://termbin.com/d8gh13:16
cryptodanjuhuu4712: when did the chmod errors start happening looks like its been going on for a while13:20
juhuu4712TJ, maybe one or two days13:21
cryptodanjuhuu4712: what happened 2 or 3 days ago13:22
cryptodanjuhuu4712: what version of ubuntu13:22
TJ-juhuu4712: I think you've installed something, possibly 3rd party, that added a bad udev rule that is matching on everything. Can you show us "pastebinit <( ls -latr /etc/udev/rules.d/ /lib/udev/rules.d/ )"13:24
juhuu4712TJ, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2qd444Sgkh/ it is kubuntu 18.1013:25
juhuu4712TJ, maybe the problem started with the expired CRL from openvpn. But 2 or 3 days ago, there might be some upgrades13:26
TJ-juhuu4712: do you have a Santa Barbara camera attached?13:28
TJ-!info libsbigudrv213:28
ubottulibsbigudrv2 (source: sbig): Santa Barbra Instrument Group (SBIG) Universal Library Driver. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2.0.0-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 86 kB, installed size 304 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)13:28
juhuu4712TJ, never heard of this. i only have an internal cam - Lenovo Integrated Webcam [R5U877]13:29
TJ-the sbig packages's 99-sbig.rules udev file is at fault, it is trying to run on all USB device ADD events13:30
juhuu4712TJ, some days ago i tinkered around with my wifi driver. but after that, everything worked fine. the bad logs came some days later13:30
TJ-juhuu4712: the package libsbigudrv2 contains the /etc/udev/rules.d/99-sbig.rules and that has bad matches for "SYSFS" which are ignored, meaning the rule matches all USB ADD events, and one thing it does then is RUN+="/bin/chmod 0666 $env{DEVNAME}"13:32
TJ-juhuu4712: so, if you do not need that package, remove it. I cannot see any reverse-depends on that package so not sure how you installed it. We could look in the apt log if you "pastebinit /var/log/apt/history.log"13:33
TJ-juhuu4712: to remove it "sudo apt remove libsbigudrv2" (if you know you don't need it)13:33
ap5so for me to install wifi drivers for my ubuntu install ... I need to download them from the Internet :D I love this.13:36
juhuu4712TJ, here is it http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PW472KRwVD/13:36
juhuu4712TJ, the problem still exists13:37
ap5Isnt I able to default to some shitty broadcom driver so I can get this wifi of mine to work13:37
TJ-juhuu4712: I've reported Bug #180136213:38
ubottubug 1801362 in sbig (Ubuntu) "udev rules broken, causes /bin/chmod 0666 to be run on all USB ADD events" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180136213:38
TJ-juhuu4712: check if that removed the config file: "ls /etc/udev/rules.d/99-sbig.rules"13:39
juhuu4712TJ, i have entered udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger and git his in syslog https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5WhctQNkTv/13:40
TJ-juhuu4712: if not we'll need to use 'purge' as in "sudo apt purge libsbigudrv2"13:40
TJ-juhuu4712: that's fine; check with "lspci -nn" but I think you'll find those devices (1c.1, 1c.2) are PCIe ports13:42
juhuu4712TJ, success, thanks so far13:42
TJ-juhuu4712: modemmanager is probing to find moden devices and reports it doesn't know how to probe those13:42
juhuu4712TJ, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VgcbY84vCK/13:43
TJ-juhuu4712: as I thought; so the problem is now fixed13:45
juhuu4712TJ, great - thank you again and have a nice day13:46
jjbuggleI tried to play a game, and the performance was horrible.  Is there a way that I can make sure my graphics are working proper?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FYq62dK2Pt/13:47
adrian_1908jjbuggle: do you have some amd control panel? I would look into that to make sure you're using the dedicated Radeon card and not Intel's onboard chip.13:51
jjbuggleadrian_1908: i would love to look into that, but I don't know where any of that would be13:52
adrian_1908jjbuggle: I don't have an AMD card, so I don't know either. Do you have the proprietary drivers installed? They might come with such a control panel (Catalyst etc.)13:54
jjbuggleadrian_1908: there are no proprietary available through the additional drivers dialog.  And searching on the net says that the proprietary ones are for professional apps, not gaming.  Whatever that means13:55
adrian_1908Hmm, maybe your card is too old then and those drivers have been removed. The proprietary drivers are definitely suited for [anything], and aside from open source purists most users just want the best performance.13:58
nekowaiidesujjbuggle, I'm also trying to get Radeon card working properly in games on xubuntu13:59
jjbugglenekowaiidesu: nice, let's work together13:59
nekowaiidesusomeone told me to try sudo lshw -C video13:59
adrian_1908I can't really help more, as I know too little about it myself. If older drivers versions work with recent kernels, you could also try to get the linux driver directly from AMD's website.13:59
nekowaiidesucheck the driver14:00
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jjbugglenekowaiidesu: thanks mate!14:00
nekowaiidesuSadly I'm at work now, not on my gaming machine.14:00
jjbuggleadrian_1908: sorry, I meant you, thanks mate!14:00
nekowaiidesuThere is a ppa for third party drivers which are supposedly updated more frequently than the default ubuntu drivers. Personally I didn't have much luck with them either.14:00
nekowaiidesu<lotuspsychje> nekowaiidesu: check this: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-latest-amd-radeon-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux14:01
jjbugglenekowaiidesu: yeah, I think I have 2 graphics cards, integrated intel and the amd.  And it is not using the amd which is the problem14:01
nekowaiidesu^ There is a guide to install the ppa in that link.14:01
nekowaiidesujjbuggle, I think I have the same issue. When I run games it feels like my processor is doing all the work lol. Radeon R9 38014:02
BluesKajjjbuggle, is the amd a PCIe gpu that you installed ?14:02
nekowaiidesubut yeah, if you install the 3rd party or AMDGPU-PRO drivers and can see that they reflect in 'lshw -C video' I'd have some hope that I can fix my issue tonight :D14:03
jjbuggleBluesKaj: that's an insertable card, right?  No, it is integrated from oem14:03
jjbugglenekowaiidesu: ok.  I think I'm willing to experiment.  i might install and give it a try and report back14:04
vltHello. How can I run more than one instance of a program (in my case "entangle") on the same screen?14:05
enzotibvlt, I think it depends on the program, not all programs allow this. Simply launch a second instance and see what happens14:11
vltenzotib: Well, I wouldn't have to ask if I wouldn't have tried it first ;-)  entangle doesn't run a second time as the same user. That's why I'm asking what extra work makes it run at least on the same screen more than once.14:15
BluesKajjjbuggle, aka a hybrid gpu system, similar to the Optimus on some laptops that use intel and nvidia. I'm not sure what the driver setup is on linux14:16
jjbuggleBluesKaj: yes, it is a hybrid system, as far as I can tell.  (it was my Dad's work computer, so I don't know much about it)14:17
peter22222hi folks... i have a problem with my sd card reader.. could anybody help me?14:17
peter22222the sd card is working on other pcs but not on mine:14:17
peter22222i have a Dell XPS 13 9350 Ubuntu 18.0414:18
peter22222lspci -nnk : https://pastebin.com/yuSEk4xr14:19
peter22222dmesg | grep mmc0     :     https://pastebin.com/GdFBkDGX14:19
vltWhat do I have to do to run the program "entangle" more than once on one screen?14:20
BluesKajjjbuggle, maybe this will help https://askubuntu.com/questions/1038271/intel-amd-hybrid-graphics-ubuntu-18-0414:22
geodb27People : hi ! I'm trying to build a centralized auth machine on  my lan. So far, I've successfully setup a ldap for this purpose, and now I'm thinking about pam_mount so as to get the home directory available at user auth.14:25
karoshiHey - I have a few things set up on my ubuntu VPS. I could access Monit via <ip>:2812 until this morning. I just installed ZNC and I'm not able to access <ip>:6697 either - Both appear to be running and functioning as expected on the server-level...14:26
geodb27The thing I'm thinking about is that since the /etc/nsswitch.conf reads "passwd: ldap files" (This is wanted behaviour, so that auth would be done first against the ldap and then, if the ldap is not available, against the /etc/passwd file as normal, is a solution to have the homedirectory available in the later case anyway.14:27
geodb27Is that a good idea to have something like this : for a user set the home directory as /somewhere/user (nfs mounted via pam_mount) in the ldap, have the homedir set as /home/user in the local passwd file, and do a rsync upon the two folders at ldap disconnexion ?14:28
geodb27All machines that will use this central auth are laptops.14:29
jjbuggleBluesKaj: killing it, thankyou.  I can't confirm exactly that everything is working, but the game I'm trying to play is running smoothly now.  I used the xrandr commands listed in the link you gave: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1038271/intel-amd-hybrid-graphics-ubuntu-18-04   and started steam with the proper DRI... prepend.  FYI, and thankyou!14:40
jjbugglenekowaiidesu: ^14:40
BluesKajjjbuggle, glad to hear it :-)14:41
nekowaiidesujjbuggle, THANKS bud! I will try this tonight too.14:46
vltenzotib: I just found the "Windows -> New window (ctrl+N)" option in entangle.  :facepalm:14:48
geodb27Is there something special to have pam_mount installed on kubuntu18.04 ? The pam package don't seem to provide it in the first place, and apt search pam_mount returns nothing at all ?14:56
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tgm4883!info libpam-mount | geodb2714:58
ubottugeodb27: libpam-mount (source: libpam-mount): PAM module that can mount volumes for a user session. In component main, is extra. Version 2.16-3build2 (bionic), package size 86 kB, installed size 300 kB (Only available for linux-any)14:58
geodb27oh, thanks tgm4883. I searched only pam_mount... I see my mistake ! That's great, I'll have something to deal with :-)14:59
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k_szeerm, snap commands are just stuck after I reboot.15:28
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k_szee.g. running `sudo snap remove wekan` is just stuck.15:44
k_szeAnd I think snapd just crashed, wow15:45
kur1jI'm running ubuntu 16.04.5, and am running into this bug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nfs-utils/+bug/1697339 can anyone suggest a way of getting a slightly newer version that implements this fix on 16.04.5 without botching my entire installation?15:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1697339 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu) "rpc.gssd performs reverse DNS by default (regardless of -D flag)" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:50
pi0is it possible to encrypt the filesystem after install16:09
TJ-kur1j_: hmmm, the source package in 16.04 appears to have the correct code *but* for some reason the source package also contains binaries built in 2013 which look to pre-date the fixed source! I think someone mis-built that package. Let me try a simple no-change rebuild and see if that works. If so we can get it fixed quite easily16:10
pi0is there such a thing as password usb boot for ubuntu16:16
pi0plug in a usb and only if the usb is plugged in will the system boot16:16
tewardpi0: install the /boot/ partition to the USB stick, without that you can't boot Ubuntu.  As for 'password usb boot' that sounds more like you want a system level boot password16:20
tewardand encrypting the filesystem after install is nontrivla - doable but can be very painful.16:20
kur1j_TJ-: oh sweet! how would I know if what you do works? haha16:26
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TJ-kur1j_: I'll let you know. I may be wrong, since the debian build system generates files in a temporary directory, so the object/exectuable files I see in the source shouldn't be there but ought not to end up in the debian package.16:31
TJ-kur1j_: unfortunately that wasn't the cause; you would need to patch the code. Are you able to build/install it locally? the patch is pretty simple16:44
kur1j_TJ-: damn okay. thanks for trying! I could, but would end up having to do it for about 10+ machines16:45
TJ-kur1j_: no; you correct the source once, build the .deb packages, and then copy/install them using dpkg -i16:51
TJ-kur1j_: it takes about 10 minutes to do16:52
kur1j_ahh okay,16:52
kur1j_and that won't destroy the installation?16:52
kur1j_with some weird dependencies with apt-get16:52
TJ-kur1j_: not at all16:53
kur1j_you have a link to instructions on building the .deb package for this?16:54
TJ-kur1j_: I can talk you through it easily16:54
TheWilddo you know any actually *good* hex editor for Linux?16:54
rpifanhexchat lol16:55
TheWildminimum quality I need is one of HxD on Windows16:55
lotuspsychjeTheWild: apt-cache search hex editor16:55
kur1j_TJ-: that would be great16:56
TJ-kur1j_: if you want to do it in a quieter channel, /join #ubuntu-discuss16:56
TheWildsure, there are a lot of them, but I thought you could recommend me the least f'd up one.16:56
HipHop-openboxAsus Rog16:56
HipHop-openboxModel GL502VT16:56
HipHop-openboxCPU I7-6700 HQ 2.6 GHz16:56
HipHop-openboxGPU 970m 3GB16:56
HipHop-openboxRAM 8gb DDR5 (EXPANDABLE)16:56
HipHop-openbox500gb Hard Drive (EXPANDABLE)16:56
kur1j_TJ-: thanks I joined16:56
HipHop-openboxWindows 10 LEGAL16:56
HipHop-openbox1 TB SATA16:56
HipHop-openbox1060 3GB16:56
lotuspsychjeHipHop-openbox: not here please16:56
HipHop-openboxWhich is the better deal from Offer up16:57
lotuspsychjeHipHop-openbox: join ##hardware16:57
HipHop-openboxyes sit16:57
TheWildbless has too severely limited GUI - you can't simply change the font or it's size. Okteta? This one would be the best... except it doesn't support files larger than 2 GB. And you won't read it straight from the description.16:57
lotuspsychjeTheWild: test a few from the repos, pick one for your needs16:58
doreihow do I increase the width of scrollbars @ unity ?17:01
lotuspsychjedorei: you might wanna take a look with dconf-editor perhaps17:03
doreithat smells like it's gonna take me hours :(17:04
doreiaint it something simple?17:04
TheWildMidnight Commander has hex editor but it won't let you change file size. By the way, F10 is for exit, but gnome-terminal doesn't forward it to the application.17:05
TheWilddoes it have to suck that bad?17:05
doreitry xterm or rxvt :)17:06
dougquaidI'm in the process of hardening an ubuntu server. Is there some software that I can scan the server with that will find vulnerabilities?17:06
TheWildok, sorry, my bad17:06
TheWildit was in the settings17:06
TheWildI was searcking under "Shortcuts" but it was somewhere else17:06
lotuspsychjedougquaid: join #ubuntu-server volunteers might have a few tips for you17:07
TheWildI'll install Bless.17:09
TheWildMaybe I change my word about it when I read the layouts specification... if it has any17:09
lotuspsychjedorei: actually dconf-editor is pretty easy17:09
doreilotuspsychje: but u never know if something is hardcoded into ubuntu, like the winkey+t that opens the trash17:11
lotuspsychjedorei: think its related to overlay scrollbars enable/disable check that setting in dconf17:11
er45fstuck at grub> prompt, and LS only shows (memdisk) (cbfsdisk) (ahci1) (ahci1,msdos*)17:12
er45fI believe i need to insmod something, but am not sure.17:12
arunpyasiHello everyone, can I get an ltsp support here please ? I am running 18.04 and I am trying to boot my thin client but its only giving a cross mark cursor with black+white screen..17:13
arunpyasiDoesn't gnome support thin client ?17:13
arunpyasiI am following http://wiki.ltsp.org/wiki/Installation/Ubuntu chrootless17:14
EriC^^er45f: what does "echo $prefix" give?17:14
er45f(memdisk).  The issue is I manually edited a grub.cfg generated by grub-mkconfig when i knew better than to do so.17:15
doreii searched with dconf-editor for "scroll" but no result was related to the width of the scrollbar :(17:15
er45foh, and ahci is equiv of hd :/17:16
er45fsilly be17:16
lotuspsychjedorei: anything in org.gnome.desktop.interface ?17:16
TheWildtesting wxHexEditor right now. IIRC I've tested it in the past but I don't remember what was wrong with it.17:18
TheWildas for now, it smells good.17:18
lotuspsychje!yay | TheWild17:18
ubottuTheWild: Glad you made it! :-)17:18
lotuspsychjewelcome giaco17:18
giacoI am installing ubuntu server on a machine that has no graphical output, but I have a serial terminal 115200n817:19
lotuspsychjegiaco: please join #ubuntu-server volunteers might have a look for you17:19
doreiare there other minimal desktop enviroments like unity?17:19
TheWildlotuspsychje: not so fast. I may find out what was wrong, but either it doesn't happen in the first place or they have fixed it. Well, it's over half year I recently checked it out.17:20
giacolotuspsychje: thank you17:20
uldicsHi! Anyone knows something about an 18.10 problem with: Failure to download extra data files, ttf-mscorefonts-installer popup window? It comes up every time I boot. Can that installer maybe be removed? A fix coming soon?17:22
lotuspsychjeuldics: do you get this when opening rythmbox?17:24
aroif i have two ethernet interfaces, eth0 and ppp, how do i specify to use ppp as the default interface17:25
uldicslotuspsychje: No, just a short while after login to my Mate desktop. Iam somewhat sure it is some postupgrade from 18.04 to 18.10 relict17:25
lotuspsychjeuldics: that package is part of ubuntu-restricted-extras perhaps try to purge and reinstall again?17:26
uldicslotuspsychje: Hmm, purge did not show any dependencies ... So, I can probably live without it?17:29
lotuspsychjeuldics: restricted extras install codecs to play on players etc17:29
uldicsBecause, I do not see any software which should have them MS fonts17:30
uldicsOhh ok, players17:30
lotuspsychjeuldics: if one day you find yourself in missing codecs, reinstall ok17:30
uldicsok, will try reinstalling17:30
ducasseuldics: just do 'apt purge ttf-mscorefonts-installer', reinstall it later if you find yourself missing fonts17:32
uldicsOK, looks like it is some sourceforge problem:   Redirection from https to 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mirrorproblem?failedmirror=kent.dl.sourceforge.net' is forbidden [IP: 443]17:34
uldicsBut I can just purge and if some player or font problem appears, know that this could be the one, then manually download from sourceforge or Debian repo for manual install. I suppose17:34
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ducasseuldics: this is a common problem with that particular package, seems to crop up from time to time17:39
uldicsducasse: Thanks, will keep behind my ear ;)17:39
ducasseuldics: last time it happened to me i grabbed the latest debian package and manually installed that17:40
uldicsducasse: Yes, seems to be the right solution. But until it affects me, can try to remove and ignore. Will see how far I get17:41
TheWildhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bless/+bug/1622951 - soooo...?17:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1622951 in bless (Ubuntu) "bless fails to handle user config" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:42
arunpyasiHello everyone, can I get an ltsp support here please ? I am running 18.04 and I am trying to boot my thin client but its only giving a cross mark cursor with black+white screen..  Doesn't gnome support thin client ? I am following http://wiki.ltsp.org/wiki/Installation/Ubuntu chrootless17:44
bityardIf anyone has a moment, I have questions about the behavior of the installer of Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS. To start with, is the algorithm for how the installer provisions disks and swap by default documented somewhere? I have spent a few hours googling and haven't found anything detailed yet17:47
bityardor, how about an easier question: why, when using LVM, does the installer only create a 3.9 GB root volume and then leave the rest of the disk unused in the volume group, no matter what size the disk is?17:51
ikoniabecause you can extend it to your size then17:51
ikoniait's easier to grow than it is shrink, and the risk of any shrink on a root volume is removed17:51
_freenoderhow can one go about diagnozing super slow torrent download issues via vpn, i tried using a live ubuntu and temporarily installing the vpn and downloading a torrent and it was normal. ideas?17:51
bityardthat itself makes sense, but 3.9 GB is super tiny17:52
ikoniano it's not17:52
ikoniait's a size that fits the install in with a reasonable headroom to allow you to grow it17:52
aroif i have two ethernet interfaces, eth0 and ppp, how do i specify to use ppp as the default interface18:04
TJ-aro: using the GUI, or from command line? either way, you specify one as the default route18:04
TJ-aro: check the current routing table with "ip route show"18:05
TJ-aro: is there more than 1 default route?18:05
aroi added it using rnet18:05
arolet me check18:05
arotwo records showed up18:06
aro10.0.0.0/24 dev eth018:06
TJ-aro: so I'm guessing 1 has a lower 'metric' value than the other?18:06
aroand dev ppp018:06
arowell top one has metric 202, the second doesnt have a metric value18:06
TJ-aro: so eth0 has metric 202 ?18:06
TJ-aro: right, so it takes precedence. I *think* ppp can be configured to use a particular metric value18:07
arook cool18:07
aroip route add dev ppp0 metric XX18:08
TJ-aro: you should 'change' the current route, not add another18:08
ikoniathe are both on totally different networks18:08
arohow do ido that18:08
ikoniaso why does the metric matter18:08
ikoniayou just need one to be the default gateway ?18:08
TJ-aro: also, in your pppd config, you might want to use "replacedefaultroute"18:09
TJ-ikonia: they are both default routes
aroit has a setting called 'defaultroute'18:09
TJ-aro: yes, and "replacedefaultroute" will ensure if a default route already exists, it is replaced18:10
aroOk. does order matter?18:10
TJ-aro: you would use both settings18:10
ikoniaTJ-: where did you see that ? the output he pasted only shows routes for 10.0 and 192.018:10
ikoniadid I miss it /18:10
TJ-ikonia: that was abbreviated :)18:10
TJ-ikonia: aro  posted the bit after the "... via "18:11
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ikoniaare you sure ? I just scrolled up and they looked like routes for the network they are on, not default18:12
TJ-I am, yes18:12
aroso theres this too. the IP address for the ppp0 if is NOT 192.168.x.x18:13
aroits 25.79.xx.xx18:13
TJ-aro: what are you using to configure the network?18:13
TheWildwhy snap when there was apt already?18:14
aroi am using a script that came with some tools for ppp18:14
TheWildI have to learn another bunch of subcommands18:14
aroi was running sudo pon rnet18:14
aroand that connected to the tmobile APN and provided the IP18:14
TJ-aro: is this using a cellular modem? the modem is likely presenting a USB CDC ethernet interface using the subnet 192.168.x.0/24. ppp then creates a separate connection over that link and you get the public IP address on the PC18:16
aroit is a cellular modem18:17
TJ-you know you can use GUI network-manager to handle PPP connections ?18:18
TJ-aro: actually, NM uses ModemManager under the hood18:18
arowhat do i do to use that18:18
aroi dont have any gui18:18
arohow do i access that ppp ip then?18:19
TJ-aro: NM does have a text user interface too. If network-manager is installed  you can run "nmtui" to manage network connections, for example18:19
TJ-aro: how do you mean "access that pp ip"?18:20
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arohow do i proxy traffic to that ip over ppp i meant18:20
TJ-aro: if the PPP interface is up with an IP address and you've set the default route to use the PPP device, that's all there is18:20
arowhat package does nmtui come with18:20
TJ-aro: nmtui is part of network-manager18:20
TJ-aro: and network-manager recommends the modemmanger package18:21
TJ-aro: network-manager calls PPP "DSL" or "PPoE" type18:24
arook installing network manager now18:30
aroshould i install modem-manmager too18:31
aroor does that come automaticallu18:31
aroit looks like it created it18:31
ikonianetwork manager is installer by default /18:31
arook i am in nmtui18:31
arothe gui18:31
arodo i add a connection?18:32
ikoniais this actually ubuntu18:32
TJ-aro: if you create a new "DSL" connection thats for PPP18:44
`misthey guys, trying to install salt-minion however it's saying it can't install some dependencies19:08
`mistand oddly enough, when i do an apt search for python-zmq there is no match, what's going on?19:08
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arunangshuthere is a website where one can chat its name is www.freechatnow.com   . i was thinking whether there can be a mobile application from which i can access that site without login onto the site through browser ??? please help19:11
aroI have the connection getting an internet ip, how do i share/bridge the ppp0 connection to my eth0 device19:13
arunangshuthere is a website where one can chat its name is www.freechatnow.com   . i was thinking whether there can be a mobile application from which i can access that site without login onto the site through browser ??? please help19:16
solsTiCe hi. I wanted ti downgrade an account from admin to regular user but let it do the regular updates. Can I do that with sudo rules ? what command should I allow ?19:20
arunangshuis it possible to configure freechatnow.com on mobile application ??19:20
ducassearunangshu: i don't see how that is an ubuntu question, try somewhere else19:23
someone_we know that any folder is a file holding addresses for other files, so how can I open this folder on a text editor I want to see its content even if it is just binary .19:23
arunangshuducasse, : yes i know that but i have searched tons of pages without proper answer so i am here. if anyone can help i would appreciate ..19:25
raidghostHow can i get the OLD good ubuntu wizard and not the Orange one without RAID option or anything usefull19:28
ikoniaubuntu wizard ?19:28
ikoniado you mean the actual installer ?19:28
ikoniaor some other form of wizard19:28
raidghostikonia: the NORMAL installer. not the ORANGE fanzy one with less options19:29
ikoniawhat "normal" installer ?19:29
raidghostIt looks the same as debian default installer19:29
ikoniawhat option are you missing ?19:29
ducasseraidghost: if you mean the debian installer it is still available on releases.ubuntu.com19:29
raidghostikonia: to setup mdraid  and stuff like that19:30
ikoniathe gui installer lets you select raid meta devices19:30
raidghostikonia: how then? it doesnt see my fakeraid raid 119:30
raidghostit sees 2drives19:31
ikonianot seeing a fakeraid device doesn't mean it doesn't support it19:31
ikoniait means it can't detect your fake raid de ice - that could be for many reasons19:31
raidghostikonia: The ONLY reason i want to use FAKERAID on the two SSD drives is to make it BOOTABLE on both drives19:31
raidghostso if one fail. The other one acts like nothing happend19:32
ikoniayou don't need fake raid for that - you could use software raid very comfortably with that19:32
kur1j_is there an equiv "authconfig" on ubuntu19:32
ikoniabut again fakeraid will be fine, if the device is suported19:32
raidghostikonia: HOW TO setup mdraid in the orange ubuntu installer then?19:32
raidghostthere is NO option for RAID at all.19:32
ikoniaraidghost: as I said, it depends why it can't see your fakeraid device19:33
tewardraidghost: 'orange ubuntu installer'?19:34
ikoniaI think he means the standard desktop graphical installer19:34
raidghostikonia: it follows on the server image too19:34
tewardikonia: i thought that the desktop installer didn't have RAID support out of the box?19:34
tewardraidghost: server live installer to my knowledge isn't RAID-capable yet.19:34
tewardyou could try the alternate installer image?19:34
ikoniateward: it should see the metadevice if it's a supported controller though19:34
raidghosti like installer like this. https://www.percona.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Installing-MySQL-8.0-on-Ubuntu.png19:35
raidghostthe old classic one19:35
ikoniaraidghost: so you want the curses driven syste19:35
raidghostikonia: https://www.phoronix.com/image-viewer.php?id=2018&image=bionic_server_1_lrg this installer is NO MDRAID friendly at all.19:37
raidghostteward: I will need to see if i find the alternate installer image then.19:38
ducasseraidghost: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04/release/ubuntu-18.04.1-server-amd64.iso19:38
raidghostthanks ducasse.19:39
raidghostikonia: What you ment by curses driven system ?19:42
ducasseraidghost: that menu toolkit is called ncurses19:43
ioriateward, "As of 18.04.1, the Subiquity server installer now supports LVM, RAID," according to the release notes19:50
teward*shrugs*  Never got it to recognize my RAID array, even software RAID array at the firmware level was never recognized *shrugs*19:52
tewardbut it sounds to me like the person in question wanted the alternate installer which is curses driven anyways so19:52
raidghostteward: "installer now supports LVm raid, i wonder why ONLY LVM is in the menu then. Maybe i need new glasses. I give it one more try.19:54
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ben-linux23hi guys, i STILL didn't get my audio working on my realtek ALC1220 amd board i got so frustrated last night i ended up unplugging the computer, i tried 4+ times to get a pastebin of my syslog file, it didnt let me it kept erroring, pastebinit kept failing, and the error was too big to paste in the website, idk what to do20:00
kur1j_im having a hellva time with kerberizing my NFS shares...I can do "sudo mount -o sec=krb5p nfs-server.exampe.com:/data/shared /mnt/shared" and then do "sudo ls /mnt/shared" and it works, however, if I just do "ls /mnt/shared" I get "ls: cannot open directory '/mnt/shared': Stale file handle"20:01
kur1j_I can remove the sec=krb5p from my /etc/exports and my mount command and both work20:01
ikonialook at who owns your kerberos ticket20:04
kur1j_ikonia: root owns the keytab file20:04
ikonianot the keytab - the actual ticket20:05
ikoniaif you look at the auth model you're doing,20:05
ikonia(I'm making a big guess as I don't know your specific config)20:05
kur1j_ikonia: its just a FreeIPA box20:05
ikoniaI mean your auth model20:05
kur1j_sorry, unfamiliar with what would be considered the "model"20:06
kur1j_I was essentially doing this20:06
kur1j_it works for root, but doesn't do it for normal users20:06
ikoniakur1j_: what I'm saying is I don't know how your box is setup to auth20:06
kur1j_so i think you are on to something with the kerberos ticket20:06
ikoniabut what you're saying is mount this share and provide acces to this share based on kerbos authentication tickets20:07
ikonia(that's what you're mount command is stuggestining to me)20:07
ikoniaso when you do "ls" without sudo - what is the auth model of that user and how is it supposed to get a ticket20:07
kur1j_ikonia: you are correct. How do I determine who owns the kerberos ticket20:07
`mistany reason why i can't find python-zmq in apt search?20:07
`misti can't install salt-minion and zmq is a dependency20:07
kur1j_ikonia: ahhh, I was hoping sssd(?) was handling that automatically20:08
ikonia`mist: is it in the ubuntu repos20:08
ikoniakur1j_: ok - maybe sssd will deal with that, I suspect it won't by default, you normally have to configure sssd20:08
ben-linux23guys, if i cant get sound working, my computer will be useless with it20:08
`mistikonia: yes20:08
ben-linux23ubuntu, my bd20:08
ikonia!info python-zmq20:08
ubottupython-zmq (source: pyzmq): Python bindings for 0MQ library. In component universe, is optional. Version 16.0.2-2build2 (bionic), package size 217 kB, installed size 1151 kB20:09
ikonia`mist: do you havve the universe repo enabled ?20:09
`misthow do i check? running bionic server. i thought it was enabled by default20:11
ikonia`mist: look in the repo list20:11
ben-linux23sorry to pry guys, but i've dealt with this issue for a good bit, over a week, idk how to solve this..20:12
`mistyeah it's enabled20:12
`mistbut it says xenial, if that matters20:12
ikonia!info python-zmq xenial20:13
ubottupython-zmq (source: pyzmq): Python bindings for 0MQ library. In component universe, is optional. Version 15.2.0-0ubuntu4 (xenial), package size 195 kB, installed size 974 kB20:13
ikonia`mist: looks good, should be visable in a search then, as you can see it's there in xenial20:13
ioria`mist, are you on xenial or bionic ?20:13
ioria`mist, on 16.04 salts wants python-zmq   on bionic it wants python3-zmq20:15
ikoniais this a repo mix....20:15
ben-linux23*shrugs* i guess its a lost effort20:17
ikoniaben-linux23: just talking into the air won't really endure to help with self pity20:17
ben-linux23ikonia, i know i just dont get why no one's helped me yet20:18
ben-linux23i described my issue, but nobody has given anything help wise20:18
ikoniaprobably because they either dont know the answer, or the self pity *sigh* - *I guess it's a lost cause* type stuff is quite putting off20:18
ben-linux23well i googled the answer and looked at the wiki/forum i found nothing20:19
`misti can't even see python3-zmq ikonia20:19
ben-linux23that helped20:19
ben-linux23so my thought left was to come ask in here20:20
`mistwhen doing an apt search20:20
ikonia`mist: I'd be interested in your answer to ioria's question20:20
ben-linux23and im not a skilled/experienced Linux user so im tbh unsure how to solve this20:21
ikoniaben-linux23: right, you're still just talking into the air20:21
ben-linux23idk what that means ikonia20:21
ikoniaben-linux23: just ask the question clearly, with as much relevant detail as possible and if someone wants to help/can help they will20:22
ikoniabe patient and wait for someone to help20:22
ikoniadont' ask then constantly just talk into the air about how bad it is20:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1764965 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "[Realtek ALC1220 ASUS PRIME X370] Recording is very slow and plays 10x faster" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:24
ben-linux23my issue is, i have a gigabyte AB350 gaming 3 motherboard, ryzen 1600 cpu with NO onboard video, im using seperate video, and i cant get the onboard Realtek ALC1220 audio working. I edited the alsa-base.conf file almost 10 times trying to get it working, tried starting pulseaudio over and over, googling the issue, and i did see that bug, it didnt make sense to me20:25
ben-linux23my issue is i hear nothin out my speakers20:25
`mist salt-minion : Depends: python-zmq (>= 14.4.0) but it is not installable20:26
`mistso it is asking for python-zmq, not python3-zmq20:26
ben-linux23i tried putting it to several output types, no fix20:26
ioria`mist, cat /etc/issue20:26
UBuxuBUben-linux23, when you installed ubuntu , were you hard wired to the internet? and did you check off yes install the proprietary drivers?20:28
ben-linux23UBuxuBU, i was on WiFi and yes i did20:29
ben-linux23i dont have access to my router also, its in a hard to get to place in my house tbh20:30
ioriaben-linux23, not suggesting it,but maybe you need a bleeding edge kernel20:30
ben-linux23maybe i do20:30
ben-linux23i wouldnt know where to get that nor how to install it tho20:30
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds20:31
UBuxuBUif noone helps you...and you cannot find anything that works, i reinstall while hard wired. it may also help is you spoke to the manufacturers of your hardware to find out if they make drivers for linux.20:31
UBuxuBU i once had a computer, that while installing ubuntu, would see my wife and noone in here was able to help me, when i hard wired it and started over, somehow it did go get me the wifi drivers,20:37
UBuxuBUi meant woulod not see my wife*20:38
UBuxuBUubuntu could not install see my wife till i did a hard wire intall is what i meant to say20:38
sla3kif I am not wrong ;)20:39
UBuxuBUthis laptop has no backlight on keyboard20:39
UBuxuBUcan a more experienced tech tell me if ubuntu is a little better at installing driver during a hard wire install?20:40
`mistUbuntu 18.04.1 LTS \n \l20:43
aroI have the connection getting an internet ip, how do i share/bridge the ppp0 connection to my eth0 device20:45
ioria`mist, sy, i'am leaving  paste for the channel apt-cache policy  python3-zmq  salt-minion20:46
`mistsorry guys, it seems i am a full on retard. i checked the sources.list on my salt server and not on the server20:47
`misti added universe and now it installed... *sigh*20:47
arois there a way to bridge a ppp conection to my eth021:17
ikoniayou can create bridges or routing21:19
ikoniawhat are you actually trying to achieve ?21:19
aroi would like ot be able to use the internet connection that is available on ppp21:21
ikoniawhy can you not ?21:22
aroi dont understand21:23
ikoniajust tell the machine to have a default route of ppp's ip address21:23
ikoniayou don't need to bridge to do that21:23
joanjhi all21:24
arohow do i set that interface as the default ip21:26
ikoniaaro: what is the current default gateway21:27
arowell the one to my router i imagine, but I want it to be tmobiles apn21:27
ikoniadont imagine21:27
arodefault dev ppp0 scope link21:28
ikoniano, I'm asking what is the default gateway of your machine21:28
ikoniaand what interface is
ikoniaok, so remove the default gateway from that interface and change it to be the ppp interface21:30
aroactually when i do route -n, it says my gateways are all
ikoniano, the gateways are not
ikoniaplease pastebin the output of netstat -rn21:30
ikoniaso you're routing looks pretty screwed up21:32
ikoniaare you accessing anything on the 10.0 network ?21:32
ikoniathen just disble that interface and use the ppp one21:32
ikoniawhy make it hard21:32
arothats just was used for inet access before i had this set up21:32
arothats my LAN port21:32
ikoniaok, disable the network on it then21:33
ikoniaif you don't need it21:33
ikoniareboot and the routing will sort itself out for the ppp interface21:33
arohow do i disable an interface?21:33
ikoniakeep it simple21:33
ikoniadisable it using network manager21:33
ikoniawhat version of ubuntu is this21:33
ikoniayou concerned my earlier that you appeared to be missing key packages21:33
arook well i assumed it work21:34
aroits kicked me out of ssh21:34
arolet me check21:34
aroit was a very thin install21:34
ikoniaif you're using that interface and you disable the interface it will kick you out21:34
ikoniathin install ???21:35
aroyeah just not very much in it21:35
ikoniano ubuntu installer will not have network manager installed21:35
aroso i could just install what i needed21:35
Bluecoatanyone know why I get "operation not permitted" trying to access /sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices in 18.10?21:35
ikoniawhat exact version is this21:35
aroit did have it, i just couldnt find it21:35
ikoniaBluecoat: how are you trying to access it21:35
Bluecoatikonia: 'cat' as root.21:36
joanjHere's what happened (18.04 if I remember correctly): 1. I used Time Shift to create a "restoration point" and soon I had 0kb left on the HDD. 2. I removed some files and soon there were like 5GB free space (I think now it's even 7GB). 3. I wanted to apt-get update and upgrade but the termional returned that I don't have enough space in var/cache/apt/archives. 4. I ran everything I found on the internet like clean, autoclean, autoremove and in21:36
joanjreturn there was a message that there 0 new 0 removed (something like that). 5. Unfortuanatelly I had to reboot the laptop and I got another error: started gnome display manager dispatcher service and it stacks there. 6. I started recovery console and I found this on the web: apt-get remove --reinstall gnome-shell (if I remmeber correctly and... I got the message about the you don't have enough space in /var/cache/apt/archives message again....21:36
joanjThe du -h to /var/cache/apt/archives says that altogether it's only like 40kb.21:36
joanjAny ideas?21:36
aroi am logged in to the device thru console, and its having a tough time21:36
Bluecoatikonia: although there's a nasty legacy piece of in-house whargarbl that does something with it becuase the goddamn hell could the author be arsed to use libusb.21:36
aroi rebooted after removing the if, and its back21:37
ikoniaBluecoat: Bluecoat if he's not exposed an interface that could be why sys can't "cat" it, but that top level should be fine21:37
ikoniaaro: how did you disable it21:38
ikoniadid you actually disable it ?21:38
ikoniait just shut it down21:38
Bluecoatikonia: yeah, I'm not sure if it's a new security feature or what.  lsusb works fine.21:38
aroi edited the connection in nm and just set it to not be used by anyoine21:38
ikoniaBluecoat: I can cat it jt just fine21:38
Bluecoatikonia: 18.10 with kernel 4.18?21:39
ozbrkhi people I installed 18.10 After a troublesome installation of Nvidia drivers (GTX950M) and tweaking the screen tearing with nomodeset configuration I have a FPS drop. Like ceartin one the menus are not smooth21:39
ikoniaBluecoat: standard 18.10 install21:39
Bluecoatikonia: hm.  Are you using an EFI boot?21:39
ikoniaI don't think so on that machine21:39
* Bluecoat pokes at the selinux / apparmor settings.21:40
aroi tried going to activate connection and disabled both ethernet connections21:40
arorebooted and they were back21:40
ikoniaselinux isn't in ubuntu21:40
ikoniaaro: how did you configure the eth0 interface in the first place21:41
Bluecoatikonia: that's what i thought, although i see a mention of it in dmesg.21:41
aroit was auto configured21:41
ikoniaaro: by what21:41
guideXwhat does it mean when you try to login over ssh and it says "bad password21:42
aroi really have no clue21:42
guideXbut when I login normally it's fine21:42
ikoniaguideX: is ssh set to use password authentication21:42
ikoniaaro: ok - what version of ubuntu is this please21:42
guideXhmm I'm not sure, i"ll research that and change it if need be21:43
ikoniadesktop install ?21:44
aroit doesnt have any xwindow system21:44
arobut yeah21:45
ikoniawell "no" then21:45
ikoniawhat installer did you use21:45
ikoniato build this system21:45
ikoniaas you've said it's a desktop install, but said it's a thin install21:45
ikoniano - what install media21:45
=== daniel is now known as Guest29930
ikoniahow did you do a desktop install with no desktop21:46
aroi am just relaying your questions to the unix guys who did this for me21:47
aroi didnt install the OS, they did it on here for me21:47
arothis is my first experience with ubuntu too21:47
aroi am trying to create a prototype for something we are doing at work for a new car we are releasing21:48
guideXI'm honestly not sure how to check21:48
ikoniaaro: just ask the unix guy to fix the routing for you then21:48
aroand there is a ton of beaurocracy i have to go through in order to fart21:48
arohe wont!21:48
ikoniaif you're just acting as a proxy for them21:48
mossim running 18.04 LONG TERM SUPPORT release21:48
aroive tried that, i tried that first - like 5 times21:48
mossand my LOCK IS FAILING TO LOCK21:48
guideXanother thing that's weird, it worked for a short time, then I changed the port number, and it is doing the "bad password" thing21:48
ikoniamoss: don't need caps lock21:48
ikoniaand your lock is failing ??21:48
mosssuper key + L doesnt work21:49
mossi go to the menu21:49
mosslock screen21:49
mossdoesnt work21:49
ikoniaguideX: app armour process blocking you ?21:49
joanjanyone any idea about my issue?21:50
mossjoanj: what was your issue21:50
mossis your lock screen working?21:50
mossSuper+L they said21:51
ikoniamoss: stop using caps please21:51
mossikonia: stop shipping broken shit code21:51
mossif you could stop shipping broken shit code21:51
mossi would stop typing in all caps21:51
guideXhmm I'm not sure what app armour is, I don't think I have it21:51
ikoniamoss: tone don the language please21:51
mossoh sorry21:51
ikoniamoss: ask for help without the language and attitude21:51
mosshorribly horrific garbage code21:51
mossall i want to do is lock my screen and i cant21:52
aroikona: i can see its trying to send a ping to google, and i see that there were TX packets sent, but no rx21:52
mossits been like this since ubuntu 10.04 LTS21:52
aromoss get a club21:52
ikoniaaro: pastebin netstatn -rn again please now after your reboot, lets have a look at the default routing setup after reboor21:52
ikoniareboot even21:53
mossaro: like an after work club, that can help me decipher what moron strung this code together that constantly breaks screenlock?21:53
ikoniamoss: final time I'll ask you - drop the attitude now21:53
ikoniaask for help clearly and politely, or be quiet/leave the channel21:53
OerHeksplease moss, keep this channel family friendly thanks21:53
mossi was raised in a broken home.21:53
arosomething like that21:54
mossaro: ah. i just put that over my monitor?21:54
ikoniaaro: you're not helping21:54
aroim sorry21:54
ikoniaplease don't be silly - focus on your problem21:54
arojust trying to lighten the mood21:54
mosscan we get mark shuttleworth in here21:54
arook so it seems that it is able to send traffic out on that interface now21:54
ikoniamoss: drop it now21:55
arobut its got 100% packet loss21:55
ikoniaaro: I've asked you for the output of netstat -rn in a pastebin please now that you've rebooted21:55
mossikonia: in all seriousness, screenlock randomly breaks and there are no error logs even alluding to why.21:55
mossi cant leave my computer because i cant lock it21:55
Bluecoatikonia: I can't see anything that gives a hint about /sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices being locked down (either in the log or via google).  Machine is clearly haunted.21:55
mossits company policy21:55
ikoniamoss: I get that, you've said it 10+ times while you've been here21:55
mossthat's it21:56
arosorry didnt see that21:56
arodoing it now21:56
mossim calling richard stallman21:56
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aroikonia: it says the same thing, except the eth0 interface is gone21:57
ikoniaaro: please show me21:57
aroi will have to type it out character by character21:58
aroit will take a bit21:58
ikoniathere is no way you typed that out that quickly and that well formatted21:59
ikoniaand that is showing you have no default gateway21:59
aroCorrect i modified the previous post22:00
ikoniaso you need to add a default gateway -> your ppp0 ip+device22:00
arosince it was pretty similar22:00
aroit would be pretty impressive if i had typed it out though huh22:00
aroWhere do I add that default gateway line22:00
ikoniajust do a route add22:01
ikoniaif it works you can make it persistant later22:01
arodoes it matter that the IP is dynamic?22:01
ikoniayou'll find the IP for your interface ppp will be static22:01
ikoniaas it's a private IP that is natt'd22:02
arolet me see if i can figure this out22:02
aroroute add default gw
arolike that?22:03
ikoniaI suspect your IP is not actually .25422:03
ikoniais it ?22:03
ikoniaand that looks good syntax22:03
arofor which interface?22:03
aroi have an ip that is dynamic22:03
arobut thats the external ip22:03
arofor the cellular device22:04
ikoniafor ppp22:04
ikoniais your private ip actually .254 ?22:04
arothe destination ip says 254.25422:04
ikoniaI'm talking about the actual IP on the ppp device22:04
aroyou have the patience of a saint, I am telling you22:04
arohow do i find that IP? is that the inet one22:05
ikoniaip addr22:05
arook for ppp0: <POINTTOPOINT,MULTICAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN group default qlen 322:06
aroinet peer scope global ppp022:06
arovalid_lft forever preferred_lft forever22:06
ikoniaso your ip is .25422:07
aroso use the route add i put earlier22:07
arook added22:08
arothats the new output of netstat -rn22:09
ikonialooks good22:09
ikoniaso you're seeing there (anything) go via
ikoniawhich is your ppp device22:10
aroso it appears to be able to resolve names22:10
arobut i still lose packets22:11
ikonia"loses packets"22:11
ikoniadoes it work can you access the internet22:11
aroPING yahoo.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.22:11
joanjaro are you puttin some sort of a proxy server together?22:11
arojoanj: its a device that will sit inside a future carline and report various pieces of information22:11
joanjaro and send it via internet?22:12
aroi cannot access the internet though. I can resolve the ips for hostnames22:12
arobut thats it22:12
ikoniahow are you testing internet access22:12
aroI am just pinging google right now22:13
ikoniaso ping is not a defacto test22:13
aroand i also have a php file on my own personal host that I was doing a curl to22:13
guideXthere's no user guideX, but there is a guidex, that's why I couldn't login, lol22:13
ikoniaaro: is there any firewall running on either the host or the network22:13
arooh oh22:14
aronew message!22:14
aroGnuTLS: Error in the pull function22:14
aroUnable to establish SSL connection.22:14
arothats a step in the right direction22:14
arois that an openssl issue or something else22:14
ikoniathat is a certificate handshake failing yes22:14
joanjaro when you ssh to it (sorry I wasn't from the begininng) can you ssh -vv to it for more information?>22:15
joanjyeah, I was about to say :)22:15
arossh cannot happen anymore since ive disabled the eth022:15
aroonly point of access is the cellular connection22:16
aroopenssl can connect to it22:17
aroi guess i can use -no-check-cert22:17
joanjIs that helpful?22:18
ikoniait sounds like your problem is solved22:18
ikoniayou're on the internet as requested22:18
arohowever its not showing in my logs on my server22:19
joanjaro just don't let your car being hacked :)22:19
joanjHere's what happened (18.04 if I remember correctly): 1. I used Time Shift to create a "restoration point" and soon I had 0kb left on the HDD. 2. I removed some files and soon there were like 5GB free space (I think now it's even 7GB). 3. I wanted to apt-get update and upgrade but the termional returned that I don't have enough space in var/cache/apt/archives. 4. I ran everything I found on the internet like clean, autoclean, autoremove and in22:21
joanjreturn there was a message that there 0 new 0 removed (something like that). 5. Unfortuanatelly I had to reboot the laptop and I got another error: started gnome display manager dispatcher service and it stacks there. 6. I started recovery console and I found this on the web: apt-get remove --reinstall gnome-shell (if I remmeber correctly and... I got the message about the you don't have enough space in /var/cache/apt/archives message again....22:21
joanjThe du -h to /var/cache/apt/archives says that altogether it's only like 40kb.22:21
ikoniajoanj: that spam isn't really going to help22:21
ikoniait's too much and just scrolls off screen22:21
joanjikonia, well, it's been a while...22:22
joanjscrolls off, really?22:22
arowell. wow an damn22:23
aroi finally got a response back22:23
aroand looking at the saved html, it says - Your data plan does not work on this device22:23
arothanks mobility department22:24
arowasted my time once again22:24
joanjaro, oh...22:24
=== kaminota__ is now known as kaminota
mobile_chow do i install wine22:37
sfdebugi'm trying to run nethogs but i get this error: lucas@lucas-desktop:~$ sudo nethogs eth022:39
sfdebugcreating socket failed while establishing local IP - are you root?22:39
sfdebugany idea?22:39
mobile_cmobile_c@Mobile-C:~/git$ wine22:39
mobile_cERROR: ld.so: object 'libgtk3-nocsd.so.0' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.22:39
jeremy31mobile_c in terminal> sudo apt install wine22:39
mobile_cgtk3-nocsd is already the newest version (3-1ubuntu1).22:39
mobile_ci did22:39
giacoI need help setting up my first bridge with netplan22:39
sfdebugi think i've installed an old version..22:41
jeremy31sfdebug Are you sure your ethernet interface is eth0?22:42
sfdebugjeremy31, yes, but, some ppl say the 0.8.0 version (that is the one i'm using have this error, i got it from apt repository... i think i'll need to compile the 0.8.1 version).22:44
jeremy31sfdebug I would check out bug reports on nethogs and see if anything is relevant22:45
sfdebugjeremy31, the ppl say that the 0.8.0 version (that is the one that i got from apt-get install) has this problem..22:47
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sfdebugi got it22:49
=== neunon_ is now known as neunon
mobile_chow tf do i install wine22:52
hggdhmobile_c: please mind your language22:54
mobile_cwine isnt anywhere in Discover either22:55
mobile_cjust WIneticks22:55
cryptodan_mobilemobile_c: "apt-cache search libgtk3-nocsd*"22:56
UBUxUBUjust inserted a good flash drive and ubuntu could not format it the options were all grayedout?22:56
UBUxUBUhad to put in my windows machine to format it22:57
mobile_cmobile_c@Mobile-C:~/git$ apt-cache search libgtk3-nocsd*22:58
mobile_clibgtk3-nocsd0 - Library to disable Gtk+ 3 client side decorations (CSD)22:58
=== RtMF is now known as QuinnStorm
cryptodan_mobileInstall that mobile_c22:59
mobile_ci did22:59
cryptodan_mobilemobile_c: "sudo updatdb" then "locate libgtk3-nocsd"23:00
mobile_clibgtk3-nocsd0 is already the newest version (3-1ubuntu1).23:00
OerHeksso you have wine, and the nocsd tool ..23:02
UBUxUBUi invented a new drink23:03
UBUxUBUi call it the hot apple23:03
jeremy31UBUxUBU try #ubuntu-offtopic23:04
mobile_cERROR: ld.so: object 'libgtk3-nocsd.so.0' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.23:04
UBUxUBUoh wait thought i was ni another channel23:04
mobile_cmobile_c@Mobile-C:~/git/lemonlex$ ldconfig -p | grep libgtk3-nocsd.so.023:09
mobile_c        libgtk3-nocsd.so.0 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgtk3-nocsd.so.023:09
mobile_coh well, at least i can execute it by the terminal23:13
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jeremy31qwebirc45255 Just ask the question23:19
qwebirc45255I would love if anyone could help me with a pesky Canon multifunction printer which does not scan. I can give more info (sorry, desktop froze).23:22
qwebirc45255I connect via USB and installed SANE. No printers recognized, although it does print from USB.23:23
OerHeksqwebirc45255, check if your model is supported at all, http://www.sane-project.org/sane-supported-devices.html23:26
qwebirc45255It did say supported, but I will check again, just for grins.23:27
qwebirc45255Status: Completely, and Manpage: sane-pixma23:30
joanjHere's what happened (18.04 if I remember correctly): 1. I used Time Shift to create a "restoration point" and soon I had 0kb left on the HDD. 2. I removed some files and soon there were like 5GB free space (I think now it's even 7GB). 3. I wanted to apt-get update and upgrade but the termional returned that I don't have enough space in var/cache/apt/archives. 4. I ran everything I found on the internet like clean, autoclean, autoremove and in23:31
joanjreturn there was a message that there 0 new 0 removed (something like that). 5. Unfortuanatelly I had to reboot the laptop and I got another error: started gnome display manager dispatcher service and it stacks there. 6. I started recovery console and I found this on the web: apt-get remove --reinstall gnome-shell (if I remmeber correctly and... I got the message about the you don't have enough space in /var/cache/apt/archives message again....23:32
qwebirc45255Listed as working with the sane-pixma backend (not sure what that means).23:32
joanjThe du -h to /var/cache/apt/archives says that altogether it's only like 40kb.23:32
guivercjoanj, 'stacked there?' - did it get stuck there (ie. you login at greeter, it churns a bit and returns to login screen? - ie. login loop, if you have no space in $HOME this happens, but you can still login via terminal (if you know how)23:33
guivercps: $HOME means /home/user/  (or whatever your username is)23:34
joanjguiverc, I mean it doesn't go any further it just stops. It's something that didn't happen only to me. It never goes beyond that point and it's before the login screen.23:36
joanjStuck, yes, typo.23:36
guivercjoanj, if you hit ctrl+alt+f4 do you get a terminal login prompt?23:37
kantlivelonganyone here use krb5+nfs?23:37
kantlivelongcant figure out why i cant mount from ubuntu to centos23:37
kantlivelongfedora to centos is fine23:37
joanjguiverc, it's not the point. It stops going, so it never gets to that screen.23:40
guivercjoanj, do you mean you're not even seeing plymouth of boot messages, ie. it's stuck early in the boot process? ctrl+alt+f4 I'd expect to work even if gdm has issues...  (the keys aren't related to gui)23:44
joanjguiverc, like this https://i.stack.imgur.com/K2GlD.jpg23:46
guivercokay - still at kernel booting steps. (before Welcome to ..)  I would reboot, at grub hit <E> (edit) and remove any 'quiet splash' and add a 1 on the 'linux' (kernel line) so it boots to runlevel 1 ; check you have space there, start looking thru logs for clues etc23:47
guiverccheck you have space - meaning `df` (you highlighted space,backups in your original post).23:49
joanjyeah I did that, apart from runlevel 1 :) Thanks23:50
joanjOfftopic: can you save (export) bookmarks from firefox and opera using only terminal? Copying entire profile would work?23:52
=== neunon_ is now known as neunon
guivercjoanj, re: firefox, I've done it in the past but have couldn't tell you how (I grep'd looking for url's to find file, then just scp'd it to where I wanted)23:54
joanjguiverc, thanks!23:58
oobuntoofor snapd how do I access say photos located on my drive?23:58

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