
=== Mrokii_ is now known as Mrokii
batteronizerHi, has anyone tried adding the backports repository on Kubuntu 18.04? Is it stable and did you face any annoying bugs?03:36
fishfox_Is there some way to get Konversation not to show all the status text03:37
fishfox_Also trying to get my keyboard backlight to work :)03:38
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> No one answers, sad05:58
=== ichoquo0Aigh9ie is now known as jalcine
valorie@Duong Ngo - did you ask a question? I don't see it06:14
valoriethe other two left before I could answer06:14
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> My Kubuntu doesn't have input method in System Settings08:44
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> this photo I find on the internet, but mine doesn't have08:45
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> (Photo, 968x356) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/rIVc8CTO/file_10666.jpg08:45
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> @Duong Ngo, install fcitx-frontend-qt509:05
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> Is ibus okay because the vietnamese typing is developed for ibus (im vietnamese)09:06
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> And what I mean from the photo is that my settings doesn't have "Input method" tab, just 4 tabs (language,...date time(09:08
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> @Duong Ngo, That requires installing the package kde-config-fcitx10:00
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> so sudo apt install kde-config-fcitx ?10:01
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> that would do it10:02
xEBIxhey is there a german channel for kubuntu?10:05
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> After installing kde-config, it gives me this error10:16
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> (Photo, 1366x768) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/FUnhgd2m/file_10670.jpg10:16
IrcsomeBot1<hal9000xl> Any libreoffice or openoffice users here? Specifically Calc?10:17
BluesKajHI folks10:17
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> I am libre user10:17
IrcsomeBot1<talfhokzx> Is protonvpn down?10:24
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> @Duong Ngo, fcitx needs to be running. the 'fcitx-autostart' command should do that10:27
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> @acheronuk, I forget to tell you that I did activate ibus before by the command "im-config -n ibus" so "fcitx-autostart" doesn't work10:28
BluesKajtalfhokzx, we don't monitor vpn services, check their site10:28
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> (Photo, 770x717) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/RbRPS6K4/file_10671.jpg10:30
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> (Document) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/XxKya3sz/file_10672.desktop10:30
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> @Duong Ngo, choose one to use. both can't be used at the same time. ibus doesn't have a kcm module for system settings as you wanted, but has seperate config dialogs10:31
xEBIxIn Kmail, when i click on an email, i cant "delete" it the trashbin button is greyd out. How can I actvate that again?10:31
acheronukxEBIx: there is #kubuntu-de but only has 8 people in there, so may not be much help!10:33
xEBIxyes thats why i asked here now10:34
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> @acheronuk, So running ibus by "im-config -n ibus" is okay? I can now type Vietnamese but get annoying issue, I can't type in some programs like Chorme or Libre Writer. Also I don't have ibus icon in the panel though it's running now.10:43
Katniptalfhokzx it's off topic for here but mine works fine, email them11:21
batteronizerHi, has anyone tried adding the backports ppa on Kubuntu 18.04? Is it stable and did you face any annoying bugs?11:25
BluesKajbatteronizer, 18.04 is a mature OS, the backports are as well11:32
batteronizerBluesKaj: Yes, last time I tried installing backports with 16.04 and turned out to be a bad mistake. At least till then even some of the KDE devs advised against it.11:34
BluesKajthe backports aren't a ppa11:34
BluesKajthe backports just need to be uncommented in your sources list if needed11:36
batteronizerBluesKaj: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports11:37
BluesKajyeah, those are launchpad backports .. that's a ppa, quite different than the default backports in your sources.list11:38
BluesKaj!ppa | batteronizer11:39
ubottubatteronizer: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge11:39
batteronizerBluesKaj: Yes, I'm not talking about what you call the default backports.11:41
batteronizerI have those enabled.11:41
BluesKajjust don't use ppas if they break your system ..if they do then use ppa purge to restore11:46
BluesKajnormally one uses ppas once for  particular apps , once instaolled it's good practice to remove the ppa so that other updates/upgrades don't conflict with the ppa later on11:48
BluesKajor cause conflicts11:49
batteronizerBluesKaj: The distro ppas are used to get the latest releases. For example one may be looking at the latest plasma release not available for the installed distro.11:52
BluesKajlrt mr rephrase that, other = normal11:52
batteronizerI can't know if the ppas will break my system unless I use them, which is why I asked if anyone else has used them.11:52
BluesKajbatteronizer, if you insist on using ppas for latest releases the follow the above rule11:53
BluesKajthe = then11:53
batteronizerBluesKaj: I don't insist on using them, I'm asking if anyone has used them. And purging may not always reverse side effects. For example some applications may write config and data files in newer formats and maybe compatible with older versions when you try to revert.11:54
batteronizer*maybe incompatible11:54
BluesKajbatteronizer, it's hard to know unless you ask about particular ppas that you're considering and then it's always best to ask in #kubuntu-devel11:55
batteronizerBluesKaj: Yes, this is the particular ppa that I'm considering https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports11:56
batteronizerI'm asking from a daily user perspective, and so wondering if anyone here tried it.11:57
BluesKajbatteronizer, like I suggested , ask in #kubuntu-devel, the devs there will have more experience with ppas than we do.11:59
batteronizerBluesKaj: Yes, I also strongly suspect that devs would know about the experience of the peeps here, as the experience is related to ppas.12:00
batteronizer*know better12:01
* batteronizer people who understand irony are all asleep12:04
acheronukbatteronizer: there is not a huge amount in that ppa at the moment. updated frameworks, plasma 5.12 point release, and a few other things. I have not heard it cause anyone breakage yet12:07
batteronizeracheronuk: ah cool, thanks12:08
acheronukit may get more major backports at some point, which you should bear in mind could happen12:08
batteronizerI'll just wait for 5.13 to come out then12:09
acheronukI doubt 5.13 will happen. 5.14 maybe now. though both require newer Qt that exists in that PPA or 18.04 normal repos12:10
acheronukbackporting Qt and supporting that, even in a PPA is a big thing to do12:13
acheronuklooking at it, but being cautious12:14
batteronizerYes, makes sense, given that ppas are supposed to be usable by all, even though less tested software.12:16
acheronukfor 16.04 LTS we did it, since the plasma and Qt version in the archive were not great, and Canonical did Qt backports for their phone builds we could 'borrow'12:19
acheronuknone of that applies to 18.04 LTS12:20
batteronizerhah, didn't know that phone builds backstory12:20
acheronukyep. we just had to copy builds over from their ppa and test12:21
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> hey everyone, I can't use Ctrl + Arl + Del to open Terminal !12:56
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> Sorry Ctrl Alt T12:56
BluesKajDuong Ngo, that key combo no longer applies12:58
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> All right I get it. I have another question. How can I show all available audio output device? I have 1 built in audio in my laptop and 1 from HDMI display. In Ubuntu, I can select one of 2 quickly, but in Kubuntu, I have to go into Audio settings and select which one. What I wonder is why Kubuntu doesn't show 2 in the Ports section?13:02
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/SOjqapG0/file_10676.jpg13:03
BluesKajDuong Ngo, aplay -l in the terminal13:59
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> it gives me the list of device15:03
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> (Photo, 770x717) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/kVNuaGv8/file_10677.jpg15:03
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> @BluesKaj, It gives me the list of device15:43
IrcsomeBot1<Duong Ngo> (Photo, 770x717) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/CZZZIBjr/file_10678.jpg15:43
memphistoHi,just installed on company laptop  kubuntu18.04.1 but i can't change setting on my touchpad16:48
memphistoit's all greyed out16:48
memphistoi'd like to change double click speed, cause it's not regestering doubleclicks16:49
memphistowill changing to synaptic help?17:27
murthyI am getting an error message "No documentation available." when I press F1 in qt creator. I have already Installed the qt5-doc and qtbase5-doc packages. I had also tried installing the packages that provide the html version of the docs, but problem persists.19:24
murthyThe document are present in the system, but I am not seeing it when I press the F1 button, Instead I get the above said error message19:25
Alexfrenchmaybe you have to set environment variables, path etc19:28
murthyAlexfrench: how?19:28
murthyAlexfrench: it worked without setting those before19:29
Alexfrenchif it used to work before, you have change something19:31
murthyAlexfrench: yes19:32
murthyAlexfrench: how to restore to default19:32
Alexfrenchmaybe looking for /help drawer and .doc files ?19:35
IrcsomeBot1Owais Rangoonwala was added by: Owais Rangoonwala20:38

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