n00bee | Ubuntu 16.04 repos only have PHP 7.0. Security fixes will not be available for PHP7.0 will stop on Dec 3. What is the plan? Should we Use the PPAs or is there an upgrade planned in the distro's repos? | 01:48 |
Glorfindel | ok, so this isnt | 02:35 |
Glorfindel | *so this isn't really ubuntu server specific, but ##linux isn't much help and there isn't a nano chanel that I could find; so I'm trying to open the file ./program/configfile.properties, but I am getting the following error: [ Error reading lock file /file/path: Not enough data read ] | 02:36 |
Glorfindel | I've tried deleting the file ./program/configfile.properties.swp but it does not exist. so I created one. still didn't work. deleted that one, and more of the same. | 02:37 |
rbasak | n00bee: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php7.0/+question/675535 | 03:47 |
kantlivelong | odd kerberos error. rpc.gsssd reports WARNING: Client 'nfs/XXX.YYY.ZZZ.com@YYY.ZZZ.com' not found in Kerberos database while getting initial ticket for principal 'nfs/XXX.YYY.ZZZ.com@YYY.ZZZ.com' using keytab 'FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab' but klist -kt /etc/krb5.keytab shows that exact entry | 03:55 |
Buoy172 | what mta would you recommend? | 15:25 |
ahasenack | kantlivelong: I think it means it didn't find that principal on the kdc | 16:47 |
kantlivelong | ahasenack: its bizarre tho. a line above it says it found one. on 18.04 i have no issue :/ | 16:48 |
kantlivelong | fresh install, update, ad join/kerb, mount | 16:49 |
ahasenack | what does the kdc log show? | 16:50 |
kantlivelong | the kdc is ms ad. will have to look but figured it wouldn’t be anything on that end at this point | 16:54 |
kantlivelong | ... being that it works fine for fedora and 18.04 | 16:54 |
ahasenack | if you export KRB5_TRACE=/dev/stdout, the client library will print some debugging | 16:54 |
ahasenack | iirc it's KRB5_TRACE | 16:54 |
ahasenack | that has helped me in the past figuring out exactly what the client was trying to do | 16:55 |
kantlivelong | oh that’s handy to know. im mobile right now but will def give that a go | 16:55 |
kantlivelong | trying to find the paste i did earlier but its too far back | 16:55 |
ahasenack | yep, that's the name, just confirmed | 16:55 |
ahasenack | the other usual checks would be permissions in the keytab file, and dmesg to check if apparmor isn't denying something | 16:56 |
Buoy172 | I just installed postfix. Do I have to install mail too to be able to send emails? | 17:00 |
kantlivelong | ahasenack: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GZqqcGgsvk/ | 17:02 |
ahasenack | Buoy172: you want to send email from the command line, cron jobs, that kind of thing? Postfix is just an MTA, not a MUA. It provides /usr/sbin/sendmail that some scripts know how to use, but it's not meant to be used by actual users | 17:04 |
ahasenack | kantlivelong: that's the old paste you mentioned? | 17:06 |
ahasenack | kantlivelong: I see a "$" sign next to some principals that is not in the list of /etc/krb5.keytab, is that expected? | 17:07 |
kantlivelong | yeah | 17:08 |
Buoy172 | ahasenack: so what should I do? | 17:08 |
ahasenack | windows computer names have $ at the end, or used to back in the NT days | 17:08 |
kantlivelong | which old ones? | 17:08 |
kantlivelong | er read that wrong | 17:08 |
ahasenack | Buoy172: I don't know what else you want to do, or who will be using that postfix service | 17:09 |
kantlivelong | ahasenack: i assume you mean the fqdn principal with the $? the length is too long for a spn so i think thats just some weirfd autodetect | 17:09 |
kantlivelong | but maybe that’s it? | 17:10 |
ahasenack | I mean it says it's looking for ADTESTUBUNT.XXX.YYY.ZZZ$@XXX.YYY.ZZZ | 17:10 |
ahasenack | with the $ | 17:10 |
kantlivelong | yeah | 17:10 |
kantlivelong | its not a valid spn | 17:10 |
ahasenack | you have host/ keys for that domain, but without the $ | 17:10 |
ahasenack | I think | 17:10 |
ahasenack | it's a long list :) | 17:10 |
kantlivelong | but im guessing thats juat some auto detection? | 17:11 |
ahasenack | you even have principals with that name | 17:11 |
kantlivelong | yeah the short name is there | 17:11 |
Buoy172 | ahasenack: I have a website hosted on ubuntu 16.04. There's a contact-us form. That's where I need to send email from. | 17:11 |
Buoy172 | First I want to make it work and test by sending email from the command line. Then I know how to use php's mail() | 17:12 |
ahasenack | Buoy172: then just postfix should be enough, php and "web stuff" usually knows how to call /usr/sbin/sendmail, or use localhost:25 | 17:12 |
ahasenack | Buoy172: ah, ok, for testing, you can install whatever provides /usr/bin/mail | 17:12 |
ahasenack | I think mailx is a minimal client | 17:12 |
kantlivelong | im going to have to compare that to the 18.04 box tho | 17:12 |
Buoy172 | ahasenack: I tried this: php -r "mail('myemail@example.com', 'Test from Ubuntu', 'howdy partner');" but I didn't receive an email | 17:13 |
Buoy172 | of course, I didn't use myemail@example.com, but I used a vaild email that I have | 17:14 |
ahasenack | Buoy172: I'm not sure about the php syntax, but you can check /var/log/mail.log to see if postfix was even used | 17:14 |
Buoy172 | It seems to have been used | 17:15 |
Buoy172 | I'll create a paste of mail.log for you to see, and I'll replace my actual mail with XXXXX | 17:15 |
Buoy172 | ahasenack: https://kopy.io/Jy1CJ | 17:17 |
ahasenack | Buoy172: yeah, you seem to have a firewall blocking outgoing connections to port 25 | 17:39 |
ahasenack | kantlivelong: what are the actors here again? you are trying this on a 16.04 nfs client, kdc is AD, and the nfs server is something else? | 17:40 |
kantlivelong | ahasenack: fresh install of 16.04, updates, realmd, sssd, krb5. joining ms ad (2016). nfs server is centos7 | 17:42 |
kantlivelong | same steps for 18.04 where it works | 17:42 |
ahasenack | sssd might have been fixed in some regard | 17:42 |
ahasenack | I'll play with this a bit with an ubuntu-only setup, to see which principals are involved for just nfs | 17:43 |
kantlivelong | i know the credential cache had some kernel changes | 17:43 |
kantlivelong | also as a heads up. i have to use msktutil to fetch updated ticket info for the keytab | 17:45 |
kantlivelong | not sure if thats normal or not. the samba net ads util doesnt seem to do anything on either setup | 17:45 |
ahasenack | realmd is supposed to help in that regard I think | 18:00 |
ahasenack | but I remember having to create something on the windows side once, I forget the name of the thing, spn maybe? | 18:00 |
ahasenack | really want to avoid having to deal with windows again | 18:01 |
kantlivelong | ahasenack: 16.04 client, centos 7.x nfs server, 2016 ad | 18:24 |
kantlivelong | ahasenack: just have to add the nfs spns | 18:43 |
kantlivelong | ahasenack: i did too but openldap/samba was more of a pita and added too many variables | 18:43 |
Mr_Pan | hello i have a ubntu 18.04 server . i have a service ionclean ... 46.5% CPU. what is this ? | 19:13 |
Mr_Pan | do u have idea ? http://i.imgur.com/vRTYiQr.png | 19:34 |
Mr_Pan | what are these services ? | 19:34 |
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