=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf [09:04] hello. how to make my kubuntu boot faster. It almost takes two and half minutes to boot. [09:19] Ummmm sounds like it is waiting for something, perhaps DNS? [09:19] 2.5 minutes is far too long, if you have SSD it should boot in less then 20 seconds [09:20] Maybe 60 on old harddrive, at the very most [09:20] You could try open Konsole and type [09:20] journalctl -xe [09:21] This will should you lots of services as they boot up, give you some ideas as to what is taking long time [09:21] This will show you lots, sorryspell checker [09:21] Arrrgh [09:22] This will show you logs! [10:49] Can anyone answer my question above about audio output? [10:53] @Duong Ngo, Hi, The Applications Tab in the window panel shown right, allows you to choose which application gets associated with which audio device. The application must be running before you can offer it an audio device. HTH [12:46] Hi folks [12:48] hi [13:11] can anyone check if the context help works in qt creator when pressing F1 key on a function === murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ === phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy [13:48] hello i don't who here asked about trackpad, here it worked even with double clic === murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ === phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy [17:43] what happened to kdesudo [18:36] @ChetManly, Use sudo [19:58] Executing Dolphin with sudo is not possible due to unfixable security vulnerabilities. IrcsomeBot1 [20:06] test [22:11] wizzyceiro was added by: wizzyceiro === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life